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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Distinguish Technical Terms
in Research
English – Grade 10
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Distinguish Technical Terms in Research
First Edition, 2021

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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Distinguish Technical Terms
in Research
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear

learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this
module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for
better understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to
answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided
for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing
each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

Let Us Learn!

Every day, we encounter problems around us. We can solve

some of our problems immediately, however, there are problems that needs
a lot of thinking and consideration as well as the expertise of some
individuals before we can solve it. That is where research come into the
option. This module shall teach you the technical terms commonly used in

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish technical terms used in research (MELC: EN10V-IVa-30); and

2. Identify the different parts of research.

Let Us Try!

Before we start our new lesson, let us try to assess our knowledge
on the technical terms we can use in research. Good luck!
Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the best answer. Write
the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is one way of solving difficult problems that needs scientific study.

A. doing research C. documentation
B. experimentation D. do a guess work

2. A systematic research involves three basic operations, namely, data

collection, data analysis and ____________.
A. testing hypothesis C. data testing
B. report writing D. data interpretation.

3. If you have a specific idea of what it is to be research, you should

A. Formulate research objectives
B. Write a research proposal
C. Follow the 12 steps of selecting a research problem
D. talk to your teacher

4. What is qualitative research observation?

A. It is a descriptive observation.
B. It is a numerical observation.
C. It is both descriptive and numerical observation.
D. None of the above.

5. Which type of research studies the cause and effect relationship

between certain factors on a certain phenomenon under controlled
A. experimental C. descriptive
B. correlational D. none of them

Terms Used in Research

Let Us Study
The word research came from the old French word “recerchier”
which means to search and search again. It literally implies repeating a
search for something and implicitly assumes that the earlier search was not
thorough and complete in the sense that there is still area for improvement.

Research in common language refers to a search for knowledge. It

may be defined as a scientific and systematic search for relevant information
on a specific topic/area. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation.
Some people consider research as a movement, a movement from known to
unknown. It is actually a journey of discovery.

Research is a scientific approach of answering a research question,

solving a problem, or generating new knowledge through a systematic and
orderly collection, organization, and analysis of information with an ultimate
goal of making the research useful in decision-making.

Research is also an academic study that uses very technical terms to

represent its parts. Technical means formal and relating to practical subject
organized on scientific principles.

Systematic research involves three basic operations.

1. Data collection: It refers to observing, measuring, and recording


2. Data analysis: It refers to arranging and organizing the collected

data so that we may be able to find out what their
significance is and generalize about them.

3. Report writing: It is an inseparable part and an outcome of a

research study. Its purpose is to convey
information contained in it to the readers.

What problems in our society today that you think need research? Why? The
first item serves as your guide.

1. COVID-19 Pandemic – The corona virus disease needs research

because it is a disease new to our world and there in no known
vaccine yet. Vaccines developed by big medical companies are yet
untested and undefined. It needs further research if it is effective.
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________

Technical Terms Used in Research

In doing a research, remember to employ the technical terms to be

used. According to Fraencal and Wallen (1996), there are three general types
of research.

1. Descriptive Research – This type of research finds answer to the

question who, what, when, where, and how. It describes a given
situation in terms of specified factors. What may be described
are characteristics of individuals or groups (farmers, students,
administrators, entrepreneurs, patients, etc.) or physical
environments (schools, business establishments, hospitals,
cooperatives, etc.) or conditions (epidemic, calamities,
leadership styles, anxiety level, sales and profit, etc.)

Here are example titles for descriptive research.

Tardiness and Absenteeism among High School Students

COVID-19 Infected Health Service Providers in Government and

Private Hospitals of Tagum City

2. Correlational Research - This type of research answers the questions
why and how. In this study, factors related to the problem are
not viewed as real “causes” of the problem, but factors which
are associated with and may contribute to the occurrence of the
problem. The researcher investigates relationships between
factors and variables.

Look at this example.

Relationship Between Motivation and Absenteeism Among High

School Students in the Division of Tagum City

3. Experimental Research - It studies the “cause and effect”
relationship between certain factors on a certain phenomenon
under controlled conditions. The subjects of the study are
randomly assigned to the experimental group and controlled
group and both groups are exposed to similar conditions except
for the intervention/treatment.

For example:

The Effects of Different Levels of Applied Nitrogen on the Growth

and Yield of Rice

What is research for you?


