Uslons: Name9onoyaghuwaunt Datace

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Exam CAE A8A Sem-T1L D-29-oP-2021

Name9onoyaghuwaunt Datace
RollNo MB200l1
Subjed tadsthHnu Management-I
ue-2 8cinga ot Peluante rend qoup
96u0&e asked to explcuin the ConSumer behawioce
Ond deuIse he4ou mago fadot hout Intuende
Cony uumex behaylouy whithull be help qhe Crgni2aHuu
effecliue pozkeHing Compalan
Que&uppose y0q uereto be assioned to develop g 8ale
Hoee fot tem?@ed glassto be u sed inoHe
baildinqs in 91ingapoteExpeeus he mehodiyou
mighd Use o qet fo on accepAeuble -to2ecak
Sue- Jouaze the head cuuiutant in Cunsulhintiam
9ou are uppos? to dellhe pe
Hhe mcthoos of huinq anu
inderns cubou
teasonsfOt buyinq
amony bulnes tonumeè IS.ciffen fuom induidu
Consumeestheze_aze uoiouu laîable thad influence
cLgnnaHonau buyins cleusioaSoduise the
Voucy Vaiahlei toHh inleun dluinq
geitiop thLraning

UaHons -2 (AsOE

Oung qmaekehing head ot RelU'ance trnd

gpupedcue c9T UDuld lle to del you
Concept ot CwnRwm ee behaviowe
Gon 9um ets b eha vioue
Con S uumeb b emavioue Is he 9tucy
or uncuvidualy qouuos o 0tqnlzaHons and
the Pcoce ese.s hey Use fo ded2ecuee and
ispose of Pcodudh Seuices Aperenceg Ot
Jeleay to Stistyneecds CLnd fheJmpa chdhat
he e Ppcesse) haue on he Consum es/ qpd Yodely
ACons.umer behaviouis cdeined as the pabcese
ond phy9icau Achviky individuali enga.gein
uhen evaluaHnq aquing Using ogcusposing
Ot qcods andSeeuicer"
ConsM eA behouiouteetes to the acHon and
dea'sion PeuceS.ot peaplewho puech cue goods
and Seuce foc pevonal (ongump Hon CGy peder
O Benn e t )

Con.sumee behauiou eflecks Hhe totalily ofonsumet

deosion uuh ceped o the aquision Con sumphon
and disposihon of gos. Seuicehimeanc ideq
by decslon makiny unts(Musen an bssenZua
Pte loolang onsumec behauiou
we ill take alok at h ntluenny facloy
o t ConsumexbehaulOue

Congume InHuenced b 4

Mcqotfad-ot Thee cuebelo ghowng in the

luta fattoe Poblemeognillon Poonal factot

Caltoute )Age
InformaHon6 earh i Intome
iiScub Culhur
i 5odal dass OccuPaHon
AllenaHve elaluaHoniiv) Lifest-q e
dod tado
i Reiezen.ce guburs archase Deasion Bychologicafach
i)Eamily DMoHua Hon
Sodcl dlass. Pos Yuchaue Behauial PezcepHon
u) Roles.cand 9larus ) Leotning
iv) Balifh and

1Tfluen.ce o Versonatactot Factoe that ae

ersoncu o the Cons.cume inluepce hu buyinq
behaulouthe e perioncu faoe clife fompekion
fo peiontheee by ptadudng diHhentt 2eztep Hon and
Consunae behaLOU
Some of he pes.ana
iAge ALL
Aqeis.q mogo facto hcd ntluenceg bumia
loehauiouebuyinq chaice ctyouth cliffee hbm tha

otMidaleaged pebple.edely penple haue cl

totcl dittte buyin9 behauiotue Te ena et) uul

Moteinkeest ec) in buping coloelul clohe cand beawy

VeoduthsMidale-agedte o uued on houue,oped
cund Vehide foehe tamjly

(-A9-Tnom ha tne abiliy to intluence he bupin

behauiouA st a_peon, Hlyhet incomeaive
hlghetpuechauing powe toConScumet
y OccuupaHon-=OccupuHon_of alonsume intluence th
buyinq behauiou pea son encs ho buy thinqs
hat areappeopiale fo his prstession
t0)LieshleLifetyle atlude and awain
uwhitn an incliviclucu 9hayinq ouehy he huylng
behauioueis highly intuenie) by he lifekle_ofq

