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Achieving improved visualization of the

temporomandibular joint condyle and fossa in the

sagittal cephalogram and a pilot study of their
relationships in habitual occlusion
Stanley Braun, DDS, MME a
Indianapolis, Ind.

Improved glenoid fossa and condyle visualization is achieved by adapting the Denar TMJ
Orthoceph Slimline Cassette (Denar Corp., Anaheim, Calif.) to sagittal cephalometry. This cassette
contains rare-earth intensifying screens to enhance the temporomandibular joint region. A plastic
template of circles of varying diameters is positioned so that the appropriate circle size is tangent to
the superior, anterior, and posterior borders of the glenoid fossa seen on the resultant radiograph.
The planar geometric center of the glenoid fossa is then identified coincident with the center of the
template circle. The condyle planar geometric center is similarly identified. The relationships of
these centers with respect to each other is described by using a rectangular coordinate system with
the origin at the glenoid fossa geometric center. The condyle center is further described as being
in any one of four quadrant locations or concentric with the glenoid fossa geometric center. This
method was then applied to 38 patients who were free of temporomandibular joint symptoms in a
pilot study relating the condyle quadrant location with the dentition in habitual occlusion. Findings
revealed 89% of the condyles were in any one of the four possible quadrants. Fifty-three percent of
the condyles were located in a downward and forward position (quadrant IV). Eleven percent of
the condyle geometric centers were concentric with the glenoid fossa geometric center. (Am J
Orthod Dentofac Orthop 1996;109:635-8.)

A vital consideration in orthodontic Many methods, including magnetic resonance

treatment is the recognition of the importance that imaging, transcranial radiographs, and tomography
the dentition be in harmony with related muscu- have been used to study the internal structures of
loskeletal structures. In this context, condylar po- the temporomandibular joint. Correlating the im-
sition is an important concern in maintaining or ages obtained by these methods to the dentition is
restoring temporomandibular harmony with the difficult. Articulator mounted dental casts are most
dentition. 1-3 Researchers have found that temporo- often used to visualize this relationship. 15-1s It is
mandibular joint (TMJ) symptoms can be exacer- therefore the purpose of this article to describe a
bated by a lack of harmony between habitual oc- method of simultaneously visualizing condyle/fossa
clusion and centric relation, 4-6 whereas others have positions relative to maximum dental intercuspa-
failed to establish a clear relationship between tion (habitual occlusion) on the standard sagittal
dental occlusion and the incidence of TMJ symp- cephalometric radiograph. It is expected this tech-
toms. 7-1° It has been shown that the TMJ symptoms nique will help considerably to bridge the gap in
are multifactorial in origin, but occlusal factors and relating the positions of the hard tissue structures
condylar position cannot be ignored. 11'12 Investiga- of the temporomandibular joint to the various
tors have shown that when disharmony occurs be- planes formed by the dentition (e.g., the functional
tween condyle-disk-fossa positions and occlusal in- occlusal plane) and perhaps to other similar cepha-
dexing, muscular hyperactivity, internal derange- lometric landmarks.
ments, and pain may result. 13"14
Hard tissues of the temporomandibular joint are
difficult to visualize on a sagittal cephalometric radio-
aClinical Professor, Department of Orthodontic, Pediatric and Geriatric
Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Louisville. graph, principally because of the superimposition of the
Copyright © 1996 by the American Association of Orthodontists. petrous portion of the temporal bone. 19'2°To reduce this
0889-5406/96/$5.00 + 0 8/1/60019 effect, the TMJ Orthoceph Slimline Cassette (Denar
636 Braun American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1996

