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Caffeine and Sports Activity: A Review

A. Nehlig', G. Debry2
1 INSERM U 398, Faculté de Médecine, Nancy, France
2 Centre de Nutrition Humaine, Université de Nancy I, Nancy, France

Caffeine is the drug most widely consumed all
A. Nehlig and G. Debry, Caffeine and Sports over the world. Coffee consumption is increasing mainly in the
Activity: A Review. Int. J. Sports Med., Vol. 15, No. 5, middle-aged and older population whereas soft drink consump-
pp. 2 15—223, 1994. tion has increased by 14% in the younger population (48).

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Accepted after revision: November 14, 1993 The possibility that caffeine or methyixan-
thines could improve performance during sports events and pro-
Potential ergogenic effects of caffeine at the longed effort aroused great interest and was the basis for
cellular level are mediated by three main mechanisms of numerous studies. However, this hypothesis remains extremely
action which are: intracellular mobilization of calcium from controversial, undoubtably because of a lack of standardization
sarcoplasmic reticulum and increased sensitivity of myofi- among the various experimental procedures (7,25,51, 168).
brilles to calcium; inhibition of phosphodiesterases leading Furthermore, this type of study is complicated by the fact that
to an increase in cyclic-3',5'-adenosine monophosphate caffeine effects vary with the corpulence of the individual, the
(cAMP) in various tissues including muscle; and the antag- type, intensity and duration of the given exercise, the dose of
onism at the level of adenosine receptors, mainly in the caffeine used, habituation to the methylxanthine and with en-
central nervous system. The main mechanism of action of vironmental conditions during exercise (25, 167). In fact, caf-
caffeine at the level usually encountered in vivo after the feine might act directly on the central nervous system by stimu-
ingestion of a few cups of coffee is undoubtely linked to the lating release of f3-endorphins and hormones that modif' per-
antagonism of caffeine at adenosine receptors. Caffeine also ception of pain and discomfort caused by physical effort (144).
increases production of plasma catecholamines that allow Already, 20 years ago Calhoun (33) wondered if the improve-
the body to adapt to the stress created by physical exercise. ment in performance related to absorption of caffeine would not
Catecholamine production increases probably, in turn, the simply reflect the effect of this methylxanthine on mood.
availability of free fatty acids as muscle substrates during
work, thus allowing glycogen sparing. Caffeine is able to Mechanisms of Action of Caffeine
increase muscle contractility, has no ergogenic effect on in-
tense exercise of brief duration, but can improve the time The understanding of the potential ergogenic
before exhaustion. Caffeine is also able to improve physical effects of caffeine requires the knowledge of its mechanisms of
performance and endurance during prolonged activity of action at the cellular level. Three main mechanisms of action
submaximal intensity. Glycogen sparing resulting from in- have been described which are, in chronological order of their
creased rate of lipolysis could contribute to the prolonged discovery: intracellular mobilization of calcium from sarco-
time to exhaustion. Finally, tolerance to the methylxanthine plasmic reticulum of the skeletal muscle, inhibition of phos-
should be taken into account when an athlete wants to draw phodiesterases in various tissues such as muscles and adipo-
any benefit from caffeine absorption prior to a sports event. cytes, and antagonism at the level of adenosine receptors,
mainly in the central nervous system. These different mecha-
Key words nisms of action have been the subject of numerous reviews (45,
Caffeine, methyixanthines, sports, perform-
ance, endurance, catecholamines, adenosine Mobilization of intracellular calcium
The effect of methylxanthines on mobilization
of intracellular calcium has been demonstrated in skeletal
muscle many years ago. Caffeine can initiate and potentiate
muscle contraction in numerous experimental conditions and in
different species (18,21,36,98,101,114,176). At a concen-
tration of 1 to 2 mM, the methyixanthine lowers the excitability
threshold and prolongs duration of the active period of muscle
contraction in vitro by increasing the release of calcium from
sarcoplasmic reticulum (17—19, 83,159) and by inhibiting the
mt. J. Sports Med. 15 (1994) 215—223
uptake of calcium by sarcoplasmic reticulum, which makes the
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart New York
ion more available for muscle contraction (58,62,64,70, 123,
216 mt. J Sports Med. 15 (1994) A. Nehlig, G. Debry

