A2 NG Pháp T V NG

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Lesson 41.....................................................................................................................................3
A. GRAMMAR – CONNECTER..................................................................................................................3
B. VOCABULARY - VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK...............................................................................11
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................13
II. Reading.................................................................................................................................................................15
III. Listening...............................................................................................................................................................17
IV. Supplements........................................................................................................................................................18

Lesson 42...................................................................................................................................19
A. GRAMMAR – CONNECTER (cont)......................................................................................................19
B. VOCABULARY - VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK (cont).....................................................................24
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................24
II. Speaking................................................................................................................................................................26
III. Writing.................................................................................................................................................................27

Lesson 43...................................................................................................................................29
A. GRAMMAR – CONNECTER (cont)......................................................................................................29
B – VOCABULARY - THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIETNAM.......................................................................34
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................36
II. Reading.................................................................................................................................................................38
III. Listening...............................................................................................................................................................40
IV. Supplements........................................................................................................................................................41

Lesson 44...................................................................................................................................42
A. GRAMMAR – BE/ GET USED TO/ USED TO........................................................................................42
B. VOCABULARY - THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIETNAM (cont)...............................................................47
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................47
II. Speaking................................................................................................................................................................49
III. Writing.................................................................................................................................................................49

Lesson 45...................................................................................................................................52
A. GRAMMAR – REVIEW.......................................................................................................................52
B. VOCABULARY – REVIEW....................................................................................................................59
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................59
II. Reading.................................................................................................................................................................61

Lesson 46...................................................................................................................................65
A. GRAMMAR – ADVERBS – ADJECTIVES...............................................................................................65
B. VOCABULARY – TRAFFIC...................................................................................................................70
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................72
II. Reading.................................................................................................................................................................74
III. Listening...............................................................................................................................................................76
IV. Supplements........................................................................................................................................................77

Lesson 47...................................................................................................................................78
A. GRAMMAR – COMPARATIVE............................................................................................................78
B. VOCABULARY – TRAFFIC (cont).........................................................................................................84

I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................84
II. Speaking................................................................................................................................................................85
III. Writing.................................................................................................................................................................85

Lesson 48...................................................................................................................................87
A. GRAMMAR – COMPARATIVE (cont)..................................................................................................87
B. VOCABULARY – FILMS.......................................................................................................................92
I. Vocabulary.............................................................................................................................................................94
II. Reading.................................................................................................................................................................96
III. Listening...............................................................................................................................................................98
IV. Supplements........................................................................................................................................................99

Lesson 49.................................................................................................................................100
A. GRAMMAR – COMPARATIVE (cont)................................................................................................100
B. VOCABULARY – FILMS (cont)...........................................................................................................106
I. Vocabulary...........................................................................................................................................................106
II. Speaking..............................................................................................................................................................107
III. Writing...............................................................................................................................................................108

Lesson 50.................................................................................................................................110
A. GRAMMAR – REVIEW.....................................................................................................................110
B. VOCABULARY – REVIEW..................................................................................................................120
I. Vocabulary...........................................................................................................................................................120
II. Reading...............................................................................................................................................................122

Lesson 41

- Chỉ sự thêm vào: and (và)

- Chỉ nguyên nhân, lí do; because
- Chỉ sự tương phản đối lập: but
(Bởi vì)
Conjunctions (nhưng)
- Chỉ hai hành động trái ngược nhau
- Chỉ kết quả: so (vì vậy, cho nên)
về mặt loogic: although (mặc dù)
- Chỉ sự lựa chọn: or (hoặc)

- I’ll come and see you soon. - Last night we came late because it
- His mother won’t be there, but his rained heavily.
father might. - Although the car is old, it is still
- It is raining, so I can’t go camping reliable.

1. Although/ In spite of/ Despite:

Although In spite of Despite

Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai thông tin trong cùng một câu

Although + mệnh đề 1 In spite of +danh từ/ Despite +danh từ/ cụm

Cấu trúc
(S+V), mệnh đề 2 (S+V), cụm danh từ/ V-ing danh từ/ V-ing
We enjoyed our camping We enjoyed our camping
holiday although it rained We enjoyed our camping holiday despite the rain.
every day. holiday in spite of the (Chúng tôi đã rất thích
(Chúng tôi đã rất thích rain. chuyến đi cắm trại mặc
chuyến đi cắm trại mặc dù (Chúng tôi đã rất thích dù ngày nào trời cũng
ngày nào trời cũng mưa) chuyến đi cắm trại mặc mưa)
dù trời mưa)
Ví dụ
Although he worked very Despite the pain in his
hard, he didn’t manage to In spite of the traffic, we leg, he completed the
pass the exam. arrived on time. marathon.
(Mặc dù anh ấy học hành (Mặc dù giao thông tồi (Mặc dù đau chân nhưng
chăm chỉ, nhưng anh ấy đã tệ, tôi vẫn đến đúng giờ) anh ấy vẫn hoàn thành
không thi đỗ) cuộc thi chạy)

2. However/ Nevertheless:

However/ Nevertheless:

Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai câu

Mệnh đề 1. However/ Nevertheless, mệnh đề 2.

Cấu trúc Mệnh đề 1. Chủ ngữ, however/ nevertheless, động từ.
Mệnh đề 1. Mệnh đề 2, however/ nevertheless
I love London. However, the weather is bad.
(Tôi yêu Luân Đôn. Tuy nhiên thời tiết thì tệ)
Ví dụ
I love London. The weather, however, is bad.
I love London. The weather is bad, however.

1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I like English………I like French very much.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
2. My brother likes maths……. he doesn’t like history.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
3. The children forgot their homework, …….. the teacher was angry with them.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
4. Can you read……. write English words?
A. and B. but C. or D. so
5. Are the questions right…………….. wrong?
A. and B. but C. or D. so
6. It’ s great……………it’s fun.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
7. Would ou like tea…….. hot chocolate for your breakfast?
A. and B. but C. or D. so
8. Our car is old, …….. it drives beautifully.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
9. It was very warm, ……………we all went swimming.
A. and B. but C. or D. so

10. Do we have French……. music after the break?
A. and B. but C. or D. so
11. I like sugar in my tea, ……. I don’t like milk in it.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
12. We were very tired……. happy after our flight to Sydney.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
13. Jeawon was cold, ……he put on a coat.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
14. Julia has a guitar, ……. she plays it really well.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
15. Maria tried to read a novel in French, …….it was too difficult.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
16. He lives in london, ………he studies at a college.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
17. You can go to the tourist office………ask them for any information you need.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
18. Does Miss Smith like the red boots……. the black and white sandals?
A. and B. but C. or D. so
19. Lynda likes Tom……he is in love with Annette.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
20. Geraldine Chaplin is a great actress……she is less well – known than father Charlie Chaplin.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
2. Nối mệnh đề ở cột A với mệnh đề ở cột B sao cho câu có ý nghĩa, sau đó viết lại câu.


1. We wanted to go to the show Because they are quick and easy.

2. I often make omelettes Although they are not film very healthy

3. Shall we go to the cinema? And watch that film you were talking about.

4. Burgers are very tasty But there weren’t any seats left.

5. My neighbors are friendly Or at the football match?

6. Do you know if he’s at home Because he laughs in his sleep.

7. Pick me up early, please? But they are noisy.

8. We know he has great dreams. So we don’t get there late.

3. Circle the correct item.
1. I’d love to stay (so/and/but) I have to catch my bus.
2. His hot chocolate was too hot (so/and/but) he put some cold milk in it.
3. (Or/Although/Because) we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet.
4. I only passed my exam (because/but/although) you helped me.
5. They were hungry (but/because/so) they made some sandwiches.
6. We can go to the pool (and/but/or) we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.
7. She didn’t want him to see her (and/so/although) she hid behind a plant.
8. He’s in the town centre (so/because/ but) he wants to look for shoes.
9. I’m definitely coming tonight, (or/because/ although) I could be a bit late.
10. We can go to the shop before we go to Clare’s house (and/ or/ so) go to Clare’s house forst to
see if she needs anything. What do you think?
4. Choose the correct conjunction (and/ so/ but/ because) to fill in the blank.
1. I like coffee…………..I don’t like tea.
2. I cannot swim………I can ski.
3. I want a new TV…..the one I have now is broken.
4. I had to work on Saturday……I couldn’t go to John’s party.
5. My name is Jame……..I’m your new teacher.
6. I was cold…….I turned on the heater.
7. We’ll have to go shopping…………………….we have nothing for dinner.
8. The history test was difficult………the English one was easy.
9. We didn’t go to the beach yesterday …………it was raining.

10. we have a test on Monday…………I’ll have to study this weekend.
11. She can speak French, …………………..she can’t write it.
12. She’s working late next Friday, ………….she can’t come to the party.
13. In summer we wear light clothes………the weather is hot.
14. I have a tooth ache…….I must see a dentist as early as I can.
15. It is rainy………windy today.
16. He doesn’t play the guitar, …….he plays the drum.
17. I like walking……..I never go to school on foot……..it is 10 miles away from home.
18. My son is calm…..easy – going……..my daughter is very moody……they never agree
19. I am English…..I live in the USA…….I work with a company there.
20. I love painting…….fishing………they teach me concentration.
21. Jane hates swimming…….she spends her summer holidays on the beach……….she loves
22. It is always rainy in winter……….you should always take an umbrella with you.
23. Fast foods are delicious……..usually unhealthy …….people should avoid them.
24. Peter is obese…….the doctor advised him to practise sport regularly.
25. Parents ……..children should have good relationships.
5. Rewrite these sentences, using the word in brackets.
1. I don’t eat cheese. I don’t eat butter. (or)
2. I like him. He’s annoying. (but)
3. We’re having salad for lunch. We’re not very hungry. (so)
4. She doesn’t use much suncream. She has very pale skin. (although)
5. This tear, he’s been to China. He has also been to Brazil. (and)
6. Would you like to go to Paris? Would you rather go to Budapest? (or)
7. He’s very tired today. He went to bed very late last night. (because)
8. It looks very near. It’s quite a long way away. (although)
6. Complete these sentences with “although/ despite/ in spite of”.
1. ________________ she has a good look, everybody hates her.
2. Jane seldom sees Jim ______they go to the same school.
3. ________________ her illness, Jane went to work yesterday.
4. ________________ it was chilly outside, we went fishing.
5. ________________ working hard, Peter failed the test.
6. ________________ the difficulties, Sarah managed to solve the problem.
7. My grandfather was very strong __________his old age.
8. The children slept deeply ________________ the noise.
9. ________________ the high salary, Marey refused the job offer.
10. ________________earning a high salary, Sara never wastes her money.
11. I find the film boring________________ many people like it.
12. ________________the bad weather, we went on our school picnic.
13. ________________the congestion, we weren’t late for the meeting.
14. ________________ he’s rich, he is always upset.
15. I couldn’t sleep________________ I was exhausted.
7. Use the conjunctions “however” or “nevertheless” to unite two sentences.
1. Mrs Smith loves her children so much. She’s sometimes very strict
2. We can go there by bus. It is not the only way.
3. Jim is good at English. He is not the best student.
4. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It isn’t as good as I expected.
5. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I think we can find one.
6. My mother wants to go to Paris in this summer. My dad wants to go to Berlin.
7. Jane doesn’t like salads. She likes vegetables.
8. My father loves watching football match. He never plays football.
8. Complete these sentences with one of these conjunctions “although/ despite/ however”.
1. _______________ the restaurant’s good reputation, the food was terrible.
_______________ the restaurant has a good reputation, the food was terrible.
The restaurant has a good reputation. _______________, the food was terrible.
2. _______________ it didn’t stop raining, we didn’t cancel our picnic.

_______________ the rain, we didn’t cancel our picnic.
It didn’t stop raining. We didn’t cancel our picnic, ______________.
3. Mary still bought the watch, __________ it had a high price.
Mary still bought the watch __________ its high price.
The watch had a high price. Mary, ___________, bought it
4. _______________ the fact that I was late for school, my teacher didn’t punish me.
_______________ I was late for school, my teacher didn’t punish me.
I was late for school. My teacher didn’t punish me, ___________.
5. _______________ I invited Jim to my party, he didn’t come.
_______________ my invitation to the party, Jim didn’t come.
I invited Jim to the party. _______________, he didn’t come.
6. I don’t want to watch this film_______________ it has many good reviews.
I don’t want to watch this film _______________ its good reviews.
The film has many good reviews. I don’t want to watch it, _______________.
7. _______________ there are many challenges, Tom won’t give up his dream.
_______________ many challenges, Tom won’t give up his dream.
There are many challenges. __________, Tom won’t give up his dream.
8. _______________ I studied very hard, I failed the exam.
_______________ studying very hard, I failed the exam.
I studied very hard. I, __________, failed the exam.
9. Choose the correct answer.
1. We adore winter _________ the cold.
A. in spite of B. although C. however
2. She went to bed early_________ she didn’t finish her work.
A. despite B. although C. however
3. _________ the fact that he is 23 years old, he is so childish.
A. in spite B. despite C. however
4. I go to school by bus every day. I don’t like it much, _________.
A. despite B. although C. however
5. _________ Jim owns two cars, he rarely drives to work.
A. despite B. although C. however
6. The athlete completed the race _________ his pain.

A. despite B. although C. nevertheless
7. Jane looks pretty. She, _________, seems to lack personality.
A. despite B. although C. nevertheless
8. _________ we have a slim chance to win, we won’t lose hope.
A. despite B. although C. however
9. _________ of his bad luck, he won the medal.
A. in spite B. despite C. however
10. He is friendly _________ the fact that he’s very famous.
A. despite B. although C. however
10. Match the column A to the column B.


