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On-going PSDP Projects of PCSIR

PSDP Name of Project Approval Estimated Expenditure PSDP Project Objectives

2020-21 Status Cost upto 2021-22
G.S/No. 30.06.2021
On-going Schemes (PCSIR) :

811 Establishment of Technical DDWP 1210.150 1203.685 6.465  To lay the foundation for the development and generation of technical know-how in the
Training Center for Precision 09.11.2020 field of Precision Mechanics Instrument Technology & Die and Mould Technology.
Mechanic and Instrument  To organize and conduct a three-year diploma of Associate Engineering in Precision
Technology Gwadar Mechanics & Instrument Technology, Dies and Mould Technology Intake 30+30
students per year.
 To organize short term courses up to 6 months’ duration for engineers and technicians
(Note: PC-I of the project will employed in industry, Port, local community demands.
be submitted for Revision after  Development of manufacturing facilities for precision type of machine component,
incorporation) gauges, tools, jigs and fixture which are in enormous demand in the local industry
(resulting in the saving of valuable foreign exchange).
 To undertake human resource development and capacity building in focused areas.

823 Up gradation of Medicinal CDWP 110.893 87.207 23.686  To upgrade research facilities according to WHO guidelines in the areas of
Botanic Centre as National 02.05.2018 Pharmacology & Animal House, Phytochemical Standardization, Process Development,
Centre for Herbal Medicine, Herbal Analysis, Microbiology, Plant Tissue Culture, Botany for studies on Materia
PCSIR Labs. Complex, Medica used in the Traditional Pakistani System of Medicine according to WHO
Peshawar guidelines
 To have qualified/expert manpower in high technology fields related to health/medical
 Training of Research Staff of Medicinal Botanic Centre PCSIR Peshawar, at the Chinese
Institutions Specialized in Traditional System of Medicine including Institute of Chinese
Materia Medica (Beijing China).
824 Up gradation of Polymer & CDWP 134.695 100.000 34.695  To upgrade the current instrumental set-up of the Polymers and Plastics Laboratory at
Plastics Laboratory at PCSIR 06.05.2019 Applied Chemistry Research Centre at PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore (SDGT
Laboratories Complex, Lahore. 9.1 & 9.5). To sustain [with over 200 evaluated samples per year for the last five years],
enhance and improve the scope of polymer analyses so as to better accommodate
customer requests arising from increased industrial activity in polymer technology.
 To provide need based Consultancy Services to the Local Industry working in the
domain of polymer science such as Plastics, packaging, paints, rubbers and other allied
industries (SDGT 9.6).On an average basis, this laboratory has provided around 8 to 10
consultancies per year over the past five years, requested upgrade would help generate
greater amount of multidimensional and reliable scientific data necessary in such cases.
 To provide quality control and analytical assessment services to the import/ export
oriented sectors of the local industry associated with manufacturing of polymeric
materials (SDGT 8.2).
 To provide need based training and research facilities to people associated with the
Industry and Academia respectively (SDGT 4.7). With improved instrumental facilities,
the laboratory would be in a better position to accommodate PhD scholars along with
MS students of polymer science thus leading to greater co-ordination with academia and

833 Up gradation of Machinery, DDWP 125.000 40.000 50.000  To enhance the standard of teaching and training facilities and technical infrastructure
Equipment and Renovation of 02.04.2020 for IIEE& PSTC.
Buildings of IIEE & PSTC  To replace the outdated /aging equipment and trainers that will further develop expertise
Karachi of skilled Graduates.
 To add latest/advance equipment so that the training standard may be kept at pace with
modern trends in industries. These additions invoked requirements for establishing new
labs (or/and training equipment) for conducting training on state of art machines &
equipment for Machining & manufacturing techniques and Experiments for;, Embedded
System, Power Electronics; Industrial Instrumentation & Control and
 To repair & renovate the present infrastructure, centre’s building, workshop, labs of
IIEE & PSTC Buildings/Workshop and PSTC Hostel.
PCSIR Total (On-going): 1580.738 1430.892 114.846

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