158, 176) and facilitates the coupling of excitation and contrac- accumulation of cAMP in cerebral slices instead of increasing
tion in striated muscle (39). Caffeine also increases twitch ten- it as would be expected from a phosphodiesterase inhibitor.
sion development in muscles (90, 146,176). The effect of caf- Therefore, they suggested that theophylline could block stimu-
feine depends on intra- and extracellular concentrations of cal- lation of cAMP formation by endogenous adenosine.
cium (107). Caffeine sensitizes the muscular contractile appara-
tus to the concentration of intracellular calcium (49,61, 128, The possibility that central stimulant effects of
176) probably by direct interaction with the calcium release methyixanthines result from competitive antagonism of the de-
channels in sarcoplasmic reticulum, the ryanodine receptor pressant effects of endogenous adenosine is appealing for many
(145, 183). The sensitivity of muscle to caffeine depends on the reasons. Most pharmacologic effects of adenosine in nerve
sarcomere length (63,71,108,122,160,161). Thus, the in- tissue can be suppressed by relatively low concentrations of
creased force of contraction in muscle triggered by high con- circulating methylxanthines, e.g., less than 100 jiM, which are
centrations of caffeine is probably related to both the increase attained after drinking 1—3 cups of coffee. This concentration
in the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and apparently has no direct effect on cAMP metabolism nor on
the increase in myofibrillar sensitivity to calcium. It seems that calcium shifts (46, 155). Administration of adenosine and its
caffeine acts either directly or biochemically on the constitutive derivatives usually produces effects opposite to those of caf-
actine-myosine matrix of striated muscle fibers (49,54). feine or theophylline (125). These effects include depression of
spontaneous electrical activity of the neurons (110, 130), inhibi-
A minimal concentration of 250 jiM of caffeine tion of synaptic transmission (127, 152) and release of neu-
seems necessary to produce detectable effects on calcium shifts rotransmitters (82,95). Caffeine could increase neuromuscular

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(146). The circulating plasma concentration of caffeine after transmission and neuron excitability by lowering the firing the-
ingestion of coffee is usually less than 100 l.LM. Toxic effects are shold of motor neurons and/or by reducing the inhibitory action
observed with concentration of this methylxanthine above of adenosine on firing rhythms (24,46,168,171,181). Ade-
200 jiM, and lethal intoxications are observed with blood con- nosine derivatives induce also a dose-dependent decrease in
centrations higher than 500 jiM (82,136). Thus, the mecha- locomotor activity that can be reversed by small doses of caf-
nisms responsible for the pharmacological effects of caffeine feine or theophylline (56,132,155).
are probably activated by concentrations lower than 100 jiM.
Given these conditions, it is unlikely that mobilization of intra- There are two main sub-classes of adenosine
cellular calcium represents an essential mechanism of caffeine receptors, Al receptors have high affinity for adenosine and A2
action in vivo. have low affinity (37, 111, 164). Adenosine, via these two types
of receptors, regulates a number of physiological functions
Inhibition ofphosphodiesterases either by inhibition (Al receptors) or by stimulation (A2 recep-
tors) of adenylate cyclase. Caffeine and theophylline exert an-
The inhibiting properties of methylxanthines tagonist actions on these two types of receptors (47, 154).
on cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases activity were dis-
covered by Sutherland's group (12,30) who used theophylline In conclusion, because of the very high con-
and caffeine in their research on regulation of glycogen metab- centration of circulating methylxanthines needed to inhibit spe-
olism and on peripheral lipolysis. After identif,'ing the major cific phosphodiesterases of cyclic nucleotides, it is probable
role of cyclic-3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the that this mechanism is only slightly involved in the pharmaco-
regulation of these processes, the authors observed that the logical effects of methyixanthines in skeletal muscles. On the
methylxanthine prevents enzymatic breakdown of cAMP by other hand, the main mechanism of action of methylxanthines,
inhibiting cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (12,30). This although undoubtedly linked to their antagonism at the level of
discovery represents a possible mechanism of action of methyl- adenosine receptors, implicates, at least in certain conditions,
xanthines, i.e., accumulation of cAMP and potentialization of modifications of calcium shifts which seem controlled either by
its effects in order to stimulate the action of substances such as adenosine or by the methylxanthine itself.
catecholamines (81).
Other Effects of Caffeine:
However, the inhibition of phosphodiesterases Catecholammes and Acetylcholine
is produced only with millimolar concentration of methylxan-
thines, i.e., a toxic concentration that is never found in situ (137, Caffeine which is a well-known stimulant of
169,174). Hence, it seems very difficult to establish a link the central nervous system (11,93,103,124,136) increases mo-
between phosphodiesterase inhibition and pharmacological toneurons recruitment as well as the frequency of potentials of
properties of caffeine in concentrations usually found in the the motor end plate through release of acetylcholine. Caffeine,
circulating blood. Thus, chronic treatment of caffeine at a dose at doses of 7 to 35mg/kg also facilitates the effect of acetyl-
of 25 mg/kg/day does not increase intracerebral concentration choline and of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, but only tran-
of cAMP and does not decrease specific activity of the specific siently (100).
phosphodiesterases of cerebral cyclic nucleotides in vivo (29).
Caffeine increases production of plasma cate-
Antagonism at the level cholamines during and at the end of exercise (39,67,75). Action
of adenosine receptors of catecholamines is essential because it allows the body to
adapt to the stress created by physical exercise. In fact, cate-
The hypothesis concerning this third mecha- cholamines participate in a number of critical processes, includ-
nism of action of methylxanthines comes from the studies of ing glycogenolysis, uptake of glucose, gluconeogenesis, lipoly-
Sattin and RaIl (149). These authors made the surprising dis- sis of muscle and adipose tissue, muscle contractility, inotropic
covery that, under several conditions, theophylline reduces the and chronotropic responses of the heart, and circulatory adjust-
Caffeine and Sports Activity. A Review mt. .1 Sports Med. 15 (1994) 217