1. Although I have many friends, a. However, I admire her courage.

2. I didn’t wake up late b. Nevertheless, he is good at Literature

3. I don’t really like Mary. c. Living in it, however, is very comfortable.

4. Their project was finally successful d. he didn’t skip the class.

5. Tom is not good at science subjects. e. although my alarm clock didn’t go off.

6. In spite of his headache, f. I feel lonely sometimes

7. My apartment is quite small. g. despite all the obstacles

8. I rarely go travelling h. although many friends want to travel with me.

1 -_________ 2 -________ 3-________ 4 -________

5 -________ 6 -________ 7 -________ 8-________


News words Meaning Pictures

/ˈbɪtə(r)/ Đắng

/dɪˈlɪʃəs/ Ngon

/ˈfreɪɡrənt/ thơm
(adj )

/ˌleməˈneɪd/ Nước chanh

/ˈnuːdl Mỳ phở

/ˈɒmlət/ Trứng tráng

/ˈsɔːlti Mặn

/sɔːs Nước xốt

/ˈsɔːsɪdʒ/ Xúc xích

/ʃrɪmp/ Con tôm

/ˈsaʊər/ Chua

/ˈspaɪsi/ Cay

/ˈteɪsti/ Ngon

/ˈtəʊfuː/ Đậu phủ

/ˈtjuːnə Cà ngừ

/ˈtɜːrmərɪk/ Bột nghệ

Sữa chua

I. Vocabulary
1. Choose the word that is a different kind of food to the others.
1. A. beef B. carrot C. lamb D. pork
2. A. coffee B. fruit juice C. tea D. tomato
3. A. cakes B. chocolate C. nuts D. fish
4. A. apple B. banana C. lemon D. pork
5. A. beans B. eggs C. salad D. mushrooms
6. A. bean B. pork C. beef D. chicken
7. A. pear B. melon C. peach D. salad

8. A. yogurt B. tea C. butter D. cheese
9. A. apple B. banana C. egg D. grape
10. A. carrot B. onion C. potato D. orange
2. Choose the correct answers.
1. There isn’t _________ for dinner, so I have to go to the market.
A. any left B. any leaving C. some leaving D. some left
2. A _________ is a small meal that you eat when you are in a hurry.
A. snack B. fast food C. breakfast D. lunch
3. _________ is hot food that is quick to cook, and is served very quickly in a restaurant.
A. Hot food B. Fast food C. Sandwiches D. Roasted duck
4. _________ water should I put into the glass?
A. How B. How much C. How many D. What
5. _________ tomatoes do you need to make the sauce?
A. How much B. How long C. How many D. How often
6. _________ bottles of milk does your family need for a week?
A. How much B. How many C. How D. How often
7. How many do you want?
A. orange juice B. bottle of orange juice
C. jar of orange juice D. cartons of orange juice
8. Is there any butter in the refrigerator?
A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left
9. There is _________ tofu, but there aren’t sandwiches.
A. some-some B. any-any C. some-any D. any-some
10. How many do you need?
A. cartons of yogurt B. packet of yogurt
C. carton of yogurt D. yogurt
11. Can you tell me _________ this dish?
A. to cook B. how to cook C. cooking D. how to cooking
12. What _________ do I need to cook an omelette?
A. food B. material C. menu D. ingredients
13. In Viet Nam, spring rolls are served _________ at a family gathering or anniversary dinner.
A. most B. almost C. most of D. mostly
14. “What is your _________ dish for breakfast? - “It’s beef noodle soup”
A. favourite B. most C. best D. liking
15. How many _________ do you eat every day?
A. orange B. milk C. apple D. apples
16. Cakes in Viet Nam are made _________ butter, eggs, and flour.
A. in B. from C. of D. by
17. Lan’s brother is a _________ working at Metropolitan Restaurant.
A. cooker B. cooking C. chief D. chef
18. What is your _________ drink?
A. nation B. foreign C. foreigner D. favourite
19. “Do you want to _________ this new dish of noodle I have just cooked?”
A. like B. drink C. try D. make
20. The eel soup that your father has just cooked tastes very _________.
A. delicious B. best C. healthy D. well
3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.
1. Boil/ Cook some water, and pour it into the cup.
2. We usually bake/ fry the fish in oil.
3. At the end of the meal we paid the menu/ bill.
4. I always buy fresh food because I don’t like iced/ frozen food.
5. Lisa doesn’t eat meat. She’s a vegetable/ vegetarian.
6. Don’t forget to put the meal/ the food in the fridge.
7. When the food is made/ done, take it out of the oven.
8. Could we have some more bread/ loaf please?
9. The cook/ cooker put the meat in the oven.
10. Jack bought a fresh chicken/ kitchen from the supermarket.
4. Put the words or phrases about food and drink in the correct column.

apple coffee hot chocolate milk bread

pork beef orange juice sausages green tea
mineral –water eggs sandwiches sticky rice pizza
noodles lemon tea cheese pancake beef noodle soup
toast chicken shrimp yoghurt eel soup

Food Drink
………………………………………………. ………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

II. Reading
1. Read the texts and complete the chart.

I’m Roy and this is my wife, Joan. We live on a farm, so we have to get up early, at about 5.30.
We start a day at 6 a.m with a big breakfast- bacon, sausages, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. We
have toast, too, and two or three cups of tea.
Our big meal of the day is lunch at 12 o’clock. We have meat with potatoes and vegetables, then a
big pudding, such as apple pie and custard, and a cup of tea.
At five o’clock we have tea. That’s a light meal- eggs perhaps, or cheese on toast, and then cakes
or biscuits and another cup of tea. On Fridays and Saturdays we go to the pub in the evenings and
we have a few pints of beer.

Meals When What

1. Breakfast....................... ........................................... ...........................................

2......................................... ........................................... ...........................................
3......................................... ........................................... ...........................................

2. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage.

are special kinds for when

mixed introduction dish easy dried

This (1) is called Nem Ran by northerners and Cha Gio by southerners. In Ha
Noi, the (2) of Nem Ran dates back to a time (3) Cha Ca had not existed.
Although it ranks among Vietnam’s specialty dishes, Nem Ran is very (4) to prepare.
Consequently, it has long been a preferred food on (5) occasions such as Tet and other
family festivities.
Ingredients used (6) Nem Ran comprise of lean minced pork, see crabs or unshelled
shrimps, two kinds of edible mushroom (Nam Huong and Moc Nhi), (7) onion, duck eggs,
pepper, salt and different (8) of seasoning. All are (9)
thoroughly before being wrapped with transparent rice paper into small rolls. These rolls (10)
then fried in boiling oil.
3. Put the instructions (a-f) to make an English breakfast sandwich in the correct I order.
Write the answer (1-6) in the blanks.
_________ a. Fry the tomato, bacon and egg in some oil.
_________ b. Put one piece of toast on a plate. Add the bacon, then the egg, then the tomato.
_________ c. Toast the bread.
_________ d. Put the other piece of toast on top.
_________ e. Slice the tomato.
_________ f. Add some salt and pepper.
4. A girl is talking about food. Match the short passages (1-5) with the topics (a-f), and write
the answers in the blanks. There is one extra topic.
a. the international food she likes best ____________
b. how often she goes to the restaurant ____________
c. how good she is at cooking ____________
d. how healthy her eating habits are ____________
e. her favourite restaurant ____________
f. the food she doesn’t like ____________
1. I’m lucky. My mum is a great cook and she loves cooking. She likes teaching me and my
brother too, so I can cook quite a lot of dishes. My mum’s dishes are better but my dishes are OK.
2. I eat most things. I was a vegetarian for a few months last year but I love meat so I stopped. I
don’t like food with a lot of salt or fat in it. Oh, I know, mushrooms. I hate them. They are awful.
3. That’s a difficult question. We always go on holiday to a different country and every year I
come home and say that the food was the best in the world! Our last holiday was to Japan so now I
love Japanese food but I love Vietnamese food, too.
4. I try to eat good food and I try not to eat unhealthy snacks. If I’m hungry, I eat carrots, not
sweets, but at the weekend, my mum always makes cakes and I always eat a lot. I love them.
5. Last week, my parents took me to a very nice restaurant for my birthday. The food was great
but the restaurant was very formal. Next year, I want to go to the Beach Restaurant. They are very
friendly and the food is good. I think that’s my favourite.
III. Listening
1. You are going to hear about “Pho” - a Vietnamese famous dish. First, answer the questions

1. Have you ever eaten Pho?


2. How often do you eat Pho?

3. How does it taste?
4. Where do you think Pho originated?
5. How famous is Pho?
2. Now listen and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
1. To foreign visitors, Pho is the most popular dish of Vietnam. ..................
2. However, to Vietnamese people, Pho is not the common food. ..................

3. All people say that Pho was born in the capital of Vietnam. ..................
4. There are many types of Pho. ..................
5. Pho of the North seems more delicate than Pho of the South. ..................
3. Listen again and answer the questions below.
1. What is Pho considered as?
2. When was Pho born?
3. Where do some people think Pho was first born?
4. How far is it from that province to Hanoi?
5. How different it is between Pho of the North and Pho of the South?
IV. Supplements

Lesson 42
1. Complete these sentences, using conjunctions (although, because, but, so).
1. …………………….Norway is a beautiful country, it is very cold in winter.
2. It is warm and sunny today………we are going to the beach.
3. The car is very old ……….it is reliable.
4. today is my daughter’s birthday, …………I need to buy her a present.
5. You should take an umbrella ………it is going to rain.
6. Thhe camera is very expensive……….it is very good.
7. I love chips……….it is not healthy.
8. His mother is not feeling well, …………..he needs to take care of her.
9. Your marks in English are low……..you don’t study hard enough.
10. …………….he is a good ski instructor, I don’t like him very much.
11. I’d like to go with you………I’m too busy right now.
12. There are no buses this hour, ………we need to catch a taxi.
13. …………..it rains a lot in winter, I like walking the dog in the park.
14. He fails his driving test, ………he needs to do it again.
15. We invites them to the party………..they don’t want to come.
16. I don’t like the concert…………the band doesn’t play well.
17. We don’t go on holiday………we don’t have a lot of money.
18. I want to buy a car………I need it for my job.
19. I’m learning French……….I want to live in Paris.
20. …………………..he’s got a car, he never drives to work.
2. Put in order these words to complete sentences.
1. accident/ an/ she’s/ in/ because/ hospital/ she/ had.
2. but/ they/ many/ work/ don’t/ hours/ they/ have/ money/ much.
3. asked/ Paul/ me/ question,/ a/ replied/ I / so.
4. buy/ I/ peppers/ potatoes. / and/ tomatoes,

5. them/ apple/ can/ have/ an/ or/ a/ ./ She/ have/ both/ ./ She/ mango/ can’t/ of
6. can/ piano/ . / Karthik/ play/ but/ he/ play/ the/ can’t/ the/ violin
7. hard – working/ is/ but/ her/ is/ lazy/ ./ She/ very/ brother
8. clever/ is/ and/ beautiful/ . / She
9. shirt/ can/ the/ blue/ or/ take/ green/ shirt/ . / You/ the
10. am/ sister/ talk/ I/ short/ . / My/ is/ but
3. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại cho đúng.
1. Despite of the film’s amazing effects, its plot is not so appealing.
2. However she doesn’t look very beautiful, she has a kind heart.
3. In spite that I don’t like her way of talking, I appreciate her effort.
4. My brother isn’t very young, nevertheless, he talks like a middle-aged woman.
5. Although the fact that Mary’s recently moved to this city, she is so familiar with it.
6. I often eat fastfood. It is not, however, good for my health.
7. My brother wants to travel around the world. Although he can’t afford it.
8. I try to spare some time for my children. I am very busy, although.
4. Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng từ gợi ý
trong ngoặc.
1. Although there was a traffic jam, me managed to arrive at the train station on time (despite)
2. I don’t want to buy a new computer although I have enough money. (having)
3. Both of them usually go to school late although they don’t live far away from school. (spite)
4. My brother still went to school yesterday although he was sick. (sickness)
5. Although he looks healthy, he has a weak heart. (looking)
6. Despite the fact that Louis is not so rich, he often does charity. (although)
7. In spite of the awful weather, we enjoyed our party last night. (although)
8. She goes shopping every week although she has many clothes. (having)
5. Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu sau.
1. _____________ Peter was not invited to the party, he was the first to come.
2. _____________ he promises he won’t tell lie again, I won’t trust him anymore.
3. This is an old car. _____________, it’s very reliable.
4. I am exhausted after school. _____________, I will help mom do housework.
5. Ted is only 6 years old. He, _____________, can play the piano very well.
6. She bought that sweater _____________ its high price.
7. They rushed to the cinema. _____________, they were too late.
8. _____________Sally hates crowded places, we’ve invited her to the prom.
9. I didn’t like her rude behavior. _____________, I said nothing.
10. _____________ working slowly, he rarely makes mistakes.
11. I do exercise every day. I haven’t lost any weight, _____________.
12. My father tried to lift the box. _____________, it was too heavy.
13. We won the game_____________ having lost two players.
14. I called Jane four times. _____________, she didn’t answer me.
15. He wants to be a famous actor. His parents, _____________, wants him to be a doctor.
6. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. Although/ Anna/ not look/ serious/ she/ worried/ now.

2. In spite of/ get/ up/ late/ this morning/ I not miss/ the bus
3. Despite/ have/ no/ money/ we/ go/ shopping/ tomorrow.
4. Although/ the book/ thick/ Jane/ finish/ it/ yesterday.
5. Jim/ have/ serious/ car/ accident/ last/ month/ howver/ he/ recover/ quickly.
6. Although/ I/ fascinated/ to/ know/ the result/ I/ pretend/ I not care.
7. Jim/ not/ usually/ like/ sci-fi movies/ nevertheless/ this one/ be/ exception.
8. Although/ it /sunny/ I / bring/ umbrella/ with me.
7. Choose the correct answer (and or but).
1. It was a difficult exam, ________ I passed it.
2. She worked hard ________ made a lot of money.
3. He looks too serious, ________ in fact, he's so much fun.
4. I was against the new project, ________ I accepted to help.
5. He was late ________ wasn't allowed to get in.
6. It was very expensive, ________ I bought it.
7. She was very poor, ________ she never asked for help.
8. He wanted to eat sushi for dinner, ________ he couldn't find a Japanese restaurant.
9. He stopped talking ________ lit a cigarette.
10. I wanted to attend the meeting,   and but  I couldn't because I was very ill.
8. Choose the correct conjunction (and, but, or)
1. She came on time, ________ her husband was late again.
2. Would you like coffee ________ tea?
3. The team won the championship ________ achieved the semi-final of the European Cup.
4. I met a beautiful ________ friendly girl at the party.
5. Sooner ________ later, I will find out the truth.

6. She was exhausted, ________ she was happy because she had finished the job on time.
7. The house is not only spacious, ________ it is also equipped with the best technological
8. The bus stopped at the station ________ the passengers got off.
9. He wanted to buy the car of his dream, ________ he didn't have enough money.
10. I want to spend my holidays either in Paris ________ in London.
9. Complete the sentences by choosing the best coordinating conjunction for each space
1. Jaewon was cold, ________ he put on a coat.
2. Maria tried to read a novel in French, ________ it was too difficult.
3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, ________ you can ride the ferry.
4. I bought a bottle of wine, ________ we drank it together.
5. The waiter was not very nice, ________ the food was delicious.
6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ________ the shop didn't have it.
7. Anna needed some money, ________ she took a part-time job.
8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because of El Nino, ________ maybe it's just
9. Julie has a guitar, ________ she plays it really well.
10. The concert was cancelled, ________ we went to a nightclub instead.
10. Fill in the conjunctions to complete the sentences.
1. It was raining, ________ we still had fun.
2. I could not go into the store, ________ it was closed.
3. She was quite sleepy, ________ she continued to study.
4. Tina didn’t want to exercise, ________ did she want to study.
5. The children saw lions ________ tigers at the zoo.
6. Tomorrow it might be cloudy, ________ it might be sunny.
7. It was cold outside, ________ we stayed inside.
8. They visited the museum ________ went to a restaurant afterwards.

I. Vocabulary
1. Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

2. Look at the pictures and complete the instructions with the verbs in the box.

II. Speaking
1. Works in groups of four. You and your friends are booking a table and choose food for 4
people. Discuss with your friends and decide what to choose.
Explain the reason why you choose them.
Pomelo fresh water prawn salad with home-made sweet chili sauce  £6.50
Mixed green salad with lemongrass dressing (v)  £4.80
Traditional rice paper summer rolls with prawns  £4.80
Vegetarian rice paper summer rolls (v)  £3.80
Chargrilled glazed lemongrass chicken wings  £4.00
Crispy seafood balls with Parmesan mint cheese  £5.50
Crispy homemade Vietnamese spring rolls  £4.50
Grilled betel leaf wrapped beef “Cha la lot”  £4.00
Crispy coconut calamari with sweet chili herb sauce  £4.80
*** Discretionary gratuities suggested at 10%
Please advise of any dietary requirements or allergies and our chef will
bedelighted to assist.

2. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about what kinds of food and drink that you like.
You should base on the suggestions below:
-What kinds of food/ drink do you like?
-How often do you eat/ drink them?

-How do they taste?
-Why do you like to eat/ drink them?
III. Writing
1. Make meaningful sentences based on the given words.
1. I/not/ have/ potatoes/ cook/ soup/ you.
2. Roasted beef/ taste/ better/ if/ put/ more salt.
3. Put/ it/ hot water/ boil/ 15 minutes.
4. Special dish/ be served/ only/ morning.
5. Because/ food/ very delicious/ I/ really/ want/ know/ recipe.
2. Write an email to a foreigner friend and introduce to him about one special dish in -
You should base on some suggestions below:
-What is the dish?
-How popular is it in Vietnam?
-What are the ingredients to cook it?
-How is it cooked and eaten?
-What do you think about the dish?
Dear ........................,

........................... (Your signature)

Lesson 43
1. Choose the correct linking word or phrase.

1. Even though/ still/ despite/ yet it was summer the nights were quite chilly.
2. Despite/ Nevertheless/ Because of/ Still his great qualifications he couldn't manage to find
a job.
3. The piece of wood hit the man on the head. Nevertheless/ Despite/ While/ Even though, he
wasn't injured.
4. He is good at languages , whereas/ nevertheless/ though/ still his brother is an athlete.
5. I like hamburgers, I don't like pizza though/ whereas/ yet/ still.
6. My car is still/ however/ though/ in spite of in a very good condition. It's 12 years old.
7. In spite of/ Because of/ Even though/ yet her age, she's till a very good worker.
8. Jimmy can't read very well. On The Other Hand/ Although/ Still/ While he is a skilful
9. Brian is good at languages whereas/ because/ still/ although his brother can't even speak
10. Janet is clever but she still/ however/ yet/ while finds some subjects difficult.
2. Complete the sentences using the correct linking phrases.
1. Although/ Despite/ Due to/ Except for/ In addition to/ In order to/ In spite of/ Instead
of/ Since/ So that her qualifications she wasn't the right person for the job.
2. She felt cold Although/ Despite/ Due to/ Except for/ In addition to/ In order to/ In spite
of/ Instead of/ Since/ So that she was wearing a winter coat.
3. Although/ Despite/ Due to/ Except for/ In addition to/ In order to/ In spite of/ Instead
of/ Since/ So that feeling unwell, she went to school.
4. They worked overtime although/ despite/ due to/ except for/ in addition to/ in order to/
in spite of/ instead of/ since/ so that finish the project.
5. Although/ Despite/ Due to/ Except for/ In addition to/ In order to/ In spite of/ Instead
of/ Since/ So that we don't have that much money, we won't take a holiday this year.
6. The game was cancelled although/ despite/ due to/ except for/ in addition to/ in order to/
in spite of/ instead of/ since/ so that the bad weather
7. I phoned home although/ despite/ due to/ except for/ in addition to/ in order to/ in spite
of/ instead of/ since/ so that my parents wouldn't worry.
8. Although/ Despite/ Due to/ Except for/ In addition to/ In order to/ In spite of/ Instead
of/ Since/ So that starring in a few films, she is also the lead singer in a band.
9. Everyone had fun although/ despite/ due to/ except for/ in addition to/ in order to/ in
spite of/ instead of/ since/ so that Cathy.
10. What else can we do although/ despite/ due to/ except for/ in addition to/ in order to/ in
spite of/ instead of/ since/ so that going for a cup of coffee?
3. Choose the correct connecting phrase from the list above.

even though      however      in order to      no sooner

not only      not only      only if      under no circumstances

1. ____________ are larger cars more expensive, but they also cost a lot to maintain.
2. Milk from our factory is tested regularly ____________ give our customers the best possible
3. ____________ had we moved in than our neighbours started complaining about the dog.
4. All countries voted in favour of the plan, ____________ France.
5. ____________ we knew who the murderer was, we enjoyed most of the film.
6. __________________ must this door be left open.
7. I should punish you for disobeying, ____________, I am prepared to give you another
8. ____________ we book today will we get a 50% discount.
4. Complete the sentences with ALTHOUGH / IN SPITE OF / BECAUSE /BECAUSE OF.
1. ____________ it rained a lot we enjoyed our holidays.
2. ____________ all our careful planning, a lot of things went wrong.
3. ____________ we had planned everything carefully, many things went wrong.
4. I went home early ____________ I was not feeling well.
5. I went to work the next day ____________ I was feeling unwell.
6. She only accepted the job ____________ the salary, which was very high.
7. She accepted the job ____________ the salary, which was rather low.
8. I managed to get some sleep ____________ there was a lot of noise.
9. I couldn't get to sleep ____________ the noise.
10. He passed the exam ____________ he hadn't studied very much.
11. I ate a lot ____________ my stomach ache.
12. ____________ what I said yesterday, I still love you.
13. We didn't go out ____________ it was raining.
14. We had to stay at the airport ____________ the controllers strike.
15. I didn't get the job ____________ I had all the necessary qualifications.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct linking word or phrase.

1. I used to play football after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just as/ since/ until/
when/ while I was in college.
2. You can borrow this book for after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just as/ since/
until/ when/ while you like.
3. The doorbell rang after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just as/ since/ until/
when/ while I was having a shower.
4. You can't watch the football game after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just as/
since/ until/ when/ while you have finished your homework.
5. The concert had already started after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just as/
since/ until/ when/ while Sam arrived.
6. We have been waiting at the bus stop after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just
as/ since/ until/ when/ while four o'clock.
7. After/ As long as/ As soon as/ By the time/ For/ Just as/ Since/ Until/ When/ While he
had sat down to eat, the telephone started ringing.
8. Jimmy will start working in his father's company after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/
for/ just as/ since/ until/ when/ while he has graduated from college.
9. Monica has been living in France after/ as long as/ as soon as/ by the time/ for/ just as/
since/ until/ when/ while ten years.
10. After/ As long as/ As soon as/ By the time/ For/ Just as/ Since/ Until/ When/ While he
entered the classroom he turned off his mobile phone.
6. Choose the correct connectives.
1. I am having a great time in England , because/ wheras/ despite/ while the bad weather.
2. She did well in the test, in spite of/ when/ despite/ whereas Tom didn’t
3. She came to work in spite of/ whereas/ although/ however her cold.
4. We arrived safely, while/ although/ because/ despite the train was two hours late.
5. She went to school though/ because/ even if/ while her mother told her to.
6. I am going to the palace even though/ despite/ nevertheless/ however I have been there
7.  Debbie hid her diary whereas/ because/ while/ so that nobody could read it.
8. When/ However/ In spite of/ Although Johnny eats fish, his brother won’t touch it.
9. I can’t stand pop music nevertheless/ whereas/ because/ however my sister loves it.
10.   Whereas/ Despite/ When/ Although I have lost a few pounds I am still overweight.
7. Choose the correct linking words
1. He went to work as if/ whenever/ despite/ though being ill.
2. Jake couldn't sleep yet/ when/ although/ nevertheless he was very tired.

3. Brian is good at maths in case/ whereas/ in spite of/ because his sister is good at science.
4. She talks although/ in case/ however/ as if she knows everything.
5. It was very late. Though/ While/ Nevertheless/ As a result the guests didn't leave.
6. Lisa went shopping when/ while/ but/ as if she didn't buy anything.
7. They managed to make a meal although/ in case/ yet/ despite there wasn't much food in the
8. As soon as/ In spite of/ Although/ However he fell asleep the phone rang.
9. You can keep those CDs as long as/ still/ however/ when you like.
10. I'll write to you wherever/ as soon as/ while/ despite I have the results.
11. They bought him a gift when/ during/ while/ since it was his birthday.
12. Although/ While/ During/ In spite of the heavy snow we managed to get back to the
13. The man fell off the ladder. As a result/ In case/ Just/ However, he wasn't hurt.
14. I took some paper and a pen despite/ so that/ if so/ therefore I could make some notes.
8. Link the ideas and expressions with the correct linking words.
1. In order to/ Even though/ In spite of/ So that save water, you should take a shower  
although/ because of/ instead of/ in order to a bath.
2. Instead of/ Despite/ While/ Although building new highways for cars and trucks, the
government should spend more on public transport.
3. We don't take global warming seriously enough, because of/ in spite of/ as a result of/
though rising ocean levels and floods.
4. Where homes near the sea have been destroyed despite/ because of/ in spite of/ by a flood,
the owner's shouldn't be allowed to rebuild it in the same place.
5. More money should be spent on alternative energy in order to/ as a result/ so that/
because we don't need to burn so much coal and oil.
6. Private cars should be banned from cities because people are developing serious health
problems due to/ in spite of/ because/ though air pollution from automobiles.
7. As a result/ Although/ Where/ Instead of it would cost me more to drive my car, I would
be happy if they raised gasoline taxes in order to cut down on gas consumption.
8. Because/ Even though/ While/ Despite environmental problems are overwhelming, there is
still hope.
9. Some people water their lawns daily because of/ in order to/ due to/ despite drought
10. Climates are changing in order to/ in spite of/ although/ as a result of global warming.
11. Recycle garbage while/ so that/ although/ instead of it doesn't end up in a landfill.

12. I buy rechargeable batteries due to/ despite/ because of/ although the higher costs.
9. Complete the following letter with the correct linking word.
Dear Jane,
It's wonderful to hear from you. Of course I remember you, although/ because/ so/ even it's been
over ten years since our last meeting. Who gave you my address? It was great to learn a bit about
you and your family. You asked what I'm doing at the moment, so/ although/ but/ however here's
some of my news.
First of all - I married John! I know you never liked him very much, however/ so/ then/
because you'll probably be pleased to hear that we're now divorced. So/ When/ However/
Although, we still see each other a lot because/ but/ while/ although we have two children. The
twins are now six and they're good boys, however/ although/ while/ but of course, they're
sometimes a bit difficult to handle.
We moved from Birmingham although/ because/ so/ however I didn't want the boys to grow up
in a big city. Now, we live in an old farmhouse in Wales. It's really beautiful so/ because/ but/
while it's expensive to look after however/ although/ while/ because it's so old. However/ So/
Although/ But John still lives in Birmingham, he often visits and the boys always spend part of
their holidays with him.
I know you're busy however/ because/ so/ but I'd love to see you again. Maybe you can come
over and meet my new husband. Yes, I'm married again. Do you remember Harry King? So/
When/ Even/ Although I could never get on with him when we were young, we somehow fell in
love. We got married a year ago.
I can't wait to hear more of your news, so/ but/ because/ however write very soon.
10. Choose the correct linking words in the sentences below.
1. I phoned because/ so that/ so as/ due to I need to speak to you
2. Because of/ Since/ While/ During it's his birthday on Monday, he's having a party.
3. We're leaving now, in order to/ so that/ because of/ because we can arrive early.
4. We stayed at home not to/ in order to/ because/ due to the rain.
5. She went on a diet because/ therefore/ so that/ in order to lose weight.
6. As a result of/ In order to/ As/ Because the pilots' strike, all flights have been cancelled.
7. As to/ So that/ Due to/ Because the bus was late, I missed the meeting.
8. I'm going to travel by bus in order to/ due to/ as a result of/ so that save costs.
9. In order to/ While/ Because/ So that understand how the human body works, you need
some knowledge of chemistry.
10. She started to use email in order to/ due to/ because/ so that she could send messages
more quickly.


New words Meaning Picture

/ˌɑːkɪˈtektʃərəl/ Thuộc về kiến trúc

/ˈbrɪliənt/ Tài giỏi, xuất sắc

/kənˈstrʌkt/ Xây dựng

Sân nhỏ

/ˈkʌltʃərəl/ Thuộc về văn hóa

/dɪˈspleɪ/ Trình chiếu, trưng bày

Thành lập

Heritage Di sản

Historic Có giá trị lịch sử

Imperial Academy Quốc tử giám

Locate Nằm, đặt ở

Pagoda Chùa

Pavilion Đình , lầu

Rename Đặt lại tên

Temple of Literature Văn Miếu

Village Làng

I. Vocabulary
1. Find which word does not belong to each group.
1. A. pavilion B. pagoda C. tutor D. temple
2. A. comment B. entrance C. bamboo D. blanket
3. A. teacher B. college C. professor D. lecture
4. A. revision B. decision C. grocery D. collection
5. A. learn B. teach C. study D. locate
2. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word.
1. Khue Van Palivilion is as the symbol of HN city.
A. regarded B. surrounded C. expected D. considered
2. Minh Mang Tomb constructing in 1841, and three years later.
A. started - was completed B. was started - was completed
C. started – completed D. was started - complete
3. Many beautiful Cham Towers in Ninh Thuan Province and now many domestic
and foreign tourists.
A. were restored – attract B. restored - were attracted
C. restored - attracted D. was restored - attracted
4. Tom doesn’t know why many students pay a to the Temple of Literature before their exam.
A. visit B. holiday C. walk D. trip
5. Oxford University the oldest university in the English speaking world.
A. considered to be B. is regarded as C. is considered being D. is regarded
6. Many kinds of fruits and vegetables at the floating market in Can Tho.
A. are selling B. will sell C. sell D. are sold
7. The laboratory is to the main building.
A. in front B. between C. next D. near
8. The Temple of Literature in 1070.
A. was found B. was founded C. find D. found
9. The Imperial Academy was in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong.
A. constructed B. constructing C. build D. construct
10. You’d better an umbrella because it’s rainy.
A. will take B. take C. taking D. to take
11. Papers at the Royal examinations in the past were by the King.
A. correct B. check C. passed D. graded
12. A lot of flowers in Da Lat throughout the year.
A. growing B. are grown C. grow D. grew
13. The University of Oxford among the top five universities in the world.
A. is ranking B. being ranked C. ranks D. is ranked
14. The Imperial Academy was regarded the first university in Viet Nam.
A. for B. of C. to D. as
15. The students of the Imperial Academy from local examinations all over the country.
A. were selected B. selecting C. selected D. was selected
3. Give the correct form of the words in capital.
1. Thong Nhat Palace is a attraction in HCMC. TOUR
2. The Temple of Literature is considered one of the most IMPORT
historical sites of Viet Nam.
3. The school is quite normal, but its are SURROUND
really beautiful.
4. The students were carefully for the final exam. PREPARE
5. The university grows and receives from the RECOGNISE
6. Was the of the first Doctors’ Stone Tablet ordered ERRECT
by King Le Thanh Tong?
7. Is Hung King’s Temple a place in Viet Nam? CULTURE
8. Many students and teachers have for the CONTRIBUTE
development of the school.
9. The was a great success and it became famous all UNIVERSE
over the world.
10. Many and scholars discussed the change of the EDUCATE
4. Imagine that you are going to take a trip to Sa Pa in winter and to Mui Ne in summer.
Choose the items from the box you would like to take with you. Maybe some items should be
used in both places.

mineral water blanket compass canned food warm clothes
mobile phone tent camera ball suntan lotion
swim suit hat/cap scarf boots brochure
umbrella matches torch towel medicines
Mui Ne:

II. Reading
1. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
Almost all people have a (1) of examinations. Examinations, (2) are a part of our
lives and all school in Viet Nam have examinations. Examinations were first (3) in
China about three thousand years ago. Scholars had (4) memorise long passages (5)
from several books. Those who did well in examination (6) allowed to enter the
government service. Nowadays, the main (7) of examination is to test (8) well a person
understands the subjects which have been (9) . They are also used to find out how
well student perform (10) pressure.
2. Read the passage about the Temple of Literature, and then answer the questions.
The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away
from Hoan Kiem Lake. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly
Thanh Tong’s dynasty, first to honor Confucius and nowadays
to celebrate the doctorates and high rank scholars of Vietnam.
In 1076, Emperor Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built
the Imperial Academy as the first university of Vietnam.
The temple is divided into five courtyards. The first
courtyard is from the main gate to Dai Trung Gate. The
second is with Khue Van Pavilion. The pavilion symbol is used on all street signs of Ha Noi. The
third courtyard is the place where doctorate names were listed on the stone tablets above tortoise
backs. The fourth courtyard is dedicated for Confucius and his 72 honoured students, as well as
Chu Van An - one of the most famous teachers at the Imperial Academy. The last is also the
farthest courtyard is Thai Hoc House, which was used as the Imperial Academy. Thai Hoc House
holds a small collection of old-time costumes for students and scholars.
1. Where is the Temple of Literature?
2. When and by whom was it built?

