A School Course in Vectors

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BY THE SEME AUTHOR ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS. (th A. Dakin) 3rd Baton, Mewieated FURTHER ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS “th Edition, Metrcated FURTHER MATHEMATICS 2nd Baiton, Metricaed Full deta frm G. Bit & Sows LD York House, Partual St London, WO2A 2H. A ;CHOOL COURSE IN VECTORS R. 1, PORTER LONDON G. BELL & SONS, LTD ion © G. Baa Sona Le, 1970 York House, € Portal, ‘London, WO2A 2H, A Rights Revers. apart of his pubcation moy ereprndced, stored ia ere tem, Fira inary form ory any ma electron, nec. photocopying, voting ov ore, ‘thon the pie pertsion of 6. Pel @ Sms is pubis 1970 eprint 1973 BN OTIS ISIS6 PREFACE ‘Ta objet of this book is provide a sinpleinoduction 10 the {Ugebe vctors and to show how vector methods a be applied tinh advantage i Geomecy ane Mechanics. Tes boped hat the ‘came ven hereof ts soportaat sect wl prove sual or ‘Sent of maha and soence ip te upper Torme of schon ot only im their preparation for advanced lee! examinations but ho asta itvoduton to he more advanced aspects of the subject ‘eared ia cllge spd universiy couse With the late’ jet ‘mind ref eerence sheen made othe calls et Tetons ‘more han ane salar varabe and im prt the diferent ‘peratos, gradient, divergence and curl hve een dere. "Kein previous book, the sim to trade reer ax quickly a pone o now iese and echnigute, To acee ths sim at ‘he same sine mt the sun sont he bok thas een neces in some isances to sense with formal pros and MBM lines Of sppeoac ong cepevince of teaching mathematics has proved the ned for lage numbers of earetuly graded exampes and wl be sen at ‘hirqulrement fe veryadeguntey met, "ie adebed tomy pupJohn itl, for the admirable asistance hes een rein e oo's and ehecking heaves "Ao wouttieto Secor my sincere pprecon ote enourag ‘men ana lp gen men y venture n-author 9 teat AW. ‘Ren tor many yeas managing detor of G Bll and Sons Lid 4pn970 Ponte 0.6. Bal Sons Li, 1970 Yors ous & Portal S, London, WC2A 2H Al Rights Reser [No pars ofthis pbication may erepraducod, tre na erica tm, ‘rare an form o by ay ‘mean eetone, hance photocopying, cording or ohert, ‘withow te peo permission of GB Sota Fs pabshed 3970 "Rented 1972 ISBN OTI35 15856 Se. Mont mr an Pi by Ww Avon te eg PREFACE, “Tw object of this ook is to provide a simple introduction to the poh of vestry an to show hom vetor tuto sn be apples toh ndvantage in Gagmeiy and Mechanic. Its boped at the Treament giver hereof ths portant subj wil prove sub or "dens of mathematics and ican i the upp forms Schools not only se the preparation for vanced lee! examinations but ‘tio am intadion to te more ads! apts of the soe ‘equed in colge and unesty courses With thelr bet In ‘nd bef carne as been malt the calculus of vector anton: ‘fimore thin one seat varie and ie pao the diferent ‘operators, grains, diergence and cut have een defined "arin preious books the aim ose eae as quckly as pone pet ides and tchnaes To achive ths im a ‘he ume tine mi the seach Dol thas ee mee invsome tntanees to pent wth formal geo ang ses of Apprauch Tr experience of teaching mathematics hs proved he need for large numer of surly ride examples and il be soem that this reqatrement yer aceutely met "am nce t9 ms pan ol Ll, forthe adil assistance eas gen reading the oo and necking teases. ‘Aso! woul kee econ my secre appreciation ofthe meourae- rent ana hen sven mem ny vntre se anathor hy the ake AW Ready, for any years managing decir of Bll ond Sos Lid Ait 970 Rt. Pouren CONTENTS core Darn Sa trore an tn vette. Nuiation of beste by ster app fc Coon of