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PowerPoint Tutorial with audio and

video was used for COT 1 during the

Demo teaching of Master Teachers. This
was likewise sent as supplementary
material for learners fast and easy
comprehension of lesson taught. The
strategy itself truly address the needs of
learners in this time of pandemic.
Lesson Plan in English 9
March 22-26, 2021
Quarter 3 Week 1
I. Objective:
 Differentiate biases from prejudices. (EN9LC-IVf-13.3)

KBI: Respect others by accepting individual differences.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Subject Matter: Biases & Prejudices
B. Subtopic: Differentiate biases from prejudices through examples
C. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide for English and Learner’s Materials for English 9
D. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation with Audio and video, LAS
E. Local Heritage Theme: UNDURING BELIEFS & VALUES

III. Procedure:
A. Drill/Pre-Test
Determine whether the given scenario shows bias or prejudice. Write the word bias or
prejudice on the space provided before each item.

_________1. Not hiring someone because of their age or gender.

_________2. Assuming someone is gay because of the way he acts.

_________3. Bullying and discriminating someone with disability.

_________4. Accepting exclusive membership of clubs where certain people are not allowed.

_________5. Posting negative comments on social media about economic status of family.

B. Review
a. Recap
At your age, you are already very familiar with the adage “No Man is an Island”. Aren’t you?
b. Image Show & Tell
What comes into your mind when you see the logo?
C. Preparation
Was there a time in your life when you caught yourself prejudging others? Do you consider yourself
judgmental as well? Then, how will you judge these given dialogues?

Do you believe that the statements above show fairness and equality?

If your answer is “No”, then it means you are good in detecting prejudices. But what made you say that the

Dialogues show prejudices?

D. Developmental Activity

1. Presentation and Discussion of the Lesson

2.Probing Questions:
Guided Practice
Direction: Examine the given images closely. Identify which image shows bias or prejudice. Write the word bias or
prejudice as your answer.

E. Enrichment Activities
B.Direction: Study and evaluate whether the given scenarios contain biases and prejudices. Write bias,
prejudice, or none.
________1. Some Muslims are assumed to be terrorists and eventually being discriminated.
________2. Jews during the period of Hitler were sentenced to death because Hitler himself despised Jewish
________3. A teacher who gives good rating to her students who shares the same religious belief with her.
________4. A married couple living in a new country where they are free to attend to any of their church services.
________5. Tom Cruise’s affiliation with Scientology prompts all kinds of negative press.
F. Application
Activity 1: Direction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.
________1. Prejudice is an opinion or viewpoint while discrimination is the action.
________2. If someone is thinking poorly of another person for his belonging to a certain race or for having
Different religious beliefs then he has prejudice.
___________3. Bias and discrimination are alike.
___________4. Prejudice is taking action based on a discrimination.
___________5. The tendency to favor one person, group, thing , or point of view over another, often in
Unfair way is called bias.

IV. Assessment:
Activity 2: Direction: Read the given scenarios properly. Write bias or prejudice if you can detect any. If you
Cannot, write none. Explain your judgment after your chosen answer.

1.Treating someone like a convicted killer even after years of being acquitted of murder.
2.Seeking evaluations from independent experts yet arriving at one’s subjective decision.
3. Denying a couple of the same gender from getting a visa because of their sexual preference.
4.Thinking that someone who is physically impaired is also a mentally challenged.
5.Joining a group in a university without hesitations and reservations.

V. Assignment
Do the following:
Create a scrapbook featuring different examples of prejudices & Biases

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II
Burauen Comprehensive National High School


MT-II/Department Head


Secondary School Principal IV
Pictures sent by students while listening
and watching the PowerPoint Tutorials
sent to them through their Gmail
Accounts while answering their SLMs and
LAS. The PPTs were actually created to
serve as supplementary material to
ensure learning of students and it has
proven to be very effective.
KRA 2 Objective 5

