Anisa Nur Khasanah

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nama : Anisa nur khasanah.

10 IPS 3
1.Look at the picture. Give a tick ( √ ) to the appropriate statements.

You should have enough sleep

You shouldn’t consume fruits.

✔️ You shouldn’t consume fatty


✔️ You should take exercise

every day.

You should go out in the sun.

You should go on a diet.


2. Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to their intonation.

o The government should do something about the economy.
o You should go and see for yourself.
o You shouldn’t smoke so much.
o I don’t think you should work so hard.
o Do you think I should apply for this job?
o Yes , I think you should obey you parents.
o Those children shouldn’t be playing online game at this hour. They should be at
o I feel sick. I shouldn’t have eaten so much spicy food at the party.
o What should I have done to win the match?

3. Discus the following questions with your friends and your teacher.
“ Ask Phoebe” is Phoebe Halliwell’s daily advice column in The Bay Mirror, major metropolitan
newspaper is San Francisco.
a.) Have you ever had a problem that you couldn’t solve by yourself? yes
c.) What kind of problem was that? FAMILY PROBLEM ,SCHOOL PROBLEM
d.) Who do you usually go to talk about your problem? SOMETHIS TO MY MOTHER , MY
f.) Have you ever tried to send your problems to an advice column? YES
g.) Did you get an answer? YES
h.) Did you feel satisfied with the answer? YES
i.) Look in Indonesia newspaper or magazines for an advice column? YES
j.) What is the difference from the English ones? YES
4. Present the results of your discussions in front of the class. Let the other groups give
comments or additional information.
1 The problem that can’t be solved

2 The people you trust to solve the

3 The solution/the answer you got to
solve the problem
4 The expression use to ask advice,
recommendation or opinion
5 The expression used to give advice,
recommendation or opinion
6 The expression used to accept advice,
recommendation or opinion
7 The expression use to refuse advice,
recommendation or opinion
8 The difference of patterns
Should + Verb 1
Should + be + …ing Should + have +

5. Close your book. Listen to the recording and write the sentences on a piece of paper.
1. A fish can't walk, but it can swims.
2. A dog can barks, but it cannot sing.
3. You can't buy stamps at the post office, but you can buy shoes there.
4. A tiny baby can cry, but he can't talk.
5. We write with a pen, but it can't write with a paper clip.

6. Put the verb in brackets with “should” or “should have”.

1) The pupils are bored with the English lesson. The teacher (make) the lessons more
interesting for pupils.
2) Look at the vase. It’s broken into pieces now. You (be) careful. It was an expensive Chinese
3) Watch out! A car is coming. You (be) careful when you cross the street.
4) You (not give) the baby a pen to play with. It’s too risky.
5) The man is coughing a lot. He (not smoke) so much.
6) You (consult) a dictionary if you don’t understand the meaning.
7) If you had told me about your problem, I would have been glad to help you. You (not give) up
8) My car drove into the back of someone else’s car. I (not drive) the car too close.
9) They wrote the word “analyze” with “s” , which was UK spelling. They (write) the word with
“z” in US spelling.
10) I didn’t order fried rice for my lunch. They (give) me fried noodles.

7. Match the sentences in the left column with the rest in the right column.

1. My purse has been stolen. a. She should have given me warning.

2. My eyes hurt very much. b. It should be open by now.

3. The driver in front of me stopped suddenly c. He shouldn’t be driving over the limit.
and I drove into the back of his car.

4. The notice says that the store opens at d. You should have been careful in such a
nine. It is still closed crowded place.

5. The speed limit is 55 miles an hour, but e. You shouldn’t spend so much time in front
Tom is driving at 70 of a computer.

8. Complete the dialogues with the appropriate expressions in column B.

No A B

1. “Where’s Mrs.Atika?” a. Should attend

“Mrs.Atika? She is in her classroom, teaching.” b. Should be attending
“What? She ( a very important meeting. Every c. Should have attended
teacher is waiting for her.” (C)
“Let me call her.”
“Thank you”
2. “What time is it?” a. Should land
“It’s 10 p.m” b. Should be landing
“10 p.m? I hope everthing goes well.” c. Should landed
“What do you mean?” (A)
“It’s 10 p.m. The airplane hasn’t landed yet.”
“You’re right. The airplane ( now.”
“I hope for nothing but a safe flight.”
3. “You ( here.” a. Should not move
“Really? I don’t think so.” b. Should not be moving
“How come you’re moving here? Aren’t you c. Should not have moved
going to Gajah Mada University next year?” (C)
“You’re right. But it’s so hard to resist.”
4. “I’m not feeling well.” a. Should not eat
“Did you go to Gerald’s party last night?” b. Should nor be eating
“I did. I ( spicy food.” c. Should not have eaten
“I think so.” (C)

