Ultra Deep Underground Gold Mines

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Mineral Resource Modelling

and Reconciliation in Ultra Deep

Underground Gold Mines
R C A Minnitt1, T Hewitt2, B Lavery3 and A Johnston4

The Witwatersrand Supergroup is host to the world’s largest gold deposits. The location, quantity,
grade, continuity and other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are either known,
estimated from specific geological evidence and knowledge, or interpreted from a well constrained
and portrayed geological model. Establishing such a model is an integral part of the evaluation
process in the Anglogold Ashanti (AGA) group, and is referred to as a Geoscience Business
Model for the mining operations. The geological model established over the years has relied on
detailed descriptions of the mineralisation, and understanding of the regional and local geology
of the Witwatersrand sediments, in the West Wits and Free State goldfields. The processes of data
collection in regard to underground stope and developing mapping, structural and sedimentological
mapping, and the geological inputs to mine planning systems are described, together with aspects
of drilling, sampling, grade control, and data management. Anglogold Ashanti’s Geoscience
Department employs a complex and unique process to generate the Mineral Resource, including
a 3D geological structure model of the orebodies which are usually highly faulted, and a robust
mineralisation/facies model on which the decisions about domain boundaries are established.
A Mineral Resource Inventory System (MRIS) has a dynamic graphic interface to the resource
database that is used for compiling the resource statement. It is also used to determine the
gold-called-for, as well as short and long-term planning. A unique estimation process using the
extensive closely spaced stope face sampling database and the more widely spaced surface drilling
information is used in combination in the Macro Co-Kriging estimation. The use of different
support sizes in the C0-Kriging process is preceded by the equally unique ‘clusterisation’ and
‘acceptorisation’ procedures by which the data are quality controlled and assured prior to their use
in the kriging process. The Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimates are classified according to
the SAMREC code through a method that ensures that they are compliant, auditable, transparent
and reconcilable with previous Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve statements.

Role of geoscience
The early 1990s marked a changing paradigm for the way context of their contribution and the relevance of their inputs
in which management viewed their business process in the to the business process. Aspects of the continuity and the
extraction of deep level gold deposits in the Witwatersrand importance of levels of input into the evaluation process have
Basin. The importance of integrating the contributions evolved over a period of time and in the AGA group is now
from each of the functions and service departments became referred to as a Geoscience Business Model for the mining
increasingly clear and the concept of Mineral Resource operations as shown in Figure 1 (Kennedy, 2009a). Even
Management (MRM) in its earliest forms began to emerge. the term ‘geoscience’ and its usage is a product of the MRM
This new view on the way extraction of the orebody could process and the newly emerging ‘Mineral Asset Management’
be optimised was driven by the idea that shareholder value concepts.
was to be maximised. It sought to break down the strong Geoscience is employed principally to integrate the data
partitions between the various mining functions and service accumulated from underground observation and mapping
departments with the aim of creating an integrated, seamless into coherent and congruent information within the so-
management process in which each function understood the called ‘Geoscience Business Model’ (GBM), by which the best

1. JCI Professor of Mineral Resources and Reserves, School of Mining Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.
Email: Richard.Minnitt@wits.ac.za
2. Vice President Geosciences, SA Region, AngloGold Ashanti Limited, Private Bag X2051, Carletonville 2500, Republic of South Africa. Email: THewitt@anglogoldashanti.com
3. Technical Manager Geosciences SA Division, AngloGold Ashanti Limited, Private Bag X2051, Carletonville 2500, Republic of South Africa. Email: BLavery@anglogoldashanti.com
4. Operational Manager Geosciences, AngloGold Ashanti Limited, Private Bag X2051, Carletonville 2500, Republic of South Africa. Email: AJohnston@anglogoldashanti.com


FIG 1 - Development and inputs to the Geoscience Business Model for Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve prediction (after Kennedy, 2010).

decisions in regard to the future extraction of the gold bearing they are encouraged to work directly in a 3D computer-based
ore are made. The GBM describes the steps taken from the geological modelling environment, with the guarantee that
acquisition of raw data, through processing, interpretation and 2D plans can be generated from the 3D models as required.
modelling, to communication of relevant information about However, it is essential that these outputs be recognised as
the geological model for the orebody and the predictions about the product of a fuller, broader, and holistic understanding
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as indicated in Figure 1 of the geological orebody model. The model is the integrated
(Kennedy, 2007; Gaelejwe, Kennedy and van der Merwe, product of different geoscience related disciplines and
2011). New aspects of the sedimentological environment, includes geological (geozone), structural, geotechnical, and
structural setting and events, pay trends, channel directions, geophysical components.
their projected extensions, and the distribution of gold, is
The integrity of this model depends on the continuous
revealed with each new face exposed as a result of the previous
coordinated shared responsibility amongst the geoscience
blast. By analysing, interpreting and plotting these data on
appropriate plans Geoscience is able to provide ongoing, up team in relation to the inputs and husbanding of the business
to date information to mine planning personnel and mine process. This activity is predicated by the requirement that all
management who are the able to control mining operations the primary raw data, including sedimentological features,
on a day to day basis as part of the monthly planning cycle and structural mapping and measurements, borehole core
that is used in projections for longer-term planning. logging, geotechnical information including rock quality and
mesostructural density, as well as the relationships between
Apart from geological input at both the monthly planning
the events (timing), be collected, recorded, interpreted, and
and scrutiny meetings, geologists provide a professional applied with the highest degree of integrity. This assumes of
service by making swift and correct, day-to-day production- course that the data is appropriate, sufficient, and correct for
related decisions. Typically, because production from an the task at hand. Scientifically based best-practice geoscience
area is stalled until he makes a decision, the geologist is supported by the available data is the only basis for consistent
required to provide guidance as to what the mining teams and reliable mine planning. Furthermore, it is only by
should do when a stope has intersected a fault. At other interaction with the mine planning and production teams that
times the determination of the size and distribution of reef the value and importance of geoscience outputs are recognised
polygons for the estimation of Mineral Resources may be his and that the need for and location of, additional work within
responsibility. With this there is a considerable spectrum of a given time frame can be identified. It is therefore incumbent
confidence and associated risk that the practice of geoscience upon the Geoscience Technical Office (GTO) to efficiently
must accommodate depending on the quality and quantity of perform a wide range of tasks, from basic underground
available information that informs decisions. mapping, through proficiency in the use of sophisticated
Geoscience has traditionally been seen as a service computer programs, to the writing of reports (Gaelejwe,
department whose critical outputs from the Business Process Kennedy and van der Merwe, 2011).
to the mining, survey, and planning functions include the The quality of geoscience information management and
provision of contoured 3D reef and structural surfaces for outputs is a direct function of the knowledge, experience, skills,
Rock Engineering, Planning and Mining personnel, 2D plans and competency of the geologists involved in contributing to
and sections for mining personnel, and reef polygons and the business process. While sound scientific principles and
Geozones for the Mineral Resource Inventory System (MRIS). understanding of local and regional conditions is essential,
Traditionally, the mining disciplines in particular, have relied the old adage that ‘the best geologist is the one who has seen
on hardcopy 2D plans and sections for their planning, but the most rocks’ holds true for every mining operation. In


Wits-type placer gold deposits the most valuable members

of the team will be those who over the years have gained the
deeper insights and understanding of the orebody that can
only come through careful, reasoned, consistent observation
over lengthy periods of time. It may be that the value of the
experienced geologist arises from an intuitive knowledge
that only develops as a result of continuous work in a given
geological environment, rather than a studied understanding
of books and manuals.
A series of standards and procedures covering mining
methods and terminology, rock mechanics, mine survey
department, communications, underground mapping
procedures, underground structural mapping, sedimenta-
logical underground mapping, plotting and presentation
of data, mine planning, underground geological and cover
drilling, sampling and grade control, mineral resources and
ore reserves, the life-of-mine (LOM) plan, compilation of the
mine’s total resources, and mine valuation, are implemented
through formal training in data collection.These provide 
rules, guidelines, and well-established best practice in
all aspects of the business process, for consistency and
FIG 2 - Location of Anglogold Ashanti’s South African operations, Vaal River and
auditability. They also form part of quality assurance and
West Wits operations in two geographical regions in the Witwatersrand Basin.
are intimately linked to training, mentoring, and Process
(Source: AngloGold Ashanti, 2007.)
Compliance Reports. It is these standards and procedures
that are described in some detail in the following sections.
namely, the Vaal Reef (VR) and a less important reef known as
AngloGold Ashanti operations in South Africa the Crystalkop Reef (C Reef). In order of importance, the reefs
Until recently, when the Tau Lekoa mine was disposed of, mined at the Vaal River operations are the VR and the C Reef:
AGA operated seven South African gold mining operations, all The Vaal Reef comprises about 85 per cent of the
located in the Witwatersrand Supergroup, the greatest gold- reserve tonnage at mining grades between 10 g/t
bearing repository on Earth. The operations are grouped in
and 20 g/t gold and comprises a series of oligomictic
two localities in the Carletonville and Klerksdorp goldfields
conglomerates and quartzite packages developed on
shown in Figure 2.
successive non-conformities (AGA, 2007).
The West Wits operations include the Mponeng, Savuka
and TauTona mines all situated near the town of Carletonville,
and the Vaal River operations include Great Noligwa, GEOLOGICAL SETTING
Kopanang and Moab Khotsong mines, as shown in Figure 3.
These gold deposits occur along the north western rim of the
Regional geology
Witwatersrand Basin near the base of the so-called Central The Witwatersrand Supergroup is contained within the so-
Rand Group, and are all located on the regionally extensive called Witwatersrand Basin and comprises a 7 km thick
Carbon Leader Reef (CLR) and the Ventersdorp Contact Reef sequence of predominantly argillaceous and arenaceous
(VCR). Savuka and Tau Tona which began mining in 1964 are sediments that extend laterally for some 300 km northeast/
virtually exhausted, and current production from Mponeng southwest and 100 km northwest/southeast on the Kaapvaal
comes only from the VCR, but an announcement was recently Craton as shown in Figure 4 (McCarthy and Rubidge, 2005;
made (27 May 2011) of the company’s intention to mine the AGA, 2007). Eight distinct gold fields have been developed
CLR at this locality. around the northeastern, northern, north-western, and south-
The Vaal River operations include Great Noligwa, Kopanang western perimeter of the Witwatersrand basin as shown in
and Moab Khotsong mines (Figure 3), that exploit two reefs Figure 4. The regional and local geology of the Witwatersrand

FIG 3 - Location of the AngloGold Ashanti mines in the West Wits and Vaal River areas. (Source: AngloGold Ashanti, 2007.)