cn ntl Ft ‘Erovolscomponcat Somsand descent crms ol ampinen ‘Wr pot eoeonca adn rem Ss pit td ve rdf ino ver isi es vole sar prac por macs mhng reco pelts ‘Tadan prof rc Prats of eo ies oft components: Pena var. Tse sear Pony ven and es es Macungie pen. ta Canons paton er Modern econ aes oT Beyaar ta sa cats 8 Atle! in ‘Slreongense monet pens ‘oxapran 1 ‘erro Susans of Susi Ls ty Pai ‘itr cyan of stp ne yang sug pen pie a Insivendion Vv eunson esp ie sig vouph folpnen pons acorn of ya i he pe eprsentsthevama:rh Tas (le pana [etgram taw of ete cin, Clary ne ines are agit and ser may he see om Fg 28, 03H = 7 = a and DR = P= 8 scar tat the commie tw o avon, bee, which sre for salar quant alo tre for voto quantities SUM OF MORE THAN TWO VECTORS 3 dean FSR = PR 70+ = ach ‘Te difeeace bere the econ pees as aban folowing te flee ofaslaralgebre isis wrten ae {Bcsumestc by Repreentng nb) ing eemants PQ, Oka before thet hee OH = OR eh r2Chyisepsented by BR or 8 ‘Sam of mor than tvo weirs Sap Pete Lat be represented by Bay, yO) zai by tts ands ona ar as a, eepresened by ZF fee, ke “ a Then Oi, = O44 = ares = Oded © artesian Gi, = Oiythydy= ata taya am “This the polo of ectra a result which applies equaly well in wo rive amersons, From the gram, Fig scndea tha Dis Ors aahy = a, tay)+ay and OA, = OA hh ea 2 DEFINITIONS AND SIMPLE PROCESSES ecto isl he modulus is ually denote print simply ab oo in ‘spre theietera without uae ne ‘The module ofthe vector Pe ween 7. Unit ceo Vectors Wid unt manstads ae alle nit yee, ‘They are wsualy dstpushed from oliet vectors by the use of a Ciuniex a for example &sepresetsw unt ear the Becton aftievestogs, Uns yevorsta the ee ions ofmetualy perpendicular ‘et DT, OW D7 are nowever aul wien ss ‘Cea. seat Zero.or ml vectors convenient intree a veto with 220 smigntode tis ceneed by Bane has no deena! Opes. ined ae weir withthe same dls ar a Bat be Oppote Tol sctne_Vetore are mit be ace they hav the me modulus ang the ame recon. For exams veo 19, D0 repre: ‘estrsion anésbtraction_Let he vectors, bhe represented respectively ny the sah Lins PQ, QR ie 24a, Then the vector feprocnted Sythe seat Ene Ps siaea she sumnolased band fe writen a This i call the iangle lw of tector ain ‘Aertel the veto bare copes yaaigt ras 20,28 Fespetvely ad he marallopam MOUS be complet, Sp 2 (thes ‘he digoout PM iroup Prepress the ute. Tae pra lela bw vector clan, Cia the wo sare asain and ther may be wee From Fi 2, 53K = 3 = eand QR = PS = sinter thet bea, Pics tre for sear quate s aso tue for vector quanti SUM OF MORE THAN TWO VECTORS a bia = FSR = PR = POOR a0 “Terence betwen the vetoes 29 ‘Benpresed ssh and lowing he ecrleanaa Ine elemen's 0, OR so tle then DB one Of = OR (re J wl Teper = Consequault "hor CS igre by oF 80 ‘Samormore than wo vets Sp Pen tain be reposted by Bt, fax 1 Fate ay Tats an soon 3 fara 4 opened by FP, t's. Then Of, = 08+ = at Day = Dist iedy = aytaytans Ba a “Tiss he pop of eetrs a eu which applies equally wel in wor tive ners, From the igeam, Fig it event hat Vay +a Hat Oh = Daa eA = ta,ray)as and A, = Hence futa)te a tested «result extablishing tha the atsbeiatve law of aio re for xa ‘quanti value te of veto 1 ABCD io uaa PO re te midpoint of 8, 2C respects. Prose that #D-¢ 80 = 200. Reeringto Fe Sandan he ply of tors, Pa+aD+DQ=PQ and PB+BC+0Q = 70. ‘Adding and noting that P2-+PB = 0, 70470 = 08 Pand Q we udp of a and DC, # flows tat Ws = 270, Makipention of vector by 8 minder If mis «poste rea umber ten maiedeSned set vitors# tesimecitecionas having 2 moculs equal tone ‘Theorem sctrs bare represnted By DP, OD respecte and Imsmace paste conti senna tr =i meres averted By OR beng he