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Master and Slave Agreement

Part 1: Master and Slave Agreement

Master slave agreement
Chapter One General Outline
Article 1: This law is formulated to ensure the healthy and orderly life of masters and slaves.
Article 2: The life of master and slave is a joyful enjoyment based on mutual consent and emotion,
with a high degree of privacy. The activities carried out by both parties shall not be notified to
third parties or publicly disseminated.
Article 3: The basic system of master and slave life is the dictatorship of the master, and the
authority of the master is sacred and inviolable.
Article 4: The basic principle of the life of masters and slaves is safety first, and it is forbidden to
cause permanent bodily harm or leave permanent scars to slaves.
Article 5: The purpose of master and slave life is to enjoy and satisfy both parties. Once the
master-slave relationship is established, it will always be effective. The master shall not abandon
the slave without justifiable reasons, so that his spirit will be harmed.

Chapter two
Rights and obligations of both master and slave
Article 6: The master has control and has the right to issue orders to slaves. Once the order is
issued, the slave must execute it. The right to prohibit or restrict all acts of slaves.
Article 7: The master has the right to spiritual humiliation, and has the right to deprive slaves of all
freedom and dignity, and use words and actions to force slaves to achieve the purpose of
Article 8: The master has the right to physical punishment, the right to impose physical
punishment on the slave, punish or discipline the slave with pain. No reason is needed.
Article 9: The master has the obligation to love, care, and love the slaves, master the slave's
psychological feelings as much as possible, create a warm and sweet atmosphere for the slaves,
and transform the slaves with true emotions.
Article 10: The only right of a slave is to enjoy the sadomasochistic joy bestowed by the master.
Article 11: Slaves have the obligation to obey their masters, serve their masters, accept
humiliation, and accept torture.
third chapter
House rules
Article 12: House rules are the codes of conduct for slaves to fulfill their obligations. Violation of
family rules must be punished by family law.
Article 13: The etiquette of slaves is as follows:
1. Loving the master from the heart, respecting the master, treating the master as his own God, and
surrendering everything to the master;
2. At any time, you must call yourself "Sao Gou", and you must not use pronouns to address it;
3. Talk to the host in a low tone, use a gentle tone that is flattering and flattering, and must not use
a blunt or contradictory tone;
4. In front of the master, undress, kneel, and crawl. Without the permission of the owner, it is not
allowed to dress, stand, or sit down without authorization.
5. The master's order must be executed immediately without hesitation, no delay, let alone refusal.
6. You must ask the owner in advance for any behavior, and you are not allowed to act without
Chapter 2: Master and Slave Contract
The default classification of master-slave contracts 20XX-05-2218:13:09 Read 202 comments 0
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The role of the slave agrees to completely hand over himself to the master through all methods,
without restrictions of place and time. Under any circumstances, slaves cannot arbitrarily refuse to
obey orders that are not dangerous. Unless the situation is within the slave's power to veto the
treaty (see treaty 2). The slave also agreed that once the contract was implemented, his body
would belong to the master. The slave must agree to make the master happy and satisfied in its
own ability, because the only purpose of the slave's existence is to satisfy the master.
1. Detailed terms:
(1) I want to be a slave under the control of my master. I will give everything I own to the master.
The master will completely control me and tell me what to do. I will obey the master and satisfy
the master.
(2) I made a request for restraint and restrained me tightly with a scarf, rope or leather handcuffs.
(3) I am humiliated and abused by my master. I am just a humble slave inferior to a dog. I worship
my master.
(4) I strictly abide by the discipline because of obscenity. The master ordered: "Take off my
pants!" I obediently took off and let the master spank me.
(5) The master wants a toilet slave to serve the master, and the slave is willing to execute it.
(6) It is the master's purpose to make me pain. In order to satisfy the master's desire, I am willing
to suffer any harm.
(7) I am a slave and need training. The host will train my behavior according to the host's request.
(8) I am the owner's pet. The owner may make me behave like an animal and treat me in a normal
(9) For my master, certain parts of my body are objects of abuse, torture and venting, such as
(10) My master is extremely intimidating and controlling what I feel. During the whole period I
