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Chapter 6 Review: Agile Organization, Structures, and People Management

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Chapter 6 Review: Agile Organization, Structures, and People Management

Agility is defined as the capacity to adapt quickly and effectively to a changing

environment. Agility may be characterized on a personal, departmental, or corporate level. It is

critical to understand that agility cannot be implemented immediately. Agility is a characteristic

of a system that varies in degree based on how it functions. Chapter six is instructive in

elucidating the value of leveraging human resource practices and a firm's structure in order to

attain agility.

Agile promotes software innovation, but getting there requires some effort. There is no

quick route to developing an agile company that benefits from customer engagement and

iterative development processes. The overall operation of an organization—its operational model

—is much more critical than its hierarchical structure alone. Firms require more than structural

transformation to dismantle silos and hierarchies. Organizations should also envisage the

prospective operating model with a clear business definition in order to create strategic-minded

business divisions and profit and loss statements. Because agile teams are often scattered across

the company, it is frequently more essential to place teams near the areas where their inventions

will be implemented than it is to locate them near other agile teams.

Originators should aim to strategically position oneself in order to generate interest and

momentum. The sequencing plan must contain all of the operating model's components—

accountabilities and decision - making procedures, management solution, leadership and culture,

personnel practices, and so on. It is critical to review a team's talent strategy on a continuous

basis. Similar proprieties include understanding that, although a company may need some fresh

talent, the majority of the individuals who will be involved in the organization's future are
frequently already in place if agile principles are implemented properly from the start. A

company's personnel system takes considerable effort; getting started in earnest and including

HR as a key partner in the transformation to an agile organization is essential.

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