D y / Ge°rnetri~°Cne¢'
; center
c /
-~ ~ L

CONDYLE I ....... ~A ) / 1 x t -
x(7 ',


Fig. 1. Geometric centers of glenoid fossa and mandibular


Corp., Anaheim, Calif.), originally designed for use in Fig. 2. Coordinate and quadrant relationship of fossa and
oblique cephalometric radiography, has been adapted to
the standard sagittal view. The cassette incorporates
rare-earth phosphor intensifying screens in the region of
the temporomandibular joints and surrounding struc- be due to one or more possible causes: (1) poor position
tures to improve the visualization of this area. 21 Rare- of the head in the cephalostat; (2) an asymmetry in
earth screens produce three to four times more light centric occlusion (CO), which significantly altered the
photons for each x-ray photon absorbed, permitting condyle positions; (3) .asymmetry in the condyle position
greater energy conversion in areas of increased attenua- without a corresponding asymmetry in the dentition; (4)
tion. Improved imaging of the joints and surrounding asymmetry in the cranium, which would affect the gle-
areas is achieved in this way, without subjecting patients noid fossae, and (5) significant variations between left
to increased radiation. Standard x-ray machine settings and right condylar angles relative to the sagittal plane.
employed for conventional sagittal cephalometric radiog- Two planar geometric centers are thus identified:
raphy are used. Panchromatic T-MAT x-ray film (East- one for the glenoid fossa and one for the condyle (Fig. 1).
man Kodak, Rochester, N.Y.) is used, because it closely Their relationship to each other can be described with a
matches the energy spectrum output of the rare-earth rectangular coordinate system. Orthogonal axes were
intensifying screens of the cassette. The glenoid fossa drawn through the glenoid fossa geometric center with
and condyle may now be more Clearly visualized. the x-axis parallel to Frankfort horizontal (SN-7°), as
A template consisting of several circles whose radii seen in Fig. 2. The x and y coordinates of the condyle
are increased in 0.5 mm increments was constructed. By geometric center are now identified relative to the fossa
superimposing the largest template circle tangent to the center. The condyle center is further described as located
anterior, posterior, and superior borders of the glenoid in quadrant I, II, III, or IV. Thus, if the condyle is
fossa, the corresponding circle center is identified by a displaced downward and forward, it is described as being
pinhold in the radiograph. This center is the planar in a quadrant IV location. If it is displaced superiorly and
geometric center of the glenoid fossa. Similarly, a tem- distally, it is in a quadrant II location. When the geomet-
plate circle is selected by fitting it to the superior, mesial, ric centers are not displaced with respect to each other,
and distal borders of the condyle. Its geometric center is they are concentric: the condyle is located at the origin of
similarly identified. Because the right and left condyles the axes.
are at differing distances from the cassette, a double A pilot study was conducted to apply this method to
image may be seen. The average of the two images was examine the condyle/fossa relationships at maximum
used to identify the condyle geometric center in these dental intercuspation (centric occlusion). Thirty-eight
instances. patients seeking orthodontic treatment at the University
If a cephalogram exhibited a larger than average of Louisville Orthodontic Clinic participated in this
double image difference of the condyle/fossa beyond that study. All patients were free of TMJ symptoms. The
which is related to the relative enlargement of the patients ranged in age from 7.6 to 44 years. Twenty-four
structures farthest from the cassette, it was not included of the patients were female and 14 were male. A lateral
in the study. When this was observed, it was assumed to cephalometric radiograph was exposed of each patient,
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Volume 109, No. 6 Braun 637

/"" ^I"

II - 1

%%% ti

D~itized Description
1 Sella
2 Nasion
3 Along SN-7 ° Line
4 Pin Point of Fossa Geometric Center
5 Pin Point of Condyle Geometric Center
6 Point on Line Through Fossa Center
Parallel to SN-7 ° Line
Defining X-axis
Perpendicular to Sn-7 ° Line
Defining Y-axis

Fig. 3, Digitized cephalometric landmarks.

using the cassette and film described previously. Each of 100

the radiographs was digitized by the same operator, using 90
a modified Dentofacial Planner computer program
(Dentofacial Software, Inc., Toronto, Canada). The 80
condyle and fossa geometric centers previously described 70-
were digitized, as well as the reference axes, and are c
shown in Fig. 3. Ten radiographs were chosen at random 60.
and digitized a second time by the same operator. The x 0 5o-
and y coordinates of the condyle geometric center with E
~ 40"
respect to the glenoid fossa geometric center were found
to vary less than 0.025% of the original coordinate ~ 30"

The occurrence of various condyle/fossa quad- I I I I

rant relationships in maximal dental intercuspation 0 I II III IV

are shown in Fig. 4. Fifty-three percent of the Quadrant
subjects exhibited an inferior, anterior position of Fig. 4. Frequency of condyle location by quadrant in habitual
the condyle (quadrant IV). Eleven percent exhib- occlusion.
ited condyle/fossa concentricity. Nineteen percent
exhibited an inferior, posterior condyle position
(quadrant III). The remaining 17% of the subjects DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
were equally divided between condyle positions A method of describing the geometric relation-
superior, anterior (quadrant I) and superior, poste- ship of the condyle within the glenoid fossa on a
rior (quadrant II). These findings are statistically sagittal cephalometric radiograph has been de-
significant at p < 0.001. Thus the null hypothesis scribed. While it is recognized this is a two-dimen-
that the four quadrants may occur with equal sional representation of complex three-dimensional
probability can be rejected. The chi-square good- structures, there is sufficient precedent of estab-
ness-of-fit statistical test was used. lished useful two-dimensional representations of
638 Braun American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1996

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