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Curriculum extra Unit 8

Focus on Art: Modernism

1 Label the picture with the words.
abstract canvas landscape portrait still life

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 3 Read the information about Impressionism on
the words from exercise 1. the mind map. Then copy the mind map and do
research to complete it.
1 Did you know that Vincent Van Gogh
painted over 30 self-____________? He
When: late 19th and early 20th Fauvism
used a mirror to study his face. There’s a
century Surrealism
famous one where he’s got a bandage on
Where: origins in Paris
his ear. Cubism
What: style of painting which
tried to capture the effects of Modernism in Art
the moment, especially the
2 It says in the guidebook that Claude Monet effects of light and colour Dadaism
‘rejected traditional ways of painting Who: Claude Monet,
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Expressionism
scenery. Instead, his ____________ show
variations of colour and light during Edgar Degas
different seasons’. 4 Work in small groups. Choose a movement from
the mind map or an important painting from
Modernism. Research it and present it to the
class. Use these phrases to help you.
3 Sorry, but I just don’t understand
Talking about an art movement
____________ art. All these lines and
The movement we have chosen to talk about is … .
shapes do nothing for me.
It began in … . / It has its origins in … .
It is a style that … . / It is characterised by … .
Some of the most important artists / works of art in
4 I’m so excited about the Jackson Pollack this movement were … .
exhibition! Last term we did some drip Describing a painting
painting for our school art project. You We have chosen to talk about … , which is a portrait
flick, drip or pour paint onto a / landscape / still life, etc. by … .
____________, just like he did. The painting shows … / In the upper / lower / left /
right / central part of the painting, you can see … .
It was painted on … / The artist has mainly used … .
The use of colour / light / perspective, etc. is very
5 And as you can see, this painting contains interesting because … .
typical ____________ subjects: a drinking It makes the viewer feel … .
glass, a book and a vase with flowers. I like / dislike this painting because … .

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