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Week 7 Learning Task

Performance Task 3 (Let’s Work it Out!)

1. Identify five (5) different tasks/household chores you are doing at home.
2. Record the time (minutes or hours) you needed to finish each task.
3. Determine your rate in finishing each task.
4. Create two (2) problems on each task/household chores. These problems involve
two (2) situations. (e.g. 1 person helps you finishing task, or if two persons will help you)
5. On each problem, present the rate of work done.
6. Complete the details on table provided. Solve the additional task.
7. Show your complete solution on the answer sheet.
8. You may encode or write manually.
9. Deadline of submission is on Oct. 9 @ 4:30pm.

Note: The written assessment 3 will be generated form the necessary computations involved in
the task. These are (a) Completion of table requiring the rate (b) additional task

9-10 points 6-8 points 4-5 points 1-3 point
Only one task is
All tasks done are relevant to work- One to two tasks are not Exactly 4 tasks are not
Relevance appropriate and
related activities. relevant relevant

Computation One point deduction for every error in the computation.

(10 points)
5 points No Point
Student must pass the said
performance task on the set deadline.
Each student is given 2 weeks to fulfill
Punctuality the requirement upon receiving the
The Student pass the said performance task after the set deadline.
template. Failure to pass the said
requirement one time means
deduction of points

Significance of Work
5 points

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This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.

PERFORMANCE TASK 3 (Let’s Work It Out!)

NAME :___________________________________________ SCORE : ___/30
SECTIO :___________________________________________ DATE : 10/__/20

Tasks Situation 1 Situation 2

1. _____________________
Your Rate:________

2. _____________________
Your Rate:________

3. _____________________
Your Rate:________

4. _____________________
Your Rate:________

5. _____________________
Your Rate:________

Short Essay: (5 points)

How does the activity prevail the significance team unity in doing work/task? (5 sentences only)

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This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Additional task: (1 pt. each)

1 x 1 x
1. Given:
2 () ()
=32. Determine the value of:

a. x

b. x 2+ x+1

1 1
2. From the rational inequality x+2 ≥ 4 , determine the set of values (in interval notaion) that
a. will satisfy the inequality

b. will not satisfy the inequality

4 x−3 x +3
3. Prove whether g ( x )= and h ( x )= are inverses of each other or not.
1−x x+ 4
Use the rule/property in proving inverses.

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This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.

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