FIG 4 - The location of the Witwatersrand Supergroup on the Kaapvaal Craton and the location of the main gold fields at the base of the Central Rand Group.
(Source: McCarthy and Rubidge, 2005, used with permission.)

and its contained gold deposits are described in many ... with the shallowly dipping conglomerate horizons
publications including those of Antrobus (1986), Frimmel and hosting the gold deposits constituting thin layers
Minter (2002), Frimmel et al (2005), and Law and Phillips (generally <15-100 cm, though locally several metres)
(2005). The exploration and mining history is summarised by of tremendous lateral continuity (> tens of kilometres).
Fox (2002). This they note impacts the resource estimation process
The Witwatersrand Supergroup is divided into a lower West because the deposits have proved themselves to be laterally
Rand Group and an upper Central Rand Group the latter extensive 2D sheet whose continuity allows the geology
containing the bulk of the gold mineralisation near the base in between widely spaced drill sites to be safely assumed, with
laterally-extensive, quartz pebble conglomerate reefs. Further the caveat that post depositional structural movements at a
west, south and east the basin is overlain by up to 4 km of regional scale have disrupted this continuity. They also note
Archaean, Proterozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary that the continuity together with the depths of these deposits,
rocks. The Witwatersrand Basin is late Archaean in age and is greater than 5 km for the CLR, allows them to be drilled
considered to be around 2.7 billion to 2.8 billion years old. out on spacing’s that are wider than any other metalliferous
The reefs, which are usually less than a metre thick, were mineral deposits in the world. Added to this is the continuity
deposited onto vast rivierine plains that through constant in terms of thickness, lithology, and gold mineralisation of
winnowing gave rise to the laterally extensive braided fluvial the conglomeratic units. The sedimentary environment that
deposits (McCarthy and Rubidge, 2005; AGA, 2007). Separate could produce such thin, but such consistently developed and
fan systems were developed at different entry points and these mineralised conglomeratic units over such vast areas, in the
are preserved as the eight distinct goldfields, each with local relatively short space of time (2.90 to 2.78 Ga from the base to
geological variations (Figure 4). the top of the Central Rand Group), and equivalent to a sheet
The basin and its contained sediments constitute well- of tissue paper spread over seven adjoining rugby fields, still
defined, consistently developed sedimentary successions that remains to be convincingly described.
are remarkable in their stratigraphic continuity, stretching
almost 600 km around the perimeter of the basin, a feature Local geology
even more remarkable when it is noted that the general The two primary reefs exploited at the West Wits operations
structural setting of very early sedimentary basins is considered are the VCR, located at the top of the Central Rand Group,
(Anhaeusser, 1978), to be tectonically unstable. The structural and the Carbon Leader Reef (CLR) near its base, along
setting of the Witwatersrand basin is described by Jolley et al, two notable stratigraphic unconformities. The separation
(2004) who note that many of the important faults have been between the two reefs increases from east to west, from
active not only during sedimentation, but have continued to 400 m - 900 m, due to the non-conformity of the VCR with
accommodate movements well after deposition. A point well the underlying strata (Figure 5). TauTona and Savuka extract
made by Vann et al (2009), is that the tectonic setting of the both reefs, while currently Mponeng only mines the VCR. The
deposits is remarkable: CLR Project has been published as a reserve and Mponeng,


FIG 5 - Schematic section through the Tau Tona shaft system showing the dip and separation between the Ventersdorp Contact Reef and the Carbon Leader.
(Source: AngloGold Ashanti, 2007.)

as has been confirmed, will mine both reefs. The structure the subject of competent ongoing geological study and, at the
is relatively simple, with rare instances of faults displaying level required for resource estimation.
more than 70 m of displacement. The reefs are relatively Regionally, the VCR dips at approximately 21°, but may vary
deep, thin and stratiform, and have been subjected to several between 5° and 50°, accompanied by changes in thickness
periods of deformation, resulting in discontinuous fault- or
of the conglomerate units. Where the conglomerate has the
dyke-bounded reef blocks. At a gross scale the CLR is a 20 cm
attitude of the regional dip, it tends to be thick, well-developed
thick mineralised, tabular gold-bearing quartz-conglomerate,
and accompanied by higher gold accumulations. Where the
consisting of one or more conglomerate units varying from
attitude departs significantly from the regional dip, the reef
several centimetres to more than 3 m in thickness (AGA,
2007). It is overlain by a distinctive and reliable shaley is thin, and varies from several centimetres to more than 3 m
chloritoid marker unit known as the ‘Green bar’ which in thickness.
uniquely identifies the stratigraphic position of the CLR in Within the VCR several distinct facies have been identified,
core or in underground exposures (Fletcher, 2009; Vann each with its own unique gold distribution and grade
et al, 2009). The current understanding of the geological characteristic. Generally the grade of the VCR is lower than
setting of the CLR is the product of intense long-term scientific that of the VR, and contains approximately 15 per cent of the
study. The internal subtleties of facies and sedimentology are estimated Ore Reserves. The payable reef is concentrated

FIG 6 - Geology and structure of the Shaft Pillar area of the Kopanang mine. (Source: AngloGold Ashanti, 2007.)


in the western part of the lease area and takes the form of a southwest orientations, but may include some northwest-
massive conglomerate, a pyritic sand unit with intermittent southeast trends as shown in Figure 8. Three-dimensional
pebble layers, or a thin conglomerate horizon (AGA, 2007). modelling of the structures and dykes is advanced, and
The VCR is located up to 1 km above the VR (Figure 6) at the locations and interpretations are constantly updated
the contact between the sediments of the Witwatersrand via underground mapping and are utilised in the resource
Super Group and the overlying Klipriviersberg Lavas of the estimation process (Orton and Burnett, 2008; Burnett and
Ventersdorp Super Group, creating a distinctive seismic Armstrong, 2009).
reflector. The C Reef is a thin, small-pebble conglomerate
with a carbon-rich basal contact, located approximately 270
m above the VR. It has less than one per cent of the estimated The value and importance of the CLR and the VCR means
Ore Reserves with gold grades similar to those of the VR, but they have been the focus of extensive research in regard to
with less continuity. The most significant structural features their structural setting, sedimentology, facies modelling,
are the subvertical, north-east striking normal faults which hydrothermal alteration identification of geozones, domain
dip to the north-west and south-east, resulting in zones of modelling, and gold distribution. The complexities that have
fault loss (AGA, 2007). emerged as a result of the research means that any attempt
Large scale regional faulting mainly with subvertical to apply a simple across the board model to the origins of the
normal throws (Figure 7), at the time of basin formation, as orebodies is an injustice to the many hours and studies that have
well as during and after sedimentation, has influenced the been applied to these reefs. Two things are, however, evident:
distribution of the CLR. Numerous post-depositional dykes cut firstly, that the host conglomerate bands in the case of the CLR,
the mineralised strata and in some cases have accommodated were deposited in a channelised sedimentary environment
faulting as well. Dykes display predominantly northeast- comprising up to four different facies, and secondly, that
the carbon and the gold mineralisation show clear evidence
of staged hydrothermal introduction/redistribution. This
event is evidenced by a suite of highly aluminous phyllonitic
mineral assemblages indicative of propylitic (chloritoid and
chlorite), phyllic (pyrophyllite and sericite), and potassic
(sericite and pyrite) silicate alteration, significantly later
than the periods of sedimentation. Nonetheless, the most
fundamental determinant of gold distribution in the basin
remains the sedimentary features, such as facies variations
and channel directions. Gold generally occurs in native form
often associated with pyrite and carbon, with quartz being the
main gangue mineral (AGA, 2007).
The origins of the gold in the Witwatersrand Basin is
still a topic of ongoing debate with a strong distinction
between those who believe the gold was deposited with the
conglomerates at the time of sedimentation (placerists), and
those hydrothermalists supporting the epigenetic origin of
FIG 7 - The orientation and distribution of dykes and faults in the Savuka-Tau gold, believing that the gold was hydrothermally introduced
Tona area. (Source: Deysel, 2009.) after the sediments had been lithified (Barnicoat et al, 1998,
Law and Philips, 2005; Frimmel and Minter, 2002; Frimmel
et al, 2005; Deysel, 2009; Frith, 2009a; Frith, 2009c; Watts
2005a;Watts, 2005b). While the paragenetic sequencing of the
gold mineralisation in the Witwatersrand Goldfields generally,
and the CLR specifically is unlikely to be resolved soon, some
have adopted the middle ground (modified placerists), and
believe that the gold may have been introduced with the
sediments, but that a distinctive overprint on the rocks and
the mineralisation is indicative of subsequent reworking by
hydrothermal fluids (McCarthy and Rubidge, 2005).
Deysel (2009) has shown that the trends of higher grade gold
zones which could be interpreted as indicative of sedimentary
channelling does not correlate with the Facies model, and
overall that within the CLR there is no direct relationship
between value distribution and sedimentology. Frith (2009b)
also challenges the traditional placer model and provides
convincing evidence indicating that neither gold nor uranium
were part of the detrital heavy mineral suite. In detailed
studies of the CLR that compiled information from borehole
core, underground mapping, conglomerate sedimentology,
thin sections, fluid inclusions, polished sections, and studies
of hydrothermal alteration, Frith (2009d), identified four
 stages in the including digenesis phyllonitic alteration, a
stage of mineralisation, and a stage of post-mineralisation
FIG 8 - Isometric view of Savuka shaft systems and 100 level, showing the alteration and structural overprints. The suggested model for
different Intrusives that occur in the area. (Source: AngloGold Ashanti 2010.) the present-day gold distribution is the result of the interaction


between gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids and mature placer possible standard. Proficiency at basic mapping methods is
conglomerates, in which basin-wide high-temperature the primary skill of a geologist and the principle contribution
hydrothermal fluids (~3700C), transgress stratigraphy, to the running of a successful mining operation.
migrating through structurally-controlled pathways, All underground excavations and development provide
fractures, and permeable conglomerates, precipitating gold in excellent exposures of the stratigraphy and structures
suitable sites, notably brittle micro-fractures and flat carbon allowing the geologists to map the lithologies, describe the
veins. Jolley et al (2004) in related studies suggest significant sedimentology, and interpret the nature and directions of
structural controls on the distribution of gold in the CLR.
fault or tectonic movements. Where reef is exposed samples of
At thin-section to meso-scale gold is frequently the reef will also provide an indication of the grade of the reef.
associated with hydrocarbons in fractures. These Such consistent and diligent attention to the accumulation
fractures are interpreted to be related to thrust- of geological detail provides the basis for a comprehensive
fracture networks with, predominantly, very understanding of the geological framework and setting
small displacements since many structures exploit
(MOGD6, 1998).
depositional contacts and sedimentary bedding
(Vann, 2009, p 26). Development and stope mapping
While the post-depositional paragenesis is complex, there Underground geological mapping involves representing
is no consistent agreement that the uraninite originated the 3D environment, as well as conveying all the relevant
as part of the detrital heavy mineral suite. Carbon is later information, identification and location of geological
than uranium and earlier than gold (Frith, 2009d), with features, on a flat piece of paper. Survey pegs, with or without
broad agreement that hydrocarbon is a later component associated line pegs, in development tunnels and stopes are
of hydrothermal activity rather than a fossilised algal mat
precisely located by x,y and z coordinates, and act as reference
(Nagy, 1977; Pretorius, 1981) as previously postulated. Gold is
points from which the location of all other features may be
spatially associated with carbon and, in places, uranium, but
the correlation between gold with zirconium and rutile, used
to suggest that gold was a heavy mineral detrital component, The best opportunity to map a clean, wet sidewall is as soon
is weak. after exposure as possible. The key principle in all geological
mapping is do it right first time, as having to go back and
Several clear generations of pyrite, the predominant sulfide
associated with the conglomerate bands, are evident although re-map the area wastes time and exposures may be covered
pyrite in the initial stages is considered to be detrital. Gold by then. The scale at which the rocks are mapped will govern
usually occurs as part of the matrix in association with pyrite the amount of detail you can record on the map. Information
and carbonaceous material in fractures. An example of the recorded in a notebook, but not transferred to the permanent
well mineralised No 1 facies of the CLR is shown in Figure 9. record is wasted effort, but each geologist must have
methodical way of making records in the notebook.
Although the debate relating to the origins and paragenetic
sequencing of the minerals may not materially impact on The implications of what is being mapped must be uppermost
the distribution of gold at mining and resource estimation in the geologists mind so that unexpected changes in lithology,
scales, there have been recent calls Vann et al (2009), for sedimentology, and structure are recorded. Furthermore the
stronger linkages between geological understanding and the face of the development tunnel must be examined and the
domaining decisions. developer should be told first-hand what potential or actual
geological problems are present. The data acquisition and
DATA COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT capture process for development mapping is illustrated in
Figure 10. The data is mapped by the geologist and plotted
Underground mapping procedures on the 1:200 sheets, and if necessary a raise report may also
Geoscience mapping on an operating deep level gold be generated. The senior geologist will check and comment
mine involves qualitative and quantitative recording of on the report and sent to the draughtsperson for capture into
sedimentalogical and structural data including lithological, the CADS Mine system after it has been signed off. The Rise
mineralogical and alteration features. Since the plotting and Report will then be circulated to the relevant departments and
interpretation of geological observation and measurement filed in the geoscience department for future reference. The
provides the geological framework within which all other mine principle objectives in stope mapping are to:
planning, mining, development, and extraction activity takes  to identify and record the positions of faults, dykes, and
place, geological mapping is amongst the most important structural disturbances of the reef so that the nature of the
activities on a mine and must be carried out at the highest feature can be projected ahead of the immediate face;

FIG 9 - Intersection of the Carbon Leader Reef No 1 facies in borehole LIB120 SE Original (1504 cmg/t) with sulfides concentrated in the matrix around grain boundaries.


