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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Exercises (Summery)

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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Exercises

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent, but underdiagnosed, clinical disease

that is related to a variety of clinical problems being developed or worse. Obstructive sleep apnea

(OSA) is a frequent, varied and underappreciated clinical problem. The primary condition of

OSA is the secondary systemic hypertension of the artery, arrhythmia, stroke and coronary artery

disease, which significantly increases cardiovascular morbidity and death. Continuous positive

airway pressure treatment is not tolerated by all OSA patients, and is not frequently appropriate

in mild OSA instances. Therefore, other techniques and cardiovascular effects of OSA treatment

are necessary. Regular physical activity in OSA patients offers positive benefits other than

weight reduction, but their mechanisms remain unknown. The physiological adjustment of the

population owing to physical activity includes an increase of the upper airway muscle dilator

tone and a reduction in the slow-wave period of sleep; and a decrease in fluid buildup of the

neck. The main advantages of OSA exercise programs are decreasing the severity and

drowsiness during the day and improving sleep effectiveness and maximal oxygen use. There

have been few studies assessing the role of physical exercise for OSA therapy alone, with very

different procedures. Aerobic activity, alone or in combination with strength training, is

nevertheless frequent in the research. The main research and processes involved in OSA therapy

via physical exercise will be discussed in this review. In addition to the systemic therapeutic

advantages of physical exercise, OSA patients who were engaged in regular exercise programs,

mostly aerobic, showed a decreased severity of sickness and daily drowsiness and increased

sleep efficiency and peak oxygen use, irrespective of weight loss.

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