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Hooray For Hollywood!


Pooja Thangaraja 12th July 2021

Hey world Studios is going to be a platform for
short lms. A list of short lms with similar kind
of genre will be combined and published
together(like a series).

It is going to be a great platform for upcoming

creative directors and actors to show their

This studio is for the people who thinks the

lming is world for them and we tell them
“Hey let’s come to this world!”

Come up with the SBU’s name and trademark
SBU’s name:Hey World Studios

Trade mark:

HW !

Slogan: “This World Is Yours”

  Write a positioning statement for the SBU

For the lm makers who want to show their

talent to this world. Hey World is the short
lm production industry that delivers the
most creative and different genre movies
so they can cherish their talent and give a
better entertainment to the audience
because Hey World takes an innovative
approach to lm industry ,considering the
impact of the people struggling to get
chances in this Hollywood.
Develop a brand new creative movie, name and theme
Two men who use call tapping to listen the con dential and personal talk of others and blackmailing with that. One man
who is casanova(Arjun)and other man is a tech geek(Ranjith)and they have pet dog(Tom). They both use this call
tapping to get ransom. One day Arjun came with a girl to the house and seduced her. When Ranjith saw that he was
shocked because he loved that girl. On that night itself they got a ransom call from an unknown no. and there computer
got hacked . Arjun was so confused and don’t know what to do. Ranjith went outside to check who is that but he was shot
by dose of poison. When Arjun came outside to check on Ranjith we got very scared .That unknown person told to check
their entrance and there was box, inside that box the girl whom he seduced was death inside. Now the unknown person
blackmailed Arjun that lastly she met you only so you will get caught. He asked Arjun to bury that girl then only he will
reveal where is the antibiotic to save Ranjith. He did that also. And that ransom call person is still on laughing suspiciously
and telling Arjun to check where is Tom. He told now that the antibiotic is inside the tom body and asking Arjun to cut the
tom. He is very scared and want to save Ranjith and did that also. He cut the tom alive. And he found a antibiotic dosage
bottle inside it’s belly. Arjun took that and ran to Ranjith to save him. When Arjun turnaround Ranjith , Ranjith started
laughing and told Arjun that he set the ransom call to talk revenge on him. And that’s the end of the story.

Name : ransom

Theme: thriller


List the S-T-P of your movie

Segmentation : Audience who love to watch thriller, mystery , cyber crime story.

Target market : youth, adults, movie freaks.

Positioning : on top platform, private screening , social media.

The impressing ability to make every release the lm to become unique and
memorable is the key element of the Hey World's success.

The collaboration with xyz company as well inputs a lot to the company's global
recognition and ourishing tendency.

This will be the great innovative for the future lming industry.

According to the expectations the future of the company can be regarded as

pro table and successful.


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