9. Listen to the dialogue and act it out in front of the class.

Wayne : Fiona, I don’t feel like going to the movie tonight. I’m too tired.
Fiona : Oh, Wayne, you always complain of feeling tired. You should get more exercise.
Do you play any sport?
Wayne : No, I don’t
Fiona : Well, you should. You should take a sport – swimming, jogging, running. Any
Sport as long as you get some exercise. Then you won’t feel so tired.
Wayne : I see
Fiona : And I think you had better reduce your consumption of fatty food. You’ll feel
Wayne : Oh, dear. I’m getting fat. I’d better go on a diet.
Fiona : Yes, you should. Look, what are you eating now? You really shouldn’t be eating
So much rice, bread or potatoes. Things like that are very fattening.
Wayne : That’s okay.
Answer the questions.
1. Why won’t Wayne go to the movie tonight?
2. What makes him always feel tired?
3. What does Fiona think about Wayne?
4. What else does Fiona suggest Wayne do?
5. Is Wayne going to go on a diet?
6. What shouldn’t he consume?
7. What is the topic of the dialogue above?
8. Underline the expressions of giving advice?
1.because Wayne feel so tired
2. because of her unhealthy lifestyle
3. she should get some exercise
4.She should eat less fatty food and eat more healthy food
5. Is Wayne going to go on a diet? Based on the conversations,yes
6. What shouldn’t he consume?things that are too potato,bread,rice(carb)
7. What is the topic of the dialogue above?about how to have a healthy lifestyle
8. Underline the expressions of giving advice?
“get some exercise”
“Cut fatty food”
“not eating bread,rice,potato"
10.Listen to the dialog and answer the questions.
Ben : Hi, Terry. How was your weekend?
Terry : Oh, it was terrible.
Ben : Really? What happened?
Terry : You know, my family and I planned to dine out at the weekend in “paradiso”
When we go to the restaurant there were no empty tables.
Ben : Had you made a reservation before?
Terry : No, we hadn’t reserved.
Ben : You should have reserved a table. The restaurants are usually crowded at the
Terry : Yeah, I should have, but I didn’t. BY the way, how was your weeken
nd the weather was nice.
Terry : Oh, you’re so lucky, Anne. I should have gone there with you last weekend.
Ben : It’s alright, Terry. You can go there next time.
Answer the questions.
1. Where did Terry take his family last weekend?
2. What happened at the restaurant?
3. Why did it happen?
4. What’s Ben’s advice?
5. How was Ben’s weekend?
6. What did Terry think about Ben’s weekend?
7. What is the dialogue about?
8. Underline the sentences that denote what should have been done in the past.
1. Paradiso” restaurant
2. When we got to the restaurant there were no empty tables.
3. Haven't made a reservation before
4. You should have reserved a table. The restaurants are usually crowded at the weekend
5. we went to Blue Mountain
6. so lucky
7. weekend holiday
8. make a reservation in advance

11.Listen to the dialogue and identify the appropriate picture

Dialog 1.My Father should Don't be afraid to car
Dialog 2.I should you take SIM card if you driving
Dialog 3.He should you take headsheat if you gaming
Dialog 4.he should not playing in raining
Dialog 5.I should You must Smiling

12.Liaten to the statements and give the corret responses

(1) a. you had better have a hot bath (i have a muscle strain,what should I do?)
b. you should take an aspirin(i have an incredible headache,what medicine di i take?)
c. you should stop reading and rest (my eyes feels dry what should I do?)
(2) should go out in the sun (yeah,i am Goong ost itu the sun)
b. youd better go swimming (all right ,im gonna go for a swin)
c. youd better call an ambulance ( i'll call her ambulance right away)
(3) had better go on a diet
b. you should drink lemon juice
c. you had better not go to school
(4) shouldn’t eat too much should go out In the sun
c.youd better not waste it on unnecessary things
(5) a.youd better take a shower should make another appointment shouldn’t lie dow for a while.
(3) I'm gaining weight, what should I do?
ok i drink lemon juice
I'm sick today
(4) I'm very satisfied
I will and
I always regret the next day
(5) Ok I'm taking a shower
Sorry, I am late
I am really bored turns, respond to the following statements with your partner
a) X : I have a headache
Y : you should Take a headache medeication and get enough rest.
b) X : I didn’t eat anything last night, now I m hungry.
Y :you should have breakfast first
c) X : I m too fat
Y :take care of your food, don’t eat too much fatty or oily food
d) X : I ve got a pain in my back
Y :you need to rest, and ask someone to massage your back
e) X : I lost an important paper
Y : you should be more careful in maintaining important item