will feel fear, love, worship and other intense emotions.
2. The slave's veto
The slave has the power of veto, and under appropriate circumstances, this power exceeds any
order issued by the mistress and can directly refuse to obey the order. But you must be in the
following environment before you can plead for this power.
(A) The order is inconsistent with any existing statutes, or may result in fines, arrests or reports.
(B) The order may cause extreme damage to the real life of the slave. For example: losing a job,
causing family pressure, etc.
(C) The order may cause permanent damage to the slave's body (see Treaty 6).
3. The role of the master
The master accepts the responsibility of the slave's body and property. Because the master has the
slave for a long time, he must agree to care about the slave and make arrangements for the safety
and welfare of the slave.
The master also accepts the entrustment, treats slaves appropriately, trains slaves, punishes slaves,
and loves slaves. And deal with and use this slave in a way that he thinks is appropriate. the
(1) I want to dominate my slave, and control his every action, he must be willing to yield to me.
(2) I want to force my slave to yield to me. He may struggle at first, but I know he will give in in
the end.
(3) I want to slap or whipped my slave in order to be punished pornographically.
(4) I must punish my fornicating slave. He is bad and deserves my punishment.
(5) I like to see my slave cross-dressed or naked, posing sexy to me, I might want him to
masturbate for me.
(6) I want to have a collared slave, and he must do whatever I say.
(7) I asked to exchange roles with my slave. He tried to control me, but I still conquered him.
(8) I want to put restraint on my slave, and after it is tied up, I can do whatever I want to do.
(9) I want to put my slave in an exciting and humiliating situation, or take a name that makes him
feel embarrassed.
(10) I want my slave to be a toilet slave, as my toilet.
(11) I will treat and train my slaves the same way I treat animals.
(12) I want to formulate some ceremonies and rituals that I find meaningful, and train my slaves.
(13) I have some special obsessions, and I want my slave to cater to it.
(14) I want to play with my slave's feelings and make him feel fear, worship, sexuality, and other
intense emotions throughout the period.
Without the permission of the master, the slave shall not seek any other masters, lovers, or other
things related to sex. If you have the above behavior, you will be punished the most severely. But
the hostess can find other slaves or lovers.
The master can give the slave to another master, but the new master also accepts the rules of this
contract. If this is the case, the owner is obliged to inform the new owner of these specified terms,
and all rules are governed by this contract.
11. The slave's signature
I thoroughly understand the entire content of this contract. I agree and accept her request to
possess all of my body. I also know that as a slave, I will be commanded, trained and punished,
and I will definitely obey. I promise to satisfy the owner's desires as far as I can. I understand that
in this contract, I cannot cancel this contract except as stated in the treaty.
12. The owner's signature
I thoroughly understand the entire content of this contract, and I agree to accept the ownership of
the slave's body and property. As far as I can, fully care about him. I will provide his safety and
welfare, control him, train him and punish him like a slave. I understand the responsibilities
implied in this arrangement, and I agree not to harm the slave because he belongs to me. And I
also learned that no matter what happens, I can cancel this contract at any time.
Chapter Three: Master and Slave
Many things are often like this. If you don't be its master, you will become its slave. For example,
money, for example, time. Money serves people. We use money to achieve our goals. Money is
our tool and our slave. It helps us do things. But if you don’t be its master, tame it and manage it,
you will become its slave. Go to work for money, or even sell your life. With money but reluctant
to use it, continue to be a miser. Time is the same. We have to tame it, manage it, and use it well. It
allows us to achieve something and enjoy life. If we don't care about it, it will lead us by the nose.
Time is also a spontaneous master. Just keep your head down, it doesn't care where you want to go
or where you are. When you are surprised that you have become a slave of time, you will find that
every day is filled with the trivial things of work and life. There is no time to accomplish a career,
no time to do what you want to do, and no time to develop. Your own hobbies; even if there are no
serious problems or crises, you often feel a lot of pressure at work. You will also regret: I really
regret not reading more books; not restraining yourself well; not trying new things more; not
spending more time with your family.

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