2) Toiluencec ot P5ychologi.ccu fadlotHuMan psychola.qy

TSq mcoottodot.df LoiluenCA_ot
Consumez be hauioue thee tatoe ae dithent to
measue but ate poueekul enouyhto influence
buyinq deusion
Qonme of the impoctant Psychalag.lcc Factoc)_ae
1)MoiuaHon when a peon is mgHuated eneugh
1tintluentel.q buying behauuioue.ofa on,
daicneecdi and Yectuely0eecds houe the paue
O moHucue a Consumeto buy muu cLn
Peerephon Conscumek Peraep kion s.c Dmajd

factot th intluence Consuume& behauloue, (uutome

PetaepHonis a Pro ces h exe ci Cu tome Colle cts,
intoemaion to make a meaunungtul image cuboudq
cHlot lodu
1y leoening o wlhen a petlon buys a produc Theyqed
toecuning Qome hinq moae about the
oducdleouning Com oyercpeyodof Hm
hounh_expeuenc Leoenipa expetiene also influend
Consume buying behqulout

AHH wtey and beiets Consunmezhave Ceekeun ahtude.and

baiet uhich influence he buying
cle ision o
C Consumet Baued on this aitude he Consumek
bthaue in a paHculae wey touotcds a ploduc
thisattituhe plays.q &ignlfcont in dletininq the biand
image ot ahodut

3 aafuene ot 9odal tachot Hunman_cee 9ocia belnqs

cund thy Live aounc many peupleuwho in tluence
Hhút.buying hehaulougSomedtheRouiau factor cee
fomilr tomily ploy&q Siqnificant aole in ahaping
he buying behavibue of a pLeson A Peson
develaps.peetezen.ce) jom bis childlhood bz watching
tamily buy puodudh.and Conhinue tobuy the 9ame
[hoduc óVen_uhen they u u)
Fefe ence gruupsl- Feleeence coupis c goupof
peopleui Hm uhom.a peelan aLSOuute himcel
Ctenerally all Hhe peuple in the eetekence qresup haue

Commonbuying behavioug an intluen ce each cthee

Role and ausl The peibn is intluentecd by the ole

that he holds in Hhe turdy 9odhy ita peio
iS in c high PosjHon, his buylng behau]oue illbe
intluenced laeged, bzhis 9tahy
A)Tnfuenued bf Cultuta fatoe, o A quoup ot people
CLee cigsOdaied uuth a 8et o Values and
Ueologles thu beloqsto patHud Communy
when q 2ee)on Come) fzom_e peLtHCuLg
hls|h ee behavioue highy intluenced brthe Cultut
telalung o Hhaut Poh lae onmuni
gome oE he Cultue tactot ate-
Cultuure- Culhutal cutocs haue Shouing iofluence
on Consumee buyjng behaulou Cultuea factot.
nclude the b9.sic Value, Q.eecs, wanh, Peeteten.c
Percepon cunu behauiouecu Hhcut e gbietyec end
lecnedby q Consumee ium hejt Neot fam)l mkmbe
Cund tnet Inpotant eple_aound them

i)5ubCukue) whin Cuultuecy gtoupsHheee eish man

Qbculuse he e Qubultute geoups 9hcue@s
he ame Rel ot belietCund Nalues, gubcule
Can Consist of people fm clffaenE tellq lonCauhe
geogtaphig and naHonali-es. The e ab Caltuegby
RelF tuom.a duftren
Y So al Clas-Each and elNety Roucy aoss.
alobe has tatm.ot 86cda dass The Yacia

Class is notgut deteminant by the inuome.but also

oth e fa doty guth as the ociupaHion, tomily bauk
gtound, educabjon and aeidence locaHon odal
ea ss 1s impotkant topredjd the Congaumey behauiou
AI aboue factoes that iDtluence Conume
hchauiou hich wull help the Otug.nizaHon etttchle
Mokehng (ompadg
As T a Ssitned to be deuelope a 9ales tozecat
fot Hempoeed glass Used in ofhie building
to be
in glngapoee. L uould like Foinhod ue 8ome
memods thut ull be dsefo g eHfing aun a.tcepHona
fiut we l l &ee uhat iSa 9ale totecask2
"A Sales focecost is a pedicion of futuze gale
&evenu e Rale foce Ccis+s ae ecull baued on
hishaucaul cdale, indushy deends.and he gtatuu of-
CuurrentSale pedine, Bauineise Use he Scile) tocecast
Ho esiomade uweelely, monhlz quatel ond annuc Qale
o we uil) gee he laaouy ale fen.eashin
mehods There_cuee-

