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Text 1 Questions no. 3 – 4 refer to the text!

(1) As many foods contain large amounts of water, they
freezy solidly at or just below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. (2) 3. With which of the following sentences should the
When we lower the temperature to well below the freeezing paragraph begin?
point and prevent air from penetrating the food, we retard
the natural process of decay that causes food to spoil. (3) (A) There are several methods of producing coffee.
Freezing preserves the flavour and nutrients of food better (B) Latin America and Africa are coffee producing
than any other preservatives method. (4) The discovery of countries.
freezing has changed our eating habits more than any (C) Coffee-production methods are influenced by
other related invention. (5) When properly prepared and
certain factors.
packed, foods and vegetables can be stored in the freezer
(D) Several issues are related to the production of
for one year. (6) Most vegetables and some fruits need
blanching – putting in boiling water for a short time – before
they are frozen, and to avoid this step would be an (E) Growing coffee depends on various required
expensive mistake. (7) The result would be a product conditions.
completely lacking of vitamins and minerals.
Questions no. 1 – 2 refer to the text! 4. What is the paragraph above most probably about?

31. The sentences which is irrelevant (A) The causes of various problems
to the topic is sentence number existing in the coffee plantation.
(B) The economic and political problems
that exist in the coffee producing
(A) 3
(C) How coffee producers should handle
(B) 4 the conflict among their workers.
(C) 5 (D) The easy and happy life of the coffee
(D) 6 consumers in big cities.
(E) 7 (E) How to implement the “shade” method of
growing coffee to save bird species.
32. What is the paragraph following the above text most
probably about? 5. Most people do not think of coffee as a drug.
But in fact, it is a drug and it has effect on
(A) Different kinds of vegetables and different time of our body.
(B) The result of blanching different vegetables. (A) important
(C) The process of blanching and its effects (B) importance
(D) How to freeze different vegetables (C) import
(E) The vitamins and minerals in different vegetables (D) importantly
(E) with importance

Text 2 6. Even though construction costs are high, an

________ museum will be built next to the school.
Some have to do with the environment. For example,
coffee that is grown in the shade supports a wide variety of
(A) artistic constructed
bird species, but few or no birds live among plants grown in
(B) art of construction
full sun. For this reason, many people support the “shade” (C) artistical constructed
method of growing coffee. Other issues are related to (D) artistically constructed
labor. Although coffee consumers often lead very (E) it was artistically constructed
comfortable lives, in the coffee-producing communities of
Latin America and Africa, life can be very difficult, with hard
physical work, little income and few basic services. History
shows us that violent conflict can occur when groups fight
each other for control of important resources such as oil,
gold, and water. Sadly, areas where coffee is grown are
sometimes also places of political unrest and hardship.

web: chanel youtube: ruang para bintang by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd

7. 'We asked Amir, who is an architect, to restore our 13. She’s accustomed to staying in this village because of
house in Roman style.'In other words '__________ its fresh air and _______
our house in Roman style.'
(A) so does he
(A) We had Amir restores (B) he is too
(B) We had finished restoring (C) he has too
(C) We had Amir restore (D) neither has he
(D) We had restored (E) he has so
(E) We had Amir restored
14. When I was passing the house, I heard some people
________ in low voice, then suddenly I heard
8. Nearly seven-tenths of the earth's surface__________ by
someone _______ ,”Help”.
water. One ocean, the Pacific has an area of 63
million square miles.
(A) talkingshout
(B) talk shouting
(A) is covering
(C) talking to shout
(B) is covers
(D) to talk to shout
(C) is covered
(D) is to cover (E) to talking shout
(E) is to be covered
15. To avoid _____ in the library, you should
remember the returning date.
9. "Do you know the girl?”
“Yes, She is the girl ________
(A) fining
(B) fined
(A) who helps me yesteday
(B) whom helped me yesterday (C) being fined
(C) who will help me yesterday (D) you are fined
(D) who helped me yesterday (E) fines
(E) whose helped me yesterday
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung blog saya di
10. “The doctor promised to come at 7 a.m., but he isn’t
here yet. ”He ____ some patients.”
Semoga ini bisa bermanfaat. Terimakasih
(A) ought still to have
(B) might still have
(C) is still to have
(D) would still have
(E) must still have had

11. It is going to rain; therefore, _________ .

(A) we have to go
(B) we have to take umbrellas with us
(C) we are not necessary to wait for
(D) we don't have to wait for
(E) we should not need umbrellas

12. 'Dina came here by bus that's why she arrived

late.”She __________ a taxi.'’

(A) must have taken

(B) should have taken
(C) may have taken
(D) must take
(E) ought to take

web: chanel youtube: ruang para bintang by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd

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