FIG 10 - Data acquisition and capturing for development mapping.

 to record the thickness and nature of the reef so that are located by offsetting from the base tape. Features such
sedimentological trends can be delineated and later faults, dykes, and reef left in the footwall or hanging wall, as
reconciled with sampling data; well as the irregularities in an unfaulted reef sections, must
 to record thicknesses of the various units exposed, such as also be recorded (MOGD6, 1998).
reef, hangingwall and footwall, to enable the geologically Mapping records in wet strength underground notebooks
recommended stope width to be determined; should be neat and systematic, with the fundamental rule
 to record and bring to the attention of the mining being to keep plans and sections related. A large amount
department any areas where reef remains in the hanging- of detail can be recorded on plans recorded to scale, and
or footwall of the stope; and transposing data from the notebook to the permanent
 to record the presence, thickness and nature of carbon and record is a simple matter; the data acquisition and capture
alteration products. for the stope mapping process is schematically illustrated in
Although the principles of stope mapping are essentially Figure 11. Underground mapping is followed by the creation
the same as those applicable to development mapping, there of a stope report that is printed, checked, and commented
are important differences. These arise from a relative lack of on. Once the document has been signed off by the senior
survey pegs and working conditions which may be cramped geologist, it is digitised into a stope mapping file which can be
and ‘unclean’ yet laterally extensive. Having mapped the updated as structural information becomes available for that
outline of the stope face in plan, specific geological features area (MOGD6, 1998).

FIG 11 - Data acquisition and capture for the stope mapping process.


Structural mapping Accurate descriptions of almost any mixture of packing

The cost of a single metre of underground development densities is possible by combining these terms, ie 40 cm clast
is exorbitant so it is imperative that detailed and accurate supported conglomerate grading up to pebbly quartzite for
knowledge of the morphology and structure of the orebody top 30 cm.
is available so that the Witwatersrand-type orebodies can be The measure of textural sorting is the spread of the particle
extracted cost effectively. Up to date mapping of all inclined size on either side of the average. Very well sorted sediments
and flat development and the transfer of this information onto have a low standard deviation about the mean grain size,
the 1:200 and 1:1000 scale maps and sections, is vital to the whereas poorly sorted sediments have a high standard
smooth running of the operation. While the detailed mapping deviation. Maturity of sediments may be measured in terms
must be detailed, accurate, and factual, the structural of either mineralogy, or the degree of sorting and grain shape,
interpretation may be a more subjective and iterative process, but these two aspects are related, since sedimentary processes
by which the orebody model is continuously updated as new that mature sediments, also concentrate the gold.
structural information becomes available. It is unlikely that The major reef horizons are mature conglomerates on
interpolated and extrapolated lines are accurate enough for unconformities. Conglomerates are described as oligomictic
detailed planning of underground development. Changes to if they consists of mineralogically similar clast-types such
models and plans must be communicated to the survey and as quartz, chert, and orthoquartzite. If a second clast-type,
mining departments together with any information regarding usually one of the non-durable varieties, constitutes more
the implications of these changes (MOGD6, 1998). than two per cent of the clast population, the conglomerate
is referred to as polymictic. The texture and maturity of the
Sedimentalogical mapping sediment provides a visual guide to the effectiveness of the
Describing and recording sedimentological features is the transport mechanism in sorting and abrading the sediment,
basis of reliable maps from which sedimentological models, and the effectiveness of the gold concentrating processes
including host rock characteristics and exploration guidelines (MOGD8, 1998).
can be constructed. Detailed descriptions of macro-features
and exposures of the reef and enclosing sediments provide Pyrite and carbon
the data from which the models are compiled and then
The type, distribution, and amount of pyrite in a conglomerate
tested against actual experience as the mining operations
or quartzite is often, but not always positively correlated with
advance. Accurate, consistent, and standardised descriptions
the amount of gold and uranium. Detrital pyrite is concentrated
of the sedimentary units are the only way that continuity
by sedimentary processes and comprises rounded grains, 1
and succession of the sedimentological data base can
mm to several centimetres in diameter, the grain size being
be maintained. Sedimentological mapping should take
a very sensitive downstream indicator. Broken surfaces of
place at the same time as normal development and stope
mapping. Sedimentological information should be collected detrital grains may be amorphous (dull) to crystalline (shiny),
as frequently as required to present an accurate picture of but secondary, euhedral and crystalline pyrite referred to as
the variations, in reef or sediment. The aim is to capture authigenic, is considered to have formed in situ. The heavy
information that contributes to the overall understanding of detrital pyrite is concentrated towards the base of a graded
the sedimentological environment. sequence, on scour surfaces or on pyrite foresets; it may on
occasion be evenly distributed in the matrix.
Sedimentary features that should be routinely examined
include the thickness, nature of upper and lower contacts, Fly-speck and columnar carbon are the two varieties
the gross lithology with modifiers, the grain size, the colour, that occur near the base of the conglomerate units, and are
and the textural and mineralogical maturity. The type, size, often hosts to higher grades of gold. Visible gold is common
and orientation of sedimentary structures such as channel in columnar carbon, but very difficult to see elsewhere in
edges, trough and planar cross beds, plane bedding, and underground light conditions. The most likely places to see
scour surfaces, should all be noted, together with any lateral gold are in concentrations of detrital pyrite and on scours.
variations in thickness or lithology. Accumulations of pyrite, Sulfides such as chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, etc
carbon, and gold should also be noted. Washing the face off and quite commonly occur in reef horizons in minor amounts as
marking sedimentary features such as scours, channel edges, secondary minerals (MOGD8, 1998).
and other sedimentary structures is essential (MOGD8, 1998).
Recognition of bedding features
Description of the sediments Bedding features are the bounds to similar sediments, they
Grain and particle size of the components of the sediment is can be used to determine the flow direction, and they are the
done in terms of the Udden-Wentworth scale. This is important main indicators of the method of sediment deposition and
because some reefs have shown a correlation between pebble the flow regime. The sorting effect occurs when sand grains
size and gold content. Descriptions of different clast packing move because the combined lift and drag forces of the flowing
densities (CPD) are limited to four categories, namely: water exceed the gravitational and cohesive forces between
1. Clast supported conglomerate: conglomerate with a modal sediment particles. Gold is concentrated as grains with higher
packing density higher than 55 per cent. The sides of the specific gravity require greater forces to move them than low
majority of clasts will be touching one another. specific gravity grains. Bedforms, including current ripples,
2. Matrix supported conglomerate: conglomerate with a dunes, upper phase beds and antidunes, are produced in
modal packing density between 40 per cent and 55 per streams with different velocities by moving sand grains. These
cent clasts. The majority of clasts will be separated from Bedforms are transient features that migrate downstream and
the other clasts by the matrix. are only preserved if they are buried or the velocity decreases.
3. Pebbly quartzite: quartzite with 20 per cent to 40 per cent A section through a bedform usually displays internal bedding
pebbles. from top to bottom as shown in Figure 12.
4. Quartzite with scattered pebbles: less than 20 per cent The principle objective of sedimentological mapping is to
pebbles. record local variations in the reef and characteristics that affect


FIG 12 - Longitudinal cross-section through a trough cross bedded unit.

FIG 13 - Transverse cross-section through a trough cross bedded unit.

the grade distribution. Variations in reef thickness, percentage from which elevations are measured. The grid is based on the
conglomerate, the nature of the clasts, gross lithology, and the Gauss Conform Projection (Transverse Mercator Projection)
quantities of pyrite and carbon are important. Longitudinal consisting of belts 20 of longitude wide, orientated north-
and transverse sections through trough cress bedded units are south. The odd numbered meridians are used as the central
shown in Figures 12 and 13, respectively (MOGD8, 1998). meridian for each belt and this identify the belt, eg Lo 150,
Paleocurrent directions should be measured whenever Lo 230, and Lo 270. X coordinates increase towards the south
possible using either offsets or a compass, since they provide from zero at the equator, and Y coordinates increase towards
the means by which sedimentological and associated gold the west from the central meridian. Elevations are related
distribution trends can be defined and projected. Channel to a zero datum at 1828.8 metres above mean sea level, an
edges and scours exposed in reef drives and raises are the most approximate metric conversion from the original imperial
reliable way of obtaining paleocurrent directions (MOGD8, datum of 6000 feet (MOGD9, 1998).
1998). Geological information is presented in standardised 1:200
development plans for each mine, and indicate the position
Plotting and presentation of data and orientation of geological features such as marker
Geological information gathered from underground is beds, faults and dykes. Every 1:200 plan is accompanied
recorded on plans and sections that form the basis for mine by a section of the area showing the stratigraphic units and
planning and future development. The quality of the geological sedimentary facies as well as the geological configuration of
plans and sections, and the ability to project anticipated bedding and structural elements such as faults and dykes. A
trends for mine planning purposes depends on standardised, profile of the reef sedimentology is usually shown above the
systematic, and high standard plotting and presentation of 1:200 sections at an exaggerated vertical scale of 1:20 or 1:50
information. This involves aspects of survey, 1:200 plans and showing the units comprising the profile, their thickness, and
sections, 1:1000 plans and sections, the use of colour standards the correlation between adjacent profiles (Figure 21).
and symbols, indexing, and filing. In the scattered mining The 1:1000 scale plans produced by mine survey departments
system commonly used on AGA mines development mapping show the mine coordinate grid, shafts, development, the
is done on 1:200 plans and sections that are the source from current outlines of stope face with dates, and the compilation
which all other geological maps are compiled. The importance and interpretation of limited, but significant geological data.
of keeping such development sheets up to date is essential to Such information includes stratigraphic, structural, and
the value of the work, especially when the mining teams need sedimentological data, surface and underground geological
swift decisions about issues that affect production. boreholes and cover holes. Reef structure plans show the
Mine plans are based on a rectilinear coordinate grid that is occurrence, elevation, and structure contours (Figure 13) of
part of the South African Co-ordinate system, and fixed datum the reef plane which is split up by fault-reef intersection lines.


