5 Trends in Broadcasting Technology in 2021 - AmconSoft

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7/29/2021 5 Trends in Broadcasting Technology in 2021 – AmconSoft

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Amconsoft / Blog / 5 Trends in Broadcasting Technology in 2021

Alina Bohdan, Head of Marketing

Reading time – 3min

March 2, 2021 | 17:03

Article content
1. Top-5 Trends in Broadcasting
1.1. #1 Direct-to-consumer (D2C) business models
1.2. #2 Software As-a-service
1.3.  #3 AI Technology as a valuable tool for change
1.4. #4 Launching apps in OTT delivery systems
1.5. #5 User-generated content solutions
1.6. Conclusion

In the upcoming years, broadcasting technology needs to find a way to adapt to the
new reality, as a new generation of information consumers shift the attention from TV
broadcasting to other digital platforms.

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According to the research, only 8% of people in the world use to watch TV only. The
majority of citizens of the US get information from TV and digital. 36% of people use
only digital platforms for consuming the news. It is becoming usual not to have a TV at
home, but to use a computer to watch news and shows. 

Pandemic became a push for the broadcasting companies to invest in digital

platforms. The young generation gets the news from mobile apps. Only in 2020, the
number of new users in broadcasting online platforms raised significantly. All those
challenges make broadcast media invest in new technology for achieving a target

This article will introduce the main trends in broadcasting technologies that will
influence the market in the next few years. 

Top-5 Trends in Broadcasting

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New trends in television broadcasting are determined by the aspiration to build quality
media. In the world of misinformation and fake news, a massive range of different
media apps and communication in social media, the quality of the information became
a primary challenge for many companies. 

Digital broadcasting became more popular in last years

Simultaneously, the future of television broadcasting in 2021 depends on the quality of

the image and internet speed for streaming the news on digital platforms. The US
already uses a 5G internet for mobile TV. The broadcast industry is well known for its
innovations and adaptation to the circumstances. The success of the new
broadcasting is in delivering accurate and in-date updates. It became possible with AI,

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machine learning, eCommerce, and data analysis, broadly used for critical changes in
broadcasting in 2021.

#1 Direct-to-consumer (D2C) business models

The auditory of new broadcasters is diverse, and the companies invest more money to
develop new communication platforms and digital media. Hosts want to be closer to
the segmentized auditory. 

The difference in consuming information from traditional TV and digital

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The D2C model has many benefits for the media. When the traditional market does not
allow the business to interact with customers, the D2C model allows building a close
relationship with product users. 

More and more broadcasters spend time and money interacting with customers,
answering all their questions, understanding particular needs, and being relevant to
their real life. And new technology can facilitate this relationship-building process. 

Software market forecast for broadcasting technology.

#2 Software As-a-service

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Even if the SaaS technology is not a new trend, broadening it for broadcasting media
started mostly during the pandemic time. The idea of using software that is not located
on your computer became a new trend for the new media industry. Also, this
technology provides an ability for quick reaction. 

Moreover, the technology can save media companies’ budgets as they start to adapt
their apps for SaaS. It looks like the tendency to use the software as a service will be
with us for the next few years. 

 #3 AI Technology as a valuable tool for change

On the one hand, people want to have human-created content; on another – the
media companies do not plan to raise the number of employees and search for
automatization methods. The best way is to implement AI technology into life and
automate processes that do not need human involvement. 

The future of broadcasting technology.

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For example, more broadcasting channels already started to use AI for weather
forecasts or create subtitles for the video. The AI is most often used in video analytics
and manages the manual process. With another trend in television in 2021,
implementing AI into monitoring and the analytical process can fill many gaps in the

#4 Launching apps in OTT delivery systems

One of the essential steps in the broadcasting digitization process is using a new
content delivery system. OTT (over the top) technology implemented in such
successful examples as Apple TV and Roku. For the industry, it means that TV and
broadcasting cover all possible places in our homes. The future of broadcasting TV is
almost dependent on building a close connection with users in all apps. It means that
they can find news, weather forecasts, or other real-time generated content in their
favorite apps for consumers. 

#5 User-generated content solutions

One of the most challenging media changes in the industry is to moderate and
navigate user-generated content. In 2021 the world is looking for new platforms to
share the content and expertise. Broadcast technology is already in the user’s
smartphones and computers. There is no need to have a piece of special equipment to
create a podcast or video stream. The media industry’s challenge is to manage
significant and valuable content and misinformation, and fake news. 

User-generated content (UGC) platforms help brands contact consumers, monitor, and
use the text, video or photo, created by brand users. Building new diverse platforms
for communication and content creation is the next step in broadcasting.

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Key broadcasting trend for the nearest future


In 2021 the number of smart TVs installed worldwide is more than 1 billion. According
to media predictions, this number will grow even faster. The broadcast media
companies are going to provide new platforms for delivering the information.
Simultaneously, there is a great challenge to provide accurate and high-quality content
for the customers. 

Digitalization of the industry will change the future of broadcasting. Companies are
selling a TV and an ecosystem that provide unique content services integrated with
payment and other home technologies. With AI, OTT, and SaaS technologies, the
streaming will be highly automated and improved. It was difficult for the production to

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create content in pandemic time. But technology helped to adapt and save the
customers and money, even though it was quite tricky in covid-19 time. 

Furthermore, broadcasting companies will need to find a way to become more flexible
and reactive in the nearest future.  


#Broadcast #Trends2021

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