Revision Topic 3

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6/30/2021 Page printer

This quiz also features multiple choice and true/false

questions. Each time you select  the quiz a new
assortment of questions will appear.

This is a 20 questions quiz.

Read the following sentences and answer TRUE or FALSE:

Ecosystems with low diversity (diversity indexes) do not occur

in nature without human influence.  False

Read the following sentences and answer TRUE or FALSE:

Analogous structures between 2 species indicate that they have

a common ancestor.  False

Which is an examples of an aesthetic  justification for conservation?

A.   The idea that the biosphere gives pleasure to humans

B.   The use of the biosphere for human activites

C.   The idea that everything has a right to exist

D.   The need for essential life - support functions of the biosphere

6/30/2021 Page printer

What is the likely consequence of the isolation of a land mass due to crustal plate movement?

A.   The extinction of most of the organisms

B.   The development of a unique collection of animals and plant

C.   An increase in the biodiversity of the land mass

D.   A decrease in the biodiversity of the land mass.

Estimates of the total number of species on Earth are not particularly accurate because:

A.   They are determined by mathematical models.

B.   Not all species have been discovered.

C.   All of these

D.   Lack of funding for scientific research in this area in poorer countries.

Which of the following statements best describes the result of a continent being isolated due to crustal plate

A.   The land masses biodiversity increases.

B.   The land masses biodiversity decreases.

C.   A unique collection of animals and plants evolves.

D.   Most of the organisms go extinct.

6/30/2021 Page printer

Read the following sentences and answer TRUE or FALSE:

Estimates for the total number of species that exist on Earth is

quite precise because we use computer modelling to determine  True

The diversification of the finches on the Galapagos Islands from a single founding species into many different
species in due to being isolated on different islands is called

A.   adaptive radiation

B.   climatic speciation

C.   genetic speciation

D.   geographic speciation

Read the following sentences and answer TRUE or FALSE:

Mass extinctions contributed to an increase in biodiverstiy.  True



Which of the following factors may increase the susceptibility to extinction

A.   hunting and poaching

B.   specialised feeder

C.   all of these

D.   low reproductive potential


6/30/2021 Page printer

Critical biodiversity hot spots are located 

A.   in open oceans

B.   in deserts and tundra biomes.

C.   in areas with high human development.

D.   in coastal environments and tropical rain forests.


Which of the IUCN Red List categories is defined by 'very high risk of extinction in the wild'.

A.   Near threatened

B.   Extinct in the wild

C.   Endangered

D.   Vulnerable


Species, that when they go extinct, cause significant changes to ecosystems that treaten the survival of other
species are known as 

A.   biodiversity hot-spots

B.   keystone species

C.   indicator species

D.   conservation species


6/30/2021 Page printer

Which of the following human activities does NOT depend on biodiversity?

A.   Agriculture

B.   Fishing

C.   Pharmacuticals

D.   Tourism


Biodiversity is important to ecosystems because

A.   it increases as trophic levels increase.

B.   it increases the ecosystem's stability.

C.   it decreases the ecosystem's productivity.

D.   it decreases with less human impact.


Which of the following is not specifically a consideration when designing protected areas? 

A.   Size and shape

B.   Climatic conditions

C.   Edge effect

D.   Proximity to human influence


6/30/2021 Page printer

Which of the following would NOT be a factor in determining the location of a protected area in a country?

A.   Climatic conditions

B.   Degree of pollution affecting the area.

C.   Proximity to urban areas.

D.   Level of agricultural activity.


How many mass extinction periods can be identified in the geological record?

A.  4

B.  5

C.  6

D.  1


Some environmentalists argue that holding whales, seals and dolphins in captivity to perform for humans by
companies like Marineland is harmful to these mammals. Which conservation argument are they using?

A.   Ecological

B.   Ethical

C.   Aesthetic

D.   Economic


6/30/2021 Page printer

The carrying capacity of an ecosystem can be defined as

A.   the minimum population of a species that can sustainably be supported by the ecosystem.

B.   the population growth that the ecosystem can support.

C.   the maximum population of a species that can sustainably be supported by the ecosystem.

D.   the amount of land required to support a species population.


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