Lesson Plan Template Geography

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Luz Ramirez

Subject: Social Studies Grade: 5th
Unit Title: Colonial America
Unit Essential Questions: This is a short list of questions to focus the unit. What are the essential
pieces of information you want your students to learn? This section is required for the Integrated
Thematic Unit Final.

Unit TEKS:. This section is required for the Integrated Thematic Unit Final.

Social Studies
(7) Geography. The student understands the location and patterns of settlement and the geographic
factors that influence where people live. The student is expected to: (B) explain the geographic
factors that influence patterns of settlement and the distribution of population in the United States;

(25) Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is
expected to: (C) express ideas orally based on research and experiences; and

(1) Creativity and innovation. The student uses creative thinking and innovative processes to
construct knowledge and develop digital products. The student is expected to: (A) create original
products using a variety of resources;
(3) Research and information fluency. The student acquires and evaluates digital content. The
student is expected to: (C) validate and evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of information;

(1) Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and
thinking--oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and
discussion. The student is expected to: (A) listen actively to interpret verbal and non-verbal
messages, ask relevant questions, and make pertinent comments
(6) Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The
student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly
complex texts. The student is expected to:
(B) generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain
(7) Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The
student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.
The student is expected to: (E) interact with sources in meaningful ways such as notetaking,
annotating, freewriting, or illustrating;

Unit NCSS:
II Time, Continuity, and change The study of time, continuity, and change and how historians study the past
allows learners to understand their historical roots and to locate themselves in time

III. People, Places, and Environments. The study of people, places, and human-environment interactions
assists students as they create their spatial views and geographic perspectives of the world beyond their personal

Lesson Title: Where in the World: Colonial America

Lesson Essential Questions

How did the geographic location of cities within the 13 colonies influence their development?

Lesson Objectives:

The Student will identify the differences between the Southern, Middle, and New England colonies
using a graphic organizer with 85 % accuracy.

Anticipate Guide (See appendix)
Developing the Content:
Interactive Bulletin Board
Graphic Organizer
Practicing and Applying the Content:
13 Colonies Skit Writing
Skit Rubric
Flip Grid Link for Commercial / Ipad or Chromebooks
Exit Ticket

Engaging the Students:


Before students watch the video above. I will hand out an Anticipation Guide with 5 questions. I will
read the directions and questions for them the first time. Students are to response with T/F (true or
false). After the lesson students will re-read the questions and see if their responses have changed.

Developing the Content:

I will talk about what geography means. I will then proceed in discussing how people adapt to the
environment or relocate to meet their wants and needs. I will refer back to our introduction video to

give them an example and say something like “ for example, the people who lived in the New
England Colonies, were most likely fishermen. “ I will give them another example in today’s world.
Most people who want to be actors or are movie starts tend to move to California. Why?

You and a partner will visit 3 boards around the room Where in the World: Colonial America You are
to read about each colony. After reading the colonies profile you are to grab the worksheet at the
bottom of the bulletin board and label the colonies. Students will then use a graphic organizer to
compare and contrast the differences between the Southern, Middle, and New England Colonies.

With a partner, students will visit 3 bulletin boards around the room. Students will read about each
colony that pertains to the group ( New England, Middle or Southern) Students will use the
worksheets attached to the bulletin board to complete the activity.

See Appendix for bulletin board and worksheet

Practicing and Applying the Content:

Where in the world? Student will complete the activity on the Interactive Bulletin board. In this activity
students will first

Students will create a commercial / advertisement on one of the 13 colonies. Students are to research
what makes it unique. In the commercial students must include the name of the colony, the year it
was established, reasons for founding, the climate and geography for that region. and top 3 reasons
why Europeans should move to your colony.

Closure: This is where you connect what was learned in this lesson to what will be learned in the
next lesson.

To end our lesson students will fill out an exit ticket.

See Appendix for Exit ticket slip

Accommodations/Modifications for:
Students with PLOE: Students with Students Gifted and
Exceptionalities: Talented:
What support will you offer students What support will you offer How will you challenge
whose primary language is other students whose primary students who need
than English? How will you modify language is other than enrichment? What types of
the discussions, assignments, or English? How will you resources will you incorporate
products? modify the discussions, to promote higher order
assignments, or products? thinking?
Assessment: Here is where you will describe the major assessment for this lesson. You might find
that you use several assessments throughout the lesson, however you need to pick one to describe

Appendix: Here is where you will include everything you have created for this lesson. You will need
to include pictures of your Choice Board products and all the required pieces. You will need to
include any PowerPoints, handouts, exit tickets, or anything else you might use.

Engage: Anticipation Guide

Developing content: Interactive Bulletin board with accompanying Activity & Graphic

Applying: Commercial Skit Writing


References: You will need to include an APA reference page of all the sources you used. Make sure
that you are using APA, 7th Edition. Include a citation for every part of this lesson that you did not
make up yourself including ideas, pictures, and words.

Economics strand : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrInN6LfKgA

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