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Title: “Identify HRM practices and their impact on employee retention and engagement”

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Overview of study.......................................................................................................................3
1.2 Background of the research.........................................................................................................3
1.3 Rationale of the study..................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research Aim and Objectives......................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Literature Review.................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Understanding the concept of human resource management.......................................................5
2.3 Examining the practices related to human resource management................................................6
2.4 Analysing the impact of human resource management practices on employees engagement and
2.5 Determining how human resource practices medicate relationship between employee
engagement and retention..................................................................................................................8
Chapter 3: Research Methodology.........................................................................................................9
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Types of research.........................................................................................................................9
3.3 Positivist and interpretative methods.........................................................................................10
3.4 Data analysis..............................................................................................................................10
Chapter 4: Research and Findings.......................................................................................................12
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations....................................................................................13
5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................13

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Overview of study

Human resource management refers to the process of selecting, recruiting, inducting
employees, imparting training and development, offering orientation, offering benefits,
compensation, motivating employees, build good relations with trade unions and employees,
health measures and welfare, ensuring safety towards employees to maintain industrial
discipline and maintain compliance with state and local government (Mackay et al., 2017).
This research study is based on Sainsbury’s organisation, one of the second world’s largest
supermarket chains and situated in the United Kingdom. John James Sainsbury founded this
company in 1869 to provide many retail services to consumers across the globe (Pak et al.,
2019). Bypassing Sainsbury’s, it plans to have something new in its stores to accomplish its
consumer’s goals within a competitive marketplace. After accomplishing the HRM practices,
numerous theories and frameworks will be used to examine basic needs at the workplace.
Also, the literature review will mention for respective research to achieve targeted objectives
by which firm can get important information at the right time (Chams and García-Blandón,
2019). Discussion of qualitative and quantitative will be described in a report by which
human resource managers can make good relations and the bond between employee’s
retention and engagement. At last, recommendations, findings and conclusions will be

1.2 Background of the research

For making the entire working system better within the organisation's human resource
manager of the firm is required to cope with their whole working team by offering them
training sessions and guidelines timely so that they can work accordingly (Pittino et al.,
2016). It directly helps firms meet the demand and needs of consumers and market both and
simultaneously; it helps to fix their targeted goals and objectives to achieve a competitive
scenario. Furthermore, large numbers of HRM practices will be used to understand
employees' needs and desires at the workplace to get outputs (Shuck et al., 2017).

1.3 Rationale of the study
The word of human refers to the skilled workforce within the firm, and resources refer to
scarce and limited resources available, while management refers to how firms are optimising
such scarce limited and resources to meet targeted organisational goals and objectives
efficiently (Macke and Genari, 2019). On the other side, human resource management is the
procedure of planning, organising, controlling, and directing compensation, procurement, and
development all over human resources to the end individual towards the achievement of
organisational objectives and goals (Turner, 2019).

1.4 Research Aim and Objectives

Aim: “To analyse the practices of human resource management and its impact on employee
engagement and retention.”


 To understand the concept of Human Resource Management

 To evaluate the practices related to Human resource management
 To analyse the impact of HRM practices on employee retention and engagement
 To determine how HR practices mediate the relationship between employee
engagement and retention

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
Literature review refers to the critical analysis of a particular segment of the authorised body
of knowledge by comparing, summarising, and classifying prior research studies, literature
reviews, and theoretical articles. Thus, a literature review is considered more than the
summary of sources that has an organisational pattern that mainly combines both synthesis
and summary. Literature review plays a crucial role in every kind of research study as it helps
to get huge knowledge towards specific topics and theories. Also, a literature review offers a
handy guide towards an appropriate topic; it helps when the researcher has limited time to
conduct research, the literature review helps a lot (Human resource management, 2020).
Thus, for different types of professionals, scholar’s literature review plays different roles and
responsibilities to satisfy them. Writing a good literature review researcher is always required
to find the best effective literature based on a dissertation and a research paper and resolve
entire queries and opinions of research. After this, the researcher needs to select and examine
sources that determined gaps, debates, and themes of review literature. Thus, there are few
authors have given their ideas towards the selected working title for this specific research,
which are going to be described below:

2.2 Understanding the concept of human resource management

According to Macke (2019), Human resource management is mainly concerned with the
dimensions of people within the management system. Every business organisation and firm
are developing their skills, motivating their employees at a high level, acquiring their
services, and ensuring that they can maintain their commitment to the firm, which is essential
to achieve targeted goals and objectives effectively. This, the author, has said, those firms
which can create, stimulate, obtain and keep a huge workforce will be very effective to
achieve targeted goals so that firms can easily use their appreciated resources economically.
These assorted organisations can always deal with any difficulties at the workplace and meet
their desired output of the business (Singh and El-Kassar, 2019). Thus, the main author
regards the human resource concept as very wide, which includes many theories and practices
used by firms to make their working efficiency good and make their consumers happy. In the
author's words, firms focus on the working efficiency of employees than they can achieve
goals. At the same time, Sainsbury’s using many HRM practices to make its workforce

effective so that this firm hires, recruits, and selects those kinds of employees who can
accomplish the entire needs of an organisation towards attaining future opportunities (Stone
et al., 2015). Also, the author says human resource management has an ample number of
working fields like personnel management in human resource considered manpower
management which mainly focuses on hiring, planning, development, training, orientation
and introduction, compensation and productivity of employees (Mackay et al., 2017). Here,
the main aim of this literature review is human resource ensures effectiveness and
development, growth of an individual that always have a good impact on the successful
growth of the business organisation. Allowances, development of new skills, wastage
payment, procedures, and policies or travelling are also considered part of personnel
management within human resources (Turner et al., 2019). Through considering lots of ideas
mentioned by the respected author can be said if Sainsbury’s use several polices and human
resource concept within its working style so that they can get a highly efficient and effective
workforce to achieve successful goals of business into competitive scenario of the
marketplace (Zaid et al., 2018).

2.3 Examining the practices related to human resource management

According to Pak (2019), has argued that there are numerous reasons for engaging within
human resource practices like first it allows duties to employees and team members.
Secondly, it creates huge incentives to sharing knowledge, the achievement of an individual
as well as sharing benefits of employees. Thirdly, it gives information to organisations
towards practices such as sharing knowledge and job rotation. Fourth, human resource
practices help develop external and internal training opportunities for employees; with the
help of this firm, they can easily carry out promotion, recruitment, and retention policies as
per the needs of an organisation. The author says that following such human resource
practices and policies within organisational work helps them meet their employee’s
requirements by managing their work and training their employees accordingly (Alagaraja
and Shuck, 2015). Therefore, HR practices give an organisation numerous ways to make the
best decision based on recruiting employees frequently. Thus, the author has been
summarised that human resource practices are those practices that are considered as an
essential part of a firm that helps to gain profit and increase the value of the firm that has a
good impact on the economy.

In a more specific manner, the author says, human resources mainly consist of different kinds
of practices like hiring the right people for a firm, developing effective teams, provide

compensation on behalf of employee’s performance, giving employee’s security, always
provide training, and developing sessions for employees and build correct information to get
access to those needs essential for an organisation (Bal and De Lange, 2015). Here, it can be
said that discussion of human resource practices as the author, Sainsbury’s use such practices
for retention of employees that can make firm attractive or further helps them to achieve their
targeted goals timely. Following such practices like employee security is a best practice that
gives employees satisfaction towards work. Hiring the right people plays the most important
role as it shows an ample number of performance of employees where high performers able
to get selection in a business organisation (Benn et al., 2015). Teams always give value as
they are that person who always thinks differently and gives so many unique working ideas
for the firm for better growth of the firm. Thus, this literature review aims to give better ways
by using human resource practices for further benefits in the future to the firm. Every
business must identify their entire working system in front of their employees towards giving
the best facilities to their employees to achieve the best growth of a business (Boon et al.,