ments (117). However, results of studies on plasma cate- muscle glycogen could be to a great extent responsible for the
cholamine changes are somewhat contradictory. Only one study fatigue observed during tests of endurance (2,68,92,106, 111,
reports an increase in plasma concentrations of dopamine and 139).
noradrenaline after 60 mm of exercise (75). At 90 minutes after
effort, other authors found no change in plasma levels of Furthermore, increased utilization of in-
adrenaline and noradrenaline (142), whereas in two other stu- tramuscular triacyiglycerol and/or extramuscular fatty acids
dies, plasma adrenaline is selectively increased during non-in- after ingestion of caffeine could inhibit glycogen breakdown,
tense and prolonged exercise without warm-up (139) and after especially by modifying muscle concentrations of acetyl-
high doses of caffeine (9mg/kg) with no change in noradrena- coenzyme A and citrate (156). However, increased plasma con-
line levels (88). centration of free fatty acids induced by caffeine is not always
accompanied by a modification of substrate utilization by the
Effects of Caffeine on Muscle muscle (109, 175). Circulating concentration of free fatty acids
is the product of both hepatic release and amount taken up by
Direct effects of caffeine on muscle
all other tissues that can vary widely with experimental condi-
Caffeine potentiates the tension of isolated tions. Lastly, at high altitude, caffeine increases endurance by a
muscle contraction by direct stimulation, and of nerve-muscle mechanism other than that of mobilization of fatty acids, since
preparations by indirect stimulation, both at rest and after it does not induce an increase in plasma concentration of carni-
fatigue (43,115,168,184). Sensitivity to caffeine is not the tine (9,84); the mechanism involved is still unknown.
same for all muscles. Muscles which contain a majority of type

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I fibers, such as the soleus muscle in the cat or rat, are much During anaerobic exercise, caffeine seems to
more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than muscles which increase the production of lactate by the muscle, regardless of
contain a majority of type II fibers, such as the extensor and the degree of training of the subject (6,41). This phenomenon
flexor muscles of the finger in the cat, rat and mouse (26,52, could reflect caffeine-induced potentiation of muscle glyco-
99,100,126,151). This difference in sensitivity to caffeine has genolysis and/or increase in release of lactate that does not
also been shown recently in human type I and type II muscle necessarily reflect a stimulation of lactate formation (40).
fibers (121). Depletion of muscle glycogen during exercise is greater in type
I than in type II fibers, the latter acting only intermittantly in
Effects of caffeine on muscle metabolism continuous contraction. The sparing of glycogen due to caffeine
(156) could apply more to type I fibers by increasing their
Metabolic modifications of muscle vary with energy reserves. Thus, it is possible that the effects of caffeine
the type of exercise. Thus, during brief and intense effort, vary as a function of the type of fibers contained in the muscles
mainly anaerobic metabolism is involved. During prolonged that are called upon in a given sports activity.
effort, anaerobic glycolysis is involved first since it is needed
for cardiovascular adaption. After about two minutes of exer- Some authors suggest that only well-trained
cise, aerobic glycolysis takes place in the muscle. During in- athletes can draw benefit from use of caffeine (31,40,41,140,
tense and relatively long exercise, both metabolisms, aerobic 150). Highly-trained athletes already possess, because of inten-
and anaerobic, are associated (177). Intense muscle exercise sive training, a stimulated lipolytic activity and an increase in
induces an increase in glycolytic flux which results in an in- the size and density of their mitochondria (68). Also, in rats
crease in lactic acid production and a decrease in pH, which has trained with endurance exercises, caffeine does not modify
been postulated to partly account for the onset of muscle fatigue plasma concentration of free fatty acids nor utilization of gly-
(16,32,120,178,182). cogen from muscle or liver (8).

