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1. Free time now and then: How has leisure time changed over the years?

2. Effective time management: Tips to stay efficient

3. My perfect getaway
4. TV shows: Why are they so popular?
5. The happiness formula: tips for being happy
6. The relationship between money and happiness
7. Best and worst inventions of all times
8. Consumer crazy: How are we influenced by advertising
9. The power of advertising: Tricks advertisers use to make you spend money
10.Brainstorming: how to do it and what are the benefits of this strategy?
11.Early peakers or Late bloomers: Who’s going to win this game?
12.Generation gap: Is it greater or smaller than it used to be?
13.Future me: How do you see your future in ten years’ time?
14.How to live to 101: Secrets of longevity
15.Fake news and media hoaxes: debating reality
16.It’s a tough call: The most difficult decisions in our lives
17.Translators of the future: challenges, advancements and prospects
18.Home reading book: main idea, characters, events

1.Free time now and then: How has leisure time changed over the years?
Each of us has own idea of free time, and it is different for each. If we are talking
about young people, then most often they spend free time on the phone or in the
computer. And if we say that their parents and grandparents did not know what a
telephone was before, then most likely it will be difficult for young people to
believe in this. How did the older generation spend their free time? They walked,
talked with friends live, helped their parents. All their free time was filled with
Over time, everything began to change. Especially when gadgets and social
networks appeared. People began to rarely go out for a walk and communicate
live. Free time started to mean lying on the bed, grabbing food, and turn on the
I want to give myself an example. I am a young generation, but in a childhood I
spent my free time differently. I walked a lot, we got together with friends every
day and played games. But when everyone started to have modern phones, life
really changed. I locked myself in a room and played games for hours, my
communication was in correspondence. But you know what's the most interesting
thing. It took a lot of time for me to realize how valuable this free time is. When I
graduated from high school, I had very little time due to my studies. I really
wanted to talk with people live and walk more . It became the best pastime .I
would like that young people began to appreciate it.

2.Effective time management: Tips to stay efficient

We all know that time is a very precious ( прешс ) thing in life. You can’t buy it
for any money and you don’t come back to change something .. We very often hear
the phrase " I do not have time for anything." Yes, time flies quickly, and
unfortunately we cannot stop it, so we just have to learn how to use it effectively.
On the Internet, there are many different courses on time management. But we can
learn this completely free of charge by following simple tips.
First, we need to understand what we want, what tasks we face.
Secondly, we need to see our goals visually, so the best way is to make a list. In
addition, we have to work with this list, not just write our goals, but most
importantly actions, what we will do to achieve them.
Third, you need to learn how to prioritize. We cannot do everything at the same
time, so you need to understand what is more important for you and go for it.
As for me, I have not yet learned how to use my time effectively, but I am in the
process. The only thing I really learned to write a to-do list for every day. This
helps to visually see my tasks. But unfortunately I do not have time to do
everything. I think that sooner I will learn to be effective.
And remember "Not the main quantity, but the main quality"

3. My perfect getaway
It seems to me that everyone dreams about getaway, especially after hard work or
study. Everyone has their own idea about it. Some dream of lying on the couch and
have nothing to do, others want to travel around the world. The perfect getaway is
when you can relax, stop thinking about problems and do what you love.
As for me, I am a student. And this word itself makes itself felt. Sometimes it
seems to me that we cannot have rest, because we study hard, gain knowledge. But
all the more we need to rest and relax.
It's summer already and it's time to plan your perfect vacation. This summer I want
to travel, I understand that because of pandemic it is not easy, but I can still think
of something. As soon as the exams is over, I want to go to Kiev, take a walk with
my groupmates . During this year, I really missed it. Then I want to go on vacation
to another city or to another country , if it’s possible. My perfect getaway is, what I
like to do, I want to attend dance and volleyball classes, TV presenter courses. Of
course, I don't forget about my studies, I want to improve my English and French.
Meeting friends, dancing, singing, sunsets, sunrises are ideal things.
Finally, I want to say that if it seems to you that you do not have time to rest, you
need to work, just believe that rest will only improve your life and help you return
to work with renewed power.