2.4 Analysing the impact of human resource management practices on employees

engagement and retention
According to Lee (2019), human resource plays a significant role within the business. It is
also known as a modern approach to maintaining a workplace that generally focuses on the
development, acquisition, and maintenance of human resources that impact an organisation's
entire workforce. Thus, the author says human resource practices directly influence the
retention and engagement of employees; likewise, in the current scenario of the world, so
many people want to choose that kind of organisation that gives them retention benefits and
appreciates their work. At the same time, if employees are not dedicated, they cannot sustain
infirm for a long time, which creates a gap between the employee’s mind and the firm's
effectiveness (Chams and García-Blandón, 2019). On the other side, some of the employees
who sustain for a long time in the firm use several motivating tools by which they can get
satisfaction and motivates other employees. Here, fir needs to focus on its entire workforce to
give them benefits and incentives to boost their working energy level that helps achieve
organisational business growth.

Along employee engagement is also necessary between employees as they feel comfortable
by having numerous human resource practices from the business (Haider et al., 2015). Here,
the main of the author in regards to the impact of HRM on employee retention and

engagement is to adopt few valuable strategies for a firm that ensures action support vision,
mission, objectives, and overall values of an organisation meet entire expectations and needs
of employees. Thus, according to the selected firm in this research named Sainsbury’s UK,
they must ensure that they have such kinds of human practices that increase their working
efficiency to treat business in a growing way. Also, HR practices positively reflecting
employee engagement and retention (Holland et al., 2017). So, this literature review directly
indicates those human practices that increase employees' working efficiency at the workplace
and the growth of business successfully. 

2.5 Determining how human resource practices medicate the relationship between
employee engagement and retention
As per the view of Boon (2019), has been said that human resource practices have a crucial
impact on employees retention and engagement that build good relations between employees
and the firm and increase their working ability through having some practices like job
enrichment, as per the author as per this employee able to seek their roles and responsibilities
in which they willing to pay behind the job description. At the same time, selection and
recruiting are considered the best human resource practices that target those interested in
facing coming challenges within the firm and select those who can perform their job role in a
good manner (Kim et al., 2019). Furthermore, more human resource practices that create
great relation between employees and firms like training and development programs are one
of the best human resource practices offered by the firm to its employees. It gives good
underpinning of a particular topic by which employees contribute to several training and
development programs that increase their working efficiency and performance (Lee et al.,
2019). Performance management helps an organisation set challenges, strategic goals, and
objectives and give feedback to accomplish contributions from the volunteers. Thus, the
author's main purpose behind this medicate relationship between employee engagement and
retention is to develop the proper underpinning of every tool used by firms towards giving
huge benefits and incentives to its employees in an effective mode (Lee, 2015). Now human
resources manager of Sainsbury’s able to make a good relationship between the firm and
employees by applying an ample number of human resource practices and strategic tools that
help employees improve their working quality and performance at the workplace.   

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
It is the specific process and method used to recognise, process, select, and examine the data
regarding a topic. In the research, the methodology section enables the readers to evaluate
and analyse the overall study reliability and validity properly (Boon et al., 2019). This is
analysed that research methodology is an important section of the development and evaluate
the investigation. It assists in identifying the different forms of methods required to study and
implemented to collect appropriate information and take necessary actions (Alagaraja et al.,
2015). The research mainly concentrates on analysing how much data has been collected and
processed based on required demand and needs. It also helps collect in-depth data and
knowledge associated with Sainsbury employee engagement and retention practices. With the
assistance of journals and articles, the researcher collects data and information related to the
research topic and complete the project in the given time.

3.2 Research method

In this study, the Secondary data method is used to gather second-hand information and
collect it with the assistance of various sources, i.e. books, journals, magazines, etc. This
research method helps collect data related to the HRM practices and analyse its impact on the
staff members’ engagement and retention (Bal et al., 2015).