Areas between the fault-reef intersections on the up-dip and geologists having a full appreciation of the extraction process
down thrown sides of the fault being a reef loss or reef gain, and mining layouts. Detailed scheduling of the work and
depending on whether the fault is normal or reversed. Dykes methods required to achieve the proposed production and
are common on the gold mines and may or may not include a exploration targets, includes decisions about who will do the
displacement. work and the resources needed to do it. The strategic planning
All sampling is electronically compiled and colour coded on process, its hierarchy of objectives and structure down to
1:1000 ‘grade plans’ showing sedimentological boundaries, basic mine planning operations shown in Table 1, is essential
channel edges, paleocurrent directions and pebble sizes. The to optimising geological input. The mine planning process is
combination of grade distribution and geological features discussed in terms of geological input into planning systems
provide valuable information regarding controls on gold at the strategic, five-year, two-year, six-month, and monthly
distribution for ore reserve estimation. For medium and long- levels (MODG10, 1998).
term planning over the complete mine or regions covering Geologists are called on to provide information to assist with
several shafts, plans and sections at a smaller scale, 1:5000, day-to-day decisions regarding problems that arise during
or 1:30000 are commonly used. The smaller the scale the production. Their inputs are used for day-to-day control of
less the amount of detail but important regional structural mining operations during monthly planning cycle and forms
and sedimentological features can be represented (MOGD9, the basis for projections used in the longer-term planning.
Close liaison between geologists at the preplanning stage will
ensure that geological features are resolved allowing problems
Interpreting and applying data to be addressed before the so-called scrutiny meeting, and to
The importance of interpreting and applying the outcomes of anticipate queries from the production manager.
sedimentological studies is crucial to the estimation of Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves, especially since the application Up to date plans showing all the current information is
of geostatistical techniques to evaluation of the reefs depends the geologist’s responsibility so that decisions about layouts
on the ability to correctly identify and separate the reefs into are sound and projections about production targets are
different facies or domains that display the same variance achievable. Any significant changes in geology should be
in gold distribution. For example the gold distribution immediately reported as this may required a revision of
in the highly channelised reefs currently being mined is the plans. Sedimentological and value trends are used to
highly variable, compared to the more consistent sheet-type direct mining operations into more valuable blocks, while
reefs that were mined when the gold mines were first being structural plans are used to position haulages and cross-cuts,
developed (AGA, 1998). Interpretation of sedimentary and as well as to anticipate problems during stoping operations.
facies variations at a stope scale are important to predicting Compilation of data at mine site and regional scales is a
grade and assist with local evaluation of the reef, whereas means of identifying strategic issues, such as the exploration
exploration and development to access future reserves is and extraction of secondary reefs that might be made possible
the aim of mine-scale sedimentology. At a regional scale the during the mine life of the primary reef.
end use of sedimentary studies would be to decipher the The provision of structural information from the GTO
stratigraphy and to identify as yet unrecognised gold- bearing predicting or projecting faults that may interfere with stoping
units. Sedimentological data from off-reef exposures should operations allows the mining department to plan for additional
not be overlooked, since these data may provide important development to negotiate the faulting. Structural input
insights into why reef horizons are better developed in some regarding fault positions and reef elevations allows haulages,
places, and into paleocurrent directions. This is especially cross-cuts and boxholes to be correctly positioned for most
true while knowledge is being accumulated and consolidated efficient mining. Poorly mineralised, or uneconomical inter-
in potential reef horizons and in the early stages of production channel areas identified through sedimentological studies can
on newly exposed reefs. be left as pillars. Predictions about grade trends based on the
geological model are vitally important to the two-year stope
Geological input to mine planning systems planning cycle.
The progressive exposures of new rock faces as a result of Mine planning is supported by a CADSMine software
production provide a wealth of information about the mine environment, shown schematically in Figure 14, that allows
sedimentology, structure, pay trends, channel directions, their geologists to updated all development, stope, structure,
projected extensions, and gold distribution. This information, borehole, and underground workings files from his desk.
managed and provided through the GTO, constitutes the basic These data are incorporated in 3D renditions of fault and dyke
information in support of mine planning and closely involves traces, contours and elevations and structural settings. These

The mine planning process.

Decision level Decision made Geology department responsibility

Board Strategic decision to be in the gold mining business. Technical directors department advises.
Corporate Strategic planning decision to allocate resources to exploration. Resources employed in search of new mines.
Estimate of reserves provided to management.
Divisional Decision to open new mine. Allocate resources to new mine.
Geological resources used to explore mine in greater detail. Geological data fed back to management.
Life of mine strategy decided. Five year plan evolved.
Regional Development opens up new areas to geological mapping.
Two-year plans evolved.
Six month plans. Mapping provides more detailed information on structure and grade. Mapping may necessitate
Monthly plan. changes in the short-term and/or long-term plans.


FIG 14 - Data visualisation, interpretation and modelling in CADSmine.

changes are communicated to the responsible geologist who TABLE 2

incorporates these changes into the dynamic structure and Minimum core lengths to make up sufficient sample mass depending on core
updates electronic files (MODG10, 1998). diameter.
Underground geological and cover drilling
AX Core size (32.5 mm diameter) Minimum length (cm)
Routine drilling of AXT size holes (32.5 mm diameter)
for geological information (GBH’s) is done at the request Whole core 10 cm
of the Geosciences Technical Office. Strictly controlled Split core 20 cm
and cost effective drilling programs for which charges for
BX Core size (42 mm diameter) Minimum length (cm)
establishment, rate per metre, grouting, re-drills, casing,
wedges, surveys, standing time, and working day rates, are Whole core 5 cm
stipulated. Reef intersections should return 100 per cent Split core 10 cm
core recovery, and where the reef is friable or rich in carbon,
multiple-tube core barrel and very short ‘reef runs’ are
requested. Drilling of long inclined boreholes (LIB’s), using upper and lower reef contact surfaces is taken account of by
large diesel or electric powered machines is occasionally ensuring that 2 cm of the hanging wall and footwall rock is
required where the target lies beyond the range of the routine included in the sample.
GBHs. Deflections, directional or non-directional, are drilled Gold and silver values are determined using gravimetric fire
to obtain additional reef intersections, or to steer the hole in assay methods and are reported in grams per ton and uranium
a specific direction, but surveying of such holes is mandatory. as the oxide in kilograms per ton. Routine quality assurance
Cover drilling or development prospect holes (DPH) provide and quality control samples, duplicates, standards, and blanks
advance warning of water and/or gas ahead of development are submitted to the assay laboratory at an insertion rate of
and stoping; drilling is stopped immediately if methane or one every 20 samples.
water is intersected. Only by employing sound geological principles in the
Both written and pictorial borehole logs are kept as a sampling procedure can a proper understanding of the value
permanent record of the lithologies, alteration, structural, distribution be obtained. Borehole sampling data are recorded
and economic features of significance in the core, using against a pictorial and written log of the intersection together
standard geological descriptions that other geologists can with an estimate of core loss and a comment on the overall
readily understand the. In particular, the intersection angle acceptability of the intersection for evaluation purposes. Assay
of bedding to the long axis of the core is measured near reef grades are then weighted using the true width of the sample by
intersections so that the true width can be calculated for grade converting gram per ton values (g/t) to centimetre gram per
calculations. Drilling and logging information is transferred ton values (cmg/t) over the true width. The same is done for
to the 1:200 and 1:1000 plans and sections and integrated into uranium values converting them from kg/t to cmkg/t. Such
the overall structural and sedimentological interpretation. cmg/t values for the entire reef zone or portions of economic
Collar coordinates, site and layout details, survey information, interest are summed and divided by the total reef thickness
sampling results, and grade calculations are systematically to give the overall gold content in g/t, a typical example being
filed in a single complete borehole file. Depending on the core shown in Table 3 (MODG12, 1998).
diameter, the sample lengths must be sufficient to make up
the minimum mass of 200 g for fire assay or 400 g for AARL, Sampling and grade control
as shown in Table 2 (MODG12, 1998). Sampling in the context of a gold mining operation, may take
Core from a reef intersection is split by cutting along the place at many sites starting with the in situ ore underground
long axis of the bedding plane ellipse drawn onto the core and ending with samples of the mill residue sent to the waste
during logging. The tendency for gold to be concentrated on dump. Sampling is carried out at five main locations in a


Calculation of the weighted average grade over the true width of the intersection.

From To Drill width (cm) Intersect angle True width (cm) g/t (Au) cmg/t (Au)
27.45 27.78 33 30 16.5 30.5 503
27.78 28.01 23 28 11.5 2.6 30
28.01 28.35 34 32 17.0 19.3 328
27.45 90 Average = 30 45.0 19.13 861

gold mining operation including the sampling of exploration machine is heavy, and compressed air is not always available.
boreholes, underground development ends and stope faces, In addition, sampling into corners is difficult and operators
broken ore as it moves towards the mill, and finally plant find it difficult to maintain the saw cut at right angles to the
and residue sampling. Grade control covers a wide range of bedding where the reef dips steeply.
tasks, but is aimed at ensuring that all payable reef is mined All sampling data is from all of AGA’s mining operations in
and that gold losses at all stage of the mining and milling are South Africa is held in the so-called sampling data warehouse
minimised. (SDW). Sampling data from the different operations are fed to
The protocol for face and development sampling is an the warehouse via the mines MRM system linked to GMSI. The
item that has been developed over many years in the gold sample data are then validated through a Quality Assurance
mining industry and the historical development has been and Quality Control System (QAQC) and validated results are
well described by Flitton et al (2009), and in a much broader returned to the specific mines (Figure 15) (Kennedy, 2009b).
context by Cawood (2003). Routine stope face sampling For the purposes of evaluation, complete recovery of
aims to obtain a representative sample across the reef zone. borehole reef intersections that are unfaulted and unaffected
Sampling should take place at five to six metre intervals by intrusives, is essential. Core is examined and logged in
along the stope face after every 10 m of face advance in order detail prior to being split, half the core being retained as a
to provide sufficient coverage for reliable estimates and permanent record. The true thickness of the intersection must
evaluation. For each sample a sample number, the width of be calculated, sufficient angles being measured to show the
the ore zone being sampled, the width of the sample taken, the range and variability of the bedding. Distinct lithological and
gold grade in g/t, and the uranium grade in kilograms per ton, sedimentological units must be sampled separately. The mass
are noted. Other information required on the sampling sheets of sample material submitted for analysis is usually between
is a sketch showing the position of the face relative to survey 300 g and 600 g, but only 50 g of pulp is required for assay,
pegs, dykes and faults, significant geological features, reef depending what analytical method is used.
left behind in the hangingwall (HW) or footwall (FW), and
the extent of sweepings. Results of stope and development Databases and information
sampling are communicated to the geologist as soon as they There are two different relational database management
become available who then checks them against geological systems used on the South African mines, as a result of a
mapping to ensure that the results are consistent with the legacy separation between geology and evaluation, which
known geology of the area. have recently been amalgamated under a single Geosciences
The face to be sampled is made safe by removing loose rock Technical Office in order to increase the efficiency and synergy
fragments, washed with clean water, and the full width of the of these functions. The two systems are referred to as the
reef exposed. A sampling groove consisting of two parallel AuBIS for borehole information and the GMSI Sampling for
chalk lines, 10 cm apart, at right angles to the plane of the reef, the stope face samples. AuBIS is hosted at the AGA Corporate
are drawn from top to bottom across the face. The footwall Office and runs on a centralised Oracle relational database
and hanging wall contacts must be identified and at least 2 cm management system (RDBMS), while the GMSI Sampling runs
of the footwall and hanging wall quartzite must be included on a Microsoft SQL Server RDBMS (Vann et al, 2009). Each
in this sample. The sample, which should be 500 g minimum, mine has a separate data base that is administered by GMSI,
is then chipped from the face into a sample dish using a and all chip sample data from each mine is consolidated in
2 kg hammer and chisel. Chipping starts at the bottom of the a SQL server data warehouse system hosted in the corporate
sampling grove to prevent contamination of the portion still office, as illustrated in Figure 15.
to be sampled. The sample should be evenly chipped from the
Sample data from the GMSI Sampling databases on the
sampling groove a task which is particularly difficult because
individual mines are replicated into the SDW and the assay
of the very hard, highly siliceous nature of the quartzites and
results are fed directly into the SDW from SGS. Maxwell
conglomerates of the reef zone. The problem of obtaining an
software is used to control the quality of these assay data,
evenly balanced sample is compounded by the presence of
before being distributed to the GMSI Sampling databases
the soft, highly friable carbon seam at the base of some reefs
at the respective mines. The senior evaluator at each mine
which contains the bulk of the gold. Because this material is
so soft it can easily be oversampled; standard practice is to is required to check the chip sample data and to authorise
take a check sample adjacent to the basal contact sample. In them for use in reserve and resource calculations (Vann,
some mines rock saw cutters comprising an air-driven motor et al, 2009). A schematic representation of the AuBIS system,
with two parallel-mounted diamond saw blades, 4 cm apart, developed by AGA in 1994, before the advent of specialised
cut slots at right angles to the reef, which is then chipped out geological SQL-based RDBMS systems, is shown in Figure 16.
with hammer and chisel. The advantages of this method are Data is interrogated through SQL queries with reports issued
that a balanced sample is more likely to be obtained, sampling as Excel spreadsheets, pictorial logs, or 3D graphics.
is carried out more rapidly and it is easier to sample thick In terms of database management, GTO is introducing a
multiple reefs. However, the cost of the blades is high, the website intended to provide one-stop access to all business-