3. How many courtyards are there in the Temple of Literature?
4. Which courtyard has Khue Van Pavilion?
5. What is the Khue Van Pavilion symbol used for?
6. Where can we find stone tablets above tortoise backs with the names of doctors?
7. What is the fourth courtyard dedicated for?
8. Where is the Thai Hoc House?
9. What was used as the Imperial Academy?
10. What does the Thai Hoc House hold nowadays?

3. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
UNESCO has recognized the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets
as a Memory of the World. They are inscribed with the
names of 2,313 doctorate holders who passed the royal
examinations between 1442 and 1780. The stone tablets,
which bear the names of Trang Nguyen, Bang Nhan,
Tham Hoa, and Hoang Giap (the first, second, third and
fourth winning categories at the royal examinations), sit
on the backs of stone turtles.
These stone tablets are different from those in other
Asian countries, including China which had influenced Vietnamese feudal education. The
decorations on Viet Nam’s stone tablets were more diverse.
By naming Viet Nam’s stone tablets as a Memory of the World, UNESCO also
acknowledges Viet Nam’s efforts to preserve and promote heritage to international community.
The recognition would also help to raise the awareness in heritage preservation.
1. UNESCO has recognized the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets as the World Heritage.  
2. The stone tablets are inscribed with the names of more than 2300 Doctors who  
passed the royal examinations throughout its history.
3. The stone tablets in the Temple of Literature in Ha Noi are unique because they  
are different from those in other Asian countries.
4. Viet Nam has made a lot of efforts to preserve and promote its heritage.  
5. The recognition of UNESCO helps to make people more aware of the need of  
heritage preservation.
4. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered bank.
Chu Van An was born in 1292 and died in 1370. From his childhood, he was (1)__________ for
his intelligence. He did not have the dream of (2) part in exams to become mandarins (3)
other students. Chu Van An stayed at (4) and taught himself by reading
books, and opened schools. His school quickly became famous in the region and many students
from other places went there to (5)__________.
Emperor Tran Minh Tong (6) Chu Van An to be the principal of the Imperial
Academy to teach his crown prince and other students to become (7)______ people for the
country. In 1359, Emperor Tran Minh Tong gave his crown (8) his son, Tran Hien
Tong, who was also a student of Chu Van An. Under the regime of Emperor Tran Hien Tong, the
court and the country were peaceful. (9) , this period lasted only for 12 years. Then
Emperor Tran Hien Tong died, and Tran Du Tong inherited the crown. The social situation
became complicated, the people were very poor and many good people were killed.
Chu Van An bravely submitted a petition which requested the Emperor to behead 7 perfidious
mandarins, so it was (10) “Seven Beheaded Petition” (That Tram So). “Seven
Beheaded Petition” became the symbol of the courageous attitude of the real intellectuals, and of
Chu Van An’s spirit.
1. A. like B. famous C. Such as D. Similar
2. A. approximately B. expressively C. taking D. progressively
3. A. like B. pioneering C. pioneering D. pioneers
4. A. custom B. waiter C. service D. home
5. A. tourists B. study C. pilot D. guess
6. A. invited B. orbition C. orbital D. orbiting
7. A. constructed B. designed C. talented D. painted
8. A. equipment B. to C. equivalent D. furniture
9. A. invitation B. ticket C. space D. However
10. A. called B. departures C. islands D. destinations
III. Listening
1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions below:
1. Do you know where the places in the pictures belong to?
2. Do you know the name of each place? Write under the pictures.
3. In what order you will see these places when you go from the main gate?

A……………………. B……………………. C…………………….

D……………………. E…………………….
2. Now listen to a man introducing about The Temple of Literature in Vietnam. Decide if the
statements below are true (T) or false (F).
1. The temple of Literature was built under two dynasties ..................
2. It was first constructed under King Ly Nhan Tong dynasty. ..................
3. It was built in the 10th century. ..................
4. In the second courtyard, there are doctor names listed ..................
on a tombstone above tortoise backs.
5. The Temple of Literature is closed on Monday and national holidays. ..................
3. Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing information.
- There are a total of (1) …………. tombstones, with names and origins of (2) …………. doctors
in 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779.
- The fourth courtyard is dedicated for Confucius and his (3) …………….honouredstudents, as
well as Chu Van An.
- The temple of Literature opens from(4) ………. to ………. and from(5)…….to ……
IV. Supplements

Lesson 44

1. Rewrite Victoria’s comments using used to or didn’t use to as in the example.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to, be/ get used to and the verbs in

3. Fill in: used to or didn’t use to.

4. Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the correct form.

5. Choose the correct answer.

6. Complete these sentences using “used to” and verbs in brackets.
1. Do you know what (Jim/ do) ___________________ before he retired?
2. ___________________ (Mary/ be) a successful businesswoman before she went bankrupt?
3. My family (not/ travel) ___________________ during summer vacation but now we really
enjoy it.
4. I wonder what (people/ do) _______________ to celebrate the Harvest Festival in the past?
5. As a kid, Josh (have) _________________ his grandfather pick him up from primary school.
6. This boy band (be) ___________________ popular before they disbanded.
7. When my grandmother was young, she (set off) ________________ for a foreign country
almost every summer.
8. My mother says that she (not cope) ___________________ with much work stress five years
9. In the past, people in my village (raise) ________________ poultry or castle to earn a living.
10. I can’t believe my father (be) __________________ considered a bad boy before he married
my mother.
11. Who ___________________ (you/ confide) in when you was at your teenage?
12. They (not use) ___________________ folk and knife when they first moved to America.
13. Jim (not like) ___________________ me much when we were at school but now he is my
14. My father (work) __________________ very far from home before he found his current job
15. Those men (suffer) ________________ a lot before they finally succeeded in their business.
7. Dựa vào những thông tin cho sẵn để viết các câu miêu tả những sự việc trong quá khứ mà
bây giờ không còn làm nữa.
0. I saw many buffaloes in my hometown but I can’t see many of them now.
 I used to see many buffaloes in my hometown.
1. This was only a small company with several years of low profit but now it has changed a lot.
 ___________________________________________________________________
2. Men were the breadwinner of the family and women depended greatly on men.
 ___________________________________________________________________
3. My sister admitted that she lied sometimes in the past but now she didn’t.
 ___________________________________________________________________
4. Jim asked me what I preferred to do as a child that I no longer did now.
 ___________________________________________________________________
5. Who took care of you when you were a toddler?

 ___________________________________________________________________
6. Jim wasn’t interested in reading books when he was small but now he’s really into it.
 ___________________________________________________________________
7. I got all the attention from my parents before my little brother was born.
 ___________________________________________________________________
8. Bungalows were very popular 6 years ago.
 ___________________________________________________________________
8. Complete these sentences using “used to” and verbs given.

look eat own earn

work be play live

1. My whole family _______________ on my father’s salary but now both of my parents work to
support our family.
2. My brother _______________ after me when my parents were at work.
3. In the past, women _______________ expected to stay home, do household chores and farming
instead of getting higher education.
4. Those farmers _______________ hard but _______________ little money before they were
instructed to apply technologies in their farming.
5. We (not) _______________ out when but now we often do because we are sometimes too busy
to prepare a meal.
6. Women (not) _______________ an important role in the political field in the past 50 years.
7. My uncle _______________ a sheep farm before he sold it to move to the city.
9. Sắp xếp những từ đã cho thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. you/ make/ Did/ any/ mistakes/ use/ terrible/ to?
2. she/ run/ Mary/ could/ a/ into/ figure/ wishes/ famous.
3. I/ that/ used/ she/ believe/ doesn’t/ to/ a/ be/ lawyer.
4. I/ would/ never/ wish/ wealthy/ a/ person/ I/ be.
5. wish/ a/ My/ list/ sister/ and/ it/ to/ send/ Santa Claus/ used/ make/ to.

6. you/ what/ Do/ Jim/ company/ to/ for/ used/ work/ know?
7. English/ my/ that/ teacher/ simple/ wish/ used/ language/ us/ understand/ to/ for/ I.
8. they/ They/ could/ wish/ their/ by/ speaking/ with/ talking/ foreigners/ improve/ skill.
10. Rewrite these sentences.
1. When I was a child, I liked watching cartoons but now I no longer like them.
 When I was a child, I used ________________________________________________.
2. My brother is very lazy, I can’t stand him anymore.
 I wish my ______________________________________________________________.
3. I want to be a university student but I can’t.
 I wish _________________________________________________________________.
4. When Jim was six, he dreamt of becoming a superhero but now he gives up on that dream.
 When Jim was six, he used ________________________________________________.
5. Mr. Brown never allows her daughter to go to a party although she always want to.
 Mr. Brown’s daughter wishes ______________________________________________.
6. My friend always regrets that he doesn’t live in the same neighborhood as me.
 My friend wishes ________________________________________________________.
7. “What did you use to do in your free time as a child?” Mary asked me.
 Mary asked me what _____________________________________________________.
8. I am frustrated because I am cleaning the mess Jim has made.
 I wish I ________________________________________________________________.

I. Vocabulary
1. Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

2. Put the phrase under the correct the pictures.

II. Speaking
1. Work in pairs. One is student A, the other is student B. Use the information given in the
cards and take turns to talk about the 2 historical places.
Student A’s card Student B’s card
- Location: the citadel of the city of Hue -Location: central Quang Nam province,
the former imperial capital of Vietnam. Vietnam.
- Built in: 1362 - 1565 (203 years to -Seen as: well-preserved example of
complete) traditional Asian trading port
- Seen as: a symbol of wealth and power
-UNESCO World Heritage Site
- UNESCO World Heritage Site
inscription: 1999
inscription: 1993
-Dimensions: 30 ha of inscribed property,
- Dimensions: 10 kilometers, 6.6m high,
but 280 ha of buffer zone.
21 m thick
-Structure: a complex of 1,107 timber
- Structure: a walled palace, divided into
frame buildings with brick or wooden
two main parts (The Citadel and The
walls, including monuments, open
Forbidden City), with 10 main majestic
markets, ferry quay, religious buildings
and family cult houses.
-Time to visit: about 2.5 hours
-Time to visit: about 3 hours

2. Now discuss with your partner about which place, Hue Imperial city or Hoi An ancient
town, that you two will visit in this summer holiday. Then make a plan to get there.
You should base on the suggestions below:
- When will you go?
- How will you get there?
- How long will your trip be?
- What will you take along with you?
- What will you do there?
- How much money will you spend?
III. Writing
1. Put the sentences below into the passive voice.
1. The local people built this building in the early 19th century.
→ ..........................................................................................................................................
2. A famous French architect drew the layout of this university.
→ ..........................................................................................................................................
3. People cannot visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum on Monday.
→ ..........................................................................................................................................
4. Many foreigners visit the Temple of Literature every day.
→ ..........................................................................................................................................
5. King Le Thanh Tong ordered the construction of the first Doctors’ stone tablet.
→ ..........................................................................................................................................
2. You are going to visit the Temple of Literature. Write an email (80-100 words) to your close
friend to invite him/her to go with you. Tell your friend about your detailed plan.
You should base on the suggestions below:
♦ Invite your friend:
- What do you want to visit? Why?
- Where is it?
- Why do you want to go with your friend?
♦Detail your plan:
- When will you go?
- How will you get there?
- How long will your trip be?
- What will you take along with you?
- What will you do there?
Dear ........................,

........................... (Your signature)

Lesson 45
1. Complete these sentences putting the verbs in the correct form.

dye be be give ride

have purchase play become fly

1. We used to _______________ things from street vendors when we were small.

2. In the past, Vietnamese women used to _______________ their teeth black.
3. I wish there _______________ so many natural disasters so that people would not suffer from
their consequences.
4. No one in my class used to _______________ a buffalo like I did.
5. They didn’t use to _______________ kites when they lived in the countryside.
6. Extended families used to _______________ very popular in Vietnam years ago.
7. Jane wishes someone _______________ her a chance to do it over again.
8. I wish I could _______________ a well-known artist.
9. Did your mother use to _______________ the role of both mother and father when your father
was away from home?
10. Tom wishes he (not) _______________ to learn at the moment.
2. Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each of the following.
1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I used to do/ get used to doing/ am
used to doing all the work on my own.
2. He was used to reading/ used to read/ got used to reading several books a month, but he
doesn't have time any more.
3. We were surprised to see her driving – she got used to driving/ didn't use to drive/ was used
to driving when we first met her.
4. Don't worry, it's a simple program to use. You are used to/ will get used to/ used to use it in
no time, I'm sure.
5. When I had to commute to work every day I used to getting up/ used to get up very early. 
6. I'm afraid I'll never used to live/ got used to living/ get used to living in this place. I simply
don't like it and never will. 
7. Whenever we came to Coventry we always used to stay/ got used to staying in the Central
Hotel. We loved it. 
8. When Pete Smith was the head of our office everything got used to be/ was used to being/
used to be well organized. Now it's total chaos here. 

9. Mr Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy company because he wasn't used to/ didn't use
to doing much work everyday.
10. At first the employees didn't like the new open-space office, but in the end they get used to/
got used to/ are used to it. 
3. Choose the correct answer.
1 - I like it now, but I ____.
A. didn't use to
B. didn't used to
2 - I find it hard _____ to the dark evenings in winter.
A. used
B. get used
C. to get used
3 - It took me a while to get used to ____ on a continental keyboard.
A. type
B. typing
4 - I _____ to being spoken to like that!
A. am not used
B. don't get used
C. used
5 - I ____ play football on Saturdays when I was at school.
A. was used to
B. used to
6 - Before I started cycling, I _____ go to work by bus.
A. used to
B. got used to
7 - I haven't studied for ages and I'm finding it hard to get used to _____ every day.
A. study
B. studied
C. studying
8 - I couldn't _____ used to the food.
A. because
B. get
9 - He never _____ behave like that.

