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1. Abdilbasit Hamid Hussen

PLACE OF WORK: Benshangul Gumez region

REPORTING PERIOD-(December 2020 - June 2021)


For all life and important for human socio-economic wellbeing; hence its value is seen from the context as an
environmental, social and economic good. The well-being of human society through the ages has been
dependent on secure sources of water; conversely After the Sustainable Development Goals agenda was
established by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, water and sanitation factored as part of the SDG goals
especially goal 6 (Clean water & sanitation). Based on the decisions taken by the UN on SDGs various
countries including Ethiopia are at various stages of driving this goal both at technical and policy levels. As the
main development objective of the Ethiopian Government is poverty eradication, the country's development
policies and strategies are geared towards this end. The provision of safe and adequate water supply for the
population has far reaching effects on health, productivity, quality of life, and at large to reduce poverty and
ensure sustainable socioeconomic development. The major activities and outputs include increase water
potential, efficiently and effectively by ensuring timely construction of water supply and sanitation projects
and in properly managing and utilizing the available of safe water supply schemes and sanitation facilities, in a
sustainable manner.

During the reporting period we have been working and providing technical support on planning, water supply
study and design project document preparation as well as tender document preparation, drilling supervision
and supervision of civil work construction and electromechanical work. The major achievements, the output,
the challenges and the way it was forwarded will be briefly described below.
The main objective of this report is to briefly outline the activities that have been carried out by the water
sector support consultant who is working on Benshangul Gumez region.

Major Achievements

Activities Working Out put Implementer

Act 1-Groundwater potential assessment Consulting
 Ground water source Investigation of Odda December Groundwater Hydro-geologist
Wereda three kebele (1 Odda Gudera ,1Odda 2020 - potential
town, and1 Bedas and Pawi Woreda in Mender June 2021 document and
49 kebele totally 4 Sites. specification
 Hydrogeophysical investigation of the above have been
areas had been done after the field visit finished prepared for all
 Groundwater source Reconnaissance survey has of the study site
been done in selected areas of Mandura
Act 2 –Water Supply Study And Design Water supply Consulting Water
 Water supply study and design of three study and Supply Engineer,
small rural towns and one rural kebele design document surveyor and
( Odda town ,Bedasa town Gizen town and and specification Hydro-geologist
Pawi Woreda Mender 49 kebele). have been
Act 3- Technical support given on construction of water Consulting
supply projects(the project is ongoing) The supervisors Hydro-geologist
 Technical support given on construction of water gained skills that and Water
supply and electromechanical work in four sites needed for the Supply Engineer
(Manbuk town,Yaso town,Gilgel Bels Town and ongoing and
Assosa woreda Mender 5 kebele) future works
Act 4- Project Document Evaluation Consulting
 Evaluation of water supply study and design Necessary Hydro-geologist,
Project document of Gure shombola Keble., comments were Water Supply
Assosa Woreda drilling bid document and given for the Engineer and
preparation evaluation of geophysical consultant to Socio Economist
instrument bid document provide finalized
study document

Act 5- Supervision and Follow up The supervisors Consulting

 Technical support given on Ground water drilling gained skills that Hydro-geologist
Activities Working Out put Implementer
supervision in Assosa Woreda (5) and Menga needed for the
Woreda (2) total of seven sites. ongoing and
future works
Act 6 – capacity building on Operation and Electromechanici Electromechanic
Maintenance an and Plumbers al Engineer and
 Technical Support given on electromechanical work gained skills that hydraulic
of non-functional schemes in Dibatie Woreda(Berber needed for Engineer
and Galisa keble) and Bulen town current and Consulting
 Technical Support given to Plumbers on future problems Hydro-geologist
maintenance of water supply schemes in Gilgel Bels
Town,Pawi Woreda and Mandura town
Act 7 – capacity building on scheme administration and The stakeholders Consulting
tariff gained skills that Hydro-geologist,
 Short term training given to Town water Utility needed for the Water Supply
,Woreda water Boards and Keble WASHCOOs ongoing and Engineer and
management staffs and administrators on Scheme future work of Socio Economist
management, Tariff Setting and Scheme water scheme
administration institutions
 Short term training given to WASHCOOs on model
wash service and wash facility
Act 8- Emergency Intervention
 Preparation of emergency intervention plan for the Most of the
on -spot water supply for the displaced community displaced
had been done in Metekle zone in six IDP sites. communities Consulting
 Conducting weekly meeting with emergency obtained water Hydro-geologist
committee to see the situation related with the supply needed
emergency situations. for different use
 Preparation weekly, monthly and quarter report
 Recovery and rehabilitation plan and finding of
budget has been done with the national wash cluster

 There is shortage of vehicle to accomplish jointly planned work by the ministry of emergency wash and
sector support directorate and the regional water bureau as per the proposed schedule.
 Unable to fulfill the planned objectives due to unstoppable conflict in major parts of the region
 The water resource potential of the region is not well studied for timely implementation of the
strategic and annual plan to achieve the required water sector development goals
 There is no allowance for communication however our duty urges to make repeated communication
with different Woreda offices, different professionals and officials in different Woreda, Federal board
technical team as well as different officials of the head office.

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