4. TV shows: Why are they so popular?

It seems to me that now it is hard for a person to imagine his life without watching
a TV show. In fact, they surround us everywhere, radio, TV, Internet. Now there
are a huge number of different TV shows. There are a reality show, costume
drama, soup opera. sketch show, sitcom, documentary, detective series, quiz, news
and etc. Everyone will find something to their likin with so many different shows
Why are they popular? The fact is that each show has its own plot and people like
that they can choose what attracts them more. Sometimes we want to laugh and we
watch a sketch show, sometimes we want to test our knowledge and watch a quiz.
As for me, I most often watch reality shows, such as a top model in Ukrainian or a
bachelor (бачелор) . Sometimes I watch news, both Ukrainian and foreign. Of
course, I pay more attention to films and series, but TV shows add a variety of
colors to my leisure time.
5. The happiness formula: tips for being happy
It's no secret that everyone wants happiness and everyone has their own idea of it.
For some, money is happiness, for some, love and a big house. People are used to
thinking in scale ( в масштабі) , and sometimes they do not understand the real
meaning of this word. Finding happiness is not as difficult as it seems to us, the
main thing is to see it. If you think that it is difficult to come to real happiness, then
you are mistaken. Therefore, I want to give you some tips.
First, develop your personality. Personality is what will remain with a person if
all resources are taken from him or her. Therefore, you must always work on
yourself, develop your talents and dignity.
Second, do sport .It doesn't have to be going to the gym. Dance, go to the pool,
run and find the activity that suits for you.
Third , plan for happy emotions, not actions.For example, when you are driving
to work, think about how you will be happy when you go out into the countryside
for a weekend. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, the main thing is that you
will be happy with any action.
Besides , learn new skills .Dance, fish, sing and etc. Thanks to any new activity,
you open yourself from a new side, feel your own body better.
As you can see, it is not only money and love that will bring you happiness. You
just need to learn to understand simple things.
As for me, I also did not understand how to be happy when there is no beautiful
life. But when I started to achieve something, to enjoy the usual things, I felt real
happiness. And you feel it!