A. used
B. used to
10 - It's taking me a long time to ____ speaking Norwegian.
A. used to
B. get used to
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to/ to be-to get used to, with the verb in
1. Long ago people ____________ long distances on foot (to travel)
2. He has lived in France for many years. He ____________ on the right. (to drive)
3. It took her quite a long time to ____________ spicy food. (to eat)
4. When I was young I ____________ tennis twice a week. (to play)
5. He's the boss so he ____________ the most important decisions. (to make)
6. If you go to live in the UK you'll have to ____________ tea. (to drink)
7. She ____________ gym classes but she doesn't have time now.(to attend)
8. Women in this country ____________ the same rights as men. (to have)
9. In his country the climate is cooler. He has to ____________ in a hotter climate. (to live)
10. Tom and Jane ____________ well - before Tom's mother came to live with them.(to get on)
5. Choose the correct answer.
1. The Romans ___________ wear long robes called togas.
A. use
B. used to
C. were used to
D. got used to
2. When you went to Canada in winter, did it take you long to ___________ the climate?
A. use
B. used to
C. be used to
D. get used to
3. Napoleon never ___________ a telephone.
A. used
B. used to
C. was used to
D. usually
4. The immigrants had to ___________ the customs of their new country.
A. used
B. used to
C. be used to
D. get used to
5. She went to a Chinese restaurant but she ___________ eating with chop sticks and had to
ask the waiter for a fork.
A. didn't use
B. didn't used to
C. wasn't used to
D. didn't usually
6. I often ___________ a credit card to pay in restaurants
A. use
B. didn't used to
C. am used to
D. usually
7. He ___________ goes jogging before breakfast.
A. use
B. didn't used to
C. is used to
D. usually
8. In the 19th century, factory workers in England ___________ work 10 or more hours a day...
A. used
B. used to
C. were used to
D. usually
9. ... but they didn't ___________ work on a Sunday.
A. used
B. used to
C. were used to
D. usually
10. There ___________ be a wall across Berlin.
A. used
B. used to
C. were used to
D. usually
11. The boss sometimes shouts at us. I don't like it. I ___________ being treated like that.
A. didn't use
B. 'm not used to
C. used to
D. not usually
12. A long time ago French people ___________ drink soup for breakfast but now they drink
A. use
B. get used to
C. used to
D. usually
6. Choose the correct word.
1. He used to be/ being fat but now he's thin
2. He isn't used to work/ working  in these bad conditions.
3. How did you get used to work/ working  in the middle of this mess
4. Did you use to/ used to write poems when you were young?
5. I need some time to get used to live/ living in this town.
6. Sting used to be/ being a teacher before he became a famous singer.
7. I'm not used to wash/ washing linen by hand.
8. She'll get used to live/ living in the extremely cold winter of Siberia.
9. My mother didn't use to/ used to drink much coffee. But now she has become addicted to it
10. There used to be/ being a lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut down.
7. Choose the correct answer.
1. My sister is a nurse (and/ but) she works in a dental clinic.
2. My teeth hurt, (so/ or) I make an appointment with the dentist.
3. The couple want to go to the musical, (but/ so) there aren't any tickets left.
4. Stop listening to rock music through earphones (or/ and) you will have earache.
5. Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth, (so/ and) it causes obesity.
6. The laptop suddenly stops working, (but/ so) I cannot finish my work on time.
7. There are many people passing by (and/ but) only few people drop in the restaurant.
8. The doctor advises people to drink enough water, (and/ so) do exercises regularly.
9. My neighborhood is peaceful, (but/ so) sometimes there are several cases of petty crime.
10. My boyfriend asked me out (and/ but) I was sick.
11. There are many wonderful things in Thailand, (so/ but) I decide to stay here for another couple
of days.
12. I want to eat sushi, (so/ but) I am going to a Japanese restaurant tonight.
13. I will go to the park tomorrow, (and/ so) Jim will take me there.
14. My friend is studying abroad (but/ or) we still keep in touch with each other.
15. My father is under a lot of pressure from work, (so/ but) I am trying to make him laugh.
8. Fill in "and/but/or/so".
1. I am very thirsty _______ I don't have any money to buy drinks.
2. It's late _______ I'm still wide awake.
3. We live in a small house _______ we like it very much.
4. My friend looks weak _______ he's really strong.
5. The entrance test is very difficult _______ I hope I will pass it.
6. You go home now_______ your mother will punish you for staying out too late.
7. Fruits taste good_______ they are healthy for your body.
8. I like small dogs_______ I hate big ones.
9. My brother is having the flu_______ I think he won't be absent from school today.
10. Our project is successful _______all of us are happy about it.
11. He performs very well, _______ he deserves the reward.
12. Take care of yourself_______ you will go down with disease.
13. My mother usually gets home at 5pm_______then she prepares dinner.
14. Stop eating raw food_______ you will have stomachache.
15. Janet thinks Chemistry is a difficult subject_______ she is interested in it.
16. The phone doesn't work well, _______ Ana sells it and buys new one.
17. There is a need for a new fridge in Tom's kitchen_______ he lacks money now.
18. He is very good-looking_______ he seems to lack personality.
19. Will you speak to him_______ I speak?
20. I have an allergy to seafood, _______ I can't taste it.
21. This exercise is challenging _______ it is helpful.
22. I am going to the beach, _______ I buy some sunscreen.
23. My little brother dreams of becoming a pilot _______ he wants to travel around the world.
24. The singer is suffering from sore throat, _______ he won’t perform tomorrow.
25. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, _______ I am making a cake for her.
9. Đánh dấu [V] trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu [x] trước câu có lỗi sai và viết lại cho đúng.

1. My mother loves eating traditional dishes but she likes local restaurants.

2. There are many hairdressers in my hometown so my teacher only goes to one

place to cut her hair.

3. Stop smoking or you will suffer from lung cancer.

4. 1 want to meet my friends so 1 call them for a date.

5. There are numerous big and modern hospitals in the city so they are always
6. I need to finish my homework before 5pm and my mother won't let me hang out
with friends.
7. My brother has to stop drinking ice water so he will have sore throat.

8. It is hard to win this contest and 1 still think my daughter will be the champion.

9. I have to admit that I love eating fast food and I like drinking beer.

10. My grandmother is old so she is strong.

10. Nối hai câu dưới đây, dùng liên từ"and/ but/ or/ so".
1. It takes a lot of time to cure this disease. You need to be extremely patient
2. Anne is a gorgeous girl. She has a pleasant personality.
3. It is raining hard. We postpone our boat trip.
4. He dreams of being the best student. He never studies hard.
5. My bicycle is broken. I have to take the bus to school.
6. He is a brilliant doctor. He is a loving father.
7. I need to tidy my room. My mom will be angry with me.
8. My house is quite old. Living in it is comfortable.

I. Vocabulary
1. Write the words in the correct column. Use the words in the box.

pasta; beef; milk; salmon; tea; tuna; peas; beans; yoghurt; coffee; chicken;
ice cream; rice; pork; bacon; sausages; butter; flour; bread; noodles;
cucumber; wine; oranges; bananas; cod; peppers; beer; pears; strawberries;
tomatoes; prawns; cream; lemonade; grapes; lamb; ham

Vegetable Dairy
Meat Seafood Fruit Drinks Cereals
s products

................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................

................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................

2. Choose the correct answers.

11. Can you tell me this dish?
A. to cook B. how to cook C. cooking D. how to cooking
12. What do I need to cook an omelette?
A. food B. material C. menu D. ingredients
13. In Viet Nam, spring rolls are served at a family gathering or anniversary dinner.
A. most B. almost C. mostly D. most of
14. “What is your dish for breakfast?” - “It’s beef noodle soup.”
A. favourite B. most C. best D. liking
15. How many do you eat every day?
A. orange B. milk C. apple D. apples
16. Cakes in Viet Nam are made butter, eggs, and flour.
A. in B. from C. of D. by
17. Lan’s brother is a , working at the Metropolitan Restaurant.
A. cooker B. cooking C. chief D. chef
18. What drink do you like most?
A. nation B. foreign C. foreigner D. favourite
19. “Do you want to this new dish of noodle I have just cooked?”

A. like B. try C. drink D. make
20. The eel soup that your father has just cooked tastes very .
A. well B. best C. healthy D. delicious
21. There isn’t for dinner, so I have to go to the market.
A. some left B. any leaning C. some leaving D. any left
22. A is a small meal that you eat when you are in a hurry.
A. snack B. fast food C. breakfast D. lunch
23. is hot food that is quick to cook, and is served very quickly in a restaurant.
A. Hot food B. Fast food C. SandwichesD. Hamburgers
24. water should I put into the glass?
A. How B. How much C. How many D. What
25. tomatoes do you need to make the sauce?
A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often
26. bottles of milk does your family need for a week?
A. How much B. How many C. How D. How often
27. How many do you want?
A. orange juice B. bottle of orange juice C. jar of orange juice D. cartons of orange
28. Is there any butter in the refrigerator?
A. leave B. to leave C. to leaving D. left
29. There is tofu, but there aren’t sandwiches.
A. some - some B. any - any C. some - any D. any - some
30. How many do you need?
A. yogurt B. packet of yogurt C. carton of yogurt D. cartons of yogurt
3. Look at the picture do the crosswords. Number 1 is an example for you.

4. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
1. The students of the Imperial Academy were .
2. When you come to Ha Noi, don’t forget to buy in local markets.
3. The first Doctors’ stone tablets were in 1484.
4. Ha Noi’s Old which has 36 old streets is a tourist attraction.
5. The of Minh Mang Tomb was completed in 1843.
6. Tickets are sold at the gate of the tourist .
7. Tourists can see many beautiful Cham in Ninh Thuan Province.
8. The Imperial Academy, the first university in Viet Nam, was used to
young men for the nation.
9. Ha Long Bay is as a spectacular natural wonder.

10. The Dai La Citadel was Thang Long (and now Ha Noi) by Emperor Ly Thai
II. Reading
1. Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
The 25th meeting of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) that will take place in February 2003
comes at a (1) time in the quest for sustainable fisheries. Meeting in Johannesburg
at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, world leaders (2) the vital
role of marine fisheries to economic and food security and to biodiversity in general. Leaders
established a number of fisheries commitments for the world community, (3) a
call “to maintain or restore stocks to levels that can produce maximum sustainable (4)
with the aim of achieving these goals for depleted stocks on an urgent basis and where possible
not later than 2015.”
The mission of FAO in the field of fisheries is to (5) and secure the long-term
sustainable development and utilization of the worlds fisheries and aquaculture. Many of the
issues (6) the agenda for the 2003 COFI meeting will contribute directly to the goal of
restoring depleted fish stocks and to (7) other commitments.
If we are to fulfill these commitments, we must take (8) actions and set clear priorities.
The most recent FAO statistics indicate that over 70 percent of fisheries are (9)
overfished or are fished at their maximum capacity. In coming years, production from many key
fisheries will likely decline. Demand for fisheries products, (10) , will continue to
increase. The prospect of this growing shortfall poses our greatest fisheries challenge today.
1. A. busy B. critical C. serious D. fine
2. A. declared B. claimed C. accepted D. acknowledged
3. A. giving B. making C. including D. containing
4. A. volume B. quantity C. amount D. yield
5. A. aid B. meet C. provide D. facilitate
6. A. on B with C. in D. for
7. A. advancement B. advancing C. advanced D. advance
8. A. determined B. concentrated C. concerted D. focused
9. A. both B. or C. either D. neither
10. A. however B. consequently C. so D. therefore
2. Read the passage carefully, and then do the following tasks.
Our school has an organic garden. We learn about
growing vegetables and looking after them in our food
science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in
the garden. My family live in a flat so it’s great for me to
have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some
vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like
working there.
My aunt and uncle live on a farm in the Red River
Delta. It isn’t very big but they have hens, pigs, and cows. We always go to stay with them in
summer. It’s a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and,
because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too.
We live in Ha Noi and my parents buy food at The Viet Fresh Farm Shop near our flat. It is very
famous in our city and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that
they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and
watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking.
A. Read the passage again. Match the underlined words with the correct meanings (1-6).
1. very good .
2. something or someone that a lot of people know about .
3. activities which explain and show how to do something .
4. people working or helping because they want to, not for money .
5. the animals that the meat beef comes from .
6. offer to do something for no money .
B. Read the passage again. Choose the correct answer to the questions.
1. The students at the school .
A. have to work in the school garden
B. get some free food for working in the garden
C. have food science lessons during the holidays
D. use the vegetables from the garden in cookery lessons
2. The student who wrote about the school garden .
A. works there with her parents
B. also helps in her parents’ garden
C. would like to work there in summer but she can’t
D. doesn’t have a garden at home
3. We know that the student who writes about the farm of her aunt and uncle certainly .
A. goes there every year B. helps on the farm
C. likes eating meat from the farm D. eats only healthy food
4. The Viet Fresh Farm Shop .
A. is the best farm shop in Ha Noi B. is famous all over Viet Nam
C. sells only vegetarian food D. only sells food from their farm
5. If you go to The Viet Fresh Farm food festival, you .
A. have to pay for the food B. can watch how to cook different dishes
C. see animals from the farm D. have to take food to sell
3. Read the passage carefully, and then do the following tasks.
The healthy eating diet
Healthy eating is about feeling great and having more energy. If you choose the right foods,
your healthy diet will be a tasty diet, too. You can still enjoy your favourite sweet and salty foods,
but too much sugar and salt is bad for your body.

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt are great because they contain calcium and
keep your teeth and bones healthy. You should choose low-fat dairy products.
Meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts are important, too. They keep our bodies healthy and they
give us energy to work and play.
Whole grains are an important part of every meal. If you eat lots of whole grains, you will
have a healthy heart. Whole grains are in bread, cereal, pasta, and rice. Dark bread and brown rice
are great sources of whole grains.
Fruit and vegetables are the most important part of a healthy diet. They are low in calories
and full of vitamins. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables with every meal, and as snacks during the day.
Fruit and vegetables with darker colours have more vitamins.
A. Find the underlined words in the text to match the meanings.
1. _________ : an amount of energy.
2. _________ : the power that your body gets from food.
3.__________ : food that you eat between meals.
4.__________ : If food is this, it tastes of sugar.
5.__________ : If food is this, it tastes of salt.
6.__________ : the types of food that you eat most often.
7.__________ : things in food that we need to grow and be healthy.
8.__________ : the place where you get something from.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What does the healthy eating diet help you?
2. What can you also enjoy when you have a healthy eating diet?
3. Why are dairy products good for your health?
4. What is the function of meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts?
5. Why are whole grains an important part of every meal?
6. What types of foods can we get whole grains from?
7. Why are fruit and vegetables the most important part of a healthy diet?
8. What types of fruit and vegetables have more vitamins?
4. Read the passage about the royal examinations, and then answer the questions.

The practice of holding royal examinations to select talented people for administration
began in 1075. It continued throughout the Le dynasty and up to 1919 when the Nguyen dynasty
held the last examination. For more than 300 years, royal examinations had been irregularly, and
the number of laureates for each exam was small. In 1434, Emperor Le Thai Tong ordered that
examinations should be held regularly, once every three years. From 1442, laureates of a royal
examination were awarded the title “Tien si” (Doctoral laureate), and one stone tablet was erected
for each examination. From 1484 to 1780, 82 stone tablets were erected to record the names of
1304 Tien si.
1. When did the practice of holding Royal examinations begin? When did it end?
2. How long did the royal examinations last?
3. Who ordered that the royal examinations should be held regularly? When did it happen?
4. Which title were the laureates of a royal examination awarded?
5. How many stone tablets were erected from 1484 to 1780?