Fatty acids are used actively by the muscle Recently, caffeine has been shown to increase
during exercise (44, 75,79, 102,163,177), which results in spar- the levels of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption in un-
ing of glycogen (13). Improvement in performance after absorp- trained female subjects both during and after 90 mm of exercise
tion of caffeine observed in prolonged exercise involving aero- (35,54). Therefore, the caffeine-induced increase in metabolic
bic metabolism has been attributed to stimulation of lipolysis. rate of these women may have a beneficial effect for obese
Hydrolysis of triglycerides of adipose tissue (142,150) in- subjects or those who are on a weight loss programm, since
creases blood concentration of free fatty acids (1, 13,14,35,67, caffeine intake enhances oxygen and energy consumption for a
128,162). However, some studies do not demonstrate an in- long time after exercise (35,54). However, there seems to be no
crease in plasma concentration of free fatty acids after ingestion significant advantage in ingesting large (10 mg/kg) rather than
of caffeine (65,66,109,147,148,175). The effect of caffeine on small (5mg/kg) doses of caffeine (54).
potential storing of muscle glycogen has been the focus of many
studies (34,44,67,68,86, 102, 111, 138, 147). Caffeine, fructose Effect of Caffeine on Physiology
and glucose, either alone or combined, have a marked effect on and Interaction With Sports Activity
storing of muscle glycogen during cycling exercise (66). Simi-
larly, caffeine and sucrose stimulate endurance to comparable In spite of the expected increase in oxygen con-
degrees but have no synergistic effect on performance (148). sumption, ingestion of caffeine does not modify body fluid
According to recent studies, ingestion of caffeine one hour balance, thermoregulation, or myocardial function during exer-
before exercise decreases muscle glycogen utilization about 55 cise (72,87). Indeed, caffeine and a placebo exert identical ef-
% during the first 15 minutes of effort compared to subjects fects on total loss of water, sweating, increase of rectal temper-
receiving a placebo. The glycogen thus saved becomes available ature at the end of the event, heat retention during the event,
for the following phases of exercise, delaying onset of exhaus- plasma volume, concentration of plasma electrolytes and elec-
tion (156). This mechanism is important, because depletion of trocardiographic modifications. Some authors have even ob-
218 mt. J Sports Med. 15 (1994) A. Nehlig, G. Debry

served an improvement in physical performance in patients running and cycling (15,44,67,75,76,88,102,118,139). Mod-
suffering from coronary artery disease (131). In patients who erate to high doses of caffeine (2—9 mg/kg or a single dose of
were regular coffee drinkers, the duration of exercise necessary 300—500mg) are able to improve exercise performance during
to induce angina pectoris was longer after ingestion of one or prolonged work (120 mm or to exhaustion) at 75—80%
two cups of caffeine-containing coffee than after intake of de- (/O2max in both caffeine-naive and caffeine-habituated subjects
caffeinated coffee. Moreover, no worsening effect of caffeine on either running or cycling (15,44,88,104,148). Caffeine at-
exercise-induced angina was observed (131). Recently, Höfer tenuates perception of the effort required (77,84).
and Bättig (94) showed that coffee consumption increases sys-
tolic blood pressure in a transient manner but reduces its reac- However, some other studies did not find an
tivity to physical challenge. Thus, coffee consumption could improvement of performance by caffeine in endurance exercise
have a subtle stabilizing effect on systolic blood pressure at a of various types, both on a cycle ergometer, a treadmill and
slightly elevated level (94). during voluntary isometric exercise (23,31,42,73,113,133,
145, 166). Time to exhaustion may be prolonged in incremental
Effects of Coffee and Caffeine exercise (76,118) and prolonged (15) or not modified by caf-
on Athletic Performance feine both at sea level or at high altitudes in acclimated and not
acclimated athletes (44,82). The effect of caffeine is more pro-
Even though muscle contractility is increased nounced when skiing is performed at an altitude of 2900 m
by in situ administration of caffeine (115), numerous studies (9425 ft) than at 300 m (975 ft) (44) and time to exhaustion is
have shown that this methylxanthine had no ergogenic effect on also markedly prolonged by caffeine in the athlete not accli-