The distinction between qualitative and quantitative

Qualitative research can be used to understand and determine past accessible information,
and researchers are based on existing project requirements. This is necessary to have some
data and knowledge regarding human resource management practices and their impact on
employees’ engagement and retention. This is an effective method that helps increase
learning by using articles and journals that are necessary to analyse the whole facilities
related to the study (Benn et al., 2015). There are various sources of collecting information,
including books, journals, magazines, newspapers, case studies, and many more.

The quantitative research method is such a form of research used in the research approach in
which there is required to provide numerically and determine the outcomes according to the
needs of research. This method of research deals with numerical and statistical ways and
collects numerical data. Such a study is based on different forms of research that are

implemented in these procedures. Besides this, the quantitative method helps analyse the
facts and information in statistical form to understand how HRM practices manage the
employees’ participation and retention (Haider et al., 2015). Different sources of gathering
quantitative data such as surveys, questionnaires, interviews, databases, and so more.

3.3 Positivist and interpretative methods

A positivism philosophy method is a form that can be used for describing an approach to the
study of societies that relies on scientific evidence, and it involves experiments and statistics
to discover the nature of the community which is regulated. In positivism, it adheres to the
points of view that are evaluated as useful data and assists in examining the actual condition.
It helps understand the different HRM practices and how this will influence the engagement
and retention of staff members in Sainsbury (Holland et al., 2017). On the other hand,
interpretivism philosophy is based on realistic methods and techniques for gathering required
information which involves observations and interviews.

The methodology described is appropriate for the data as it helps select the best suitable
approaches and methods that help collect information for the completion of the project.
Along with this, research methodology is fully described to be replicated for achieving
desired results or outcomes effectively. When the research is replicated and reaches similar
results as the new study, this will provide validity and reliability.

3.4 Data analysis

It is the process that assists in collect, select, and evaluates the overall information to examine
the required data for developing decisions. The data analysis is discussed for understanding
the practices of human resources and how this will mediate the relationship between retention
and workers' participation in an organisation. The main motive of this analysis is to discover
the necessary data for correct decisions based on examining information properly (Lee,
2015). This helps interpret, evaluate, and organise the information into the correct form,
which effectively describes the real meaning of the topic. Besides this, such an approach is
considered an essential section, and it assists in gathering whole data associated with human
resource management practices and their significance in a company.

In this study, the researcher needs to address the data's validity and reliability. Reliability can
be assumed by comparing various versions of similar evaluations. Along with this, validity is
difficult to measure, but it can be analysed by comparing results to other accurate theories
(Pittino et al., 2016).

The methodology has been evaluated in retrospect, and suggestions for improvement when
researching better outcomes. It helps evaluate the project work and their team members’
performance while achieving goals in the set direction. This is important for the investigator
to make improvements and provide recommendations for collecting the required data in a
better manner (Mackay et al., 2017). In the retrospective study, the result of interest has to
arise in each person by time, and data are gathered from accounts and interacting with
participants to recollect the exposures.

Chapter 4: Research and Findings
The collected and gathered data is relevant to the aims and objectives. As per the above-
described report, it can be analysed that employee engagement and retention are important
activities that need to be maintained by the human resource manager in Sainsbury. Both the
terms can help a company overcome changes in the signal of a market to their exceptional
performance, capabilities, and innovation actions to renovate disaster into a prospect (Shuck
et al., 2017). It is finding out that HR practices play an important role as the centre of the
business venture where managers select and recruit the best suitable employees and hire those
workers who can perform a great role in achieving desired goals. It is complex to keep
employees, and complexities increase years after years (Pittino et al., 2016). As per the report
regarding the 4/5th of the company in the United Kingdom which had face challenges in
retaining employees and enhancing their performance, HR practices that include selection
and recruitment, performance management, training and development sessions, rewards
which are recognised to evaluate their influences on the staff members participation and
retention in a better manner (Stone et al., 2015).