Lesson 46

1. Write the correct adverb for each adjective.

2. Label each picture with the correct adjective from the list.

3. Write what the underlined word is: adjective or adverb.

4. Underline the correct item.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct adjectives or adverbs.

6. Underline the correct item. Then match the beginnings to the endings.

7. Choose the correct form (adjective or adverb).

8. Fill in the correct form – Adjective or adverb.

9. Circle the adjective or the adverb to complete each sentence.

10. Choose the correct form – adjective or adverb.


New words Meaning Picture

/bəʊt/ Tàu thuyền

xe khách

driving licence
/ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˌlaɪsns/ bằng lái xe

/ˈhelmət/ mũ bảo hiểm

bất hợp pháp
trái luật

/lɔː/ luật

/pɑːk/ đậu xe

/ˈpæsɪndʒər/ hành khách

/ˌraɪtˈhændɪd/ thuận tay phải

chèo thuyền

seat belt
/ˈsiːt ˌbelt/ Dây an toàn

/ˈsaɪnpəʊst/ biển báo

speed limit
/ˈspiːd ˌlɪmɪt/ giới hạn tốc độ

traffic light
/ˈtræfɪk ˌlaɪt/ đèn giao thông

zebra crossing
/ˌzebrə ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ vạch cho người đi bộ

I. Vocabulary
1. Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences.
1. Drivers have to their seatbelt whenever they drive.
A. put B. tie C. fasten D. put on
2. We should wait for the traffic lights before we cross the street.
A. turn green B. to turn green C. turn yellow D. to turn yellow
3. All of us have to obey strictly.
A. traffic rules B. traffic C. traffic jam D. regular
4. Cyclists and motorists have to wear a when they ride a motorbike.
A. hard hat B. cap C. mask D. helmet
5. He forgot to give a before he turned left and got a ticket.
A. signal B. sign C. light D. hand
6. does it take you to get to Ho Chi Minh City by plane? - About 2 hours.
A. How far B. How much C. How long D. How many
7. There a bus station in the city centre, but it has been moved to the suburbs.
A. used to be B. used to have C. use to have D. were
8. I marbles when I was young, but now I didn’t.
A. play B. used to play C. have played D. didn’t use to
9. “ is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?” - “About 50 meters’
A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much
10. We should the street at the zebra crossing.
A. walk B. walk on C. walk through D. walk across
11. Lan used to go to school .
A. with bicycle B. by foot C. in car D. by bus
12. Public in my town is good and cheap.
A. transport B. tour C. journey D. travel
13. _______ is not very far from here to the city center.
A. That B. This C. It D. There
14. When there is a traffic jam, it me a very long time to go home.
A. costs B. takes C. lasts D. spends
15. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school her school is very far from her house.
A. but B. though C. because D. or
16. Yesterday Hoa and Lan round West Lake. It took them an hour.
A. cycle B. cycles C. cycling D. cycled
17. Minh used to his homework late in the evening.
A. does B. do C. doing D. did
18. If people the rules, there are no more accidents.
A. follow B. take care of C. obey D. remember
19. You should right and left when you go across the roads.
A. see B. look C. be D. take
20. Hurry up or we can’t the last bus home.
A. keep B. follow C. go D. catch
2. Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D.
1. Linda used to morning exercise when she got up early.
A. did B. does C. doing D. do
2. My mum the bus to work every day, but I cycle.
A. catches B. drives C. goes D. runs
3. You should look right and left when you go the road.
A. down B. across C. up D. along
4. Bus is the main public in Viet Nam.
A.travel B. tricycle C. transport D. vehicle
5. The play was so boring. , An saw it from beginning to end.
A. Therefore B. Despite C. However D. Although
6. She’s sure that they will find the film .
A. entertaining B. entertain C. entertainment D. entertained
7. - “Do you like seeing a film?” - “ ”
A. No, I don’t like it at all B. Sure. What film shall we see?
C. Who is in it? D. I’m sorry, I can’t.
8. being frightened by the images, Lan still liked the film so much.
A. In spite B. Despite C. Although D. Nevertheless
9. is La Tomatina celebrated? - Every August.
A. Where B. Why C. When D. Which
10. My father liked the of that singer.
A. perform B. performer C. performance D. performing
11. Does your bike ever down on the way to school?
A. break B. take C. do D. turn
12. I go on foot when I was in primary school.
A. used to B. break C. can D. may
13. Give a before you turn left or right.
A. sign B. turn C. sound D. signal
14. A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janeiro to the Carnival.
A. attend B. join C. perform D. appear
15. the film was gripping, Tom slept from beginning to end.
A. Therefore B. Despite C. However D. Although
3. Put the means of transport into the correct groups.

bicycle (bike) boat bus car coach helicopter

lorry motorbike plane moped ship taxi
train tram (streetcar) underground van caravan kayak

Land Air Sea

………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………

II. Reading
1. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Who are the (1) drivers? Which drivers are the safest on the roads? According to a
recent survey, young and inexperienced (2) are the most likely to have an accident. Older
drivers are more (3) . Young men have the worst accident records of all. They often (4)
faster cars with bigger engines. One of the (5) interesting facts in the survey is
that passengers have an effect on the driver. When men have (6) friends in the
car, their driving become worse. When their wife or girlfriend is in the car, (7) , their
driving is better. But opposite is true for women. Their driving is (8)
dangerous when their husband or boyfriend is in the car.
2. Read the following text carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the

When you are in Singapore, you can go about (1) taxi, by bus, or by underground. I myself
prefer the underground (2) it is fast, easy and cheap. There are (3) buses and taxis
in Singapore and one cannot drive along the road (4) and without many stops, especially on
Monday morning. The underground is therefore usually quicker (5) taxis or buses. If you do
not know Singapore very well, it is difficult (6) the bus you want. You can take a taxi,
but it is (7) expensive than the underground or a bus. On the underground, you find good
maps that (8) you the names of the stations and show you (9) to get to them, so (10)
it is easy to find your way.
1. A. by B. in C. at D. on
2. A. but B. because C. when D. so
3. A. few B. a lot C. many D. some
4. A. quick B. quickly C. quicker D. quickest
5. A. so B. like C. than D. as
6. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found
7. A. less B. more C. most D. much
8. A. tell B. told C. tells D. telling
9. A. who B. what C. when D. how
10. A. how B. that C. when D. where
3. Read the following passage about driving laws around the world, and then tick the correct
answers: true (T), or false (F).
In Sweden, it is necessary to keep your headlights on 24 hours a day. We understand that it is
required for places as cold as Sweden during winter, but you cannot turn off your car’s lights even
if it is June and the weather looks just fine.
If you are driving in Beijing and you come across a zebra crossing, don’t stop or even try to slow
down because this will get you in trouble with the law.
In Thailand, it is compulsory to wear a shirt while driving. Women who go topless while driving
can be fined equal to a few hundred baht.
In Cyprus, you should keep both hands on the wheel. Drivers who unnecessarily raise a hand from
the steering wheel can get fines, although we think that making some gestures at bad drivers is
sometimes good.
Don’t yell or curse while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA although you are right. It is
illegal to curse in public. You have to pay a fine up to $100 or go to prison up to 10 days.
Before you drive off with a car in Denmark, you must check that the children in your car have the
best places. Maybe the reason is that they can read books by Hans Anderson.
Drinking and driving is illegal in Spain, but in Macedonia, if you are drunk, you cannot sit in the
front seats.
True False
1. Use your car’s headlights 24 hours a day in Sweden.  
2. In Sweden, you have to turn on your car’s lights in June when the weather is bad.  
3. In Beijing, it is against the law to stop at a zebra crossing.
4. In Thailand, you have to wear a shirt while driving.  
5. There are no rules about what women have to wear while they are driving  
in Thailand.
6. In Cyprus, you cannot shake your fist (a hand with the fingers and thumb held  
tightly in) at other drivers.
7. It is illegal to use bad language while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA.  
8. If you yell or curse while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA and don't  
pay the fine, you may be put in prison up to 90 days.
9. Children can have best places while they are riding in a car in Denmark.  
10. Don’t sit in the front seats if you are drunk in Macedonia, Spain.  
4. Read the following text, and then answer the questions.
Bike safety
 Children under 10 should always ride with an adult.
 You must wear an approved cycle helmet correctly.
 Make sure bikes have working brakes.
 Wearing a high visibility vest or jacket, especially at night, is a good idea.
 You should copy the way you see your parents riding their bikes.
1. At which age can children ride their bikes alone?
2. What must you wear while riding?
3. What should your bike have?
4. What should you wear when you ride at night?
5. Is the way your parents ride their bikes a good example for you to follow?

III. Listening
1. Work in pairs. Match the phrases below about traffic with their definition.

A. queues of vehicles block an entire network of intersecting

1. congestion
streets, bringing traffic in all directions to a complete standstill

2. traffic report B. having almost no space between cars and moving very slowly

C. strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke

3. snarl up
from running vehicles.

D. a condition on transport networks that occurs as use increases,
4. gridlocks
resulting in slower speeds, longer trip times.

5. bumper-to- E. giving information about road conditions such as traffic jam,

bumper and traffic accidents.

6. exhaust fumes F. a long line of traffic that is unable to travel forward

2. Now listen to a man talking about traffic. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or
false (F).

1. The traffic has stopped getting worse. ..................

2. Driving in the countryside can be a nightmare. ..................
3. In cities, there is traffic jam even at midnight. ..................
4. Fewer people travelling by train or bus will better the traffic. ..................
5. A lot of traffic makes pollution. ..................
3. Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing words.
- I don’t know where all this traffic came from. You turn on the (1) ……………… and the (2)
……………… is all about congestion here, snarl-ups and gridlocks there. The answer must be to
get better (3) ………………
- The roads are too (4) ……………… And then there’s the pollution. It’s disgusting outside
sometimes. You feel like you’re breathing pure (5) ……………… We need to get rid of these
traffic jams so we can move and breathe more easily.
IV. Supplements

Lesson 47

1. Write the comparasive and the superlative forms of the adjectives below.

2. Look at the pictures, find the differences and complete the sentences. Use: fat, tall, old,
long, big and happy.

3. Complete the sentences. Then write yes or no.

4. Read and write.

5. Complete the dialogues.

6. Complete the sentences with of, in or than.

7. Complete the sentences.

8. Complete the sentences.

9. Correct the sentences.

10. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

11. Write sentences as in the example.

I. Vocabulary
1. Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

2. Put the phrases under the correct road signs.

parking no parking no cycling no right turn

zebra crossing speed limit no left turn hospital ahead

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................

5 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .............................. 8 ..............................

II. Speaking
1. Work in groups of three or four. Write in the space as many means of transport as possible.

Then discuss and classify them into different groups.

Now tell the class about your classification

You should explain why did you classify them that way.
2. Now work in pairs. Among the above means of transport, which is your most favorite one?
Tell your partner.
You should base on the suggestions below:
- What is your favorite means of transport?
- How often do you use it?
- Why do like it?
- What are the advantages of using it?
- What are the disadvantages of using it?
III. Writing
1. Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences.
1. it/ travel/ is/ rush/ because/ in/ so/ on/ to/ traffic/ road/ tiring/ hours/ jams/ of.

2. it/ hour/ to/ took/ office/ yesterday/ more/ my/ than/ mother/ an/ to/ go/ her.
3. from/ Hochiminh city/ travelling/ not/ time-consuming/ to/ by/ Hanoi/ airplane/ is.
4. The/ more/ months/ project/ team/ than/ three/ completing/ spent/ this.
5. buy/ 50.000VND/ it/ visitor/ often/ entrance/ ticket/ costs/ a/ only/ to/ an.
2. Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe the traffic near where you live.
You should base on the suggestions below:
- How is the traffic there?
- Are there often traffic jams?
- Why is it so?
- What do you think should be done to better the traffic there?

Lesson 48


1. Fill in the gaps with the correct comparative and superlative fomrs.

2. Read and underline.

3. Complete the sentences and answer the quiz.

4. Write sentences about places you know as in the example.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative forms.
1. The princess is ___________ than the witch. (beautiful)
2. The red shirt is better but it’s ___________ than the white one. (expensive)
3. Being a firefighter is ___________ than being a builder. (dangerous)
4. This armchair is ___________ than the old one. (comfortable)
5. The new fridge is ___________ than the old one. (convenient)
6. Health is ___________ than money. (important)
7. This film is ___________ than that film. (exciting)
8. She is ___________ than My Tam singer. (popular)
9. Carol is ___________ than Mary. (beautiful)
10. French is ___________ than Chinese. (difficult)
11. The red car is ___________ than the blue one. (inconvenient)
12. The palace in my country is ___________ than this one. (modern)
13. This pagoda is ___________ than that one. (historic)
14. This movie is ___________than that one. (terrible)
15. The city centre is ___________ than the suburb. (polluted)
16. China is ___________ than Vietnam. (crowded)
17. This novel is ___________ than that one. (boring)
6. Sắp xếp các từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1.bigger/ one/ Nam’s/ than/ new/ old/ is/ his/ school
2. taller/ Huy/ brother/ is/ than/ his
3. one/ This/ more/ than/ that/ chair/ is/ comfortable
4. city/ in/ the/ Living/ is/ more/ than/ countryside/ living/ in/ the/ peaceful/
5. is/ intelligent/ his/ friend/ He/ more/ than
6. city/ country/ quieter/ the/ The/ is/ than
7. art gallery/ she/,/ her family’s/ Incredibly/ dislikes

8. and/ located/ statue/ a temple/ a/ railway station./ The/ is/ between
9. the/ is/ a/ near. /There/ cathedral/ square
10. backyard/ workshop/ in/ My father’s/ is/ the
7. Viết câu so sánh hơn, dùng các từ gợi ý.
1. Nam/ tall/ Thang ______________________________________
2. My house/ big/ his house. ______________________________________
3. Mai/ young/ her sister. ______________________________________
4. Mr. Ha/ fat/ Mr. Tuan ______________________________________
5. My brother/ strong/ me. ______________________________________
6. I / short/ Hoa. ______________________________________
7. Phuong’s room/ large/ Lan’s room. ______________________________________
8. Ms. Linh / beautiful/ Ms. Huyen. ______________________________________
9. This exercise/ difficult/ that exercise. ______________________________________
10. My toys/ nice/ your toys. ______________________________________
8. Viết lại bắt đầu bằng từ đã cho sao cho câu không thay đổi.
1. This exercise is easier than that one.
=> That exercise is ______________________________________
2. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
=> The red car ______________________________________
3. This film is more interesting than that one.
=> That film is ______________________________________
4. This river is longer than that one.
=> That river is ______________________________________
5. Miss Lan is older than Miss Nga.
=> Miss Nga is______________________________________
6. My kitchen is smaller than yours.
=> Your kitchen ______________________________________
7. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

=> Her new house ______________________________________
8. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
=> The white dress ______________________________________
9. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
=> According to me, Maths ______________________________________
10. This computer works better than that one.
=> That computer ______________________________________
9. Cho dạng đúng so sánh nhất của tính từ trong ngoặc.
1. Ho Chi Minh City is (big)……………………….city in Viet Nam.
2. Lan is (thin) ……………………….of the three sisters.
3. The Amazon River is (long)……………………river in the world.
4. Hanh is(clever)…………. student in class.
5. It’s(short)………….day of year.
6. Who’s(good)……………………..tennis player in your country?
7.Who is (tall)………………………………person in your family?
8. December (cold)………………….month of the year in my country.
9. Ethan is (happy)……………………..boy that I know.
10.Where are(nice)……………………….beaches in your country?
10. Choose the correct answer.
1. My sister is………………..person in my family.
A. young B. younger than C. the youngest
2. I think Federer is………………………tennis player in the world.
A. good B. better than C. the best
3.Winter is……………… season of the year in Europe.
A. cold B. colder than C. the coldest
4. Our house is…………………. in the street.
A. bigger B. the biggest C. more big
5. He is………………………of four children.
A. older B. the oldest C.more old
6. …………………….man in the world is 120 years old.
A. the oldest B. the older C. More old
7. Everest is……………………mountain in the world.

