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Olin Life in China (4th Edition) (https://culturescrossing.

com/olin-life-in-china )

NOTE: it takes a MINIMUM of 24 hours to receive your role

The Simulation Itself

A. Your immediate goal is become intimately acquainted with the written materials you
order from You MUST NOT read any written materials
other than what you purchased through the website.

B. Strategy Session – Each team should conduct at least one strategy session, including
your Process Observer.

Goals of the strategy session:

A. You should begin by sharing with your co-workers (teammates) what

you know and your particular perspective on the issues relevant to your

B. You should also explore what you know about the other negotiating
party, what you don’t know, how they could be expected to negotiate,
what your team’s negotiating style should be, etc.

C. You should develop a written, planned strategy for your company (Olin)
or government agency (CIRC) that accurately reflects the parameters
contained in the written materials you purchased. In this planned
strategy, you should come to an agreement on what your aspirations
are (the outcome you would be most pleased with) and what you would
be willing to accept (assuming you’re not going to get all you want).
Send your strategy notes to the Process Observer prior to the
Wednesday negotiation session (copy to the Instructor).

D. Again, the goal is for you take your responsibilities seriously and for you
to be in totally “in character” at all times. Indeed, the Process Observers
will be giving you a grade on your performance.

C. Negotiating Session (during class time, conducted virtually; Wednesday 04November)

1. Process observers are responsible for setting up and recording the virtual

2. During the negotiations, you will negotiate for approximately one hour or so
(maximum 90 minutes). The Process Observer(s) should plan on having a single
short break so that each team can have the opportunity to meet in private and
discuss strategy; additionally, teams may break to strategize at their discretion.
Once the negotiations have been concluded, submit the Peer Evaluation of the
other members of your team and prepare for the debrief in class Monday
3. You will be graded (by me and the Process Observers) along the following

A. How well prepared you were (about your own role and with respect to
the other background information you received)?

B. How active, honest, and non-cynical your participation was in both the
Strategy and Negotiating Sessions.

C. How effective you were in adjusting your negotiating style to account

for the cultural differences of your counterparts across the table.

D. Process Observers: Submit your Evaluations of each Team Member.

E. Debriefing Session – On Monday 09 November, we will debrief the negotiations in class.

Process Observers are expected to come prepared with some key observations and learning

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