FIG 15 - Architecture of the sampling data warehouse.

FIG 16 - AuBIS the spatial relational database management system for data collection, management, retrieval and reporting.

related documentation, references and training manuals, the resource. These are now all modelled in 3D and the
guidelines, standards and procedures, business process integrity of modelling (examined on screen and at document
maps, AuBIS data retrieval templates (Excel reports and level by QG) appears to be good (Vann et al, 2009).
Downhole Explorer logs); and links to the internal Geoscience
Document Database. The proposed system is integrated and MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATION
comprehensive. Another initiative at GTO is the ‘mapping
database’ which aims to record new geological mapping Witwatersrand estimation problems
electronically for storage in 3D in AuBIS and allow automated The style and approach to mineral evaluation on the
data retrieval and plotting using CADSmine. In addition Witwatersrand-type orebodies has been in the making for
to new data, effort will be required to convert historical more than 110 years, is highly specific to this type of orebody,
2D information on hardcopy plans and sections to 3D. An and ‘significantly different to that taken on other gold mines
important issue at West Wits is to ensure accurate modelling around the world’ (Vann et al, 2009, p57). Aspects of the
of the dykes, since these are volumetrically subtracted from Witwatersrand geology which make the estimation problem


unique include the extreme depths of the remaining CLR, Local estimate
and the inordinately expensive and time consuming drilling
The Local estimate is a Simple Kriging estimate of Measured
of holes in excess of 5 km in depth. With no significant
Resources used for short-term scheduling and planning of
foreseeable technological advances to reduced these costs the
monthly production. Simple Kriging of stope face sampling
average drilling density equivalent to 1 km spacing of holes in,
and close to mine sites, is unlikely to change. into 30 m × 30 m blocks equates to the quarterly Standard
Mining Unit (SMU) or average face, or panel length, in a stope
The thin (20 cm), planar geometry of the CLR, the consistency
as shown in Figure 17. Simple Kriging makes assumptions
of the dip (21° - 22°), and its position in the stratigraphic
about strong stationarity and assigns a local mean to the
succession relative to markers such as the Green Bar make
area being evaluated to overcome the edge effects (high
its identification unequivocal, so that the joining of points of
intersection from one borehole to the next is accomplished estimation errors) associated with Ordinary Kriging. Simple
with ease and confidence. These particular features of the Kriging, being an extrapolation estimate, is used to generate
orebody mean that it is ideally suited to estimation using the Mineral Resources 30 - 60 m ahead of the active mining
geostatistical methods in square, two-dimensional panels. face. When the Mineral Resource is constrained by a lower
Grade control chip sampling taken at 2 m to 5 m intervals boundary kriging variance it is classified as Measured, and is
with very high levels of coverage means that the statistical and mined out in a relatively short period of 4 - 6 months (Vann
geostatistical characteristics of the CLR and VCR in mined out et al, 2009).
areas is well understood. Added to this is the huge repository
of sampling data and information that has accumulated at
mines sites for periods of up to 50 years. In fact access to this
type of information in the late 1940s is what inspired Professor
Danie Krige to establish his estimation techniques (Krige,
1981), that in the end led to current geostatistical applications
in Witwatersrand gold mines.

Resource estimation
A distinctive, reliable, and tailored approach to mineral
resource estimation has arisen because of the unique
characteristics of the Witwatersrand-type orebodies. This
requires a method that will allow sparse, widely spaced
surface borehole intersections to be used in conjunction with
grade control sampling at the stope faces that are some five
orders of magnitude more densely spaced. Gold grades are
invariably lognormally distributed (compound lognormal or
three parameter lognormal), but reef thickness may be either
normal or lognormal depending on the locality. Estimation FIG 17 - A fictitious kriging showing macro block support 420 m × 420 m
is mostly carried out using accumulation values (cmg/t), (green), macro blocks 210 m × 210 m (blue), local blocks 30 m × 30 m
the product of the reef thickness and the reef grade, to give (purple), and local kriging blocks 10 m × 10 m (yellow).
an engineering-type variable in ‘centimetre grams per ton’.
The behaviour of accumulation values in histograms and
variograms is generally more consistent than grade alone, and Macro Co-Kriging estimate
it provides a variable for which there are well-established cut- The following explanation of the Macro Co-Kriging estimates
offs that easily indicate areas that are pay or unpay. Initially is drawn almost exclusively from a description provided by
the estimation is done using reef thickness and then converted Vann et al (2009). The Macro Co-Kriging estimation procedure
to stoping thickness to accommodate the dilution associated implemented on the West Wits mines by AGA is a somewhat
with the waste that is mined with the reef (Vann et al, 2009).
complex, but unique procedure that has been in place since
Assuming there is no significant correlation between 1994 and involves the Co-Kriging of data sets drawn from two
variables (Orton and Burnett, 2008), the standard procedure different support types. The first is a block support kriging
is to establish variograms for the reef thickness and using square blocks with equal sides that could vary anything
accumulation value independently and undertake the kriging from 200 m - 500 m. Stope face samples are averaged to
of these two variables across the identified domain. The reef give the block values, the macro block support for CLR being
thickness and accumulation value is thus estimated for each
420 m × 420 m. The second is the relatively widely spaced
block, and the accumulation value is then divided by the reef
borehole support kriging. This borehole data may include
width to give a thickness-weighted grade for each individual
additional clustered data from chip samples falling into
block. This practical approach also assumes that bulk density
poorly informed blocks. The Macro Co-Kriging estimates are
across the deposit is reasonably consistent, a fact that is
often contested, but still without substantive research to classified either as Indicated or as Inferred resources, but
prove otherwise (Bodenstein and Ward, 2003). Four types of never as Measured Resources, and are used for budgeting and
estimates are conducted in AGA’s gold mines and include the medium-term to LOM planning. In short, the process is as
Gold Call Estimate, the Local Estimate, a Macro Co-Kriging follows:
Estimate, and the Global Estimate. 1. A Bayesian assumption, that the mined out areas and
the yet to be mined, down dip areas, are from the same
Gold call estimate statistical population, is made. This was established by
The Gold Call estimate is a monthly Ordinary Kriging estimate Krige and Assibey-Bonsu in 1992. Therefore, although the
using stope face, chip sampling into 10 m × 10 m blocks that support may differ, the distribution of grades from sparse
calls the amount of metal to be mined in the coming month, surface boreholes is the same as that for the mined out
which in an active mining area, would be about 10 m. area; this is the crucial assumption of stationarity.


2. Block support data are regularised (averaged) into blocks of

specified dimensions using underground chip sample data.
The block size is chosen using a statistical/geostatistical
process based on variography of the accumulation values
(cmg/t) of chip samples. The approach taken aims to
ensure that the ‘within block’ variance is effectively
maximised and the ‘between block’ variance consequently
minimised. This is important because some steps in the
process require the use of classical statistical techniques
that assume independence.
3. Borehole data are then ‘clusterised’ and ‘acceptorised’.
‘Clusterisation’ aims to ensure that:
(a) close deflections are combined into single data points;
(b) long deflections are also combined where statistical
analysis shows this is acceptable.
The acceptorisation process aims to remove statistically
unacceptable samples while retaining as many data values
as possible; ie to legitimately maximise the number of
borehole samples used in the resource estimates.
4. Variography of the two data sets (blocks and boreholes) is
established for loge of the accumulation values (ln(cm.g/t)).
Block data are regularised from chip samples within FIG 18 - An example of the output of the kriging results for a portion of a
blocks and boreholes are supplemented with ‘empirically composite grid; estimation domains and reef block boundaries are evident, with
simulated’ chip data’. higher mineral values being indicated by warmer colours. Please open CD ROM
5. Co-Kriging of these two supports is performed (‘Macro for colour rendition.
Co-Kriging’), weighting the block data differently to the
boreholes and thus accounting for their support difference. deflections to be drilled from a single parent diamond drill
This is Ordinary Kriging of loge accumulation values, not hole. Depending on the position of the wedges in the borehole,
Simple Kriging. the deflections may be further from or nearer to the original
6. The results as ln(cm.g/t) are back-transformed to ‘grade pierce point; so-called ‘long deflections’ may be tens of metres
space’ using a four-parameter Compound Lognormal distant from the original cluster (see Figure 19) (from O’Brien,
(CLN) model.
7. In the CLR, the logarithmic mean and variance may be
linearly related. In the Macro Co-Kriging approach either
a regression adjustment is made to the variance in the
back-transformation (in Step 6 above), or the variance is
kriged, to ensure that the back-transform is conditionally
unbiased; for CLR the variance is kriged.
8. Tonnages are obtained by applying a stoping thickness on
a mining area basis. The grade is found by dividing the
estimated accumulation (cm.g/t) by the stope width.
9. Finally the dyke and fault loss volumes are subtracted, an
example of the kriged output being shown in Figure 18.
Global estimate
This estimate is a non-kriging (global) estimation approach
used to generate sub-Inferred Resource estimates for non-
published ‘blue sky’, very long-term strategy evaluation
studies. It is based only on borehole information, well in 
advance of mining areas, and involves a change of support
at global (grade-tonnage curve) level. This estimate is not FIG 19 - Schematic representation of cluster intersection and ‘long deflection’
the subject of review here and the global estimates are never (from O’Brien, 1996).
classified as Mineral Resources (Vann et al, 2009).

‘Clusterisation’ and ‘acceptorisation’ 1996).

