Establishments Reopened. While That Case Is True, Not All Establishments Have Practiced This. in

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With a lot of establishments and businesses closing due to the pandemic, a lot of workers

were unemployed. However, the article opened the viewers’ eyes by stating that most of the
unemployed workers in the Philippines were not paid of their separation and other benefits.
Meanwhile, those who were employed were denied of their benefits and rights. To make matters
worse, only 3 million households out of 16 million Filipinos who were temporarily unemployed
during the lockdown, were given an aid from the government. Moreover, it was stated in the
article that new hires were employed instead of their regular workers when the establishments
It is an undeniable fact that this issue is relevant to our situation today. And it is
undeniable that a lot of establishments and firms have suffered a great loss during the lockdown
due to a number of reasons which includes loss of customers and bankruptcy. However, it is not
right for the employers and the government to deny the benefits and rights of their employees.
The employees (including the unemployed) have dedicated their time and effort in order to help
keep the business running and it is only right to give them the benefits and aid that they deserve.
However, I think that one of the lines in the articled seemed to generalized for me. It was
indicated in the article that new hires were employed instead of their regular workers when the
establishments reopened. While that case is true, not all establishments have practiced this. In
order for the statement to become more credible, numerical data should have been presented to
provide a stronger argument. Moreover, it would have been nice if it was stated in the article
that: “While some of the establishments are offering their employers the benefits and rights that
they deserve, XXX% of the establishments here in the Philippines have failed to do so. An
example of which are Arcya Glass Employees Union in Laguna and the First Glory labor union
in the Mactan Eco zone.” This makes the article have a balanced view of the issue without
On the other hand, it was nice that the article provided an example regarding the workers
who were fighting for their rights which is the main topic of the article as stated in the title. It can
be seen in the 3rd paragraph that the Arcya Glass workers protested during their holidays while
the First Glory labor union has voted to go on a strike. It was also stated that Labor groups in the
Philippines together with international union federations have formed the Caucus of Global
Unions Pilipinas to call for the repeal of the Anti-Terror Law on pain of the country losing its
trade privileges with Europe. There were several actions that were stated in the article that shows
the tenacity of the workers to redeem the benefits and rights that they deserve.
The ending statement in the article wherein it was predicted that we will see a resurgence
of workers’ actions to defend democratic freedoms and labor rights in the year 2021. This line
will surely ignite a flame in the hearts of the readers by giving them hope that the all the workers
in the Philippines will eventually get receive the benefits and rights that they deserve with the
help of the brave workers and organizations fighting for this to happen.
After analyzing and evaluating the article, I can say that this can be improved in so many
ways I order to deliver a stringer argument. However, I commend the writer of this article for
tackling a relevant issue here in the Philippines and raise the awareness of the Filipinos regarding
this issue so that more people will fight for the rights of the workers. As long as the voices grow
louder and louder, we hope that it will eventually be heard.

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