6. The relationship between money and happiness

We often hear: "money can't buy happiness", "... But what if a certain amount of
money can actually make you happier?
I definitely do not deny this, because to some extent money is important, especially
in our world. But there is a certain limit after which money stop to bring happiness.
If a person cannot afford cool house or does not have enough money to support his
family, the additional income will significantly improve his situation. But at the
same time, people doesn’t consider the happiest moments in life were when they
had the most money.
Happiness doesn't last long. Someone may enjoy a new dress one day, but after 5
wears we are already tired of it and want something else. The happiness that brings
us money does not give us emotions that we will remember for a long time. It's just
a pleasure our brain gets. But happiness is when you strive for it, work on yourself,
improve your skills. It lasts a lifetime, not just some peace.
As for me, I would not refuse a large amount of money. But I would not buy
branded things or an expensive car. And yes, in this case, the money would make
me happy, because I could spend money on charity and make other people happy.
You should remember "A wise man should have money in his head, not in his
7. Best and worst inventions of all times
Over the years, scientists have invented a large number of things without which it
will be difficult to imagine our life. Computers, , telephones, radio, ТV, cars, etc.
We all use this every day. But there are things that just ruin the lives of others and
of course it would be much better if they were not invented.
First, let's talk about the best inventions.
Electricity - it is just unrealistic to imagine life without it. All our technology is
based on it. Just remember that when the lights in your house are turned off, it feels
like life has stopped. And once people lived without him.
Phone - now it's just hard to go out without it. This is a multifunctional thing
thanks to which we can take photos, seek information and communicate.
The computer is a great invention for work and study. Previously, people worked
with a bunch of papers and books, now all this has been replaced by a computer.
Internet - sometimes it seems to me that our whole life consists of the Internet.
We can communicate at a distance, learn, find new information, share photos and
Automobile - Whether we like them or hate them, automobiles have given people
greater freedom of movement.
Now let's talk about the worst inventions. You probably thought of some strange
things, like motorized roller skates. But now I would like to talk about things that
we all know and even use.
Weapons - this invention has led to large numbers of murders
Nuclear Power - Nuclear accidents are rare but can be devastating.
Cigarettes - Since Columbus brought the miraculous( міракюлос) о plant to
Europe lung cancer because of smoking has destroyed a significant part of
Fast Food - Obesity is one of the most famous consequences of fast food.
As you can see, inventions are different. The main thing is to use them only for
good purposes.
8. Consumer crazy: How are we influenced by advertising
What information does the brain receive while we look at the screen of a computer
or phone? Obviously, you're not just busy searching and reading the news. While
consciousness focus on the text, pop-up pictures are imprinted on the retina(
ретина) of the eye and transmitted to the brain, whether we like it or not.
I can confidently say that advertising is a powerful weapon. We don't notice and
remember a lot, but the brain stores all the information, which we receive. For
example, when we watched the n.ews, an advertisement for bags came out. It was
quick and you don't think you remember it, but after a week you realize that you
need a new bag and your brain reminds you that you've seen an ad for a shop. And
you have a desire to find it. This is how advertising works.
Slogans especially influence us. This short set of letters stays in our brain for a
very long time. We also remember short songs very well. For example, each of us
has heard a song from an advertisement "Ambrobene amboromene is a cough
syrup, abromene is better for everyone without a cough." As soon as our throat
starts to hurt, our brain immediately gives out this song and we have a desire to
buy exactly this. because we don’t think anything else.
As for me, advertising definitely affects me. I am more attracted to advertising of
some specific bloggers on the Internet. Most often these are care products, which is
very important for girls.
Remember that for manufacturers, the main task is to make as much money as
possible, and people become victims. Always think about the consequences
9.The power of advertising: Tricks advertisers use to make you spend money

We spend time on the phone, watching TV, going for walks, visiting the
supermarket and other shops . And all this is surrounded by one thing - advertising.
There is so much of it that sometimes it seems to us that we do not notice it, but
our brain remembers the information very well. Advertisers are great psychologists
who have learned to influence our brains. There are a few tricks to advertising.

More than necessary

Have you noticed that in toothpaste advertising a person squeezes a large amount
on the brush. The ad shows to consumer how it should be, and he\she repeats. In
general the paste needs to be squeezed out by "peas" on the recommendation of

Foreign - means cool

Savage, O’stin ,TJ Collection are beautiful brand names. We used to think that
foreign- means good. But in fact it is all Ukrainian brands, but buyers do not know
about it.

Or maybe take instead?

A popular marketing trick is to show one thing and then offer the customer a
completely different one. For example, there are wonderful shoes in the window.
When the customer asks about them, the seller replies: “Sorry, but they are over.
Can I offer you others? ” Surprising, but this trick works great!

Low-calorie product

Sticker “Low-calorie product “is another trick. It is usually glued to cereals, bars,
bread, dairy ( дері) products and so on. But the buyer, who goes to the shop and
does not want to spend time studying the composition and takes the product
because it has a sticker "low-calorie".

This is not all the tricks of marketers. In fact, there are a lot of them. So I can
advise you to study the full list, to be more careful. As for me, I'm also a victim of
advertising and sometimes I don't even notice that I've been tricked. So you need to
read more about it and always think about the consequences.

10.Brainstorming: how to do it and what are the benefits of this strategy?

First you need to understand what is brainstorming? This is the process of finding a
solution to a specific problem, which takes into account any thoughts and ideas.At
first glance, it seems that it is not so easy. But there are certain rules and
techniques with which you can give a lot of ideas immediately .

Teleport.Try to look at the problem if you will find yourself in another country or
just on another planet.

Try other roles.Put yourself in the shoes of your father, best friend, or scientist.
What would they do?