Identifying the best possible strategy for Distance

Learning was a very crucial job for all of us especially
that we needed to prepare all the self-learning modules,
LAS, and assessment every single week. Everything
was literally new to all of us, but we were able to adopt
eventually to the new norm. A teacher is always flexible
and innovative after all. At the end of the day we will
always anchor our own ship to were it is headed just
like the sailors.
Before the start of classes, we all created and
evaluated different strategies that would address the
pressing needs of the learners. Hence, we were able to
create our own PowerPoint tutorials with audio and
video, SLMs, and digital interventions responsive to the
educational needs and difficulties of the learners.
Attached in this particular objective are as follows:
1. COT rating sheet for COT 1 & 2
2. Lesson Plans for COT
3. Screen shots of PPTs
4. Pictures taken during the actual demo teaching
5. Pictures of students listening and watching the
PPT tutorial while answering their SLMs
The following Activity sheets, self-learning modules and assessments are examples of corrected
work of learners returned to them placed in their Portfolio with corrections, ratings, and feedbacks so
students will know their scores and whether or not they were able to answer the questions correctly.
Giving feedback to students is very important as it allows the students to strive harder on the part of the
lesson they did not do well.
Checking the outputs (Assessment, LAS, and Self-Learning Modules ) of learners in English 9.
Checked and recorded outputs are then placed inside the learner’s portfolio before they are returned to
them through their advisers.
Checklist of learner’s
outputs to monitor lacking outputs
and those who need to retake
quizzes and other assessment.
COT Rating Sheet for COT 2 done last June 29, 2021 . COT observation of PPT Tutorial given was
again conducted by the team of sir Jeffry C. Advincula, Mrs. Elma R. Seno and Mrs. Rosario N. Comora , all
heads of school of BCNHS. The PowerPoint Tutorial with audio used in this particular demo was sent as
supplementary material to learners through their Gmail account. This is likewise found and attached as
MOV in KRA 1 Objective 1 of this portfolio.
Attached COT Rating Sheet was done last May 10, 2021 during the First COT conducted for master
Teachers by Sir Jeffry C. Advincula, Ma’am Elma R. Seno, and Ma’am Rosario N. Comora during the
demo Teaching for MTs. (COT # 1 ) with pictures for documentation purposes, Lesson plan, Scren
shots of PPT Tutorial used. The above COT Rating sheets, LP and pics of demo and PPT are all found in
KRA 1 Objective 1.
COT # 1. Taken last May 10, 2021
June 29, 2021 - Thursday

I. Objective:
Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in an uncertain world. EN9LT-IVa-

KBI: Value relationships like friendship and appreciate great deeds and acts of kindness.

II. Content& Materials:

A. Subject Matter:
a. Auld Lang Syne (English Version)
b. I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great by Stephen Spender
B. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide for English and Learner’s Materials for English 9
C. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation with Audio, LAS
D. Local Heritage Theme: Enduring Beliefs & Values

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities
(Note: The usual order of activities under Pre-Activities e.g. Prayer, Energizer, Checking of Attendance and
recap will no longer be included here since there is no Face to face instruction, thus; teacher will just be
showing what was actually done or practiced on this new norm of learning instruction.)

A. Initial Task:
Directions: Read the lines from the poems and fill up the concept map with the values presented
in the lines.

Keep smiling, keep shining

Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forevermore
- “That's what friends are
A. Preparation:

How do you remember the memories of old friends and acquaintances? What makes them
memorable to you?

Here is a poem that will make you reminisce the past with your old friends and acquaintances.

Auld Lang Syne Lyrics

English Version
Checking for Understanding:

1. What is the message of the song?

2. On what occasion do you usually hear the song Auld Lang Syne?
3. Enumerate the memories mentioned in the song.
4. To whom is the song dedicated?

C. Developmental Activity:

1. Take time to read another one!

Are there people whom you consider great? What makes them great? What characteristics do they
have? How do we honor great people?

I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great

Stephen Spender
The poem is addressed to heroes both
D.Enrichment Activity sung and unsung like our front liners
who have very important role during
this time of pandemic. Learners will be
able to appreciate everything that they
Points to Ponder:
have and value sacrifices of important
1. What is the message of the poem? and ordinary people who have done
extraordinary things.
2. As mentioned in the poem, how do great people being remembered?

3. What should we not forget according to Spender?

E. Application:

Activity 1: Is it the First or the Second?

Directions: Go back to the two texts. Write Yes if the statement is from the first text, No if it is from the

_______ 1. The speaker of the poem values friendship.

_______ 2. The poem uses descriptive words for bravery.

_______ 3. The message of the text is to share a drink in honor of things that have passed and to remember
old friends.

_______ 4. The author in the text shows reverence to those who have fought to enlighten the world.

_______ 5. According to the speaker, those who are great will learn from history and will strive to fight the
traffic that attempts to crush their spirit.
Activity 2. What’s the Value?

Directions: Present the values taken from the two poems. Select from the choices inside
the box that best fit in the grid.

Greatness Bravery Kindness

Perseverance Friendship

Activity 3. Let’s Reflect.

Directions: Choose one of the poems above, and write a short reflection. Based
your reflection from your daily life experience which you can connect to the poem itself.

My Reflection

(Title of the Poem)


IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Read the poem below, and understand the meaning of it. Then choose for specific
values that best fit to the lines. Select your answers from the choices inside the box below the

Patience Calm Humility Self-confidence

Acceptance Kindness Promptness Honesty

Power Generosity Tolerance

1. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
2. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

9. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
10. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

V. Assignment:
1.Look for the meaning of the following:
2. Differentiate prejudices from biases

Note: The PowerPoint lesson where this LP was based is the entire module of students for a week.
PPT was also sent to students as supplementary instructional material during the 2 nd
Grading period.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II



Head Teacher II Secondary School Principal II Head Teacher I
PPT Tutorial in English 9
with audio (2nd Quarter
Lesson) was used during
COT # 2 and was sent as
supplementary material to
learners. Also attached to
KRA 1 Objective # 1.

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