Subject to criteria in regard to geological and statistical
‘Clusterisation’ acceptability, the deflections are averaged to give a single
The extreme cost of drilling deep boreholes means that a reef grade and thickness at that position. The ‘clusterisation’
number of intersections of the reef become more cost effective process as documented in O’Brien (1996), Chamberlain (1997)
than just one. Generally a steel wedge is placed not too far and Orton (2009) compares ‘long deflections’ clusters (see
above the position of the first reef intersection, and the hole is Figure 18) with short, close spaced deflection values, using
then drilled and deflected away from the original pierce point, loge of the accumulation values (O’Brien, 1996) in an analysis
to give a series of intersections within a 10 m radius. Wedges of variance test (ANOVA), the aim being to test whether or
placed at successively shallower positions allow a number of not the values can be combined. Where the ANOVA indicates


that differences are statistically significant, the values must be The logs of the individual intersections are then plotted
treated as separate values for estimation purposes, but where against the mean of the logs for each cluster and the 95 per
the differences are not statistically significant, the data can cent confidence limits plotted. Outliers are reviewed and
safely be averaged. removed, and the process is repeated until the amount of
acceptable data lying outside the confidence limits is five per
‘Acceptorisation’ cent. The process is thus iterated until the objective is met.
A statistical process referred to as ‘acceptorisation’ has The aim of the process is a stepwise elimination of
been implemented to ensure that the maximum amount unacceptable samples to allow five per cent of acceptable
of information derived from the relatively small number values to lie outside the 95 per cent confidence limits which
of boreholes is incorporated into the mineral resource are effectively the control limits of Heyns (1958). This allows
estimation process. In addition any deep borehole intersection as many of the unacceptable values (those within the 95 per
will typically have as many as four or five deflections that cent confidence limits) as possible to be retained for use in the
aim to increase the footprint to a radius of about 10 m and resource estimates.
make the intersection in a specific area as representative as
possible. This particular practice has meant that the ability Geological models and estimation domains
to meaningfully and confidently incorporate the information The fundamentally important decision regarding resource
generated from clustered sampling has been developed to a estimation is defining so-called domains (areas or zones)
high degree. of geologically and statistically homogenous stationarity.
Different domains of mineralisation are usually and firstly
The distinction between legitimate borehole data and
geologically distinct, and secondly comprise domains
identifiable statistical extremes is even more important to
of statistical stationarity. The first attempts at detailed
the resource estimation process given the relative paucity
stratigraphic work within the CLR were undertaken by Nami
of borehole information. A stringent set of criteria based on
(1981, 1982) who found that fluvial activity was confined
structural factors (faulting of reef) and sample quality (core
to channelised flow in depressions, and that inter-channel
recovery, grinding of reef, etc), determine the ‘geological
areas were flooded intermittently. This work was followed by
acceptability’ of each reef sample (Kennedy, 2007). The
that of Oberthur (1986) who indicated the existence of two
‘acceptability’ of an entire set of reef intersections in deflections
different entry points with interacting flow mechanisms that
is contingent upon the acceptability of the component
gave rise to distinct flow directions, a west facies and an east
samples, ie if any component in a set of deflection samples is
facies with different mineral content, suggesting two different
deemed unacceptable, then the entire set of deflection assays,
lithological provenances. This work was later confirmed by
is unacceptable. AGA utilise a statistical combination of
Rowland (1990) who defined the flow channels and directions
intersection representivity and so-called ‘acceptorisation’ to
more clearly, and delineated the CLR into three facies based
determine which deflections can be used to calculate cluster
on channel width; Kingsley (1992) proposed a model that
subdivided the CLR into 4 stratigraphic subfacies, whose
Intersection representivity is predicated on acceptability, details are listed in Table 4 and whose thickness and lithology
acceptable intersections are also representative, whereas is shown in Figure 20.
intersections with significant high-angle/localised faulting,
Deysel (2009) compiled a vertically exaggerated west-east
major assumed carbon loss and/or major core loss within the
schematic section across the CLR as shown in Figure 21.
assumed mineralised zone, are non-representative (Kennedy,
2007). The so-called ‘acceptorisation’ process documented Collaboration between mining camps and the integration of
by Kennedy (2009a) and Orton (2009) and discussed in the sedimentological and statistical data allowed geologists
Chamberlain (1997), Chamberlain and O’Brien (1995), to compile a facies model for the CLR that stretched across
O’Brien (1996), and Dohm (1995), is statistically derived a large number of mining operations as shown in Figure 22.
from Heyns (1958). The ratios of non-acceptable/acceptable The CLR Facies Model was based on a compilation of
intersection pairs are calculated for each borehole cluster, and information from the plot of channel width, value distribution,
the logarithms of these ratios are calculated within 95 per cent and a number of sedimentary parameters including percentage
confidence limits. pyrite in each conglomeratic subfacies, the maximum pebble

Description of the lithologies comprising the three Carbon Leader Reef subfacies.

Parameter Facies 3 Facies 2 Facies 1

Moderately packed oligomictic (quartz) small to
Pebble size Moderately packed polymictic (quartz, chert) small to Moderately packed polymictic (quartz, chert) small to
medium pebble conglomerate, average 26 cm
and shape medium pebble conglomerate, average 23 cm thick. medium pebble conglomerate.
Dark grey, medium to coarse grained slightly Grey, medium to coarse grained slightly argillaceous Dark grey, fine to medium grained quartzite
argillaceous quartzite. quartzite. seams at base.
Pyrite Pyrite stringers. Disseminated pyrite. Finely disseminated pyrite.
Well defined package of sediments up to 180 cm thick
Cross-bedded siliceous quartzite.
Banded orange argillaceous zone (BOAZ).
Other Flyspeck carbon at base. Carbon stringers and flyspeck carbon.
Upper 2B Band.
Puke pebbly quartzite (PPQ).
Lower 2A Band.


FIG 20 - Subdivision of the Carbon Leader Reef into four subfacies according to Kingsley (1992).

FIG 21 - Schematic across a vertically exaggerated, east-west section of the Carbon Leader Reef showing the different packages comprising the reef zone.

size, pebble packing, carbon distribution, colour and grain average accumulation value of 2800 cmg/t, and the 1ED in the
size of the conglomerate matrix and internal units, and the centre having an average grade of 2900 cmg/t. Initial domain
assay value (Figure 23). boundaries were established by Chamberlain (1997), and these
Detailed studies regarding the statistical attributes were confirmed by Orton (2003). While the overall validity of
of the CLR gold accumulation values, regularised into the domains is upheld Vann et al (2009) they have suggested
210 m × 210 m blocks (half the size of the 420 m blocks), were that the internal variability of the domains in regard to the
also undertaken to identify trends and relate them to the CLR stationarity assumptions be tested, and if need be, adjusted.
facies model, and are given in Table 5.
Variography at different support sizes
TABLE 5 All the experimental- and consequently the model semi-
Gold accumulation values (cmg/t) for high and low grades in Facies 1 to 3. variograms, are compiled from accumulation values (cmg/t).
The semi-variograms have been found to be isotropic by
checking that a series of directional semi-variograms are
(cmg/t) Facies 1 Facies 2 Facies 3 consistently the same in all directions. Statistical analysis and
Low-grade 248 210 69 histograms of the accumulation data are done on a domain
by domain basis in loge space because these are the required
High-grade 18889 1596 6222
input format of domain data for the Macro Co-Kriging. The
Macro Co-Kriging method requires two variograms to be
modelled, namely:
Consolidation of the data meant that three main domains 1. A point support semi-variogram using accumulation value
were identified, namely 23W in the west with the lowest of stope face samples in cmg/t, on a 5 m × 5 m grid for the
average gold grade of 1500 cmg/t, 23E in the east having an determination of optimal block size for the data.


FIG 22 - Areal distribution of the three different facies comprising the Carbon Leader Reef Facies Model.
(Source: AngloGold Ashanti Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve report 2010.)

FIG 23 - Carbon Leader Reef estimation domain model.

2. A block support semi-variogram using regularised The ‘block data selection’ is conducted in order to obtain,
accumulation values, stope face samples in ln(cmg/t), for by regularisation of the stope face samples, a data set of
use in the Macro Co-Kriging. The Variance Size of Area ‘representative 420 m × 420 m blocks’. According to Orton
calculation proposed by Barnard, Bisschoff and Peattie (2009, p 37) the minimum number of blocks (samples) that
(2009), is based on the concept that the dispersion variance should be used in the loge variance (ln[cmg/t]) versus loge
of ln(cmg/t) increases as the block size increases, and can area of blocks, is half the block size, in this case 210 blocks
be used to estimate the block size for which the between (samples). Visual interrogation of plots of face samples for
block variance is minimised and the within block variance blocks with N>210 is then carried out to verify the spatial
is maximised, resulting in a block support variogram with
distribution of face sample locations within each block.
zero nugget effect (Figure 24).
Blocks that do not meet the necessary criterion are rejected as
The reason a zero nugget effect is sought for the
block variogram is that the process of estimation
will presume that most or all of the variance is A borehole support semi-variogram on empirically simulated
constrained within the block (Vann et al, 2009, borehole samples (points 1 and 2 under Macro Co-Kriging), in
p 71). ln(cmg/t) for use in the Macro Co-Kriging process. The paucity


FIG 24 - Variance-size of area relationship – modified from Chamberlain (1997).

of borehole information makes it impossible to compile a cross co-variances used in the left hand member of the
meaningful experimental semi-variogram unless the data is MCK Co-Kriging matrix are therefore established in
augmented through the creation of ‘pseudo-boreholes’. The the following manner. Borehole-to-Block variances
pseudo-boreholes are created by selecting neighbouring stope on a neighbourhood by neighbourhood basis are
face samples in a 20 m × 20 m grid that approximate borehole calculated using a discretisation of the block. The
cluster support, and averaging the samples within that area. structural function used is a variogram (since the
The 20 m × 20 m grid size approximates the footprint for a variables are the same, this is legitimate). The
parent hole with a number of deflections in normal surface variance calculated uses the nugget effect as modelled
drilling. Pseudo-boreholes are created for the whole area and for the pseudo borehole variogram with the sill and
the data used for compiling a pseudo-model semi-variogram ranges for the block variogram. Discretisation is
for boreholes whose parameters are used for kriging where the assessed using a QKNA approach (Vann et al, 2009).
420 m × 420 m blocks are deemed not to be representatively
informed. The ‘pseudo-borehole’ data is then combined Exclusive mineral resource
with the borehole data sensu stricto and a an experimental The exclusive Mineral Resource is defined as the inclusive
semi-variogram is calculated and then modelled. As may be Mineral Resource minus the in situ Ore Reserve before stoping
expected, the borehole support model has a relative nugget width, dilution and mine call factors are applied. Scoping
effect in the order of 35 - 50 per cent for cm.g/t, much higher studies are conducted on this exclusive Mineral Resource,
than the block variogram which has a zero nugget (Figure 25). where capital requirements and current costs are used to
The Co-Kriging employed for MCK is non-collocated, test economic potential. If these studies show no reasonable
so data for the two variables involved (blocks and economic potential at the Mineral Resource gold price then
boreholes) do not exist at the same locations. The the material is excluded from the Mineral Resource. All

FIG 25 - Block variogram for combined 1ED and 23E domains, from Orton (2009).


