Sap Abap 2

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How to get sap

System access
We can get sap system access for practice by 3 methods.
1. Remote desktop connection rdp access ( or other service provider )
2. Server access from local pc /laptop ( or other service provider )
3. Mini sap installation in your laptop
• Remote desktop connection rdp access ( or other service provider )
In this case, you can get sap access from sap official website or you can search
on net for other service provider , who charge on monthly basis.
To access sap through RDP we don’t have to install any software on our local laptop, as
through our laptop , we will just login to remote desktop and will do the sap development
from there
1. In command enter mstsc

2: Enter the IP address given by server provider

3: Enter the log in ID and password :

Enter user name and password , then click on login arrow .

4: We can see the remote desktop with sap icon on the screen.

Double click on sap logon Icon.

5: Double click on the sap logon icon.

• It will give a pop up with all sap server servers.

• For login to sap for every server , they will provide the user ID and password
• Double click on the server , for which they have given login credential.
• This is the sap log in screen, enter the user ID , password, by default one client no, we can
see, if the given different client enter that id also, by default we can see one client no. like
here it is 800.
Sap easy access
This method we have seen using RDP , in this we don’t have to install any software on our
local PC/laptop.
2 : Server access ( or other service provider )
In this case the sap software is installed on a server and kept at a remote location either in
company premises or on some remote location , that server we can access through our local
PC /laptop, but in this case we have to installed a software application called sap gui (sap
graphical user interface , comes with different version , always installed latest one ).

• Installation file : Get it from service provider or download for internet sap gui
Follow the set up guide and do the installation
• After installation we can see the icon on desktop as sap logon

Double click on sap logon

Select connection and click on add new
Entry or create new icon

• Add a description
• Application server
• Instance No.
• System ID
• Sap router string and click on finish

This all details will be given by service

Once it is done, then log on as we have see in first method , logon method will be same
3: Mini sap installation in your laptop

In this third method, we can install the

Sap system on our won laptop/PC and we can develop application but this method does not
provide all modules like FI, SD , MM etc., but for basic abap practice it is OK.

• Website for downloading sap mini

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