punta) PQ sath thar mPR SnD. ToFie 6 Ps FR= OR, P+ 9PR = WOR. Simian, WDD 4 QR = DR Adaline, nDP-+ iD: PEGE fn = n4eiR, MULTIPLICATION OF A VECTOR aY A NUMER § IS MPR = ARO. WR + HDR ~ 0. nDP+n00 = 1m +00, or maad = bn Nn te seit case mm =| ors ae represented respectively by DP: 00 and DW, where i's the midpoint uP. ate Sore Ee est which also fotlows rom the ovina parallelogram aw Ex.2 ACD isa plne or sew gute Show ta he sum of the wcrrs 19,CB, CD and AD 40 where PQ are he wa pomtof AC, BD respec ‘ing the rn jst sais, FBV AD = 249 and. CB+CD PD. x.3. Imatriangle ABC, the points D,E,F dvd he es BC, CA, AL neal in aeraio cl. Prove thot he sm ofthe ectars ere Smt by 4D, HEC 2 ‘AS BD = sCD,| (-rbAD = AB AAC, ng te shove theorem Simi, (14D 4 WES CF) = ABV BC+ CH AC + B+ TH at R+RE+TA = 10+TB+HA = 0 Ws BE+TF «0, EAMES 2, Tinned Bogan: opis Oa ics ange mat earn oe veces pest by ETH eat Ty ARCD ina parateagram and wets a9 6 reese Oy ZAI psy. What nr repeaead by (70644 3 eP tirat we cungir ns econ th pts a8, cS. Fn ae oD, °c be ort by ee, TC rape faa dacs are epee y IE he Ga) Drake Ds wes 15 Pat Phare coriaes| =.= heey tah es eke mala ote vets OP, 00,7, OP + Blane One oe 77, ose career 0 0, IEC, A pci le purinan 48CD. Potaertons este meen ante) Bint Wt torso pram yan AE MDP! Whar aahesom ae OH a Sane prensa near show an = 48°. [9 ASCE wn popes show tae D4 CCD = HEHTD. 10 asta bare opened yh es 1,20 repent oe ae ABC. Win vr sc epee ZF) a te pm retion BC ‘aren Ba) Pes Etat eo 2 TAY in trugle #30 pou Pom BC ch at 28 Peers Pa bib Farthews- pine bees CCA Argent farang xc sow Ot TD = bY AD) dae ta 1D «BE = FC ‘Bre were OX. OY a erent sen, ine mtn and Seno the sorte “IAN. ty ies or en ae pin show TP MOTE HET a delet 2 4H = 1. LS The main fag ABC ns cen Go he a ovo, OR EC se ve WO nyo inte plage age ABC nd te ef ‘tang ror hat BA OH 00 = 308, Doce rourbos Osment inte ern 17 The pons. Fide ese CC, Ao wing AC intemal ‘nierton 81°? rape, Show te sole econ DE EF Pete pac oe e g ea 148, 8C.C arecomeetie site os repre CB epee ‘tetera BC repro er de or reed ED. 19. Thepomts it arethemié-psofhe we 8 Dota guar ABCD, pov than Rs ACD) = AA AR 2910, 3,400 we ps ss O04 4B VOC = hee omen Components vector 4 secarrcon hese re dimensions asthe ws ther sects pra tien sectors nih re ‘plane ih For tating OP to represent r (Fig 9} paalopam O4Pm ean tecomstrae! wit OPaeadingon And sites 04, OH pal te tbe ” tector a Breet ASDA Isa ‘estar inthe direction ofa ean be pened as da, where? scalar smalupler Siu OB can be 4 spre as yee pis 8 Seale feo, muuter ‘Cay, On+aP ee oa ending to te dimensions o vector ream be expressed asthe of thre ae eectors paral tree neoplanir ecu e Fortaking OP to represent (Fig 10, paraelepped DADBCSPR cum beg omtruied with OP asa eigona! and ‘lees 04, OF,00 purl tonne wetors ° SNe ee Ong B= BE, wre 2. 9a ‘este mapers ‘aye roam = DAs OBV OC, . DEPINITIONS AND SIMPLE PROCESSES ‘Compocentoa vector inmumaly reenter retons Suppose DP sepesents the wecor 7 Fe.) ‘Througy O draw thee mutual pe prota tines 040%, 02 to form iptehandad cordial mei she Sensetha aght-handadscre'rtaton fom BY 0 62 along OY and 30 vit oye merchange of tae lates K,%.2. Drop perpendicular 90,8, Pato the pases ¥0Z, 20%, KOF fespeeseyy and comple th rota fu puralcepine’ O4SBCRG Taking Oa = Ob = OC = Fand lalung-unt vector nthe dzeetons NV O2 bei respectvsys thes % a Chas Ob= 94 Oman, Be Oe di+ WF 0 rasityiee “Tye vets hare cal the coon in the drections of theate. Th fetlaion ono components athe Greeters Oe brs unguea ony on pareepies can be drawn sv above ahd fect if wo velo are eeu het reserve Somponet hoe

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