Mulple Teend Metket face

methcd S AnalyS1s nalss

Saube Fotee cl e forecasHng CuelaHon

Compasile Mehocy. AnalysS

EecwHve Suutomee
Oudgemunt motkeHng SeUTYS

A Sales foeecashinq melhods
Teend Analys13 This one of he mos Commonly
Used melho ds f o focecCq SHng 8ales Tull
Use his ho idenity
apaHen in9ale Volumeby
Using pou 9ale data. Tcend analysis is ca duanteuqeous
becaue iis gimple and inexpensiue to Use this
Tehniques Conbe found io an basi MuhemaHcs
ot8taHsHc baak

tMoxket fatot Hnaly sis Themockeh factoe

Analysis iS anoHhe fnethod hadt Commonly
Use tot Sale toceasHin.q This mehoc has 9ame
aduantageg as Gedel feteea Teend cunalySis4 theee
is a loqiccu éelaHon.shlp
between the mck ed facto
and the hem's hudud
the tuleco llbe quule
zelaHonshi ps
Sam@Hinm hin cu bëst and 8ubjet du Rudlden

8 Cor2elcaHon Analysls1 Amote aphishcated.mehed

Werionet he madke facdot mehod s coceelaHion
AnalrsiS Tostea.dof Dsiag Judgeme Qevea Ucicble
ae haHsHcallyheled to clekez.mne bouo cdosely th
Crtlepo.nd a the Qale Volumeaft Hhe ficm's hocdu
CoczelaHon Analy sis js ceyanageoy becaule Mre
Peei se heasuee the a.ccutQcy othe eeqzelon
CquaHon CLeatd. Sog lenowin.aduance tq tutecau
Juut houo acuale itis ikely hobe


Cytomer, Sceweys -The trend analsis nmouke

fattotand CorLeJa Hon memods cl cerly on
at cdaba and Uedableato detdve 8ale fecedasts
tot a fitm's peod uc Perher to9oeuy Consumer)
daredir tn y toruyet moekeB to deleemireuhatand
houamudh hey ul|| pcechauP Asling Cuutomehot
he aillbuy atualy onlz_meauuze Hheit inttnhonsan
intenHons ce hequenh Veey diHfuls fom athor)
cluingHne Couse ota vea Many buzee) elonot knou)
hou muchthey pln to puecnoie and Othecelimly
ilLno pohanatela Jauuuey)

S2Test tMoelkeling O-Aje moxkeispechapsa moee

aealisHcapreoaUh fo ihcl uelinq CcutometacHon.
dnhe ale fore CastInsteadot meas otnqbuye
AnhenHons m 8eiling }he pedud in oneot more
limited azeas.and monikot he ale fae cas Jet
motkeh CXe most Commonly Used toeecaste Sale
fnew podutts hee no pa 9alee fiqure ct

Execuhvequcgemen ome moalkeHog eiecwhue

fteteruinq ecuhveudgementTnskecdo
Suieniicaly batcd mehods.ot developing galer fo.teCas
Thismethods pamakyadvantqgep ae thay i l s
Qomeuha Simplecend inepensiue. but it may inuolue
mcre thaunwt f ew quidk quelhons holsey petlonna
Lahon popery doneexeccuhue) hdd anumbey o
MeeHnqs ate e nive incdiuiduc Shucdy of madc

) Ral e9 fotce Composije AvouiaHon of heeeuHue

gudgement method fs the ale tuecaut(omposite
tthere the m s tnle personne) malee Hhe foze0msts.The
caHonal toe this appeomch is that he 9aleipcop lcoe
the fieos dasest link to the moukelplare and ib dnet
FOoeket 0neof the prindple.aduandage of this
mehod 15 that h e forecau hade by PeDplecaho
areadtuned to the Mockelplace euerycla.
3 MulHple mehodsEach of hemehodls deicubet
her@ canbe Used fo toteaded Hhe Sale fota
oms enducd oaSeruice,Eath hasatheteme unique
glaenah)and Oeakness To toke oducandago o
he eenghths and nul Some of fhe wea kness@
Morlsth ng eseciue Use Reuarlel HaecalHn methocy cu
Some ime n this o a &4skem ot checg cund
bolancei s developeuensuLeing thut the fHem doe)
AbtUsean offbeay fenecas
All aboueQale fozecasHnq method
L USe o ge atcep tableforeca toz
Aempored glass o be edin oftie'n