planned pillars (ahead of current mining) form part of the Bulk density is not a subject that is regularly considered
exclusive Mineral Resource. except in audits of one form or another. AGA’s decision to
use a value of 2.71 t/m³ for CLR in all their resource-related
Estimation procedures calculations is supported by the relative uniformity of the CLR
The Macro Co-Kriging estimation procedure employed by geology and the low coefficient of variation (CV) of the density
AGA on their South African operations is supported by the data set, suggest that density is a low risk.
theoretical work done by Dohm (1995) and subsequently
extended by Chamberlain (1997), and by a description of Grade distribution models
the practical steps by which the method is implemented by The basis for AGA’s estimation procedure is to convert
Barnard, Bisschoff and Peattie (2009). A multi-disciplinary accumulation values to loge, undertake whatever analysis is
approach to Mineral Resource estimation with inputs from the required, and then convert the estimates back to cm.g/t values
geology, survey, mine planning and evaluation departments (‘grade space’), using the compound lognormal distribution
is integrated in the so-called Mineral Resource Inventory (CLN in Sichel et al, 1992; Dohm, 1995; Chamberlain, 1997).
System (MRIS) to produce the a Mineral Resource per mining The reason for this is that the CLN and Log Generalised
operation. Resource estimates are computed from a composite Inverse Gaussian or (LGIG) are four-parameter distributions
grid of value estimates, comprising various block sizes with
which better fit Wits gold data in every case compared
macro-blocks from 210 m × 210 m to 420 m × 420 m, and the
to three-parameter (ie loge cmg/t + additive constant, β)
micro-blocks comprise of 30 m × 30 m blocks. Details of the
models. If lognormal theory is applied, then a constant
average drill hole spacing and type in relation to the Resource
logarithmic variance is assumed. However, in the CLN model
estimate are given in Table 6. Compound lognormal Macro Co-
the logarithmic mean (ξ) and the logarithmic variance (σ2)
Kriging estimation techniques are used to produce estimates
have negative linear relationship (see Dohm, 1995, p 4.21)
for the larger block sizes. This technique uses the Bayesian
approach whereby the assayed (observed) data in the mined- which allows the variance to be adjusted as a function of the
out areas are used to infer the population characteristics of the mean in the Macro Co-Kriging process. In the case of CLR,
area ahead of current mining. The geological model forms the the variance is kriged, to avoid a bias. The CLN model allows
basis for this estimation and all surface borehole information the final estimates to be back-transformed into arithmetically
from the peripheral areas of the mine lease play a crucial role scaled accumulation values (Vann et al, 2009).
in determining the geological domain boundaries. Simple
Kriging is used for the 30 m block sizes and these estimates Macro Co-Kriging
are constrained by the kriging variance. Mineral Resource The Macro Co-Kriging estimation method, based on the
cut-offs are computed by operation, for each reef horizon. Bayesian approach proposed by Krige, Kleingeld and
These cut-offs incorporate a profit margin that is relevant to Oosterveld (1990), Krige and Assibey-Bonsu (1992), was
the business plan. Mineral Resource grade tonnage curves further developed and tested by both Dohm (1995) and
are produced for the individual operations, which show the Chamberlain (1997). The Macro Co-Kriging approach in
potential of the orebody at different cut-offs. These curves are which both ‘block’ and borehole accumulation values are used
produced for dimensions equivalent to a practical mining unit and described here, is taken from Vann et al (2009), and can
for underground operations. be summarised as follows:
Typically lognormal distributions are characterised by a 1. The borehole data are based on a small number of
few extremely high values which tend to have an inordinately deflections in a confined area, rarely more than ten, which
large contribution to the mean and variance. This leads to are treated as a single datum.
the perennial question ‘Do we honour the data or not?’ Such 2. The ‘block’ data is based on regularised underground chip
values are generally viewed with suspicion and a decision to samples; ie the average of all chip samples within a given
cut the very high values is usually supported by the fact that 2D block.
there are so few of them and that the tail end of the distribution
3. Specific rules are applied to determine whether or not a
is not continuous, ie it tends to break up. AGA has chosen
given block has enough chip samples to be considered as
not to go that route because the distribution in the tail end is
a ‘block’ value.
continuous to the maximum values. In addition the extreme
values can occur anywhere within any, and all of the domains, 4. Because the two data types (borehole and block) have
and there would in any case only be about 0.1 per cent of the very different geostatistical support they must be
data that would be affected. The purposes for which the data weighted differently, taking into account the difference in
are to be used are also relevant since the high values in such support. This is achieved by Co-Kriging – a well establish
widely spaced borehole data and in a lognormal distribution geostatistical approach to weighting disparate data types.
are invariably under sampled. Cutting high values needlessly Search radii used in the Macro Co-Kriging process are
penalises the metal content of an estimate. It also reduces the established through a process of ‘kriging optimisation’ (see
variability in the data before the kriging process, which by its Orton, 2009; Section 27). In this process kriging variance,
very nature also tends to reduce the variability, is undertaken. regression slope, and percentage of negative weights are used

Details of average drill hole spacing and type in relation to Mineral Resource classification. (Source: AngloGold Ashanti, 2010.)

Category Spacing m(-x-) Diamond drilling Chip sampling Comments

Measured 5×5  Based on constrained kriging variance, supported by chip sampling in stopes
Indicated 200 × 200   Supported by underground drill holes and chip sampling of reef development ends
Inferred 1000 × 1000  Supported by surface drill holes
Grade/Ore control 5×5  Chipped channel samples


in what is known as Quantitative Kriging Neighbourhood (SAMREC, 2007) and the guidance of AGA’s internal policy
Analysis or QKNA to determine discretisation, numbers of document (AGA, 2008). The competent persons CV’s must
samples, searches, etc (Vann, Jackson and Bertoli, 2003). meet both the JORC and SAMREC criteria for Competent
Between 60 and 90 samples are used as maxima, depending Person, being members of SACNASP; and having a minimum
on the domain, with minima set to five or six in a 10 m × 10 m of five years experience in mineral resource estimation and
discretisation. The search radius used is specified in numbers associated activities in relevant styles of gold mineralisation.
of estimation cells (x × y) should be set so that they do not
The SAMREC/JORC definition of a Mineral Resource is a
generate more than 10 - 15 per cent negative weights and the
concentration or occurrence of material of intrinsic economic
objective should be to have ‘trivially negative weights at the
interest in or on the earth’s crust in such form, quality and
margins of the search’. The risk associated with the use of
quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual
negative weights is that large sample values at the edge of a
economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological
search, may cause the estimate to be too low, or even negative.
characteristics and continuity of a Mineral Resource are
known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological
Software evidence and knowledge. Mineral Resources are subdivided,
AGA have developed software called ‘Geostatistical Evaluator’ in order of increasing geological confidence, into Inferred,
or ‘Geosev’ specifically tailored to suit the Wits operations Indicated and Measured categories.
for their Macro Co-Kriging process and other geostatistical
Mineral resources include all the resources, pay and unpay,
analysis. The software was originally compiled by Anglo
in gold bearing reefs on a mine and a clear statement of the
American Gold and Uranium Division (now AGA), in the early
available Resources forms the basis for sound mine planning.
1990s. It is part a suite of software outsourced from Anglo
Not all the resources are available for extraction due to
covering the whole suite of mine technical applications that
constraints arising from lack of information, accessibility, low
are maintained by Graphical Mining Solutions International
grades and legal requirements.
(GMSI, 2011), since 1995. Geostatistical Evaluator™ is a
set of computerised tools for statistical analysis, variogram In order to comply with the economic requirement of the
analysis and interpolation and extrapolation by various forms definition of a Mineral Resource, AGA constrain all their
of kriging and is run directly from within MicroStation®, Resources at an upside gold price, with all other parameters
on the Windows® operating system. Geosev is comprised being the same as those used for estimation of the Ore
of a number of modules allowing Simple Kriging, Ordinary Reserve. All coherent blocks of ground lying above the
Kriging, Universal Kriging, Lognormal Kriging, and Macro calculated Mineral Resource cut-off are costed in terms of
Co-Kriging. the capital requirements to access the block. Furthermore
the Mineral Resource is quoted in situ and has not been
Summary corrected for dilution, mining losses or recovery. It includes a
In summary, it can be said that the identification of high percentage of Inferred material, which, following further
estimation domains within the CLR and the VCR is based exploration drilling may be converted to an Indicated or
on sound interpretation of geological chacteristics and grade Measured Mineral Resource.
distribution. All the variogram models employed are isotropic, Mineral Resource classification is based on the ‘15 per cent
a feature that is validated by calculating directional semi- Rule’. A Measured Mineral Resource should be expected to be
variograms. Other aspects worthy of note include the logic for within 15 per cent of the quarterly metal estimate at least 90
not cutting extreme top values, the reasons for a bulk density of per cent of the time, while for an Indicated Mineral Resource
2.71 t/m3, and the reasons for using Macro Co-Kriging for estimate the annual metal estimate should be within 15 per
estimation in the CLR. The Macro Co-Kriging estimation cent of the metal estimated at least 90 per cent of the time. For
methodology is a tailored solution to the problem of estimating an Inferred Mineral Resource the annual error may be greater
resources with maximum possible reliability. Traditional than 15 per cent for 90 per cent of the time,
geostatistical estimation based on borehole data and stope The process and methodology of classification are at the
face samples, produces less reliable resource estimates ahead discretion of the competent person and involve expressing
of the stope face. While the method could be accused of being the ‘15 per cent Rule’ as a required level of information, in
complex it enables evaluators to use both sparse borehole tangible terms, the spacing of the drill hole or tunnel spacing
data together with very dense underground chip sampling in a particular deposit. Techniques such as conditional
in a unique, well-conceived, solution that is ‘fit for purpose’ simulation or even an empirical reconciliation-based
given the unique characteristics of the Witwatersrand-type approach are employed. However, all operations are
orebodies. The estimation method, which has been applied
responsible for demonstrating, through reconciliation, that
on the West Wits since 1994 and is used for budgeting,
their classification system conforms to the 15 per cent rule set
medium-term, and LOM planning, involves Co-Kriging of
out above. AGA quotes its Mineral Resource as inclusive of the
Block Support in which underground stope face samples are
Ore Reserve. However, in this document the exclusive Mineral
averaged to give 420 m × 420 m block values for the CLR, and
Resource is also quoted. The exclusive Mineral Resource is
Borehole Support on relatively widely spaced bore hole data.
defined as the inclusive Mineral Resource less the Ore Reserve
In this way, Mineral Resources are classified as Indicated
before dilution and other factors are applied. The exclusive
or Inferred, but never as Measured Resources. Measured
Resource estimates are based on stope face sampling using Mineral Resource consists of the following components:
local estimation methods, a trivial and transient estimate that Inferred Mineral Resource within the optimised shell; Other
at most represents only 4 - 6 months of production. Inferred Mineral Resource; Measured and Indicated Mineral
Resource that lies between the LOM pit shell/mine design
and the Mineral Resource pit shell. This material will become
MINERAL RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION economic if the gold price increases; and Mineral Resource
Carbon Leader Reef and Ventersdorp Contact Reef Mineral where the technical studies to engineer an Ore Reserve have
Resources are reported in compliance with SAMREC not yet been completed.