A. highest B. the highest C. the higher
8.Sam is a terrible footballer. He's …………….player in the team.
A. the best B. the baddest C. the worst
9.What's………………………………city in the world?
A. the large B. the largest C. largest
10. You are…………..girl in our class.
A. the funny B. the funniest C. the funnier


New words Meaning Picture

/kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ khó hiểu, gây bối rối

/ˈkrɪtɪk/ nhà phê bình

bị bỏ hoang, không có

/ɪmˈbærəs/ làm xấu hổ

/entəˈteɪnɪŋ/ Hấp dẫn,
(adj) thú vị

/ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ đáng sợ

/ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/ thú vị, hấp dẫn

/hɪˈleəriəs/ Vui nhộn, hài hước

/ˈhɒrər/ Kinh dị, kinh hoảng

Cảm động

/rɪˈvjuː/ Bài đánh giá

/ˈskeəri/ Đáng sợ

/ˈʃɪprek/ Đắm tàu

/ˈterəfaɪɪŋ/ Đáng sợ

/ˈvaɪələnt/ Bạo lực

I. Vocabulary
1. Find which word does not belong to each group.
1. A. tired B. exciting C. bored D. exhausted
2. A. film B. cartoon C. cinema D. comedy
3. A. director B. editor C. actor D. comedy
4. A. science fiction B. animation C. documentary D. romantic
5. A. shocking B. acting C. entertaining D. exciting
2. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.
1. The movie on TV last night made me .
A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boredom
2. I was to learn that the director of that gripping film has won the first prize.
A. interest B. interests C. interested D. interesting
3. We were with the latest film of that director.
A. Satisfy B. satisfying C. satisfactory D. satisfied
4. They were very disappointed her acting.
A. of B. with C. in D. on
5. Let’s go to the Victor Cinema. I’m sure you'll find the film .
A. excites B. excite C. excited D. exciting
6. Mr. Beans Holiday is a film - I was laughing from beginning to end.
A. hilarious B. violent C. scary D. moving
7. We are really about going to the cinema tonight.
A. excited B. interested C. amused D. pleased
8. The film was so . However, my father saw it from beginning to end.
A. interesting B. exciting C. boring D. fascinating
9. We found the plot of the film .
A. bored B. boring C. interested D. acting
10. The cinema changed completely at end of 1920s.
A. an – the B. the - a C. a - the D. the - the
11. I enjoyed the film on TV yesterday evening nobody in my family liked it.
A. although B. yet C. in spite of D. so
12. Last night, I didn’t go to bed early being very tired.
A. despite of B. in spite of C. although D. because
13. I thrillers to action films.
A. like B. prefer C. would rather D. enjoy
14. We like the film very much. The are unforgettable and the plot is gripping.
A. characters B. acting C. style D. action
15. A is a film that tries to make audiences laugh.
A. Horror B. sci-fi C. comedy D. documentary
3. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence.
1. This film made a strong on me. IMPRESS
2. Have you ever seen this comedy? It’s really . FUN

3. The film was though they spent millions of SUCCEED
dollars making it.
4. I love action films. The/re very . EXCITE
5. Big Ben Down is about a group of who take TERROR
control of Big Ben.
6. We were with the service at the cinema. SATISFY
Everything was terrible.
7. There are always cowboys in a . WEST
8. The film is a big . It is boring from DISAPPOINT
beginning to end.
9. A drama is a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays ACT
and generally.
10. The film is about two hijackers who to blow THREAT
up the plane.
4. Complete the text with the words given in the box.

role actors favourite extras director thriller star scene

My (l) film this year was Zero Game, the latest (2) by (3)
Xi Dong. It has several well-known Chinese (4) and one real (5)
, Li Mu Bai, who plays the (6) of the policeman who
has to catch a thief, Jun Fat. Li Mu Bai is brilliant. In the best (7) , he chases Jun
Fat across the city on a motorbike, watched by thousands of (8) .
II. Reading
1. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.

explain should their consisted been

way any now when plenty

The world’s first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere.
Although it only (1) of short, simple scenes, people loved it and films have (2)
popular ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to (3)
the story.
Soon the public had (4) favorite actors and actresses and, in this (5) , the first
film stars appeared. In the 1927, the first “talkie”, a film with sound, was shown and from then on,
the public (6) only accept this kind of film.
Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (7) produced 95% of all
films. With the arrival of television in 1950s, (8) people went to see films, but in (9)

years audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that
influences film-making and there are currently (10) national film industries.
2. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
“A Kid in King Arthurs Court” is directed by Michael Gottlieb. The main (1) in the
film is a teenager called Calvin Fuller. Calvin is (2) Thomas Ian Nicholas. This film
is a modern retelling of Mark Twain’s (3) book Connecticut Yankee.
Calvin lives in California, USA. He is a very shy boy and he is not very good at sports. At the
beginning of the film, Calvin is playing baseball when there is a (4)
earthquake. A hole opens in the ground and Calvin falls through it. He lands in the past, in the (5)
of King Arthur.
Calvin meets King Arthur and Merlin, the wizard. King Arthur is played by joss Ackland and
Merlin is played by Ron Moody. They think that Calvin is (6) because he plays them
modern music on his CD player and he show them (7) to make rollerblades and a
mountain bike. Calvin is trained to be a knight and he becomes more (8) . Calvin helps
King Arthur to beat his enemy, Lord Belasco, and then Merlin sends Calvin back to the future.
Calvin finds himself back in the baseball game, (9) this time he wins the game.
The special effects in A Kid in King Arthur’s Court are very good. Michael Gottlieb is a great
director and the actors’ performances are good. The film is funny and (10) . It’s a
comedy, a drama, and an action film all in one.
1. A. author B. name C. character D. actress
2. A. played B. did C. made D. created
3. A. classify B. class C. classic D. classical
4. A. terrify B. terrible C. terrifying D. terribled
5. A. period B. decade C. moment D. time
6. A. amazed B. amazing C. amaze D. amazes
7. A. what B. whatever C. how D. which
8. A. confident B. confidence C. confide D. confided
9. A. although B. but C. despite D. even
10. A. excite B. excited C. excites D. exciting
3. Read the conversation, and then answer the questions.
Susan: Sorry, guys, the Batman film’s sold out. Which film will we see instead?
Linda: How about this? It’s called Girl of my Dreams. It’s about a young man who dreamt about
a perfect girl. The next day he went to the bookshop where he met a girl called Nina.
Nick: That’s a love story. No, thank you!
Paul: What about Journey into Space? It’s about some spacemen who go to Mars.
Linda: Mm. It doesn’t sound very exciting. Is there anything else on?
Susan: How about The Pyramid? It’s a horror film about a monster in an Egyptian pyramid which
comes alive.
Paul: OK, that’s better. Shall I get the tickets?

Susan: Yes, but let’s hurry. It’s half past five. The next performance starts in five minutes.
1. Which film do they want to see at first?
2. Why can’t they see it?
3. Which films do Linda, Paul, and Susan suggest that they see?
4. What types of film are they?
5. Which film do they agree to see?
4. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Captain Jack Sparrow is a pirate. He has a ship called the Black Pearl. One day, he goes to
Jamaica, where he sees a beautiful woman, Elizabeth. Then Jack meets Will, who loves Elizabeth
too. Jack, Will, and Elizabeth look for pirate treasure. The treasure is on the island Isla de Muerta.
They must fight the pirate Captain Barbarossa, who has the treasure. Captain Jack wins and they
all go back to Jamaica. There, Elizabeth tells Will that she loves him.
1. Is Captain Jack sparrow a pirate? What is the name of his ship?
2. Who loves Elizabeth?
3. Who has the treasure?
4. Who wins the treasure?
5. Who does Elizabeth love?

III. Listening
1. Look at the movie posters below and name the types of movies.

A. .……………….. B. …………………

C. ………………… D. ……………………

E. …………………. F. ………………........
2. Listen to Mario and Tamara talking about what film they want to see.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?
A. Mr and Mrs Jones
B. War Games
C. Robot 2075
D. King Robert V
E. Midnight Moon
F. Forever
2. What time does the film they want to see start?
A. 12.00 p.m.
B. 7.15 p.m.
C. 7.30 p.m.
3. What time are Mario and Tamara going to meet?
A. 11.45 p.m.
B. 6.45 p.m.
C. 7.00 p.m.
3. Listen again and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
1. There are two 2D action films. ........................
2. Mario doesn’t want to see an action film. ........................
3. Tamara haven’t seen Robot 2075 before. ........................
4. Mario likes films about vampires. ........................
5. Mario will pick Tamara up by his motorbike. ........................

IV. Supplements

Lesson 49

1. Fill the gaps with the correct comparative e superlative forms.

2. Complete the sentences as in the example.

3. Look at the advert below. Then fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives in

4. Change the sentences as in the example.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

6. Compare picture A to picture B as in the example.

7. Choose the correct comparative and superlative adjective and adverbs to complete the
dialogues below.
1. They arrived earlier than we/ earlier than us/ more early than we.
2. Please, can you drive slowlier/ most slowly/ more slowly?
3. This is going to be the biggest/ the bigest/ the bigger show you have ever seen.
4. My current job is much/ very/ lot more stressful than my last job.
5. He isn't as smarter as/ smart as/ smarter than you.
6. What is the healthier/ healthiest/ most healthy option in the menu?
7. You aren't as determined than me/ as I am/ as I.
8. My great-grandmother is the oldest person from/ in/ of the family.
9. This is the greatest evening I 've ever had/ 've never had/ ever had.
10. York is a bit more far/ further/ farer than Leeds.

8. Choose the correct comparative and superlative adjective and adverbs to complete each
1. The south is _____ the north.
a. hotter than
b. more hotter than
c. more hot than
2. We work _____ now with the new manager.
a. most happily
b. more happily
c. happilier
3. He is ______ England.
a. the most famous painter in
b. the famousest painter in
c. the most famous painter of
4. Tuesdays are _____ than Mondays.
a. much more busy
b. much more busier
c. a lot busier
5. It's the worst experience _____.
a. I've never had
b. I ever had
c. I've ever had
6. She eats better _____.
a. than I
b. than me
c. that I do
7. He doesn't run _____ his brother.
a. as faster as
b. as fast as
c. fast as
8. The bus is a bit _____ the train.
a. comfortabler than
b. more comfortable as
c. more comfortable than
9. This year we are having _____ summer since 1976.
a. the most hot
b. the hottest
c. the hotter
10. We finished _____ we expected.
a. more quickly than
b. quicklier than
c. more quick than
9. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in
brackets. Add any necessary missing words, such as than, the, as.
1. Cardiff is ________________ (wet) city in Britain. It rains an average of 148 days a year.
2. The north of Italy is much ________________ (cold) the south in winter.
3. The kitchen isn't as ________________ (large) the living room.
4. New York is ________________ (populated) city in the US.
5. Athens is ________________ (old) city in the world.
6. Shanghai is ________________ (busy) most other cities in Asia.
7. What is ________________ (far) planet from Earth?
8. Men lose weight ________________ (easily) women.
9. His last book is OK, but I think it is ________________ (bad) the previous one.
10. Where is ________________ (near) petrol station?
10. Write sentences with the present perfect + the word ever and a superlative.
EXAMPLE: This is/good film/I see → This is the best film I’ve ever seen.
1. It's/long trip/I make ➪ It's ___________________________________.

2. This is/good food/I try ➪ This is ___________________________________.

3. It's/bad nightmare/I have ➪ It's ___________________________________.

4. What's/inspiring book/you read? ➪ What's ___________________________________?

5. It's/horrible thing/I experience. ➪ It's ___________________________________.

6. He is/nice person/I meet ➪ He is ___________________________________.

7. This is/easy test/I take ➪ This is ___________________________________

8. He's/important client/we have ➪ He's ___________________________________.

9. It was/amazing view/I see ➪ It was ___________________________________.

10. What's/cheap country/you be to? ➪ What's ___________________________________?

I. Vocabulary
1. Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
1. In 1939, this ..................... was made to tell stories about the real life of Abraham Lincoln as a
young man.
A. biopic B. science fiction film C. action film D. horror film
2. When watching that ....................., we can’t help laughing at the stupid things of the main actor.
A. documentary B. comedy C. action film D. horror film
3. My son feels very happy when he sees that ..................... with a lot of cute animals.
A. horror film B. biopic C. thriller film D. animation
4. Most ..................... say that this film is worth watching.
A. plots B. settings C. critics D. acting
5. He acts very well. I’m sure that yesterday he stayed up all night reading the ...............
A. acting B. character C. survey D. script
6. Before you go to the cinema, you can watch the trailer and read .............. of the film.
A. reviews B. disaster C. critic D. character
7. That was a ................ and boring horror film so I slept from the beginning to the end.
A. shocking B. entertaining C. gripping D. predictable
8. I didn’t expect the movie to be so interesting and so .....................! I cried at the end of the film.
A. moving B. violent C. confusing D. hilarious
9. According to our latest survey, Batman is one of 10 ..................... films this summer.
A. must-see B. violence C. embarrassed D. stunt
10. Woody Allen is one of some directors who ..................... in their own films and receive
positive reviews.
A. set B. star C. recommend D. make
11. The film had such a sudden and ..................... ending that no one can imagine.
A. disappointed B. must-see C. predictable D. shocking
12. Watching ..................... films may make people more aggressive.
A. hilarious B. violent C. entertaining D. gripping

2. Look at the pictures and do the crosswords. The first letter is cue for you.

1. 3 D G L A S S E S

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. P

7. S

8. S

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................

5 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .............................. 8 ..............................

II. Speaking
1. Work in pairs. Take turns to tell your partner about the film stars below. Use the
information given in the cards.

Student A’s card Student B’s card

Name: Angelina Jolie Name: Jason Statham
Born: June 4, 1975 Born: July 26, 1967
Nationality: American Nationality: British
Marital status: married to Brad-Pitt (a Marital status: engaged with Rosie
very famous actor) in 2014, having 6 Huntington-Whiteley (a model) in 2016,
children (3 adopted), just divorced in
2017 having the 1st baby in 2017.
Career: actress, filmmaker, humanitarian Career: actor, former model and
competitive diver
Awards: 1 Academy Award, 2 Screen
Actors Guild Awards, and 3 Golden Awards: Not yet, but very famous.
Globe Awards (American’ highest-paid Famous films: Snatch, Turn It Up,
actress) Transporter, Fast & Furious, etc.
Famous films: Mr. & Mrs. Smith,
Challenging, Salt, Maleficient, etc.