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muscle strength and fatigue (22,27, 179), output (10), work ca- mated to the altitude (84).
pacity (3), maximal swimming speed (40,9 1). Conversely, re-
cently Anselme et al. (6) found an increase in maximal anaero- Interactions of Diet and Effects
bic power during intense exercise of brief duration. These con- of Caffeine on Sports Activity
tradictory results might be due to numerous differences among
experimental protocols which make potential ergogenic effects Weir et al. (173) suggested that the discordant
of caffeine difficult to interpret (6, 134). Furthermore, some results on caffeine effect on athletic activity could be due to
studies assess the in situ effect of caffeine on muscle while differences in individual diets prior to exercise, which would
others focus on the effect of this methylxanthine on the whole modify the response to caffeine. Since caffeine induces a mo-
body. Lastly, at low frequencies of stimulation (i.e., at rest), bilization of fatty acids (1,13,16,32,77,79,120,142,150,177,
caffeine increases tension developed by the muscle, even after 178, 180, 182), eating before taking caffeine and before exercise
fatigue, and facilitates muscle contraction. On the contrary, at could play a non-negligible role. Thus, Weir et al. (173) studied
higher frequencies or during voluntary maximal contractions the interaction of caffeine and meals, and that of caffeine and
(i.e. during effort), it has no effect (113,167). In fact, perform- diets high in fats or carbohydrates. Plasma fatty acids are higher
ance seems improved by caffeine only in highly-trained athletes after ingestion of caffeine alone and lower after a meal high in
(40,4 1). fat with or without caffeine. On the other hand, the increase in
lipacidemia induced by caffeine is completely inhibited by a
Regular coffee (containing 250mg of caffeine) diet high in carbohydrates followed by a meal also rich in car-
and decaffeinated coffee, administered in a double-blind study, bohydrates (173). Therefore, it is clear that individual
improved to the same degree long jump, shot put, and 100- nutritional condition, especially carbohydrate reserves, can
meter dash performance (60), suggesting that the positive effect strongly affect the metabolic response to caffeine. Conse-
of coffee on sports activity may be partly related to other con- quently, according to these authors, it is very likely that the
stituents of coffee than to caffeine or could rather be mostly potential beneficial effects of caffeine on mobilization of lipids
subjective. is inhibited in trained athletes since they usually follow a high
carbohydrate diet before the competition (173). In contradiction
Reports on the effect of caffeine on maximal with these data, Graham and Spriet (88) found a dramatic ergo-
consumption of oxygen and on delay before fatigue are contra- genic effect in well-trained athletes who were ingesting a diet
dictory (25). According to some authors, caffeine has no ergo- rich in carbohydrates. This effect was independent from history
genic effect on work capacity (53,85,116), performance (78), of caffeine use and from the type of exercise.
or during incremental ergometric cycling tests (129, 133, 143).
On the contrary, other authors report that caffeine increases the Tolerance to Caffeine
capacity for work during graded exercises (76,77,163). Caf-
feine could in fact mask fatigue, thus allowing individuals to Finally, the effects of caffeine on physical per-
feel better and to increase arousal and capacity to sustain in- formance are strongly attenuated in habitual consumers of
tense effort (27,78). Furthermore, absorption of 85 to 250mg coffee or caffeine (67,75, 124). Tolerance to the diuretic (59) or
of caffeine before shooting tests and combat sports results in a cardiovascular and humoral effects (5, 141) of coffee and caf-
decrease in reaction time, and an increase in precision, dexterity feine has been well described, whereas tolerance to the central
and coordination (170). effects of coffee and caffeine is probably of smaller amplitude
(for review, see 124) but obvious (153). However, the dose-re-
Effects of Coffee and Caffeine sponse curves for habituation and tolerance to the methyixan-
on Endurance thine vary with the individual (69).