Use a random factor.Pick a random word or image that will 0 as the basis for all
suggested ideas.

Learn to listen to others .Perhaps the ideas of others will give your brain better
idea of the problem and it is easier for you to come up with something.

Of course, these are not all methods. Do not try to apply several at once, choose
one that suits you best.

Now let's talk about the benefits of this strategy.

First, the joint activity of the participants, each of whom has his own experience,
increase the result of the search for solutions.

Secondly, this process helps each person to open up and show their knowledge.

Third, Brainstorm can learn to deal with emergencies quickly and logically .

As for me, we very often use brainstorming in English classes, we are thinking
about some topics or about the best translation of a text or word. I really like this
atmosphere of the ideas and it really helps to develop logic and speed.

11.Early peakers or Late bloomers: Who’s going to win this game

We are all different and each person begins to achieve something differently.
Someone at the age of 15 has already become a famous model, and someone at the
age of 50 got his first role in a film. These 2 groups of people can be divided into
Early peakers and Late bloomers. Early peakers are those people who have
achieved success at an early age, and Late bloomers at a later age.
And we have a question , which group of people is better? To answer this, we have
to compare them.
Let's start with Early peakers. These are young people under 30 who were able to
achieve success at an early age. We are definitely familiar with such people and
there are a lot of them. For example, Alla Pugacheva, who started her singing
career at a young age and achieved great results.
Late bloomers. People from 40 and older begin to reveal their talents and achieve
something in life. We all know the KFC fast food restaurant chain. But few people
know that the founder was 62 when he opened his first restaurant.
So which group of people is winning in this game. Of course, everyone has their
own time for something. But I believe that people from 30 to 40 years old begin to
show their strong skills, and wisdom blooms after 50. So, it is a matter of life
experience. There are many young people who ended their careers very early, for
example Nadia Comaneci ( Команечі) , who got the highest score in the Olympic
Games and retired at 23 years old.
As for me, life experience and skills are important. So, now I’m trying to develop
themselves, try something new, in order to confidently achieve their goals in the
12.Generation gap: Is it greater or smaller than it used to be?
At times it seems that the older and younger generations live in different worlds.
But, You can't blame anyone for this. After all, this is an obvious thing - the
generation gap.
The generation gap has existed at all times. Here the question is different, has it
become larger now compared to then?
I believe that it really changed. The most notable distinction (дістінкшн) is the
active use of the Internet and social media. We are used to communicating on the
Internet, finding information. And for the older generation, this is not clear,
because they did not have such a thing. They are used to trusting books.
Next it is fashion. We have heard more than once from our grandmothers "What
are these trousers with holes, let's sew( соу) them up." This is a common thing for
us. but for them it is something incomprehensible. Nowadays it is very easy to
combine bright flowers in clothes, but for the older generation it is a " parrot color
Vocabulary. Each generation had its own slang and jargon( джарген). The older
generation does not understand ours, but the younger generation does not
understand the older.
Values. For the older generation, the main value is family. For the younger
generation, the family goes to another side, for them money, entertainment, and so
on are important.
As for me, I have more misunderstanding with my grandmother than with my
parents. One day we decided to make an apple pie together. My grandmother
couldn't find a recipe( ресіпі) book where she wrote everything down. I suggested
find on the Internet, but she said that there is nothing good there and a normal
recipe cannot be found. Grandma just turned over the house to find this book. We
argued with her for a very long time. As a result, the next day she found this book
and we made a pie with her. The situation is common, but this is also a
generational gap. Internet or book.
The world does not stand and people change their views, new inventions appear.
It's impossible to escape from this
However, we should to reduce this misunderstanding. People should be more
attentive to another generation , sometimes try to look at the world through their
eyes, then it will become much easier.
13.Future me: How do you see your future in ten years’ time?
Unfortunately, that there is no time machine. I am very curious and I would like to
see myself in 10 years. But this moment will come sooner or later, it remains to
dream and make plans.
In 10 years, I see myself as a successful and strong woman. I would like that I was
in the profession in which I will feel comfortable. I don't know what kind of
profession it will be. But I know for sure that for 10 years I have to try myself as
an actress, TV presenter, translator and choreographer ( коріографе) . Hopefully
I'll be determined.
I know that I will have a family, not just children and a husband, but a real family:
with love, understanding, real support, , joy, even with some quarrels, because
people cannot live without its
I also want to visit as many countries as possible. And I hope that the pandemic
will not prevent this.
Of course, I will know perfect English, I hope French too. I would like to learn
Spanish. Knowing several languages is my goal.
What else will happen in 10 years? Yes, I'm sure there will be a lot of things:
travel, new views, thoughts. I hope that in 10 years, and in 50, I will also be happy
with everything that I have. I will definitely find myself in some useful business
and benefit other people
14. How to live to 101: Secrets of longevity