2. Work in pairs. Choose a different partner. Then tell him/her about your favorite film star.
You should base on the main points given in the cards in XI.
III. Writing
1. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
Rre1. The music of the film made me feel really excited.
→ ....................................................................................................................(exciting)
2. The ending of the movie was very touching, so I cried a lot.
→ ....................................................................................................................(touched)
3. Despite the main actress’s beauty, she didn’t act so well.
→ ...................................................................................................................(although)
4. Although the ticket was not very expensive, I didn’t want to buy it.
→ ...................................................................................................................(however)
5. I wanted to see a science-fiction film, but we chose a romantic film in the end.
→ .............................................................................................................(nevertheless)
2. Write an email (80-100 words) to your friend to tell him/her about one of your most
favourite movies.
You should base on the suggestions below:
- What is the movie? / What is its type?
- Who is the director of the movie?
- Who are the actors and actresses? Who do you like?
- What is the movie about?
- How did you feel when watching it? / Why do you like the movie?
Dear ........................,
........................... (Your signature)

Lesson 50

1. Fill in the correct form – Adjective or adverb

2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms.

3. Fill in the correct form – Adjective or Adverb.

4. Fill in the correct form – Adjective or Adverb.

5. Viết dạng so sánh hơn của những từ trong ngoặc.

1. There is nothing (exciting) ________ than going on a trip.
2. Your tee- shirt looks (fantastic) _________ with this skirt!
3. Which do you like (good) _________ , fish or meat?
4. Your car is (fast) _________ than mine!
5. Gold is (valuable) _________ than silver.
6. New York is (large) _________ than Seattle.
7. I think geography is much (easy) _________ than science.
8. No need to go any (far) _________!

9. Which is (big) _________ , a tiger or a lion?
10. Mike is (tall) _________ than John, my ex-boyfriend.
11. I’d like to have (long) _________ hair. It’s too short now.
12. Climbing mountains is (dangerous) _________ than hiking.
13. He was (lucky) _________ in his (late) _________ life than in his youth.
14. We need to buy a (big) _________ table but it has to be (cheap) _________ than the one we
saw yesterday.
15. I think Madonna is (famous) _________than Janet Jackson.
16. It’s (far) _________ to the bank than I thought.
17. I’ll talk to my mother. Her advice will be (useful) _________ than yours.
18. I’m much (good) _________ at tennis than my (old) _________ sister.
19. Life is (complicated) _________ than you believed it to be.
20. I’m a bit (thin) _________ than my brother but he’s (tall) _________.
6. Choose the correct answer.
1. David was ……….. than John.
A. more good B. go C. better
2. This building is ……….. than that one.
A. beautifuler B. beautiful C. more beautiful
3. Dorothy promised to be ……….. with her money.
A. carefuler B. more careful C. careful
4. New York’s population is ……….. than San Francisco’s.
A. large B. larger C. more large
5. This old machine is ……….. than we thought.
A. powerfuler B. powerful C. more powerful
6. We’ve got … time than I thought
A. little B. more little C. less
7. People are not friendly in big cities. They are usually… than in small towns.
A. friendly B. more friendly C. friendlier
8. Mary is 10 years old. Julie is 8 years old. Mary is … than Julie.
A. older B. elder C. more old
9. The road is … than the motorway.
A. narrow B. narrower C. more narrow
10. It’s … than it looks.
A. badder B. worse C. more bad
7. Complete these sentences with adjectives in the correct form.
1. Her daughter is..……..her (beautiful)
2. Summer is…………..spring. (hot)
3. That dog is ………..... it looks. (dangerous)
4. Today, people are …………….. they are in the past. (polite)
5. It is ……….today………it was yesterday. (cold)
6. Our hotel was …………..all the others in the town. (cheap)
7. Everest is …………. any other mountain.(high)
8. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ……….…………(comfortable)
9. There is nothing…………. ……….going swimming in hot weather.(good)
10. Her voice is ………………………….her sister’s. (beautiful)
8. Sắp xếp trật tự các từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. /all /Tom's /the /of/is/cleanest/room
2. /Sienkiewicz / writers/, /is /the /Polish /greastest /one. /Of/all
3. /one /of /is /the /in /world. /Egypt/oldest /countries/the
4. /world, /second /is /the /the /Canada/country/in/largest
5. /worst /was /us. /time /for /Winter/the
6. /ugliest /know /is /town /I. /It /the
7./country /road /is /widest /in /the. /This/the
8. /is /the / world? /What/animal/smallest in /the
9. /animal /Is /whale /or /the /the / in /world? /the/elephant/biggest/ the
10. /worst /am /student. /I/in/the /class

9. Dựa vào các từ gợi ý, viết câu so sánh nhất.
1.The Amazon River/ long/ river/ world.
2. Everest/ high/ mountain/ world.
3.My father/tall/family.
4.Ngoc/ good/ our school.
5.Bill/nice/of the class
6.August/hot/month of the year
7. This restaurant/good/in town
8. Peter/bad/singer
9. Will Smith / rich/ actor.
10. Susan/ short/of the three.
10. Choose the correct answer.
1. Mexico is very …………… city
A.large B.larger than C.the largest
2. I usually get up …………… my brother.
A. Early B. ealier than C. the earliest
3.Sue's wearing a……………
A. New B. newer than C. the newest
4. A book is a …………… thing to carry when you go on a trip.
A. heavy B. heavier than C. the heaviest
5. Antarctica is……………Spain

A. cold B. colder than C. the coldest
6. Her eyes are……………mine.
A. Pretty B. prettier than C. the prettiest
7. My desk is…………..David's.
A. Tidy B. tidier than C. the tidiest
8. A lot of people drink…………………..milk.
A. Hot B. hotter than C. the hottest
9. A continent is………………… a country.
A. Big B. bigger than C. the biggest
10. The moon is……………. planet to earth.
A. The closest B. closest C. closer than
11. Choose the correct answer.
1. There are 10 houses on our street. Our house is the (biggest/ bigger) one.
2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar (the best/ better) than he does.
3.This is (better/ the best) song I have ever heard!
4. Tom is (stronger/ the strongest) than I am.
5. Out of all the students in our class, I am (the shortest/ shorter)
6.Everyone says that my sister is (the best looking/ better looking) than I am.
7. She is (the best looking/ better looking) girl in our school.
8. Your apartment is (cleaner/ the cleanest) than mine.
9. The weather was much (warmer/ the warmest) in England than in Spain last week.
10. John is (younger/ the youngest) than David.
12. Dùng các từ cho sẵn, viết câu so sánh với “as…as” hoặc “the same…as”.

movies hard tasty valuable origin

fast long songs talent clothes

1. Can I borrow your ladder? My ladder isn’t ______________ yours.

2. Your cake is delicious. My cake isn’t ______________ yours.
3. None of Tom’s friends has ______________ him.
4. Both of us fancy rock music. She listens to ______________ me.
5. Jim likes ______________ Tom, and they often watch together.
6. Life nowadays isn’t ______________ it used to be. People now live more comfortably.
7. Her ring is not ______________ her necklace.
8. My cat has ______________ yours. They both come from Russia.
9. Kim bought ______________ her sister. They want to look like twins.
10. You should go home ______________ you can. Your mom is looking for you everywhere.
13. Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same…as”.
1. My brother and I both have big brown eyes.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
2. My favourite subject is Math. Tim likes Math too.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
3. I have a problem with this exercise. Peter has a problem with it too.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
4. Louis and James are both 18 years old.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
5. I went to my local primary school. Jim went to my local primary school too.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
6. You and I both have dark brown hair.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
7. I left the meeting room at 11 a.m and so did you.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
8. My birthday is 5 April. Tom’s birthday is 5 April too.
=> _______________________________________________________________.
14. Fill in the blank with the either the comparative form or superlative form of each adverb,
as required:
EX: Tom sang more loudly (more loudly/the most loudly) than the other kids.
1. I visit my parents _______________ (more often/the most often) than my brothers do.
2. He thinks he always knows _______________. (better/best)
3. Out of all my siblings, I visit my parents _______________ (more often/the most often).
4. David did _______________ (worse/the worst) than he thought he would do on his test.
5. I did _______________ (worse/the worst) out of all the students on my test.
6. Out of all the students, Frank studied _______________ (less/the least), but got the best grade.
7. We argued _______________ (longer/the longest) than I thought we would.
8. My sisters laughed _______________ (louder/the loudest) out of the whole audience.
9. The two guys who enjoyed the game _______________ (more/most) were Tom and Robert.
10. George drives _______________ (more recklessly/the most recklessly) than his brother.

I. Vocabulary
1. Look at the signs, and then do the tasks that follow.

Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6.30pm
£1.50 for 2 hours
Mon-Fri, 6.30pm-8.30am
Sunday, all day
a b FREE c d

e f g h


i CHILDREN UNDER 5: j   

control Please show your
k passport l m
A. Which signs might you see:
 in the street?
 in a hospital?
 in a park?
 in a museum?
 at an airport?

B. Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have to, can or can’t, and then match signs a-m
to the sentences below. Sign c has been done for you as an example.
Example: -c- You have to stop.
1. Dogs go here.
2. You ride a bicycle here, but you drive your car.
3. You pay in the evening or on Sundays.
4. You play football here.
5. You take photos.
6. Adults and children over five pay, but children under five
7. You use this toilet.
8. You use Visa or MasterCard but you use American Express.
9. You show your passport.
10. You use a mobile in here.
11. You walk on the paths, not the grass.
12. You smoke in this area.
2. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

train tickets railway station means of transport traffic jams road safety
road user speed limit driving license safety helmet zebra crossing

26. Roadworks have caused throughout the city centre.

27. Slow down because you’re breaking the .
28. A is a place on a road at which vehicles must stop to allow
people to walk across the road.
29. A is an official document that shows you are able to drive.
30. We needed to get to Ha Noi, but we had no .
31. I have two available to go to Lao Cai. Would you like to go with me to
Sa Pa?
32. The government has introduced a new _______________ campaign in an attempt to reduce
the number of road accidents.
33. We looked on our map to find the way to the .
34. You should know the regulations in order to become a good .
35. A is a hard hat which covers and protects the whole head, worn
especially by motorcyclists.

3. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases under them.

What is this?

II. Reading
1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.
Nga: Hi, Laura.
Laura: Hi, Nga.
Nga: What did you do last Sunday?

Laura: I went to the supermarket with my mother in the morning. In the afternoon, I cycled
around West Lake.
Nga: Oh, that sounds really healthy. How did you go to the supermarket?
Laura: My mother and I cycled there. We usually go to the supermarket by bicycle on
Sunday. My father used to drive us there when I was small.
Nga: Really? How far is it from your house to the supermarket?
Laura: It’s about five kilometres.
Nga: How long does it take you?
Laura: It’s not long. About 15 minutes. I like cycling very much. Do you like to cycle
around West Lake with me next Sunday?
Nga: That sounds good. What time?
Laura: How about 3 p.m. at my house?
Nga: OK. See you then.
1. Does Laura usually go to the supermarket on Sunday?
2. Who does Laura usually go with?
3. How did Laura go to the market when she was small?
4. What’s Laura’s hobby?
5. What will Laura and Nga do next Sunday?
2. Read the text and fill in the blanks with correct words. Use the words in the box.

in live their with from

sleep are and or gets

The streets are crowded (1) the traffic. Taxis are bringing tired people (2)
the airport and the train stations to the hotels. They hope to (3) a few hours
before their busy day in the big city. Trucks (4) bringing fresh fruits and vegetables
into the city. Ships are bringing food (5) fuel to the harbour.
By seven o’clock (6) the morning, the streets are filled again with people. Millions of
people (7) in the big city, and millions of people who work in the big city live in the
suburbs, the commuters, are hurrying to get to (8) offices. Everyone is in a hurry. Some
stop only to drink a cup of coffee. Others stop to buy the morning paper (9) to
have breakfast.
The noise of traffic (10) louder. The policemen blow their whistles to stop the traffic
or to hurry it along.
3. Read the texts about model good road safety behavior at all times for parents, and then
answer the questions.
Top tips for pedestrian safety
 Teach your children to hold hands with an adult whenever they go out.
 Always use a zebra crossing when one is available and teach children that these are the safest
places to cross.
 Teach children that it’s still important to stop, look and listen at a zebra crossing.
 Teach children always to stop at the kerb and look and listen for traffic (a third of children
injured on roads said that they didn’t stop before stepping off the kerb and many said they
didn’t look).
 Never use your mobile phone while crossing roads.
 Children learn to make decisions about crossing the road and parents gradually let them take a
lead when you are crossing together.
 As children get older, practise routes with them before they walk alone.
Top tips for cycling
 Always encourage children to wear a cycle helmet when they are on their bikes, and set a good
example by wearing one yourself.
 Children need to be able to judge speed and distance accurately before they cycle on public
roads. They need to take lessons on cycling in order to travel more widely on their bikes.
 Make sure children wear bright coloured clothing and fluorescent items whenever they are
cycling on the road. And if they are cycling in the dark, they will need lights on their bikes and
reflective items too. And of course, make sure you do this yourself, to set a good example.
1. What should children do when they go out?
2. Where should children cross the street?
3. What should children do to cross the street?
4. Where should children stop to look and listen for the traffic?
5. Can they use their mobile phones while crossing roads?
6. What should parents do to help older children before they walk alone?
7. What should children wear when they are on the bikes?
8. What should children do before they cycle on public roads?
9. Which clothes should children wear whenever they are cycling on the road?
10. What should they do when they cycle in the dark?

4. Read the film review, and then answer the questions.

A Kid in King Arthur’s Court is directed by Michael Go
The main character in the film is a teenager called Calvin
Fuller. Calvin is played by Thomas Ian Nicholas. This film is a
modem retelling of Mark Twain’s classic book Connecticut
C a l v i n l i v e s i n C a
beginning of the film, Calvin is playing baseball when there is a terrible earthquake. A hole opens
in the ground and Calvin falls through it. He lands in the past, in the time of King Arthur.
Calvin meets King Arthur and Merlin, the wizard. King Arthur is played by Joss Ackland and
Merlin is played by Ron Moody. They think that Calvin is amazing because he plays them modem
music on his CD player and he shows them how to make rollerblades and a mountain bike. Calvin
is trained to be a knight and he becomes more confident. Calvin helps King Arthur to beat his
enemy, Lord Belasco, and then Merlin sends Calvin back to the future. Calvin finds himself back in
the baseball game, but this time he wins the game.
The special effects in A Kid in King Arthur's Court are very good. Michael Gottlieb is a great
director and the actors’ performances are good. The film is funny and exciting. It’s a comedy, a
drama, and an action film all in one.
1. What type is the film “A Kid in King Arthur ’s Court”?
2. Who is the main character? By whom is it played?
3. Who is the director of the film? Is he a good director?
4. What is Calvin doing when the earthquake happens?
5. How can he land in the time of King Arthur?
6. Why do King Arthur and Merlin think that Calvin is amazing?

7. Who is Calvin trained to become?
8. What does Calvin do to help King Arthur?
9. How can Calvin come back to the present time?
10. How are the special effects in the film?
11. How are the actors’ performances?
12. What does the writer think about the film?


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