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Wednesday, October 28, 2020 06:49 AM

• are classified as 1. Arrange the rate of reaction of primary alcohol, secondary alcohol and tertiary
alcohol with sodium metal from the slowest to the fastest.
○ Primary
○ Tertiary > Secondary > Primary
▪ hydroxyl group is attached to a carbon atom that is bonded to
only one other carbon atom ▪ primary alcohols have maximum reactivity and tertiary alcohols have
minimum reactivity.
○ secondary
▪ In tertiary alcohols the more alkyl number of alkyl groups decreases
▪ the carbon atoms bonded to the hydroxyl group is attached to two
other carbon atoms
2. Based on the tests performed, determine whether the alcohol is primary,
○ Tertiary
secondary or tertiary.
▪ the hydroxyl group is attached to a carbon atom that is bonded to a. An alcohol rapidly evolved hydrogen gas when treated with sodium metal. It
three other carbon atoms. rapidly changed the color of potassium dichromate solution but did not form a
cloudy layer when treated with concentrated ZnCl2 in HCl.
• The reactions of the different classes of alcohols depend upon the position
of their hydroxyl group ○ The substance exhibit a maximum reactivity with sodium metal, an
indication that we might be dealing with a primary alcohol. Also, it tested
IV. PROCEDURES AND OBSERVATIONS positive in Jones’ test, it showed rapid change in the color of the
1. Reaction with oxidizing agents precipitate of the potassium dichromate, this means that the substance is
Alcohol Results either primary or secondary. But the substance did not produce a cloudy
Ethanol (2) changed colorless before being layer in the Lucas’ test which only happens when the alcohol is primary.
placed in the water bath Therefore, we can conclude that the substance is a primary alcohol.

Isopropyl alcohol (1) Changed colorless immediately b. An alcohol that did not evolve hydrogen gas and did not change the color of
Tert-butyl alcohol changed colorless before being placed in potassium dichromate solution but rapidly form a cloudy layer when treated with
the water bath concentrated ZnCl2 in HCl.
Glycerol changed colorless before being placed in ○ The alcohol showed minimum to no reactivity with sodium metal, which
the water bath only occur in tertiary alcohols. Furthermore, it did not react to potassium
What class of alcohols immediately changed in color? dichromate which is a negative result in Jones’ test, this means that it is
○ secondary neither primary nor secondary, so it is tertiary. Lastly, it quickly reacted
What class of alcohol was second to change in color? with concentrated ZnCl2 in HCl (Lucas’ test) and formed cloudy layers,
○ primary which indicates that our substance is tertiary alcohol. With these
What class of alcohol did not change in color? information, we have a tertiary alcohol.
○ none
c. An alcohol that evolved hydrogen gas at moderate speed and changed the
• Write the chemical equation for the reaction of each of the alcohols with an color of potassium dichromate solution and formed a cloudy layer when treated
oxidizing agent with concentrated ZnCl2 in HCl.

○ The results of the substance to the reactivity with sodium metal was
moderate, this indicates that it is not primary nor tertiary because primary
alcohols will show rapid reaction while tertiary will have no reaction or
minimum reaction, so the substance can be a secondary alcohol. Also, the
substance formed a cloudy layer when tested in Lucas’ test in moderate
speed, which supports our hypothesis that the substance can be a
secondary alcohol. The substance also exhibited positive results to Jones’
test, it showed change in color in potassium dichromate solution, this
means that it can be either primary or secondary but we already
established that it tested positive in Lucas’ test which means it can’t be
primary alcohol. Therefore, the substance is a secondary alcohol.

3. What is the Victor-Meyer test? Describe how it is performed including reagents

and describe the results. Use equations if possible.
Victor Meyer test
○ is intended to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol
by the color they produce when they react with the Victor Meyer reagent.
In this method, Alcohol is first administered with P and I2 which results to
iodolkane, then, it will be treated with AgNO2 (silver nitrate) that will result
to nitroalkane. Nitrous acid (a mixture of NaNO2 and dil. HCl) is treated
with the nitroalkane acquired, and the resulting solution is eventually
rendered alkaline with KOH and the color is observed

○ Ethyl Alcohol:

○ Isopropyl alcohol:

○ Tertiary Butyl alcohol

○ Glycerol:


2. Iodoform test: used to identify aldehydes and ketones
➢ In which alcohol was a light yellow precipitate obtained?
○ Glycerol
▪ There was light yellow precipitate from ethyl alcohol and
➢ What class of alcohol is this?
○ Combination of (2)primary and (1)secondary
➢ Which is the next alcohol that turned yellow?
○ Isopropyl alcohol
➢ What class of alcohol is this?
○ secondary
➢ The iodoform test is a test for what class of alcohol/s?
○ Primary and secondary alcohols

3. Lucas test: test for tertiary alcohols

○ First to react is tertiary, next is secondary, and finally primary
➢ In which test tube is a cloudy layer formed?
○ Tert-butyl alcohol
➢ What class of alcohol is this?
○ tertiary
➢ Which of the rest of the test tube turned cloudy?
○ Isopropyl-secondary
➢ Lucas test therefore is a test for what class of alcohols?
○ Tertiary alcohols

4. Test for methanol (very specific for methanol)

➢ Catalyst:
○ hot copper wire-in the experiment
○ Platinum
▪ Most ideal/effective catalyst
▪ Quicker reaction
▪ Provides a surface for the alcohol and oxygen to react
➢ What is the color at the junction of the two liquids? Grayish white with black
➢ To what organic compound was methyl alcohol oxidized?
○ Methanal/Formaldehyde(aldehyde)

5. Test for Glycerol: Acrolein test

➢ Note the resulting color
○ Charred black
➢ What is the name of this test which can also be used to test for triglycerides?
○ Acrolein test


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