We are all not eternal( етенал) , but sometimes we want to live as long as possible.
We all want to visit your grandchildren's wedding, watch your great-grandchildren
grow up. But everything is not given to us easy, we need to do something for this.
There are tips to help you live to 100 years or more.

Positive friends.People who are supported by loving and caring friends live
longer. The main thing is that the surroundings has a positive influence on you.

Afternoon nap.Sleep lowers stress and helps your heart beat at a healthy pace.

Eat like Okinawans.People from the Japanese city of Okinawa are almost all
centenarians ( сентенеріас) . Scientists believe this is due to their foods, which are
rich in green , yellow vegetables and are low in calories.

Be physically active. Regular physical activity lowers your chances of getting

heart disease, , diabetes, some forms of cancer, and even depression.

Find a hobby. When you do what you really enjoy, you will get positive emotions.
And this is the best medicine.

If you follow these tips, you will have a long life. Just enjoy life and remember In
the modern world there are more and more centenarians. And if earlier at 40 years
old life ended, now it is just beginning.
15. Fake news and media hoaxes: debating reality
As sad as it may sound, fakes surround us everywhere. Most often, they appear in
the form of articles, advertisements, photographs, and exactly on the Internet. After
all, the internet, especially social media, is a convenient place to spread fake news.
Firstly, a large number of people see information, and secondly, it spreads quickly.
And the question arises why people are doing this! I think that it will hardly be
interesting for you to read about some kind of holiday in the city and so on. People
are always interested in reading about sensations. If we are talking about the
media, then we often hear about scandals with celebrities. If we take just news,
then we hear how someone found an unusual animal or a declaration of war. In
fact, the list of such news is endless. And it’s surprising that people believe in it.
Editors just make money with imagination.

If we live in a world of hoaxes, how can we find the truth? In fact, everything is
easy. We have to understand what can be real. Photoshop is easy to find in photo ,
you just need to look closely and understand. For example, on the Internet there is
a photo of a frozen river in Venice. But we all know that this city does not have
such high temperatures.

If we are talking about an article, then you should read the whole text. Usually, all
sensations and fakes are written at the beginning, and at the end it’s usual facts.
The news at the beginning has already caused strong emotions in you, and this is
the most important thing.

As for me, I very often meet fakes, but I learned to distinguish between them, it's
not difficult, the main thing is to start analyzing what you see.

Be careful !

16.It’s a tough call: The most difficult decisions in our lives

There is no easy life and this fact we have to accept. After all, we are faced with
problems that require non-standard ( нон стандед) solutions. What decisions are
really difficult, and which only seem so to us? And most importantly, how do you
make correct decision? Agree. These are not easy questions, but it's worth thinking
about it

Every minute hundreds of people make decisions in their lives. For example, what
restaurant should I eat, is it worth meeting someone, how to save money, where to
go to rest, whether I love this person, whether I should get married, whether to
move to another city. In fact, for everyone, these decisions are given in different
ways, someone decides everything in a second, and someone needs a lot of time.

