Mathematics Anxiety and Attitudes Toward

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Journal of Counseling Psychology

1980, Vol. 27, No. 2, 138-149

Measurement and Dimensionality of Mathematics Anxiety

James B. Rounds, Jr., and Darwin D. Hendel
Measurement Services Center
University of Minnesota

The measurement of mathematics anxiety has become increasingly important

for the identification of math-anxious individuals and the evaluation of treat-
ment programs for mathematics anxiety. The purpose of the present study
was to examine the dimensionality of one such measure of mathematics anxie-
ty, the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS). The responses to 94
MARS items were obtained for 350 female participants in a mathematics-anx-
iety program. The items were intercorrelated, and the correlation matrix was
factored by a principal-axes technique, using squared multiple correlations as
communality estimates, with rotation to a direct oblimin and varimax criteri-
on. Two factors were identified and labeled as Mathematics Text Anxiety
and Numerical Anxiety. Factor-derived scales were developed and correlat-
ed with five specific anxiety scales and an arithmetic test. The factor inter-
pretations were supported by the expected discriminant and convergent rela-
tionship among these scales. The concept, measures, and treatment of math-
ematics anxiety are discussed.

Mathematics anxiety has received much (Addleman, 1972, Brown, 1971; Crouch,
attention as an explanatory variable for the 1971; Hendel & Davis, 1978; Hyman, 1974;
sex-related differences in mathematics Nash, 1970; Natkin, 1967; Richardson &
performance and enrollment in mathematics Suinn, 1972; Suinn, Edie, & Spinelli, 1970;
curricula. Several reviews (Aiken, 1970, Suinn & Richardson, 1971). Programs for
1976; Fennema, 1977; Fox, 1977) of the in- the alleviation of mathematics anxiety have
fluence of affective variables on mathematics been designed and implemented at several
learning have suggested that mathematics colleges and universities (e.g., Wellesley
anxiety may contribute to mathematics College, University of Minnesota, Wesleyan
avoidance and poor mathematics perfor- University, Iowa State University, Mills
mance. Researchers have developed mea- College).
sures of mathematics anxiety (Fennema & Before psychologists can understand the
Sherman, 1976; Richardson & Suinn, 1972; effects of mathematics anxiety, it is imper-
Sandman, 1974), and a recent study (Betz, ative that considerably more empirical re-
1978) has attempted to document the prev- search be conducted by examining the con-
alence of mathematics anxiety. Various struct, especially the instrumentation of the
intervention strategies for the reduction of construct. Many of the ambiguities of the
mathematics anxiety have been investigated mathematics-anxiety construct may be di-
rectly traced to a lack of agreement among
researchers on the conceptualization of
We thank Lynda M. Zwinger, Mark L, Davison, mathematics anxiety. Several researchers
Thomas W. Miller, Brian E. Engdahl, Susan E. Whitely, have provided definitions of mathematics
and Nancy E. Betz for their comments on an earlier anxiety; however, none of these definitions
draft of this article.
Parts of the study were presented at the annual have included a discussion of the domain of
meeting of the American Educational Research Asso- mathematics anxiety.
ciation, San Francisco, April 1979. Dreger and Aiken (1957) and, more re-
Requests for reprints and for the direct oblimin and cently, Richardson and Suinn (1972) and
varimax factor-loading matrices should he sent to
Darwin D. Hendel, Measurement Services Center, Fennema and Sherman (1976) have con-
University of Minnesota, 9 Clarence Avenue SE, Min- structed scales and instruments to measure
neapolis, Minnesota 55414. what alternately has been referred to as
Copyright 1980 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-0167/80/2702-0138$00.75

