Creative Youth Agency Platform

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Creative Youth Agency Platform

How we will take your app from the concept to the product.

Prepared for: Creative Youth Agency


Date: Mondey, 16 August 2021


The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided By WAGAANA

TECH HOLDINGS LTD in this agreement is confidential; therefore, the reader agrees
not to disclose it without the express written permission of WAGAANA TECH
HOLDINGS LTD. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this
agreement is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in
the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by
reader, may cause serious harm or damage to WAGAANA TECH HOLDINGS LTD.
Upon request and approval by the WAGAANA TECH HOLDINGS LTD authorised
admin, this document is to be immediately delivered to CREATIVE YOUTH AGENCY.


1. About Us
WAGAANA TECH (HOLDINGS) LTD has an extended network of specialists who can be staffed on a client’s
project team to address specific needs or solve issues. These specialists bring expertise in accounting system
design, software engineering, data integration and financial modeling.

2. Service Offered.
๏ Consulting and Product Strategy

๏ Development (Android, IOS and Web Applications)

๏ Design & User Experience

๏ Quality Assurance, Maintenance and Future-proofing

๏ Digital marketing and others

3. Our Development Lifecycle Philosophy

1. Analysis: The existing system is evaluated. Deficiencies are identified. This can be done by interviewing
users of the system and consulting with support personnel.

2. Plan and requirements: The new system requirements are defined. In particular, the deficiencies in the
existing system must be addressed with specific proposals for improvement. Other factors defined include
needed features, functions and capabilities.

3. Legal, acknowledgements and contract

4. Design: The proposed system is designed. Plans are laid out concerning the physical construction,
hardware, operating systems, programming, communications and security issues.

5. Development: The new system is developed. The new components and programs must be obtained and
installed. Users of the system must be trained in its use.

6. Testing: All aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary, adjustments must be made at this stage.
Tests performed by quality assurance (QA) teams may include systems integration and system testing.

7. Deployment: The system is incorporated in a production environment. This can be done in various ways.
The new system can be phased in, according to application or location, and the old system gradually
replaced. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to shut down the old system and implement the new
system all at once.

8. Upkeep and maintenance: This step involves changing and updating the system once it is in place.
Hardware or software may need to be upgraded, replaced or changed in some way to better fit the needs of
the end-users continuously. Users of the system should be kept up-to-date concerning the latest modifications
and procedures.

4. Our team
1. Alex : System Engineer and Full stack developer

2. Hassan: Full stack Developer

3. Fred : Full Stack Developer

4. Dennis : Graphic design

5. Victorious: Marketing and business analyst

6. Joseph : Project manager.


1. Solution Overview
• Delivery of a single user mobile app and admin web app with a focus on services that are specifically useful
within a mobile context. Initially the app will deliver Strong Authentication System, Offline Capabilities,
Messaging/Chat System, News Feed System (Company Blog), Marketplace (Buy and sell, Lend and Hire), Wallet
System, Events System, Users Engagement System (Customer Care), Logistics/Delivery System for Marketplace,
Quiz System, Experts Panel (Health workers, psychologists, motivational speakers, etc), Ask an Expert, Jobs
System, Community System (Groups, posts, status updates), Video Live Streaming, Donations/Findings System,
SRHR E-Learning System, Referral System

1. Consumer Module
๏ Authentication System

๏ Can Contact admins for help

๏ Refer a Friend and Earn Credits on successful Referrals

๏ Marketplace (Buy and sell, Lend and Hire)

๏ Wallet System

๏ Events System

๏ Offline Capabilities

๏ Video Live Streaming

๏ Donations/Findings System

๏ SRHR E-Learning System

๏ Users Engagement System (Customer Care).

๏ Logistics/Delivery System for Marketplace

๏ Messaging/Chat System

๏ News Feed System (Company Blog)

๏ Quiz System

๏ Experts Panel (Health workers, psychologists, etc).

๏ Ask an Expert

๏ Jobs System

๏ Community System (Groups, posts, status updates).

๏ Can view recently purchased items

๏ Can share a product on social media platforms.

๏ Rate the application on store

๏ Providing Feedback.

2. Eapert Module
๏ Hass all users modules

๏ Can view, reply, questions from users/peers

3. Admin panel
๏ Can Manage Users (Add/Edit/Delete Admins)

๏ Can monitor system usage

๏ Can View Users information

๏ Can be aware of new users on the system

๏ Can monitor locations on system users.

๏ Can know the number of daily platform users

๏ Can view predicted data on platform future expected

๏ Can view orders(new/processing/complete orders)

๏ Can view addresses information of consumer orders

๏ Can Manage the products on the system.

๏ Can add products to the system

๏ Can modify and delete products.

๏ Can modify products prices in real time.

๏ Manage Credits.