It appears that caffeine can improve physical Tolerance to the effects of caffeine on athletic
performance or work output and endurance during prolonged performance have not been studied in detail. However, in some
activity of submaximal intensity, such as cross-country skiing, studies such as that of Graham and Spriet (88), the athletes were
Caffeine and Sports Activity. A Review mt. .1 Sports Med. 15 (1994) 219

asked to refrain from caffeine ingestion for 48 hrs before test- Thus, some people who eliminate caffeine very slowly might
ing, in order to avoid a possible tolerance to the methyixanthine. exceed the limits authorized by the IOC even after relatively
Tolerance to caffeine on locomotor activity has been recorded moderate consumption (20). Therefore, this limit should be re-
in animals (38,74,96,119, 124), but it is rather from central vised or athletes should be advised to limit their intake (20).
nervous system origin. Its rapid onset as well as its persistence
seem to impoicate depletion of one or several neurotransmitters, Conclusion
especially noradrenaline (4,89). The role of adenosine on the
development of tolerance is still debated (4,97). Three main mechanisms of action of caffeine
at the cellular level may explain its effects on muscle activity.
Thus, it is advisable that athletes who want to These are the intracellular mobilization of calcium from sarco-
enhance the effect of caffeine during prolonged exercise should plasmic reticulum and possible sensitization of myofibrilles to
abstain from caffeine in the 4 days preceding the event, in order calcium, the inhibition of phosphodiesterases causing accumu-
to avoid the tolerance phenomenon (75). Moreover, it would be lation of cAMP in muscle, and finally the antagonism of caf-
preferable to ingest caffeine 3 to 4 hours before the endurance feine at the level of adenosine receptors, mainly in the central
exercise, at the time of peak plasma concentration of free fatty nervous system. The main mechanism of action of caffeine at
acids (173), rather than one hour before the event, because then the cellular level is undoubtely linked to its antagonism for
only the peak plasma concentration of caffeine is reached (76). adenosine receptors since it is the only one efficient in vivo at
doses encountered in humans after consumption of 1—3 cups of
Coffee, Caffeine and Doping in Sports coffee.

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The utilization of doping agents before sports In vitro, caffeine is able to potentiate muscular
events is routinely controlled by testing urine specimens. In contraction, but this effect is obtained with concentrations of
addition to testing for steroids and hormones, caffeine concen- caffeine much greater than those usually found in coffee
tration in urine is now controlled (105). In fact, many athletes drinkers. In vivo, caffeine has not been shown to improve per-
absorb caffeine before and during sports events. Once absorbed, formance in high intensity, short-term exercise or during in-
caffeine is distributed throughout the organism and the highest cremental exercise. However, there is a better consensus on the
concentration is found in muscle (28). The use of caffeine to beneficial effects of caffeine on endurance in both caffeine-
improve athletic performance was suggested about 40 years naive and caffeine-habituated subjects. This beneficial effect on
ago, but became popular only recently after several studies endurance could be related to a more active utilization of free
showed that caffeine improves endurance (157). The maximal fatty acids by the muscle resulting in glycogen sparing during
urine concentration of caffeine allowed by the International endurance activity.
Olympic Committee is 12 gJm1. It is currently accepted that
this urinary concentration will not be reached with the amounts The reason why the results of the effects of
of coffee, tea or Coca-cola that are usually consumed (165, caffeine on sports activity remain contradictory and very diffi-
166). This concentration could be reached only after absorption cult to interpret may be explained by the lack of standardization
of doses of 897—1065mg of caffeine i.e., the equivalent of 8 of the different studies. The benefit derived from ingestion of
cups of coffee. Consequently, it is obvious that if an athlete caffeine before a sports event may be partly indirect, probably
exceeds the limit of urine concentration of caffeine set down by related to the effects of caffeine on the central nervous system.
the International Olympic Committee (bC), it is because he Moreover, it is also possible that caffeine is beneficial only in
willfully absorbed large amounts of caffeine before the sports certain sports and in precise conditions. Finally, tolerance to
event (165). After the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984, caffeine must be taken into account and athletes should refrain
the American Federation of Cycling revealed that their team of from caffeine consumption about 4 days before the sports event
cyclists had taken caffeine suppositories before the event. None if they want to draw the optimal beneficial effect of the methyl-
of the tests for caffeine came back positive for these athletes xanthine.
(157). Up to now, only two athletes, one American cyclist and
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