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Project submitted in partial fulfillment of

The requirements for the degree of




July 2021
A Study of Abstract Job Satisfaction
1. Abstract:

The term "job satisfaction" is derived from the humanities, psychology and sociology. In the field of
psychology, it is a state where an employee has an emotional perception of his situation and reacts with feelings
of pleasure before pain. In sociology, it is considered a variable in different categories related to how each
employee evaluates and thinks about his work. Job satisfaction is closely related to the performance and quality
of work performed by an employee and, consequently, translates into the success of an organization, because a
satisfied employee builds and participates in the success of any organization. This article presents the results of
the research Conducted by the author in 2012 on a sample of 2015 people Respondents represented different
organizations. The aim of the study was to identify and assess the significance of individual factors influencing
satisfaction. And dissatisfaction with work and prove their impact on the overall valuation of job satisfaction.
The Study showed that between the weights official to individual factors and overall job satisfaction there are
many statistically significant correlations referring mainly to select on the basis of analysis respondents’ groups.
The study confirms the raised thesis concerning the authority of research in the factors affecting the general
Feeling of satisfaction by the employee.

2. Introduction:
The topic of this research project focus on the factors contributed to job satisfaction of employees. This study is
aim to investigate which independence variables will effects the employees’ job satisfaction in the education
industry. Although job satisfaction can be caused by several factors but burnout and stress are supposed as two
most important factors. So, the independence variables that our research project focused on are stress and stress.
Furthermore, in the broad range of education industry, the focus of this research is in the primary school Teacher
Perak state. The main reason we chosen this industry is because of education is one of the very important factors
that help to build up a person’s personality and behaviors. A person whether owned a positive personality or
confidence very high dependents on the education sectors.

3. Objectives:
The objective of this study is
To review multiple studies relevant to Job satisfaction through independent variable with the help
of different selected parameters, importance in research and the parameters are:

[1] Work Environment Factor

[2] Pay and salary Factor
[3] Fairness Factor
[4] Promotion criteria
Figure: job Satisfaction through independent variable

4. Literature Review:
The literature relating to job satisfaction through independent variable using the same method as in the
However, they include job satisfaction as part of their training. Therefore, in order to maximize the amount
of relevant literature, key terms and phrases related to job satisfaction such as “job stress”, “work
engagement”, “and role conflict” and “role ambiguity” were used in the topic search. in combination with
nurse OVID search guidelines. (Lu et al., 2019)
By creating a positive relationship between general social support and job satisfaction for workers over the
age of 50(Brown et al., 2014)
The results showed that various types of social support were associated with job satisfaction and teacher
quality of life. First, as expected, the results that school management support and peer support predict teacher
job satisfaction, are consistent with previous research showing a positive relationship between general social
support and job satisfaction. (Brown et al., 2014; Mintz-Binder, 2014; Sultan & Rashid, 2014).
In the same study, supervisor and colleague sup- port, rather than family support, was significantly relate to
police officers’ job satisfaction. In contrast, a study of 270 job incumbents and their employed partners
illustrated that partner support was indirectly relate to job satisfaction through work family balance
(Yuh & Choi, 2017).
The results of the educators in this study provide similar evidence that workplace support from principals and
coworkers predicts job satisfaction. In studying the role of specific sources of social support in China,
manager support and organizational support were more likely than peer support to influence job satisfaction
by enriching family work, and the relationship between family work enrichment and job satisfaction was
stronger for female workers than for males. In the study, the researchers suggested that support from a
manager or organization would be more important for job satisfaction because they took advantage of family
problems. Recent surveys have shown that both principal support and peer support predict teacher job
satisfaction in a predominantly female profession. (Tang, Siu, and Cheung 2014)

5. Methods:
Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction was measure by four variables.
Work environment factor was measure by using 9-items
Pay and salary factor was measure by using 5-items
Fairness factor was measure by using 5-items
Promotion criteria factor was measure by using 5-
These scale developed by (Hong et al., 2013) the responses were taken on a five point Likert
scale (strongly disagree=1 to strongly agree=5)

6. Questionnaire

In this section 6 factors for the job satisfaction is discuss according to each section the
questionnaire is below

 Work Environment Factor (Hong et al., 2013)

There were also nine questions that related to the promotion criteria, as illustrated in Table below:.
Sr Statement SDA DA N A SA

’s supervisors respect
the subordinates?

2 The working
condition of the
company makes me
feel comfortable?

3 The company
provides adequate
working equipment.

4 The atmosphere in
The company is

5 The decoration in the

company make me

6 The company’s
higher management
staffs perform their
job very well.

7 The company’s
employees are close
with each other.

8 The company
Provides safeworking

9 The company’s
manager is
approachable and
 Pay and salary Factor (Hong et al., 2013)

There were also five questions that related to the promotion criteria, as illustrated in Table below:.

Sr Statement SDA DA N A SA

1 The company’s
basic salary is

2 The company’s
benefit system is

3 Every employee’s
salary is at par with
his or her position.

4 Every employee’s
salary is at par with
his or her skills and

5 The overtime (OT)

 Fairness Factor(Hong et al., 2013)

There were also five questions that related to the promotion criteria, as illustrated in Table below:.

Sr Statement SDA DA N A SA

1 The company’s basic

salary is reasonable.

2 The company’s
benefit system is fair.

3 Every employee’s
salary is at par with
their position

4 Every employee’s
salary is at par with
his or her skills and

5 The overtime
 Promotion criteria (Hong et al., 2013)

There were also five questions that related to the promotion criteria, as illustrated in Table below:.

Sr Statement SDA DA N A SA

1 The company’s basic

salary is reasonable.

2 The company’s
benefit system is fair.

3 Employee’s salary is
at par with their

4 Every employee’s
salary is at par with
his or her skills and

5 The overtime (OT)

payment is

7. Conclusion:

This study concludes that job satisfaction has been study extensively in the literature by a number of authors.
Variables function primarily as precursors, outcomes and mediators with many other variables. Further
studies should explore this variable in future studies with a new set of variables.

 Payment Holland, & Cooper, Teiche, D W Ariani

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Organizational M Armstrong Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi Posted: 2000, M Armstrong.
 Abdul, M. S. (2005, August 18). Stres guru membimbangkan: Akibat banyak
perubahan dan bebanan tugas yang keterlaluan – NUTP. (Stress teacher worrying:
Due to many changes and excessive burden task) - NUTP. Utusan Malaysia.
Retrieved August 21, 2014, from
 Lu, H., Zhao, Y., & While, A. (2019). Job satisfaction among hospital nurses: A literature
review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 94, 21–31.
 Yuh, J., & Choi, S. (2017). Sources of social support, job satisfaction, and quality of
life among childcare teachers. Social Science Journal, 54(4), 450–457.
 Brown, M., Aumann, K., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Galinsky, E., and Bond, J.T. (2010),
‘Working in Retirement: A 21st Century Phenomenon,’ Families and Work
Institute, NewYork. http://famil
 Tang, S. W., Siu, O. L., & Cheung, F. (2014). A study of work–family enrichment
mong Chinese employees: The mediating role between work support and job
satisfaction. Applied Psychology, 63(1), 130–150.

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