We doubt, then …doubt is the worst enemy. It prevents us from taking risks,
building our lives correctly. After all, even if you made the wrong decision, it will
be a life lesson for you. You know, I just realized that is easy in life. Everything
that happens to us ….for a reason( не просто так ) . And these thoughts help me to

We cannot highlight the top of the most difficult decisions, because everyone treats
them differently. As for me, I doubt it quite often. Probably the most difficult
decision was to enter this university or not, do I want to be in this profession or
not? And I still haven't found this answer to this question. In the summer I have to
think over my choice again and I know that it will be difficult. ... I really hope that
I will not regret this decision.

I really like this phrase "More often, the most difficult decisions in our life are the
most correct ones."

17.Translators of the future: challenges, advancements and prospects

In the 21st century, science and technology have taken a huge step forward
compared to the past. Way of communication have also changed. Today, when
there is a need to translate a word or text from another language, each of us can
quickly and easily use Google Translate, Yahoo! or Microsoft Bing.

Millions of people click a button every day "Translate", but it is obvious that the
result can not always be one hundred percent to satisfy a person. The problem with
all computers is that they "Think" by algorithms ( алгорізмс) . The same word can
be used in different contexts and translate in different ways. New technologies in
the field of translation are certainly important, but this does not reduce from the
importance of live translators.
An important advantage of machine translation is that a computer can process large
volumes material in a short period of time.

Translation may become public in the future, but it is not means that the profession
of translator will become unnecessary or disappear altogether. It is important to
note that simultaneous ( сімултеніус) translation will always be relevant and
necessary, for example, for UN ( ю ен) staff. Presidents have to be accompanied
by translators.

What awaits us in the future? Unknown. Imagine only that in the future we will
not need worry that we may not be understood somewhere. Maybe soon will
happen, and until then the profession of translator is necessary. A modern
translator have to to be well-versed in a communication situation, to understand the
subtext, the emotional state of the speaker. The translator who possessing all the
this qualities will definitely be needed people at all times.

As for me and my future profession, I see myself successfully in it, at least I will
try to develop myself. As the saying goes "Nothing is eternal ( етенал) ", but I
would like the profession of a translator to be eternal( етенал)

18.Home reading book: main idea, characters, events

This is a book I will never forget. It changes my attitude towards life

This book is “A Gift” of Ceselia Ahern. Let's talk a little about the events of the
book, what is it about?

The plot is based on the story of police officer Rafi about his acquaintance, exactly
about a wonderful story for Christmas.

Lou Suffern seems to have it all: a beautiful wife, two beautiful children, caring
relatives and a high-paying job. But still there is something that he constantly
lacks. It's time! Lou sometimes regrets that he can't be in two places at once. But
one day he meets a vagabond named Gabe, whom he suddenly decides to help by
hiring him. But in the end, it turns out that it is Gabe who helps Lou, giving him
wonderful pills, which fulfill his cherished desire - to be in two places at once.

I would not like to reveal the plot and even more the ending. Let it remain an
intrigue who has not read.

Let's now talk about the heroes and my opinion about them.
Rafi is the first character we meet in the beginning. It seems that this character
does not play any role in the book. But in reality, he tells his moments from life as
a lesson for young people. His main task is to teach a person not to make the
mistakes that Lou Suffern made

As for Lou, this is the center of the book. Honestly, this character did not cause me
positive emotions, because he chooses between job and family job. For him,
family is not something he will really fight for. Lou really doesn't have enough
time and if there is enough of it, Lou will spend it on the office, getting a job, but
not the family. Of course, in the end he will regret it

As for the second character, it's Gabe who really changed the story. At first he
cause me bad emotions. I thought his goal was to get Lou's job and just use it for
his own purposes. But as it turned out, Gabe used the usual pills to help Lou give
what he really lacked - family.

For me, these are the main characters worth talking about.

What is the main idea? What did the author want to say? Time is something we
will never stop. It seems that we will all succeed, but you can't imagine how little it
is. It remains for us to use it correctly. This book teaches to value the most
precious thing in life - the family. Nothing will replace it. This is the best gift of

I recжommend everyone to read this book.

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