๏ Can view and run marketing campaigns

๏ Can approve experts on the system

๏ Can manage transactional charges of the wallet

5. Project Timeline
Projection W1 W2 W3 W4 ... W10 W11 W12 ....

Detail Specification

Design and Flow

Play Store registration

Concept and development
√ √ √ √
Extensive testing

Dashboard and platforms submission to
Creative Youth Agency √
Store submission

Maintenance and support
√ √

Week 1.1 | Detail Specification

We know the rough plan and what the app needs to do. We will nail this down according to the
discussions we had and the messages shared by Creative Youth Agency tam. We tried to

analyse and came up with a product schedule along with the timeline and fees. During this
phase, we will architect a plan to execute Creative Youth Agency’s vision within the
capabilities of current technology. We will offer Creative Youth Agency input on how to
achieve its vision effectively without sacrificing functionality or a user friendly design

Week 1.2 | design & flow

Next, we'll get working on the wireframes. These are basically sketches of the application. This helps us (yourself
and us) to focus on the structure and flow of the app rather than worrying about colours and styles. Once we have
this agreed, we start the actual design and add colour and the branding.

Week 1.3 | Play store registration

At this phase, we will start by having the initial configuration of the PlayStore account that will host the app on
google to avoid delays. Registration cost will be a one time fee of $25. We need to do this sooner since the
validation time takes from a few days to a few weeks.

Weeks 2 - 7 | development
At this point, we go quiet and just get on with making it.

The spec is nailed down, the design and screens are all agreed, it's just a small case of "making it work".

Week 8 | Extensive testing

We will put the prototype of the application through a battery of tests. In addition to the pristine conditions of lab
testing, we will take the tests of the app into the real world and on real devices instead of emulators. Our testing
ensures the application works first on Android platforms, on a range of devices, and even on outdated software so
every user can enjoy a seamless experience.

Testing is vital. People rarely give an app a second chance. We test vigorously. Not just whether button A does
what it's supposed to, but testing on other people. It's about making sure that everything works as it should and
that the natural flows we want to occur are natural to random people the first time they play with it.

Week 9 | Play Store submission

When we're ready and you're happy, we submit it to the Google Play Store. We will handle all the necessary work
to get the application onto the App Store and approved. We will help you prepare all the marketing material
needed like screenshots and descriptions for the listing. If there are any issues, we will refine them and re-submit
until we get approval.

Week 10 to the next 6 months | Maintenance and support

We’ll handle all necessary maintenance, technical support, and minor upgrades for six months after we help you
launch your application. This lets you focus on marketing your application and getting it into as many people’s
hands as possible while we handle the technical details. We'll also prepare your team to take over these tasks
when the six-month period ends

6. Pricing and payment Model

Fee Schedule
1. Initial stage – We’ll work according to the mutual agreement clearly defined and according to your vision. We
shall also offer input along the way, and develop a workable strategy to build a well functional and user friendly

2. Design, development, testing, and launch – We will work together to turn this vision into a viable application.
You’ll be able to watch the progress and offer real-time feedback to ensure the end product matches your
expectations perfectly. After we test to make sure your application works perfectly in the real world and on a
variety of different platforms, we’ll help you get it onto the Play Store to reach as many people as possible.

3. Maintenance and support – We’ll handle all necessary maintenance, technical support, and minor upgrades for
six months after we help you launch your application. This lets you focus on marketing the application and getting
it into as many people’s hands as possible while we handle the technical details. We'll also prepare your team to
take over these tasks when the six-month period ends.

Phases # Man Hours Amount

Initial phases, conception and design 3 10 $200

PlayStore hosting fees + initial template(App Landing Web Page) 2 $50

backend hosting monthly fees (Linux Server, google cloud, firebase) 12 $240

Main modules (Login, signUp, listing, user profiles, notification, security...) 2 60 $1200

Wallet, payments, fundings 1 22 $220

Performance, reports and journey and certificates 2 84 $1680

E-learning, quizzes and exams 2 70 $1400

Admin web dashboard 2 72 $1440

Offline capability 2 28 $560

Voucher and reward system 1 36 $360

Extra features (Pdf editor, text editor, Live chat, voice and video streaming...) 2 240 $4800

Feature modules (Newsfeed, posts, comments, jobs, galleries, events, marketplace etc) 2 160 $3200

iOS and web platform 2 1000 To come...

Total 1 (Basic features) $8500

Total 2 (Mid complete) $10550

Total 3 (Full + extra features) $15350

Payment schedule
30% | Upon signing this proposal

20% | When we have completed the specification and technical conception

40% | When it's been submitted to the Google Play Store.

10% | When the 6months maintenance and support period is done.


To take advantage of this proposal and proceed with the project as outlined, Creative Youth Agency next steps
must be to:

● Accept the proposal as-is or send feedbacks/suggestion and we shall discuss desired or expected


● Finalise and sign contract as mutually agreed

● Submit initial payment of 30 percent for the total fee of the selected package. Once completed, We will contact
the Creative Youth Agency to schedule a project launch meeting (Most probably via voice or video conference
because of the current situation) to gather additional information, set responsibilities and set the working ground
before beginning the work.

● We’re happy to make changes to the project scope upon Creative Youth Agency’s request at any time, but may
be subject to additional billing.

You accept this Agreement and agree to be bound by its terms by either sign off of this document or exceptionally
via email to in case the printout is not possible. Following the initial payment as defined in
the schedule, we shall start the conception, design and development. If the Client is an entity, the individual
person who accepts this Agreement for the Client represents and warrants that he or she is entitled to enter this
Agreement as an authorised representative of Client and to bind the Client to the terms of this Agreement.

(For the Client) Name :


______________________________ Date


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(For the Legal entity) Name :


______________________________ Date


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