Figure 1: Engaging wellness, 2021

(Source: Engaging wellness, 2021)

It is analysed that statistical presentation helps identify and collect huge data to complete the
project in a better manner. The graphical presentation is used in place of tables and set the
small data (Zaid et al., 2018). In this research, qualitative method is used to gather descriptive
information for understanding the different human resource management practices and how it
influences the staff’s engagement retention. Yes, all the findings are presented and make it
interesting for the readers so that they are willingly read and review the report in a proper
manner. It involves tables and graphs used to analyse the data and understand the impact of
HR practices within an organisation and their employees’ performance (Popli et al., 2016).

The most relevant data has been cleared and summarise properly as it helps evaluate and
analyse the different practices related to human resource management and how this will
influence the staff members' performance level (Mackay et al., 2017). Along with this, all the
patterns in the data have been identified, and the relationship between employees’
participation and retention is discussed effectively (Stone et al., 2015). It is analysed that the
company focuses on collecting their workers' reviews and opinions regarding the same and
gathering their response about how they work in a company and developing teamwork or

Figure 2: Employee engagement, 2021

(Source: Employee engagement, 2021)

The statement has discussed analysing the practices of human resource management of
Sainsbury, and the company manager needs to provide compensation and benefits to their
workers (Shuck et al., 2017). By this, they are performing great work to attain potential goals
and get effective results.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion
The report concludes the various aspects of human resource management practices and the
impacts of human resource management practices on employee retention and engagement.
The human resource management practices are very important for employee’s engagement
towards working operations and functionality of the organisation and also retention for the
organisation. These are concluded in the report with the literature review of the topic. The
various methodologies, findings, and results are concluded in the report for a better
understanding of the human resource management practices, which plays an important role in
employee satisfaction from the organisation's working culture and operational functionality.
The report concludes the conditions which can be used for increasing employee engagement
and retention with the impact of human resource management on the organisational culture
and environmental phases, which can impact the performance and provide the motivation for
employees to work hard towards the common objectives and goals of the organisation and
individual goals. The report includes the different aspects regarding the human resource
management in the organisation and its impact on the employee’s engagement and retention
as per the practices that can induce the employees' engagement with the organisation as these
are being analysed in detail in the report.

The limitation of the research is that the researcher needs to analyse the human resource
management practices that assist in maintaining employees' participation and improving their
roles in a better manner. It helps in encouraging employees to perform better functions, and
the company also gain higher profitability.

5.2 Recommendation
Human resource management practices are very important for the Sainsbury organisation as
employees are the most important aspect of organisational functioning and working culture.
The Sainsbury organisation can introduce various techniques for improving the engagement
and retention of the employees towards the organisation, such as providing them training for
the working ethics and culture to train them for working with more responsibility and extra
perks or benefits that will engage them with the organisation on higher levels. The company
can also provide the employees with the opportunities to pursue their individual goals and
objectives in their careers. It can motivate the employees towards the concerned intentions of
the organisation as they will be enlightened with the organisation of the effort it is making for
their career growth and development. This can enhance their engagement with the
organisation on better terms.

Sainsbury organisation can also introduce study programs for their employees to carry
forward their higher-level education, which will help them towards the current working
knowledge for the working environment and help them achieve their individual goals and
aims. These steps can improve the impacts of human resource management practices of the
organisation to help the enhancement of engagement of employees with the organisation.
Human resource management practices are very important as this needs to be taken care of by
the organisation to improvise the company's efforts towards their working conditions. The
company need to flexible their policies and practices of human resources. They need to
provide a comfortable and friendly environment that will be motivating and enhancing the
levels of satisfaction for the employees to remain loyal with the organisation and improve
their engagement and retention with the organisational working operations and
functionalities, which will provide better exposure to the employees in the market place to
move forward in their career perspective.

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Human resource practices, 2020 [Online], Available at:

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