A1 5

&ueihonS-S (8nsuwee)
Being c heac 0t Consulant in Co.nsuli
Hem TL timnt to tet he UououS Vaiatble tha
i'ntluences 0ngaisgHoncu buyiny deùsio0
HcSt we ull Fee that conceptotoraanlsaHos
a Co08umeel 2
OtganisaHon.c ConsumetS
Pesona Consumexg ark those uhobuy
acaduct(goocks or seuice) toz Usen tor
oohpathe. cothes, peedumeekc ot poehale.
too tiends,tamily ottotgitting pupose,uher @al.
Org.unsaH ohou Cutomet)_are hose Consistinq of
Commecea anu pon: Commericl enterpeisel.Commetto
enteepeice nclude clishibusve) ana) dleadeel.
0gniaHona qupment manutacueer cund uee 0
Cormbin aion of hem.
PhHeoolcin.g iounisaHlonou Consumeej_e
l Ree hou Voeiouy Yodable thot influence
Otgni2ahonal buying decision-
atiable) tuhich int luenco buyinq decision
Buine ConStume is cUHhent tuom
nclivicducl Consumeei, there are Uouioy fattotr that
intuence egnisaHoncu buying deuigions: OtqaisaHony
buying dedsion itluencec by the fiems edeancu
and ineLnal Voiable There oe touemagoVdab
itluenung buulness buyeé cleision Aamelz.enUItonmek
Voiable Ocqni20tiona Wouable 1nee peeoad
Yaable), indiuickucul Veucuhle Tull explcun
heie Nouuble tollo

Voiable'Tnfluentes Buainw buyin deustony

Enviconmentale vodable

Intluencej Otgnisa Hona VoUable
buying eu
Tntupo)on neVoJable

Tntiyidu Voriabler

1 Envieonmentle Vajables Envizonmenka lable

intuence be Guines buying clecisions
Among the Uaiouu enuiconmet Volublehe intluens
9fat e o economand OHheu intluenciy tatou
inelutjng governma polity is th mostimpozdant
Valable n DegniSaHonay buying behaulcue CeznisaHe
buying deislons Ge tofuented b he fitms elerned
EnuitonmenHe Voucuble Vemand ot 6uuiness melket
iscderived demand A those Aadoc attechngq
individuc Coghome alss inditecH inttuene
buuinessmoeketThe ulimat denmancd fathe
o duuy Comfomhe demonclsin Consumekmenko
and t theLeisalathuaHo in the Consumer moeke
clemand.itis Gker to atfrut he cleriuee_clemcund
OF buine Mauke allo
OrganiSahoncu liocablea eOrqnisariona buying
deusten3 -ceeintuenten b the 1ms ngeNa
enuicpnment Uoiable Jndeunc/yoiable Dke Cultu
and envitp.nmen t anenHecptise)'edted- buying
cecision Eler Ogniscutog ollou Sshemsanu
aceduee) forbuloe buyiag.thee 8ystems and
hDce clure elevelopecl ove pelad afimp 4gtlech
he culture polideg, ftoceue, huchuel_anc
obieHiNe) Hhe enhertiseA busines maukelee
Aeouls ko CLnderhand hese intluente while
phalant reansa.cHons Intenncu Uaicuble C
mostGlkely \nHuencec cugnisatoncu bully


3) ToierPeeionne) Vodable) otecpecsonnel yculeuble

jS anohhe fatot wuth i nflu ence
OtynizaHonuouyingde cisions The motkee peedu
o knouO cwho eech the mcxjmum auhouy Cn
ho cLould be able o peuude athee to agre
uth his Viewpolnt knouwledyeot qeoup cdnamiCg
helpsthe mackefe elolue his Phaukagy elling to h
buylngCeteeBuyin Centteis_a Colleuiono
di hen ndof poidpanh aih dithen kintk of-
atitude levels ond pouedynamics_cumongeadh
othee The cole 2eponsibiliHe and hieetub hin
he buying Cenhe albo influene Hhe cleisio
Tndividual ladable Inchuiclucu ulalable is also
intluenced buyiness buylnq dedsionspd hu
Gnd this isq humcun deuslon invaluinq lndivid uals
Cwhomatte mosF eople caek hele moHVaHon
ercepHons, Macl< e knouledgf cnd eieeente
ule md ling puethaue dedsions
Decas)on makinq also_intluenced by clemogcaphi
Vouable ke, age genteeincome, accupciHon,
PosjHon in he company
Thele all aboue touemugorllcuiable
IntHuence BulnesSS buying decsions einq q
head ConSuultauntin CunluuHn flum 1 thenew
[0}eLns cuboulhis


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