Commonly Used Method of Research

1. Quantitative Research – Quantitative methods emphasize objective

measurements and statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of
data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys.
Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and
generating it across groups of people or to explain a particular

2. Qualitative Research – Qualitative research method focuses on

obtaining data through open-ended and conversational
communication. This method is about what people think and why
they think so. The results of qualitative methods are more descriptive,
and the inferences can be drawn easily from the data that is obtained.

3. Qualitative Observation vs Quantitative Observation

Qualitative Observation Quantitative Observation

Qualitative research observation Quantitative research observation
uses the five senses to describe is made with instruments, such as
results of the research, for example, rulers, weighing scale or meter stick.
color, shape, smell, and taste and In short, the observations are
etc., it doesn’t use numbers. measurable or has numbers.

Examples of qualitative observation: Examples of quantitative

• Gigi lives in the Southeastern
Philippines. • Gigi lives 500 meters from the
• The banana I am eating is sea.
starchy. • The banana weighed 12 grams.

Other Terms Used in Research

Research Problem – is anything which gives a person a feeling of

discomfort. It could be a situation that needs to be changed or
anything that is not working as expected. A research problem must be
relevant, feasible, clear, and ethical.

Research Framework – explains the existence of a problem. It also explains

the connections between variables in the research.

Research Objectives – give focus to the study and specify variables that are
going to be measured. In this part, the researcher needs to specify
what to do and what to find out in the research.

Variables – are the basic elements which are measured in a study. They are
observable and measurable. There are four types of variables: the
independent, dependent, intervening, and the antecedent variable.

Hypothesis – It is a scientific guess that tentatively answer the research

questions. There are two types of hypothesis, the null hypothesis, or
the statement of no relation, and the alternative hypothesis, a
statement of relationship between variables.

Review of Related Literature (RRL) – A collected information related to the

research problem. Usually, information about the problem and related
concepts theories that explain the existence of the problem are
collected in the RRL.

Research Design – This is also called the “blueprint” of the study. It is a
plan course of action which the research follows to answer research
questions or sole research problem.

Research Statistics – This is the science of collecting, presenting,

analyzing, and interpreting data.

Population - A population is the entire pool from which a statistical

sample is drawn. A population may refer to an entire group of people,
objects, events, or measurements. A population can thus be said to be
an aggregate observation of subjects grouped together by a common

Sample - A sample refers to a smaller, manageable version of a larger group.

It is a subset containing the characteristics of a larger
population. Samples are used in statistical testing when population
sizes are too large for the test to include all possible members or
observations. There are two major methods of sampling.

1. Probability Sampling- is a sampling technique where a researcher sets

a selection of a few criteria and chooses members of a population
randomly. All the members have an equal opportunity to be a part of
the sample with this selection parameter.

2. Non-probability sampling - The researcher chooses members for

research at random. This sampling method is not a fixed or predefined
selection process. This makes it difficult for all elements of a
population to have equal opportunities to be included in a sample.

Data – In research, data are information collected, printed, or recorded

which are used for the purpose of analysis.

Research Question - A research question provides a focus for investigation.

It grounds the study, determines the method in which the study will
be conducted, and it guides all stages of inquiry, analysis, and
Steps in Doing Simple Research

Now that you know the basic technical terms used in doing research,
here are the steps in writing a research according to Creswell (2008).

1. Identify a research problem

2. Reviewing the literature
3. Specifying a purpose for research

4. Collecting data
5. Analyzing and interpreting data
6. Reporting and evaluating research
What do you think is the importance of research?


Day 2

Let Us Practice

We have read the rest of the technical terms in research. It is now

time for us to assess our understanding on the matter.

If you have confusions, you can go back to the previous discussions

about the common terms used in research.

Good luck!

Direction: Read the sentences below. Write true if the statement is correct
and false if the statement is incorrect.

_______1. Some data are quantitative while others are qualitative.

_______2. Qualitative data generally includes equations.
_______3. All problems need research.
_______4. Sample is a subset containing the characteristics of a larger
_______5. Statistics is used to collect, present, analyze and interpret data in
quantitative research only.
_______6. Null hypothesis is a statement of relationship between variables.
_______7. The objective gives focus to the study and specify variables that
are going to be measured.
_______8. Collected information about the problem and related concepts
theories that explain the existence of the problem is placed in the
Review of Related Literature.
_______9. Research questions are information collected, printed, or recorded
which are used for the purpose of analysis.
_______10. Qualitative research method is about what people think and why
they think so.

