Chapter 3 & 4

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Jane Johnson works in a surgical ward in a London hospital. Jane does Shift work, so
she does not go to work at the same time every day. When she is on an early shift, she
goes on duty at 7 a.m. and comes off at 3 pm late shifts start at 2 pm and finish at 10 p.m.
Jane does not like late shift. Jane always goes to work by bus when she is on an early
shift. The bus stops outside the outpatient department. When she in on a late shift, Jane
generally walks from her home to hospital. When she comes off duty at 10 p.m., she is
usually rather tired, and takes the bus home.
Sometime she goes to the taxi –rank outside the main entrance of the hospital and
goes home by taxi. Jane is not a qualified nurse. She is a student nurse, so she does not
work in the ward every day. On certain days, she has to attend lectures on general
nursing, anatomy and physiology, hygiene and various subjects. She wants to pass the
final examinations and become a state registered nurse. As a state registered nurse she
becomes a staff nurse and can, in time, become a nursing officer.

Answer the Following questions

1. Where does lane Johnson work?
2. At what time does she go on duty when she is on an early shift?
3. When does she come off duty when she is on an early shift?
4. At what time do late shift start?
5. When do late shifts finish?
6. When does Jane go to work by bus?
7. Where does the bus stop?
8. When does she take the bus home?


Medical ward : CSSD :
Surgical ward : Admission dept. :
Pediatric ward : Nutrient dept. :
Maternity ward : Body death room :
Delivery room : Pharmacy :
Operating theater : Laundry dept. :
Out patient dept. : X- ray dept. :
Emergency room : Information Center :
Nurse station : Dispensary :
ICU : Dentistry clinic :
CVCU : E.N.T :
Orthopedic ward : Pediatric clinic :
Geriatric ward : Laboratory room :
Perinatology : Doctor's lounge :
Vocabulary Nurse's lounge:
Early Shift : Late shift :
On duty : Comes off :
Out Patient Dept. : Tired :
Taxi rank : Attend :
Main Entrance: Lectures :
In time : Become :
State Registered Nurse:

Carol : Hi! Tom, good to see you again. How are you doing?
Tom : Hello! Carol, pleasure to see you again. I am fine and you?
Carol : Pretty good, thanks.
Tom : By the way, where do you work now, Carol?
Carol : I work in Arneza Hospital.
Tom : Working in Hospital! What do you do there?
Carol : I am a nurse. I take care some patients there.
Tom : That's sound interesting and what ward do you work in Arneza Hospital?
Carol : I work in the surgical ward and what about you?
Tom : You mean 'where do I work'?
Carol : Yes.
Tom : Well Carol, I work for Dr. Frank's clinic.
Carol : What do you do in Dr. Frank's clinic?
Tom : Iam a lab technician.
Carol : Oh. Really? It's a good job.
Tom : Yes, it is.


a. How many work places can you find for each job in a hospital
Work places Jobs
Operating Theatre_______ an Anaesthetist ____a Lab Tech.

1. Out Patient Department ________ a Nurse ____a Paediatrician

2. Medical Ward ________a Midwife. ____an Obstetrician
3. Nursing Department ________ a Physician ____a Surgeon
4. Laboratory Dept. _________a Radiologist ___an Ophthalmologist.
5. Maternity Ward ________ a Dentist ____a Cardiologist
6. Mental Illness Hospital ________ a Physic iatric ___ a Pathologist
7. Radiology Dept. ________ a Director of nursing service.


+ Subject VerbI+ s/es Object

- Subject Do/Does + Not Verb I Object
? Do/Does Subject Verb I Object

1. I buy a kidney dish in pharmacy (+)
I don't buy a kidney dish in pharmacy (-)
Do l buy a kidney dish in pharmacy (?)
2. Ns. Shanty brings her sister to hospital (+)
Ns. Shanty does not bring her sister to hospital (-)
Does Ns.Shanty bring her sister to hospital (?)


Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs.

Boil close cost cost drink have have
Like meet open teach wash speak go
1. Dr. Stuart is very smart. She speaks four languages.
2. Rosalyn __________ four cups pf tea a day.
3. Shanty and I usually ___________dinner at 7 o’clock.
4. I _______ movie. I often ________to the movie with my friends.
5. Water ________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
6. In my hometown, the Bank __________ at 9 o’clock in the morning.
7. The city museum _________ at 5 o’clock on Saturday.
8. Food is expensive. They ________ a lot of money.
9. Shoes are expensive. They __________ a lot of money.
10. Sue is a teacher. She __________ English to young children.
11. Peter __________ his hair everyday.
12. Your job is very interesting. You _________a lot people
13. An insert __________ six legs.


Expressing Positive
Can Ability and Mr. John can come to the Can + Main verb
Possibility party. Can + not - Can’t
(Present I can sing a song beautifully. For present and
form) Can you inject antibiotic? future
Exercise: Exercise:
Could Ability and She could sing a song when Could not - couldn’t
Possibility she was young For past form

Exercise: Exercise: Exercise:

May and Possibility It may rain tomorrow. For present and

Might Maybe John is sick. future.
John may be sick. Maybe - adverb
Exercise: Exercise: May be - verb form

May and Can Permission She may examine me, now. May is more formal
Ms. Jane can call a nurse. than Can.

Exercise: Exercise: Exercise:

Should, Advice My instruments are dirty had - This is a good idea

Ought to, Had better wash them - This is a good
better advice
Exercise: Exercise: For present and

Have to, Necessity I have a very important test - The idea is

Must, Have tomorrow. necessary
got to I have to study tonight. - Have got to for
I have got to (gotta) study to informal speech
Complete the sentences by using can/couldn’t. Use the expressions in the list!
a. Call you f. Go to the movie
b. Come to class g. Listen the music
c. Do my homework h. Smoke his pipe
d. Get into my car i. Use the pay phone
e. Go swimming j. Watch TV

1. I ___________ last night because I was to tired.

2. I ____________ today because my telephone is okay now.
3. Rosalyn _____________ yesterday because her TV set is broken.
4. Tony _____________again because he will buy matches tomorrow.
5. The teacher ______________ yesterday because he was sick.
6. Next week, my friend will repair my record player, so I _________ again.
7. Today, she ___________ for long distance call.
8. Shanty _____________ yesterday because the water is too hot.
9. Arnez _____________ because I give my key to her last week.
10. Next Saturday Rosalyn and I ____________ together because I am free.

Complete the sentences by using should, ought to, or had better. Use the expressions in the list.
Call the police Find a new girl friend Speak English everyday

Drink a glass of water

1. A. I have a toothache, this tooth is hurt, what should I do?

B. --------------------------------------

2. A. Rosalyn wants to improve in English, what should she do?

B. ---------------------------------------
3. A. Someone stole his motor bike, what should he do?
B. --------------------------------------

4. A. I asked Rosalyn to marry me. She said no, what should I do?
B. -----------------------------------------

5. A. My wife snores. I can’t get to sleep at night, what should I do?

B. --------------------------------------

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