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Concept Definition/Meaning

Literacy is defined as being able to read and write, or

Literacy the condition or quality of being literate, competent,
and knowledgeable in a particular subject or field.
Traditional Literacy It is the ability to read the written word to gain
understanding and meaning.
It is the type of knowledge that is expected to be known
Basic Literacy by everyone in a particular field. It includes the skills of
reading, writing, speaking, listening, counting,
perceiving, , and drawing. Everyone of this skills
should be taught with gradually increasing levels.
Comprehension is the reason for reading, it refers to the
Comprehension Literacy understanding, interpretation, and making meaning of
what is read. It is much more than a collection of skills
because it requires metacognitive skills, vocabulary,
background knowledge, and verbal reasoning ability.
Good readers/Comprehension
It is a type of literacy that deals with application of
Functional Literacy conventional literacy like reading and writing to
understand signs, read newspaper headings, read labels
on medicine bottles, make shopping lists, read Bible,
write letters, fill in forms, apply for jobs, etc.
Emergent Literacy was first used in 1966 to describe
Emergent Literacy the early reading and writing development. For
example, behaviors seen in young children when they
use books and writing materials to imitate reading and
writing activities, even though they cannot actually
read and write in the conventional sense.
Multicultural literacy refers to the skills involved when
Multi-Cultural Literacy not being bias with regards to culture. It explains the
ability to understand and appreciate the parallels and
differences between customs, values, and beliefs of
your culture and a different culture.
It refers to understanding of social Skills,
Social Literacy organizational skills, and communication skills. An
ability to connect and interact effectively with those
around them such as peers, family, teachers, relatives,
etc. It also refers to the ability of a person to
communicate opinions as well as listen to other’s
opinions. Thus, Social Literacy refers to the
development of social skills to interact positively in a
defined environment and community.
Media Literacy Media Literacy refers to understanding the information
or read information from the different media by filtering
or sifting through and analyzing the messages. It is the
ability to access, interpret and analyze different types of
media. Media literacy involves the use of Critical
Literacy, where students are encouraged to question the
deeper meaning of content from different media outlets
like Who is this message intended for? Who wants to
reach the audience, and why? From whose perspective is
this story told?. To put it simply, Media Literacy requires
people to access, critically evaluate, and create or
manipulate media
It involves the ability to understand how money works in
Financial Literacy term of financing, and how to make positive financial
decisions. It is a set of skills and knowledge about
financial resources with understanding of the concepts
such as saving, investing and debt. In short, Financial
Literacy looks at accounting, auditing, and any other
profession relating to money or financial management
Digital literacy is more than technological know-how. If
Digital Literacy the word “literacy” alone generally refers to reading and
writing skills, when you add “digital” before it, the term
encompasses much more. Because digital literacy is the
ability to use ICT to find, evaluate, create, and
communicate information. It means having the skills you
need in order to live, learn, and work in a society where
communication and access to information is a lot
through digital technologies like internet platforms,
social media, and mobile devices.
The survival of humanity depends upon our ecological
Eco – literacy literacy (also referred as Eco-literacy). Because this
literacy refers to individual’s ability to understand the
natural systems that makes life on earth possible. This
includes nature such as water, trees, glass, animals and
others that supports human life. Becoming Eco-literate
means understanding the principles of ecological
communities (plants, animals, ecosystems) and using
those principles for creating a sustainable human
This type of literacy cannot be measured directly, but we
Political Literacy can say that if people are politically literate, they can
understand party differences and know the basic political
concepts and facts. Political Literacy refers to the
knowledge, skills and information associated with the
politics. It is a set of abilities possessed by citizens to
participate in a particular government, understand how
government works and important issues facing society,
as well as the critical thinking skills to evaluate different
points of view. Political Literate must have political
expertise, political awareness, and civic competence.
A type of literacy that look at an individual’s ability to
Cultural literacy understand and appreciate the similarities and
differences in the customs, values, and beliefs of one’s
own and other’s culture. Culture Literacy allows people
to be able to understand the traditions, norms, regular
activities and history of a group of people from a given

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