Day 3

Let Us Practice More

In the previous discussion, we have learned the difference between

making a quantitative and qualitative observations, answer the questions
below to check your own understanding on the topic.
Activity 1 Keen Observers!
Direction: Read the following examples and then decide if each statement is
qualitative observation or quantitative observation.

_________1. The mango was sweet.

_________2. The spider was 2 cm long.
_________3. The flower is yellow.
_________4. You have a 50% chance to win the lottery today.
_________5. The laptop is black.
_________6. The mall is 2 km away from the church.
_________7. My teacher is 169 cm tall.
_________8. One sack of rice weighted 50 kg.
_________9. The paper mache looks terrible.
_________10. If you will be bitten by a black widow, you can see a violin
shaped mark.
Activity 2 Quali vs Quanti
Direction: Make a qualitative and quantitative observation based on the
picture below.

Qualitative Observation
1 1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

Quantitative Observation
1 1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

Day 4
Let Us Assess

Research is really an exciting topic! Good job in accomplishing your

previous activities that enhances your knowledge about the different
technical terms in research.

Let us continue to discover more about the technical terms in


Activity 1. Match Maker!

Direction: Match the terms in column A to its meaning in column B.

Column A Column B

1. Hypothesis A. A collected information related to the

research problem.
2. Non-probability B. an educated guess
3. Research question C. It could be a situation that needs to
be changed or anything that is not
working as expected
4. Research framework D. It focuses the study and guides the
researcher in his/her course of action
in the study
5. Review of related E. This sampling method is not a fixed or
literature predefined selection process.
6. Research problem F. The result of this method is more
descriptive, and the inferences can be
drawn easily from the data that is
7. Data G. A method that focuses on gathering
numerical data and generating it
across groups of people or to explain
a particular phenomenon
8. Qualitative research H. the science of collecting, presenting,
analyzing, and interpreting data
9. Quantitative research I. information used for the purpose of
10. Statistics J. It explains the connections between
variables in the research.

Activity 2: Know Me Better!

Direction: Identify the statements below. Choose your answer on the box.

A. Hypothesis D. Research Question

B. Research Objective E. Research Design
C. Research Title F. Data

_____1. There is no significant relationship between student’s age and their

motivation to go to school.
_____2. This study will be conducted to determine whether there is a
significant relationship between hand washing practices and the
increase of covid-19 transmission among residents of Tagum City.
_____3. What are the experiences of health care workers who were
vaccinated with covid-19 vaccine?
_____4. Depression Among Students Amid the Pandemic: A Phenomenology
_____5. For this study, it was appropriate to use a qualitative
phenomenological research design since the researcher gathered
data about the live experiences of the students in the modular
approach of education.
Day 5
Let Us Enhance

You did excellent in your previous activities, let us try more to

develop your critical thinking!

Activity 1: Don’t Get Cross!

Direction: Re-arrange the jumbled letters of the terms related to research.

Write the correct word on the blanks provided. Look for the words on the
puzzle and circle them.

1. OTHYPSISHE _________________ 6. ISTICSSTAT _________________

2. ARCHESER _________________ 7. ESONITUQ _________________
3. SAPLEM _________________ 8. NEIGDS _________________
4. ATAD _________________ 9. LITTE _________________
5. MORPELB _________________ 10. AVAIBLER _________________


Activity 2 Define Me!

Directions: Based on the words you have found on the cross-word puzzle,
pick at least four words and define them according to your own









Activity 3 What Needs What?

Direction: Identify whether the situations below need probability or non-

probability sampling. Write your answer on a separate paper.

1. An organization has 500,000 employees sitting at different geographic

locations. The organization wishes to make certain amendments in its
human resource policy, but before they roll out the change, they want
to know if the employees will be happy with the change or not.
However, it’s a tedious task to reach out to all 500,000 employees.

2. Michael is trying to gather data for his study. He goes to a fast-food

restaurant during the lunch hour and asks people who walk into the
restaurant if they would be willing to fill out a questionnaire.

3. Matthew is gathering data for his study. Matthew tells his research
assistants to be sure to interview twenty (20) 6th graders, twenty (20)
7th graders, and twenty-five (25) 8th graders.

4. To analyze the level of employee satisfaction at stores in a certain

large city, a grocery store chain selects eight (8) store locations at
random and surveys all employees at these locations.

5. To estimate the proportion of students who plan to purchase tickets to

an upcoming school fundraiser, a high school decides to sample 100
students as they register for the upcoming school year. There are
2000 students at the time.