In terms of the SAMREC or JORC classifications, areas The difference between resources and reserves
informed by surface boreholes are classified as Indicated The allocation of ground to either Resources or Reserves is
Resources, with extrapolations beyond that as Inferred base firstly on payability, ie does it meet the shafts Cost III
Resources, and within AGA lease areas there is no Inferred cut-off, and secondly on whether or not the block is in the
category reported. The density of stope face sampling LOM plan, a schematic representation of this concept being
allows local estimation of blocks in the Measured Resource shown in Figure 27. This means that the portion of the
category, but these are usually mined within a month or two Indicated Resources in the LOM plan and above the Cost III
of estimation date, and represent a trivial proportion of the cut-off is classified as the Probable Reserve. The portion of the
resource. Indicated Resources in the LOM plan, but below the Cost II
Mineral Resources for CLR and VCR are classified cut-off is classified as the Indicated Resource. The remainder,
according to SAMREC into Measured, Indicated, and which includes pay and unpay blocks not in the LOM plan, are
Inferred resources, the criteria being described by Lavery, simply in the non-LOM portion of the Indicated Resources.
Flitton and Enslin (2008; pp 139-140) (Lavery and Pieterse, The pay portion of the Measured Resource (greater than
2009). For AGA for internal purposes, an upper and lower Cost III), is referred to as the Proved Reserve excluding the
95 per cent confidence limit is calculated for every macro payable portions of safety pillars and abandoned blocks.
block estimated, and these are classified as Indicated I, The latter together with the unpay portion of the Measured
Indicated II, and Indicated III, decreasing in confidence Resources is referred to as Measured resources.
from 100 per cent to 0 per cent; the lower the ratio, the less
confidence there is in the estimate. The lower 95 per cent Ore reserve estimation
limit represents the risk in the estimate, while upper 95 per
All mine designs are undertaken using the Cadsmine®
cent limit represents the opportunity. The macro blocks are
software package and include the delineation of mining
then categorised according to the values shown for CLR in
or stoping areas for each mining level and section, usually
Table 7.
leading from an extension to the existing mining sequence,
The classification is shown in Figure 26. and the definition of the necessary development layouts.

Mapping of calculated ‘confidence ratio’ to Mineral Resource Category.

Ratio of upper and lower 95%

confidence level to the mean
Limit of local kriging Measured
Ratio ≥ 60% Indicated I Sufficient information is available to indicate the distribution of high and low grades in the orebody.
40 ≤ Ratio <60% Indicated II Sufficient information is available to be sure enough of the geological model controlling the mineralisation.
20 ≤ Ratio <40% Indicated III Widely spaced drilling indicates the presence of ore, but there is insufficient data to be sure of geological controls.
0 < Ratio <60% Inferred

Exploration Development
Completed Prepared to initiate Completed Prepared to initiate
Resource Developing Developing Mature Developing Mature Developing
Mature shaft Mature shaft
category shaft shaft shaft shaft shaft shaft
Very low ± Exploration Extra surface
Extrapolation of structure ± Exploration
Inferred confidence development and some D/D or LIB None None None
± D/D, S = VL, F = VL development
information D/D to confirm reef drilling
Wide spaced Primary access
± Exploration ± Haulage and
surface D/D Some in-fill D/D for More LIB and ±Exploration development
Indicated III development. Reef exists None cross-cut for
±LIB drilling facies and structure in-fill D/D development (haulage and
S = L to M, F = M to H access
± 3D seismic cross-cuts)
± Primary
Some in-fill D/D for facies LIB drilling Finalise D/D
Finalise D/D for facies ± Haulage development
Indicated II and structure completed and for facies and Cross-cuts Cross-cuts
and cut-offs and cross-cuts haulage and
S = M to H, F = M to H in-fill D/D cut-offs
Facies and cut-offs drilled Exploration Exploration Travelling way, Travelling way,
Indicated I Exploration complete Cross-cuts Cross-cuts
S = H, F = H complete complete boxholes, raises boxholes, raises
Exploration complete Exploration Exploration Inclined Inclined
Measured Exploration complete Stope Stope
S = VH, F = VH complete complete development development
S = Confidence in structure L = Low, M = Medium, H = High F = Confidence in gold mineralising model (Facies, Grade) V = Very
Blocking of total resource
Blocking parameters are listed under two scenarios to accommodate intrinsic differences: ‘mature’ caters for fault loss blocks and pillar shafts; and ‘developing’ refers to reef blocks in the white open areas.
The lowest confidence parameter determines the Resource category, eg a block with low confidence in structure and high confidence in facies should be classed as Indicated II.



FIG 26 - Classification of Measured, Indicated I, Indicated II, Indicated III, and Inferred Mineral Resources at TauTona mine.

FIG 27 - The difference between Resources and Reserves based on Cost III and life-of-mine.

The in situ Mineral Resource is scheduled monthly for the economic conditions and usually form part of the 2 - 5 Year
full LOM plan. The value estimates for these schedules are Mining Plan. The Probable Reserve is the sum of the payable
derived directly from MRIS. Modifying factors are applied percentages of the grade tonnage curves above the Cost III
to the in situ Mineral Resource to arrive at an Ore Reserve. cut-off. Grade-tonnage curves are constructed for all blocks
These factors comprise a dilution factor to accommodate the in the Indicated Resource category, greater in area than
difference between the mill width and the stoping width as 10 000 square metres and of sufficient payability to warrant
well as the Mine Call Factor (MCF). further exploration, plus all payable blocks of less than
10 000 square metres which do not constitute part of the
Ore reserve classification Measured Resource or Proved Reserve. The Probable
The SAMREC/JORC definition of an Ore Reserve is the Reserve category is subdivided to reflect increasing degrees
economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated of confidence in the estimates into Probable III, Probable II
Mineral Resource. It includes diluting materials and and Probable I.
allowances for losses, which may occur when the material  Probable III: Widely spaced drilling indicates the presence
is mined. Appropriate assessments and studies have been of ore, but there is insufficient data to be sure of geological
carried out, and include consideration of and modification controls.
by realistically assumed mining, metallurgical, economic,  Probable II: Sufficient information is available to be
marketing, legal, environmental, social and governmental sure enough of the geological model controlling the
factors. These assessments demonstrate at the time of mineralisation for long-term planning purposes.
reporting that extraction could reasonably be justified. Ore  Probable I: Sufficient information is available to indicate
Reserves are subdivided, in order of increasing confidence, the distribution of high and low grades in the orebody for
into Probable Ore Reserves and Proved Ore Reserves medium-term planning purposes.
(MODG15, 1998). Proved Reserves include that portion of the Measured
Probable Reserves include that portion of Indicated Resources for which detailed technical and economic
Resources for which sufficient technical and economic information could justify extraction under specified economic
information exists to justify extraction under specified conditions and form part of the one-year mining plan.


Statements concerning a Proved Reserve should be supported department is responsible for the Measured Resources with
by a full feasibility study or by current operating experience. input from geology. The compilation may take 4 - 6 weeks,
In the underground operations, Ore Reserves are based and the final product reflects the resource status as at the end
on a full mine design and in the case of open pits, on a pit of a particular measuring month, eg 30 December 2011, for
optimisation followed by a final pit design. Ore Reserves are reporting purposes.
reported according to tonnage, mean grade(s), contained metal The Geology and Survey departments use updated 1:1000
inclusive of mining dilution, mining ore losses and mine call structure and facies plans for blocking and classification
factors. These modifying factors are based on measurements, of the Total Resource. When blocking and categorising
rather than estimates. Tonnage and grade estimates for Measured Resources the geologist should ensure that block
surface stockpile materials that meet Ore Reserve criteria are boundaries do not cut across facies boundaries or structural
itemised separately. discontinuities. Guidelines for categorising Inferred and
Indicated Resources in a scattered mining environment are
Only those Ore Reserves included for treatment in the
shown in Table 7. This tabulation has been applied at Vaal
business unit plan production schedule are considered in
Reefs and subdivides shaft blocking parameters under two
the Ore Reserve statement. These plans sometimes include
scenarios, the ‘mature’ shaft and the ‘developing’ shaft to
marginal or subgrade ores as well as Inferred Mineral
accommodate their intrinsic differences. The terms ‘mature’
Resources. These Inferred Mineral Resources are not
and ‘developing’ cater for fault loss blocks and pillar shaft, and
included in the Ore Reserve statement. For new projects, an
reef blocks in the white open areas, respectively, eg a block
Ore Reserve is only reported if an auditable prefeasibility or
with low confidence in structure and high confidence in facies
feasibility study has been completed that demonstrates the
should be classified as Indicated III.
viability of the project and meets the company’s investment
requirements. There should also be intent on the part of the In regard to Table 7 it should be noted that the lowest
company to proceed to feasibility and ultimately a mining confidence parameter determines the resource category and
phase. Traditional sensitivity studies are not applied to the that the assessment of the category, being a function of the
Ore Reserve. Instead, the cash flow for each operation is confidence in the gold mineralising model, depends on the
tested using gold prices near to the average gold price for the quality of information available from boreholes, development
preceding three years. mapping and other sources (seismic surveys, etc). Mining
infrastructure guidelines do not necessarily imply that
In the underground operations, the Ore Reserve is based on
putting the development is in place automatically defines the
a full mine design and is reported according to tonnage, mean
resource category. Rather the confidence level and resource
grade(s), and contained metal inclusive of mining dilution,
category will be established once the geological information
mining ore losses and mine call factors. These modifying
is available. Since the resource category allocated to a block
factors are based on measurements, rather than estimates.
is a function of confidence, there is no reason why an Inferred
Tonnage and grade estimates for surface stockpile materials
block should not be contiguous with a measured block. The
that meet Ore Reserve criteria are itemised separately.
practice of subdividing a block into a series of smaller blocks
Only the Ore Reserve included for treatment in the business in order of decreasing confidence should be avoided since
unit plan production schedule is considered in the Ore Reserve confidence usually falls off rapidly from known information.
statement. These sometimes include marginal or subgrade When blocking, remember the adage, keep it simple.
ores as well as the Inferred Mineral Resource. This Inferred
Mineral Resource is not included in the Ore Reserve statement. Valuation
For all new projects, an audited prefeasibility (as a minimum Valuation of the mean grade of blocks in the Mineral Resources
requirement) must have been completed that demonstrates and Ore Reserves expressed in cm.g/t, is obtained either
the viability of the project and meets the company’s investment by conventional or geostatistical methods. Conventional
requirements. This study must be signed off at the appropriate valuation includes the use of arithmetic mean, inverse distance
executive level in order to demonstrate an intent on the part squared, weighted means, ‘Gut feel’, and log contouring.
of the company to proceed to feasibility and ultimately to Geostatistical methods includes the use of Sichel’s t estimator,
implement the project (MODG15, 1998). Simple or Ordinary Kriging, Log-Normal Kriging, using a
Bayesian approach and compound log-normal or LNGIG (Log
The life-of-mine plan Normal Generalized Inverse Gaussian) distributions.
The life-of-mine plan is an annual compilation of reserves
and resources that meet the required payability, mineability, CONCLUSIONS
accessibility and legal criteria and can be extracted over the
projected life of the mine. A realistic LOM Plan is generated The contribution of geoscience to the exploitation of the Wits
once the section manager, section surveyor, shaft geologist, type orebodies over the 120 year period since their discovery
and the rock mechanics officer, having considered each block (1886), has been enormous. From the earliest efforts at
in the Mineral Resource category, are agreed about their exploration in the Wits basin, geoscience has provided
inclusion in the plan. For individual mines the bulk of the LOM the tools necessary to explain and place observable facts
will be in Reserves, but a certain amount will be obtained from into their context and then use those facts to advance the
Resources to achieve the required pay to unpay mix (eg 70:30) exploitation of the minerals in the basin. Mine-site geology
based on a particular mine’s requirements. requires daily recording of facts that may appear at first
glance to be monotonously similar, but diligent observation
Compilation of the mine’s total resource has shown that reefs that were originally considered to be
Categorisation of the Total Resource is based on levels of single conglomerate layers, are in fact a composite of up four
confidence in the annual estimate of grade and tonnage individual stages of sedimentation and associated erosion.
of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The geology The importance of the geoscience contribution is that it
department blocks, categorises and values the Inferred and only comes with careful observation and diligent recording
Indicated Resources with input from survey, while the survey of facts in the natural world. This requires discipline and


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