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Micro environment:

+Customer Markets:

 Customer markets: The target audience is over 18 to upper 40 People can

use beer non-alcoholic for themself or use it like presents for family, friends,
colleage but only contribute a small part because in reality, most consumers
buy this beer through supermarkets, markets, restaurants, clubs, etc. instead
of buy directly from producers Heineken. For that reason, Resellers markets
become the biggest customer markets. Manufactures prefer reller mót
because these intermediaries will be responsible for selling the product to
each and every consumer so sain…….
 Businesses markets: which buy product with purpose for other production
are not main target market of Sain, because the signature of beer non-
alcoholic serve immediately instead of use for further process.
 International markets: Beer non-alcoholic is also attraction beverage that
foreigners and businesses care for. With the product Sain: beer-non alcoholic
has assembling most of suitable factors for the kind of product to develop in
terms of target customers such as young population, wide number of
consumers, many resellers like Vin mart, restaurants, etc

+The company: In order to accomplish currently achievement, the executive

board of Sain to have an extensive view about Vietnam market and set up
suitable marketing strategies to become one of the most iconic beer non-alcoholic
in Vietnam.

+Suppliers: We will choose suppliers assurance not only quality of ingredient,

the vast majority of raw materials are local sourced, insist of packaging glass,
cans and cartons. Morever, we discover advantages local of human recources
from the host nation. It create conditions not only saving money but also provide
a huge of amount jobs for local people. Our company will imports ingredients to
ensure the quality for products
+Marketing Intermediaries:

 Resellers: Demand live balance and healthy has rekindled in recent years
with the trend of gym and eating clean, living healthy to call young adults to
be more scientific. Along with balanced lifestyle approach as a sustainable
solution in life. The debut stage of Sain expected to “trend catching” healthy
life. Sain can be purchased from all groceries, bars and supermarket chain
such as Vinmart, Big C, and especially bar, all of these markets together
make a great contribution to the success as well as ensure business
performance and compliance.
 Physical distributions firms: Destination of warehouses in Ho Chi Minh
city is difficult to find for new company like our company. Rent warehouse
also high price so we decide not rent warehouse.
 Marketing services agencies: To send the message and provide information
to the customers Sain’s choice include making advertising, writing articles
in Brands Vietnam, Vietcerta and Vn express online newpapers, choosing
channels like HTV, VTV to run ads. It can be seen that Sain really pay
attention to our marketing strategies. In Vietnam, the number dead by traffic
accidents in Vietnam so highly; therefore, our message “…” on media which
is such a meaningful project.

+Competitors: At present, non-alcohlic are entered in beer in particular market

and in general beverage market. Some of competitors such as Heineken 0.0,
Stiger, Bavaria, Sagota,…. It is difficult for a new brand like Sain.

Along with competitors in brand are competitors like substitute products such as
soft drink or dry cider. They are strong competitors when targeting the teenager
age consumers, especially in a developing country like Vietnam. For young
adults, soft drinks like Coca Cola or Pepsi are highly recommended and chosen
instead of beer non-alcoholic, leading Sain to a tough competition in Vietnam’s

+ Publics: Local publics and Citizen-action publics will affect Sain Vietnam’s
designing and manufacturing process because it contains related elements to the
residents local communities in Vietnam. Media and General publics is
important to popularize our brand in Vietnam by creating a perfect company
along with message “.....” promoting to publics through ........, music event or
movies. So Sain want to be strongly influencer and success in Vietnam market.
Government publics…………, Financal publics include many investors and
stakeholders like SATRA, APB

Macro environment


 Age: Vietnam is considered a country with young generation since there are
over 74 million people who age in the 15-50, among the total 96 million
citizens in 2019 ( The popultion growth is about
1,56% which is quite stable. The gender used to be balanced but this has
changed because of people awareness about equality of gender. Vietnamese
have a power male; as a result, one family has at least one son. As most of
beer user are male, but that is the past and at present female care for beer as
same as male, especially women pregnant also has drink beer. So, Vietnam
can be one of the strong beer markets all over the world.
 Moreover, the rate of people from countryside come to big cities is quite
high because in the big cities like Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi, Da Nang, etc have
lots of chance impressed them and they want to change their life for a better
place numerous potential. According to this, the proportion workers
increase. Also, most business negotiates over the meal, where the majority
of drinks are beer non-alcoholic.
 Sain want to target people who have income over 3 to 8 million VND.
Because the main customer is young generation so they can buy this beer by
money to work part-time, family, or people have fine job but they want to
use Sain instead of beer alcoholic.
 Our brand intend for the level from student 15 age to officer over 30 age,
because in this group they have understanding and concern about health,
they want to balanced between eating, drinking and health. So that is the
potential target we want to towards.
 Beer non-alcoholic not only intend the local people but also foreigners
because they care for about health earlier than Vietnam so this target Sain
want the most to advertising the product. The Financial Times reported
about the finance of Heneiken that its opened over 38 markets (mainly
Europe countries) the last, up 16 markets in 2017.

+ Economic: Ranked 2nd in Southeast Asia, 10th in Asia and 29th worldwide in
terms of alcohol consumption; indeed, Vietnam is an extremely fertile market for
alcohol enterprises to explore. Vietnam is an emerging economy in Asia with GDP
growth being consistently above six percent in recent years. In 2019, the total beer
production will reach more than five billion littres, consumption reached over four
billion litres, Beer sales reached over 65VND billion. Types of consumption,
canned beer consumption for 66.8 percent in total beer consume, bottles beer 29.9
percent, while draft beer is 3.1 percent

+ Natural: Natural materials present an important concern for us, when producing
beer rely on water and specific crops. When we talk about natural materials, we
mainly referring to the accessibility of raw material to producing organic beer
impacted by climate and the land. Because most ingredients in country, the
quality of beer is great guaranteed. Sain beer in. Additionally, the beer factories
in Vietnam are extremely environmental friendly, which makes the very good
impression to beer customers.

+ Technological: Internet is now one of the most important factor in everyone

daily life, help them to access to the mass world of information. In Vietnam, 54%
of the population use Internet to interact, thanks to the invention of high
technology such as smartphone, PC, etc. As a result, this can be the strongest
marketing field for Heneiken to reach to people all over the world

+ Political: If Sain entered Vietnam, the company must be followed Vietnam

legislation as a local company, including paying taxes, avoiding counter, etc.
This has gained reputation and customer’s belief.
+Cutural: In a hot and dry year around country like Vietnam, beer is popular for
its taste and coolness, which can immediately freeze the heat and thirst. At these
street eats, many people enjoy the cool beer on hand, cheering each other and
chatting about their day over a plate of roasted or steamed peanut with shell. In
Vietnam’s drinking culture, beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage. Beer
consumption per capita reached 44.1 liters in Vietnam.

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