Activity 4 Know Research Better

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct and best answer then, write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

_____ 1. Which of the following best defines quantitative research?

a. it is an activity of producing or proving a theory
b. it is an activity concerned with finding new truth in education
c. it is an exploration using books, journal and indexes
d. it is a systematic process of obtaining numerical information
about a certain problem

_____ 2. In what filled of study will research help when it was used to
provide innovative studying strategies?
a. Engineering and Technology
b. Education
c. Humanities and Social Sciences
d. Accounting and Business Administration
_____ 3. What characteristics of quantitative research is referred to when it
is describe as not based on guess work?
a. objective
b. numerical data
c. replication
d. large sample size
_____ 4. Which of the following explains why quantitative research is
a. It can influence decisions affecting organizations and
b. Problems are addressed systematically, and decisions are
assured to be sound.
c. used to validate to validate test and challenge existing
practices across fields
d. all of the above
_____ 5. In what specific field of study will the following research title be
under? TITLE: Managing Aquaculture Practices of Busaon
Integrated School across Junior High School and Senior High
School Students
a. Social Inquiry
b. Arts
c. Science
d. Agriculture and Fisheries

Let Us Reflect

Congratulations on finishing the module about the technical terms

used in research. Now that you are already familiar about the discussed
research terms, I believe you are ready to do your research now. Do you
want to experience a very fruitful study that would help solve the problems
of the people around you?
Doing a research helps us improve the quality of our living. Afterall,
most things around us went into many years of research before they have
come into meaningful existence. Research is very important in the fields of
science, economy, technology, medicine, and countless others.

Now, it’s your turn to share your experiences and the things that you
have learned.

Direction: Write a three-paragraph essay about your learnings in this

module. Let the rubrics below be your guide.

Traits 4 3 2 1
There is one There is one clear, There is one The topic and
clear, wellfocused wellfocused topic. topic. Main main ideas are
topic. Main ideas Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
are clear and are clear but are not somewhat clear.
well supported by well supported by
Focus and
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
The introduction The introduction The There is no clear
is inviting, states states the main introduction introduction,
the main topic, topic and provides states the main structure, or
and provides an an overview of the topic. A conclusion.
overview of the paper. A conclusion is
paper. conclusion is included.
Information is included.
relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is
All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences Sentences sound
well constructed are well are well awkward, are
and have varied constructed and constructed, but distractingly
structure and have varied they have a repetitive, or are
length. The structure and similar difficult to
author makes no length. The author structure understand. The
errors in makes a few errors and/or length. author makes
Sentence grammar, in grammar, The author numerous errors
Structure, mechanics, mechanics, makes several in grammar,
Grammar, and/or spelling. and/or spelling, errors in mechanics,
Mechanics, but they do not grammar, and/or spelling
& Spelling interfere with mechanics, that interfere
understanding. and/or spelling with
that interfere understanding.

Activity 2 Let Us Try!
1. a
2. c 1. A
3. b 2. B
4. e 3. A
5. d 4. A
Let Us enhance 5. A
Activity 1
Let Us Practice!
1. hypothesis
2. research 1. true
3. sample 2. false
4. data 3. false
5. problem 4. true
6. statistics 5. false
7. question 6. false
8. design 7. true
9. title 8. true
10. variable 9. false
Activity 3 10. true
1. probability
2. non-probability Let Us Practice More!
3. non-probability 1. Qualitative
4. probability 2. Quantitative
5. probability 3. Qualitative
Activity 4 4. Quantitative
1. d 5. Qualitative
2. b 6. Quantitative
3. a 7. Quantitative
4. d 8. Quantitative
5. d 9. Qualitative
10. Qualitative
Let Us Assess
Activity 1
1. b 6. c
2. e 7. i
3. d 8. f
4. j 9. g
5. a 10. h
Answer key to Activities

Creswell, J W.. conducting, and evaluating quantitative (pp. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.

Smith-Sebasto, N J.. and reporting environmental education research:

Qualitative methods of inquiry. n.p.: Environmental education
research, 6(1), 9-26, 2000.

Taylor, G. R. (Ed.). (2005). Integrating quantitative and qualitative

methods in research. University press of America.

Wallen, Norman E., and Jack R. Fraenkel. "Educational

Research." 2013. doi:10.4324/9781410601001
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Tagum City

Office Address: Energy Park, Apokon, Tagum City, 8100

Telefax: (084) 216-3504

E-mail Address:

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