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CONTEMPORARY Contemporary literature refers

to the literary works published
post WWII to the current day. It
can also be defined as the
literature that came post
modern literature.
Contemporary word signifies the
prevalent culture encompassing
the popular art, music and
POPULAR Popular literature refers to the
literary work written for a very
huge audience. It doesn’t have
to do anything with a strict time
period but the work should cater
to a large audience to classify it
into popular literature.
EMERGENT Emergent literature is more of
an adjective used for the
literature work that’s emerging
and trending. There could be an
emerging theme/genre of
literature that is being written
about during the current period.

A contemporary work of literature could be both popular and emerging. Mostly, we don’t
emphasize on the specificity of each word and often string them together to label a piece of

EXPLANATION: Adding some examples to explain the above answer, The Iliad and
the Odyssey, Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Robinsoe Crusoe, Frankenstein or Little Women are
all popular literature but they are neither contemporary nor emergent, spanning from the
8th century BCE to the 19th century CE.

Artistic literature in relation to popular culture, various genre in popular literature

includes contemporary popular and emergent literature meaning writings intended for both
and! Political attitudes, religious beliefs and news events that lead trends during the time.

EXPLANATION: in short. CPEL captures almost a worldwide knowledge interest in

terms of literature creations. Different varieties in different culture and different eras.

Contemporary literature.

After the atrocities of so many wars, it wasn’t so hard to accept the idea that there
was no benevolent god watching over us. Even in the midst of people’s joy and relief that
the war is over, the predominant attitude was disillusionment.

EXPLANATION: in the aftermath of a war whose actions and results were almost
incomprehensible, writers found themselves with new dilemmas. If contemporary literature
is defined as anything after 1945, it makes natural sense that books about war were
revealed serious thematic and are still stylistic changes in literature.

Writers: goerge orwell, Anthony Burgesses and Philip K dick details by chart!!!!
explanation more than adding value to the science fiction genre, these writers were
actually writing about totalitarian regimes and mind control.

Popular literature


Popular literature in English is writing which has shown wide and continued
acceptance, measured by sales, frequent imitation, adaptation to other
cultural forms and general commercial success. The word "popular" is meant
as a synonym for "successful," not as an antonym for "serious.

EXPLANATION Most of us have spent at least one delightful and

lazy day reading at the beach or at the park, in a hammock at home or at
a mountain camp site.  Usually, the books we choose for such a
delicious interlude are ones that have a vivid and exciting plot, lots of
sensory imagery, and one or two engaging characters.  We refer to these
books casually as Beach Reading or Escape Reading - and sometimes
we even say "junk" reading.  But book lovers of all stripes (from those
who love the literary to those who never venture beyond the dime novel)
will often have favorites among the more "popular" books.  Sometimes,
even, very difficult and sophisticated literary books are found in Beach
Bags and on Lounge Chairs!

While "Popular Literature" was published and widely read in the 19th
Century, by the 20th Century it had become a world unto itself.  During
the 20th Century, the growth of readership and genres in "Popular
Literature" made "Literary" Literature seems like a small and exclusive
"academic and scholarly" market.  The ratio of sales told it all:  Popular
Literature comprised almost 90 % of the market for fiction.  "Literary"
fiction was relegated to about 5% of the sales (but not the titles!).

EXPLANATION: When we think about literature at all, we tend to think

of the famous authors who were "literary" writers such as Hemingway
and Faulkner - but average folks across the globe were buying and
reading fiction in great numbers - and they didn't stick to the "classic"
names.  Moreover, many "popular" writers became just as well known as
the literary authors!


EXPLANATION: In the modern parlance, the term is associated with its

academic context, referring to the

enduring works of fiction, philosophy, history, etc. that have been

studied for generations and

shaped the foundations of our thought. Yet literature by its definition

includes any and all

written works, a fact that has never been more relevant than in our
current Internet age, when

the written word is more accessible and democratic than ever before.

Genres of emergent literature.13

creative nonfiction -

The Creative Nonfiction (CNF) genre can be rather elusive. It is focused

on story, meaning it has a narrative plot with an inciting moment, rising
action, climax and denoument, just like fiction. However, nonfiction only
works if the story is based in truth, an accurate retelling of the author's
life experiences.

hyper poetry-
Hyperpoetry is a form of digital poetry that uses links using hypertext mark-up. It is a very
visual form, and is related to hypertext fiction and visual arts. The links mean that a hypertext
poem has no set order, the poem moving or being generated in response to the links that the
reader/user chooses.
trick literature- If something does the trick, it has the necessary or wanted effect, an
ending of a story or play, etc., that employs a surprise element or character to resolve the

illustrated novel- The term illustrated novel refers to an extended narrative with multiple
images that, together with the text, produce meaning. ... Although illustrator and author
often collaborated over the original text and illustrations, subsequent editions contain
illustrations an author may or may not have endorsed..
EX. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 

graphic novel- Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a
story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots.
Collections of short stories that have been previously published as individual comic books are also
considered graphic novels.
text talk novel-
The term is employed in a broad manner, encompassing non-fiction works and thematically
linked short stories as well as fictional stories across a number of genres. ... Text-Talk Novels •
Blog, email, IM format narratives • Stories told almost completely in dialogue simulating social
network exchanges.
manga- a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as
digi-fiction- Digital Fiction is fiction that is written for and read from a computer and can
be Web- or app-based (for tablets and smartphones) or accessed via CD-ROMs. ... Digital
fictions therefore require that the reader interacts with the narrative throughout the reading
doodle fiction- Doodle-FictionA literary presentation where the author incorporates
doodle drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional font.Drawings enhance
the story, often adding humorous elements that would be missing if the illustrations were
flash fiction- fiction of a type characterized by being very short, typically consisting of only a few
hundred words.
Famous for her very short stories, Lydia Davis is the modern master of packing a lot of emotion
and meaning into a few words. Her 423-word work, “Everyone Cried,” is an example of an
effective flash fiction story. Often, people cry when they are unhappy
six word flash fiction- Like other forms of short stories or flash fiction, a six-word
story allows a reader to consume an entire narrative in just a moment's time. If you're
trying to get in some short, but challenging, bursts of writing practice throughout your day, try
writing six-word stories. These bite-sized narratives are fast and fun
science fiction- fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and
major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other
1. a personal website or social media account where a person regularly posts short videos.
Phils most famous vloggers
As of January 2021, the most popular YouTube channel in the Philippines was Raffy Tulfo in
Action channel with approximately 18.4 million subscribers. Raffy Tulfo is a Filipino broadcast
journalist with a weekday afternoon radio and television program whose work focuses on private
sector issues

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