14. Complate these dialogues with the expression of “SHOULD” Act them out with your
Situation 1 : Mr Lancaster Is overweigth. You give some advice to Mr. Lancaster.
You : do you always have lunch at the canteen Mr Lancaster?
Mr. Lancaster : I usually have lunch at my office.
You : well, I think (you should have your lunch at the canteen : and im afraid i…er,spend most of the day sitting down.
You : that’s not good either . you (should have some break and eat your lunch) : but if I have my lunch in the office , I have to eat it while im working.
You : Mr. Lancaster , that’s wrong (Think abot my advise mister)
Situation 2 : this time you talk to your friend about MR. Lancaster and your friend will give
You :you know , weighs nearly 100 kilograms.
Your friend : well he should (Do a diet and control his food)
You : that’s difficult. He has a big lunch with his colleagues every day.
Your friend : then hed better ( have a gym)
You : and he gets very little exercise
Your friend : that’s no good. He (Will have a complicated sickness
You : and one more thing,he always has his lunch while working
Your friend : (we should ask him to have a diet before its btoo late)

15. Create a role paly with you friend based on this situation. You can create more situations.
Example :
Situations : There is a fire in a tall building. Several people are on the sixth floor. They cannot
get out of the building because the fourth floor is on fire. The fire brigade is in its way. What
should they do ?
1. Use the elevator
2. Jump out of the window
3. Go to a higher floor
4. Wait until te firemen bring a ladder
Student A : should they use the elevator ?
Student B : No, they shouldn’t do that. It’s very dangerous. They should use stairways.
Student A : Should they jump out of the window?
Student B : No , I don’t think so.
Student A : Should they go to a higher floor?
Student B : No, i don’t think they should
Student A : Do you think that should wait until the firemen bring a ladder?
Student B : Yes , I think that’s a good idea.
Situations : Mrs. Crogg is cooking
A:B, I need some advice
B:What is it?
A: I spilled a a pan of hot oil
B: Oh, That's too bad
A: What should i do?
B: You should try to ask a doctor. I am worried if it will get worse
A: I will try. Thanks, B
B: Get well soon!
17.Answer the following questions!
1. What is Flightunit?
2. Who is Jameer?
3. What's the problem?
4. Are you satisfied with the answer? Explain why/not?
1. Flight unit is an advice column for high school students.
2. Jameer is a grade 10 student who feels like high school is a waste of time.
3. He is unmotivated to do his homeworks or even attend classes.
4. Yes, because it provides solution for him to be more motivated.
18. Complete the sentences with the provided phrases.
1. According to Flightunit, the feeling of boredom....(E)
2.In order to be happy in this life, ...(C)
3.In order to change the situation. ...(B)
4.Flightunit encourages Jameer by saying ...(D)
5.One focus of studying at school is ...(A)
a. we have to change our wrong mindset.
b. one shouldn't be afraid to make a change to one's environment.
c. graduating from school and accomplishing dreams in the future.
d. we have to take the initiative first.
e. will happen again and again.
19. Work in pairs. Underline the expressions of asking and giving advice, recommendation or
opinion found in the following dialogues.
Dialogue 1
Lina : Uhm....... You told me that you bought a new novel a week ago, didn't you?
Tono : Yes, I did. It was a very interesting novel. Do you want me to lend it for you?
Lina : You shouldn't have bought it. (GIVING ADVICE) My sister gave me the same novel as a
birthday present last year.
Tono : Well, you should have told me earlier. But it's okay. I like the story very much. (Asking
Lina : Have you finished reading it?
Tono : Yes, I have. By the way, where is your mother? Cooking?
Lina : She should be cooking at the moment.
Tono : I don't think so. I think she should be taking a rest. (Giving Advice)
Dialogue 2
Tono : Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere.
Lina : What's up, bro?
Tono : Oh, nothing. I just feel bored in this room. What should I do? (ASKING ADVICE)
Lina : I think you should water the plants. Look! They're dying. (GIVING ADVICE)
Tono : You're right. I should have watered the plants two days ago.
Lina : Or if you like, I could help you water them.
Tono : Oh, don't bother. I can do it myself
20. Work in pairs. Analyze these expressions of asking and giving advice, recommendations or
opinions according to their functions. Put the expressions below into the correct
columns.Some have been done for you.
1. Giving advice = You should speak to him about it.
2.asking for opinions about something = think we should tell her about this case?
3. Giving opinions about something. = I think they should replace the director.
4. Saying something is not right or not what we expect = The price on this package is wrong. It
says 65 cents, but it should be 50 cents.
•You should speak to him about it.
•He should consult a dentist for his bad tooth.
•I don't think we should cooperate with this organization.
•Do you think we should tell her about this case?
•The price on this package is wrong. It says 65 cents, but it should be 50 cents.
•We should ask a lawyer. This is a legal matter.
•I think they should replace the director.
21. State whether these statements is Advice (A), Opinion (O) or Correction (C).
It's really good movie. You should go and see it. (Opinion)
You should go to the dentist and have your bad tooth extraced. (Advice)
I think should accept the job immediately. (Opinion)
She shouldn't watch TV so much. It van ruin her sight. (Correction)
You should learn Greek before yo go to Greece. (Advice)
Bicycle riders should use lights at night. (Advice)
It's very late. I don't think you should phone them now. (Opinion)
She is not allowed to drink ice. You should give her warm tea. (Correction)
They wrote the word with one "s". There should be another "s". (Opinion)
When you play tennis, you should watch the ball carefully. (Advice)
22. Discuss in groups. Draw some conclusions about asking and giving advice
recommendation or opinion that you have learned.
23. Create a dialogue with your partner based on these situations.

