WORKSHEET (Interdisciplinary Research Paper) 3 Parts: Topic, Relevant Disciplines, Research Question

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WORKSHEET (Interdisciplinary Research Paper)

3 parts: Topic, Relevant disciplines, research question

Part of the Paper Your topic/ question Explanation/Justification for
choosing this topic
RESEARCH TOPIC Online OFFLINE Learning We chose this topic because it is a
global issue in which we, the students
of this online platform, are directly
(APPROVED) involved. It is timely, relevant and can
be studied by anyone from any field.
We want to identify the various
challenges associated with online
learning, as well as how virtual
environments affect student’s overall
TENTATIVE Educational Sociology, Psychology These three disciplines can explain
DISCIPLINES to be and Philosophy and demonstrate the concept of
used for gathering online education. Sociology can
data investigate the effect of Online
Learning to social life, social change,
and social causes and consequences
to human behaviour. Psychology can
investigate the causes of the
student’s psychological stress and
frustrations. Lastly, philosophy can
look at how the virtual environment
affects student motivation by
bridging environmental factors and
students’ feedback.
RESEARCH QUESTION 1. What are the Challenges We narrow the focus of the topic to
of Online Learning? the most crucial aspect of online
learning that must be addressed. We
also avoid disciplinary jargon to
demonstrate that this research can
be interpreted by people who are not
members of a group. The question is
formulated in such a way that
significant insights from two or more
disciplines are possible.
2. How does the virtual The research question is formulated
environment affect the in such a way that it can be used to
student’s overall understand the different types of
wellbeing? impacts under different disciplines. In
this section, we have provided a
question that can be discussed in a
manner that indicates why this issue
is relevant.

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