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Summary of Revisions

Recommendation Revisions Made Paragraph and Page

1. Replace “perception” with the Replaced misused “perception” to Page 6, First Paragraph
word “opinion”. “opinion” Page 7, First Paragraph of Scope and
Page 25

2. Provide brief analysis of data to Added information about the Page 1, Second Paragraph
the abstract. insignificant variables.

3. Make SOP more concise. SOP has been shortened Page 4 to 5

4. Revise introductory paragraph From: For educational purposes, the Page 6, First Paragraph
for significance of the study. study would be significant in providing
a deeper understanding to the
following demographics:

To: This section will be presenting a

selection of specific demographics
wherein these demographics would
prove to benefit from the information
presented in the paper:

5. Add “Manila Bay” in Definition Manila Bay has been added to the Last word defined at Page 9 (may
of Terms terms defined change)
6. Add RRL regarding factors that The study conducted by the Science Page 14 to 15
affect public perception and its Communication Unit, University of the
correlation to environmental West of England, Bristol (2014) has
legislations/projects. been added to the list of related
foreign literature.

7. Add Synthesis to RRL Added: Page 17, Last Paragraph

“In view of the above discussion and
findings, it could be gleaned that the
dolomite sand both has its advantages
and disadvantages but this depends
on how and what it is used for. With
the information presented in this
chapter, it is safe to conclude that the
dolomite sand used in Manila Bay is
not hazardous to both the human
health and coastal environment.”

8. Research Design: Explain how Added: Page 21, First Paragraph

the survey was “coherently “which means that the survey relies on
structured” close-ended categories and has
nominal categories. Alongside this, the
survey only accepts single responses.
It also narrows down the choices
available to the respondents which
leads to more accurate data.”

9. For Population, Sample Size, Added the total amount of Page 22, First Paragraph
and Sampling Technique, respondents and the total of accepted
mention the total amount of respondents.
respondents and rewrite.

10. Description of Respondents: Added the total number of male and Page 23, FIrst Paragraph
Present the numbers of the females and indicated the
respondents in their respective demographics that the respondents
demographics. (rewrite) would be grouped in.

11. Rewrite the Data Gathering Revised: “What the researchers used Page 26, Second Paragraph
Procedure as annotated by Sir in order to have automatically
Elgin. processed statistical information that
have been already processed into
percentages and graphs is Google
Forms, a free online tool that allows its
users to collect information easily and
efficiently through the use of
generating surveys. Djenno, M., Insua,
G.M. and Pho, A. (2015), conducted a
research that's purpose is to discuss
the use of Google Forms for different
assessments in a university library.
The findings showed that Google
forms provided an easy and
inexpensive way to incorporate both
active learning and assessment in
library instruction sessions.”

12. Rewrite Recommendations The researchers have already Page 61 to 62

(Specify who the mentioned the individuals that would
recommendations are for) make-use of the research and gave
recommendations of what their tasks
are if they are ever involved in the

13. Fix Data Presentation Figure have more explanations for Starts at page 30
arrangement. (each figure must better understanding
have a corresponding

14. Add introductory paragraph for Added “The following terms are Page 11, First Paragraph
Definition of Terms defined lexically and operationally to
ensure the uniformity and
understanding of the terminology used
through the study.”

15. In scope and delimitations, Removed: “The study does not seek Page 7, Paragraph 2
remove: “The study does not to prove/disprove any stand,
seek to prove/disprove any viewpoint, opinion, or frame of
stand, viewpoint, opinion, or reference that any of the readers,
frame of reference that any of respondents, or researchers may
the readers, respondents, or hold.”
researchers may hold.”

16. Add citations regarding the Cited a research that talks about the Page 26
legitimation of Computerized benefits of Google Forms and how it
Self-Administered easily and efficiently produces
Questionnaire Computerized Self-Administered

17. For Statistical Treatment, add Added formula for weighted frequency Page 27
Weighted Frequency Formula and percentage along with its
and Percentage Formula explanation and citations.

18. Add Survey Form in Added screenshot of survey questions Page 55

New Revisions (March 16, 2021)
19. Follow the given Table of Format followed.
Contents Format

20. Use the word perception (follow Aside from the related literature(s) that
your title) use the word “opinion”, everything is
now coherent with the use of the word

21. Add the word “perception” in Added: ”Perception — an act of Page 9

definition of terms understanding or interpreting the
presented information.”

22. In RRL, write the word Added the word Synthesis in RRL Page 18

23. There must be a citation about Added a citation about the use of Page 21
the use of convenience convenience sampling method
sampling method

24. Chapter 4 - This chapter deals Replaced the introductory paragraph Page 30
with the findings, analysis, with the suggested paragraph that
results and interpretation of was given.
data in accordance with the
sub- problems and hypotheses
presented in Chapter 1.
25. All table presentation must be Format followed Page 30 to 63
presented in this manner:

26. Separate the Bibliography The bibliography was placed on a

segment separate page

27. Also separate the online survey An introductory paragraph was added
questionnaire page to the documentation portion and the
online survey questionnaire was given
its own page

28. Attach Resume in Appendices

30. Conclusion refinement Added the numerical figures that have

been shown in the powerpoint during
the defense for better understanding.

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