(1) Mary and George are going to a party George doesn't know what to wes He asks Mary's advice
about it.

(2) Anne is going to a birthday party. She wants to find a suitable birthd present for her friend. She asks
the shop assistant what to get.

(3) Reza is going on a date with his girl friend, Laura, for the first time asks his best friend's advice about
the restaurant, what to wear, and w he should and shouldn't dont


1. Mary : Hey, George!

George : Hello, Mary

Mary : Why do you look so down?

George : I don't know what to wear to the party later. Can you give me some advice?

Mary : Sure! I think you will look good wearing the outfit you showed me yesterday.

George : Thanks, Mary!

2. Shop assistant : May i help you with something, miss?

Anne : Yes please. What should i get for my best friend's birthday?

Shop assistant : What kind of girl is she?

Anne : She is girly. She likes something that is stylish.
Shop assistant : I think you should give her a dress! Follow me, i'll show you which dress.
Anne : Thank you!
3. Reza : Hi Mia! Can i ask you something?
Mia (Reza's best friend) : Hello, Reza. Sure, ask me anything.
Reza : I want to go on a date with my girlfriend today, what restaurant should we go to?
Mia : I think the suitable place is 'Black Matte' Restaurant.
Reza : What should i wear?
Mia : You should wear the white stripped shirt you said you like.
Reza : What should i say and what i shouldn't?
Mia : You should compliment her and ask if she enjoyed the date and you shouldn't ask a too

personal thing to her.

Reza : Thank you very much Mia, i appreciate it.
24. Supply the best recommendation for the following letter.
To the Dean of the faculty
Dear sir,
I'm writing this letter to complain about the toilets in our university, especially the one on the fifth
floor. Many students and lecturers use the toilets but they don't care about the cleanliness.
The toilets are terrible. they are dirty, smell bad, and often don't have enough water.
Sometimes, I also find tissue and the remains of women's napkins on the floor of the toilets.
The toilet users don't dump the rubbish in the proper place although a dustbin is available in the
I strongly recommend that ...... should......
The .......... should be....... so that......
I would also suggest that................ should..... in order that...........

Lely Dumbi


The employee should be to clean it

The socialization should be organized so that everyone would realize about the important of cleanliness
I would suggest that we should provided the water properly in order that
25. Write a reply letter for an advice column. Use "Should" for giving advice
Dear Bridget.
I am a girl, fifteen years old. My hobby is singing. I want to try my luck by joining the Indonesian
Idol audition in my town. When I told my parents about my wish, they forbade it. I was very
disappointed. I feel that my parents didn't give me a chance to develop my talent. They told me that I
should be studying hard at school. I'm very confused now. What should I do?


Hi firstly its nice to know that someone as young as you, believe in yourself.i think you should

talk to your parents about it in details on why you really want to do it. Plus,give them

assurance that you wont neglect your studies if you enter the of luck to you!


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