I Ko Matiky .: The Ase Hardy

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MJMariga dgnas.

T. MA Englisw
Viotoan Age ad the Ase Hardy
8 moK,

awid opperkuloas an autobioqraphical novel

chaales Dickens was an Enaish writar and

Aoal cait. He taatad soms of Ahe wolds best

haum fickional tharart ers and is arded by
Ma a the qraatert aovelsest th Victorian a He

3 t oay genia H hovels anol short s ories re

&ell idly nd o
"Dowid Copperfuld "o "The Paruonal käftery aviol

Coppefie(d s a bildungs YOY) an hovel by chasrles

Dickena. alao a m- auobiographical no


"a vuy compli cataol weavig f tunth and invertion ,

wth wens folowing Oickans wn like. A s

AAAAfad bg David teppxnfald , detailing his aoutntuwes

i ko Jawa om iany matiky . A vas

fat Puls kad as a suinl in /8 49-18 GO And as a
booktn (8S0
Svid Copperfteld" & tho tost f DtcRens
hovels Wailten 2htioly in the t Puun. la the

Pouae o David.toppprfelel ", Diekes wmonkrcd.:

" ike
MA fond ParentI have In my
taat a hcants a
aroite chil&. dnd
ha u
nAmu pavid Copperhield
"David oppurhi eld "i a portraik Oicens
Thare ane few aimidanites betuwen Darcd
and Oickers donwrung thu child hood Parental
re rducaton and CouLn pickens& Pentrayed
panent and h ate tude towards then tn maN

Aha chamtos in ovid Copperfalol. Dickins panent2

www higk spoutad people who wer hot,in
oickns yes goo d pooents. In "Dauid oppeehwld
Dekensmusthr, elizabelh ickens cos portrayed as
he Sovmly widow, clona Coppefeld. clana voas he
oe and goeti motho David Behind
Pavids benrk , she avvud flvrd Mulidone,
He 6 a amel anol a keantlos man. Drvid tet betrayd

by hus fmothwu juse as Oickens felt bedrayes by

h Own motko. f e Diceurathor wa anetted

ecaue hs dabs hs motha genf chaslo to work

al tho kuible Karruns Blat king ¥ackory a shoe -MakM

fauo Ths exp euun scwd and alien atud

Dickens ko kle and was a hemu n manny af h

ora penlouo, Dawids fasf ike Cwas alao
anotkes irnage of Eizaleh Dickes, chasle motho

ila Haa:
Coppeeld ,
Doxa hadl a she Personalhy
and was loaubfal angelir but hone she enchanteod
David and he inatanitousy ored kon.

Lwas a Captivu and a slave .I lovo

Dora o di'struckon "
David beeame obsee sed pon Krowing

Coa wenw jenlos ken he 1aw her speaking to an

eldurly gentleman. When thayJot marhed , ho wwe

Dera NA
always Pre oeupud nif ux dog, Jip.
aalkzed Aow chaldsh ike s,
oken h died pavid
kuath aft David
otho ha Mothor nd hus orfes
In no cen c
otfh me miues tkes fakal
Mx luoatd Mmdstone was flo t incanafeh

Sohn 6 be met n th novel . Mwdone was

Consdwred a illain boease of hu Cuel and

vancctune manne towords the otlar echaratters.

He, alorg h hi gually icke safer Jone

Mundetorn foul enthanted ard fhen uuined

rs Copperfild: willkns Micawber wa Har las

evil a Dickera a thr.
4& fiul ore, Maria Beakhell, Las an

Therediha nuemblane fo tha Prefka Doxa in

David lopperfteld The we f revoue ckora ckes

ods i passihle for Airkera o emphy Aa ovil'

hawrcuteru fo ahow s henos fe viku. for

iak tleep who Jend o Oorid , hs biterners
and CopBion was Cntray m z d kon Owtabe

CLncdnesM Murda one could be oniasfed o

4 he David and benvolen slrog Olkens

emplayo he virtl e of oles oip tein /cet ag


He kad Hat kird of skalloeo black eye , Twnnt
a.beffer word fo 'expres an eye Fkoct kas hd

dep h in te'

Dickens qave dwrd and Ton 1ho steuo

pical ellinou ppeaon e blaek kwr and

ejes asten dask aLennd brutal attihuds

pickens tombt his virid imaginakon and f

Pople a Lnaus fom hi en fe lo Gomplate

Docvid Copperfkeld. A(Phougk ,0ickens nven

askrouhsdged Dowid Cope vLald das an audobiograpy
Tcwastha only navel o e that (ame eloje
Cam elose
|fo emu/aiktng Au
Thames in David Copperfrelo

) Seteal clas
Sodal statw and clos a ubiguito us al

is trogh oucd h» novel "Da vid Coppe rfielol ".

In fot, the novel an be rae wrd, in arge

bmmentany on o vial 3fa bus and

dass bosed wealth Yor example, in ho Case of

9teeaforho it obviow hat ks treaded
uthbe tter than David and other skudent
o galem flouwe. Ftkame ke
aded 6y Davi d ano ven by Ma. Peggotky
ard lam bo of hu a a a l o w e r alass

ue Happires
o novrator hofes in paniculr he

innounljoy Daviol hol as a ckzlol beforr ká

mether married Na. Murosone 1he plot n g4nra

s S e s on Davida zeath for tre happines
All tho Charna ders to find thaiv wn

fid ev
Xo t e h happiness. Dared and KAgsotd
frd tue happ?ness Hrongh Hoi fomiles
pnes T Mcawbers a.nod Umoh beleve
Hum grat hnpplntss
Hot rmoh cll nbung
hi) eod
Dickens makee He aymbols of goool
evifo Ao krqs h fhe novel. the ffome
ced ves wil PruralWent esp eudn y a a
Symbolie batle fo Daviola lonl be kwren Hne

hickalod and sheerfortA. Agnes ep re en t

auRdgood angel" os he Aen. sh iu hio

o iteersaon -and a Ae peBon who able fo enlIm

3teuforh , in contrat ki "ba od angel
Adanes Saus to co fh one who fheols Da vids

duauf Opper class

emale Empowermert
The novel enploru feminine ower fo Jome

dagree A0 emtrq to faro srona, Powerpul w omen

Such a
peggofh4 Müs
ard Beksey. In Contrast ,

women who do hot holA muth Power ae

Clara Coppe1fteld. M. and Mu. Micawber

haweve ae a
Jqood tample ofa masvuied Coplt,
in cohich eath
apouse kolds almet an
Amoun of Powr and thy are a
ery haPPg hapP
couple even
hough Hay are
) TKa "Ondisegline Heat "*

auids "undisip nnd heont

fall vetm to Pas ton He fals vey ckty
Ardabung for gob examplas eMiner
undusiplinadAeort inuld, A feelngs
i s shophared He but finslo, a l r
hat Ane Kke Pouon kom
w ke traly love

ha fatker fi u 1 one
Tho sole af
he hovel, for
fort ssuee hat Comes up in
affer ha fatkers
Davd s bovn Six mnths
Seems to be Darils fa ther 4i2wre
Peggofky and
ke oleueibes a s lae
g vowing p , for
hat a Jadko
Aane. Diekem ugges hng

anod dereloping
u emnhal for

900d chaha eter.


akife witl Dariod 2

Ohs le
Mo. Dick

ho oith pera when she dis

danes iskfield.

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