mathematics anxiety, number anxiety, and Underlying these validity studies (Rich-
mathemaphobia. Dreger and Aiken, relying ardson & Suinn, 1972; Suinn et al., 1972) is
on an earlier definition of mathemaphobia the assumption that mathematics anxiety,
by Gough (1954), constructed a 3-item scale as measured by the MARS, is a unidi-
of number anxiety, defined as the "presence mensional construct. Unfortunately, im-
of a syndrome of emotional reactions to portant validity data pertaining to the uni-
arithmetic and mathematics" (Dreger & dimensionality of the MARS were not ade-
Aiken, 1957, p. 344). The Fennema-Sher- quately presented.
man Mathematics Anxiety Scale (Fennema Richardson and Suinn (1972) did state
& Sherman, 1976) is a 12-item scale em- that the high alpha coefficient "shows that
phasizing feelings of anxiety associated with the average intercorrelation of the items in
mathematics classes, courses, problems, and the test is high. It confirms that the test is
tests. The Mathematics Anxiety Scale is highly reliable and indicates that the test
intended to assess "feelings of anxiety, items are heavily dominated by a single ho-
dread, nervousness and associated bodily mogeneous factor" (p. 553). However, as
symptoms related to doing mathematics" demonstrated by Green, Lissitz, and Mulaik
(Fennema & Sherman, 1976, p. 4). (1977), the average intercorrelation and
Little or no research has been reported coefficient alpha are poor indices of item
that examines the validity and reliability of homogeneity. Homogeneous items (tests)
Dreger and Aiken's (1957) Numerical Anx- usually refer to the case in which these items
iety Scale and Fennema and Sherman's measure a single common factor (Lord &
(1976) Mathematics Anxiety Scale. The Novick, 1968, p. 95). Green et al. (1977)
lack of reliability and validity data seriously show "how coefficient alpha and the item-
impedes the use of these measures for re- total score correlations can be high when the
search purposes. However, such data are component items are not homogeneous" (p.
not lacking for the Mathematics Anxiety 827). It seems, therefore, that the unidi-
Rating Scale (MARS; Richardson & Suinn, mensionality of the MARS is yet to be
1972), a 98-Likert-item measure of mathe- demonstrated.
matics anxiety. The issue of the unidimensionality of the
In two articles detailing the development MARS is especially crucial for interpretation
of the MARS, Richardson and Suinn (1972) of pretherapy to posttherapy validity stud-
and Suinn, Edie, Nicoletti, and Spinelli ies. Posttherapy decreases in MARS scores
(1972) presented psychometric data in- (Hendel & Davis, 1978; Hyman, 1974;
cluding normative data, reliability data, and Richardson & Suinn, 1972) could be ac-
validity data for the MARS. Richardson counted for by as few as 20% of the 98 MARS
and Suinn (1972) defined mathematics items. Furthermore, several of these studies
anxiety as "involving feelings of tension and may have used the MARS items or very
anxiety that interfere with the manipulation similar items in a desensitization hierarchy,
of numbers and the solving of mathematical a practice advocated by Richardson and
problems" (p. 551). Evidence for the reli- Suinn (1972) and Hendel and Davis (1978).
ability of the MARS consisted of 2-week and In turn, this practice could also confound the
7-week test-retest reliability coefficients of results of these pretherapy to posttherapy
.78 (n = 119) and .85 (n = 35), respectively, studies. If the MARS is multidimensional,
and an internal consistency alpha coefficient pretherapy to posttherapy decreases in
of .97 (n = 397). Evidence for the construct MARS scores could presumably be ac-
validity was provided by three studies in counted for by dimension(s) that may or may
which MARS scores decreased after behav- not be mathematics anxiety.
ior therapy and by two studies in which A variable that may account for these
MARS scores correlated negatively with pretherapy to posttherapy reductions in
scores on a highly speeded (10-minute com- MARS scores is test anxiety. Hendel (in
pletion time) Numerical Ability subtest of press) correlated the MARS and the Suinn
the Differential Aptitude Test (r = -.64, n Test Anxiety Behavior Scale (STABS;
= 30; r = -.35, n = 44). Suinn, 1969) and found a correlation of .65
(n = 69), which approaches the test-retest (AAT-), which measure the facilitating and debilitating
reliability of the MARS. Results from the effects of anxiety on achievement performance. The
studies (Richardson & Suinn, 1972; Suinn et Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE; Watson &
Friend, 1969), a measure of social-evaluative anxiety,
al, 1972) in which the MARS and the Nu- is composed of 17 true and 13 false keyed items with
merical Ability subtest of the Differential total scores ranging from 0 to 30. The Fennema-
Aptitude Test were negatively correlated Sherman Math Anxiety Scale (Fennema & Sherman,
1976) is a 12-item measure of mathematics anxiety.
may also support the idea that the MARS Total scores range from 12 to 60, with low scores re-
predominantly measures test anxiety. As- flecting high levels of mathematics anxiety.
suming that test anxiety is increased by a The final instrument included was an arithmetic
speeded ability test, a test-anxiety compo- placement test, which is a 68-item multiple-choice test
nent of the MARS could account for the composed of 13 different types of items (e.g., percent-
high-to-moderate relationships found be- ages, multiplication of whole numbers, ratios, rates, and
proportions). This instrument had been designed by
tween the speeded Numerical Ability subtest mathematics instructors and was used for placement
of the Differential Aptitude Test and the of students in either an elementary or an advanced al-
MARS. gebra course. No data are available concerning the
One approach to establishing the homo- extent to which the arithmetic placement test correlates
with other more standardized measures of mathematics
geneity of the MARS item pool would be achievement.
through factor analysis. Factor analysis
would also contribute to further under- Data Collection and Sample
standing of the mathematics-anxiety domain
as represented by MARS items. The Subjects for the present study were female partici-
present study was a factor analysis of the pants in a mathematics-anxiety treatment program at
MARS items. The purposes of the present a large midwestern university. The program is de-
study were as follows: (a) to identify the signed for individuals who are anxious about mathe-
matics and/or concerned about their performance in
independent dimension(s) underlying the mathematics courses. The instruments were admin-
MARS item pool, (b) to develop factor istered during a diagnostic session designed to provide
scale(s) to measure these dimension(s), and an assessment of mathematics anxiety and of mathe-
(c) to explore the relationship(s) between the matics skills. The data were collected at four diagnostic
sessions conducted during spring and fall 1976, fall 1977,
MARS factor scale(s) and other specific and winter 1978.
anxiety scales. The MARS was administered to each of 350 female
participants. In addition, 67 of the participants
(hereafter referred to as Sample 1) completed the
Method STABS, AAT, FNE, and the arithmetic placement test
during fall 1976, and 111 of the participants (hereafter
referred to as Sample 2) completed the Math Anxiety
Instruments Scale and the arithmetic placement test during fall
The MARS (Richardson & Suinn, 1972) was used to Biographical information was available for 311 of the
measure mathematics anxiety. The MARS used in this 350 participants. These 311 participants' ages ranged
study consists of 94 items in a Likert format.1 For each from 18 to 65; the mean age was 3,5.6 (SD = 11.3). Al-
item, individuals are requested to indicate how much though participants varied in their educational back-
they are "frightened by it nowadays" on a 5-point scale grounds, the majority either had completed some college
(ranging from 1 = "not at all" to 5 = "very much"). The (34%) or had a 4-year college degree (21%). An average
MARS items are summed, resulting in a single-scale of 16.5 years had elapsed since the participants had
score. The scores range from a low of 94 to a high of received formal instruction in mathematics.
470, which reflects the intensity of an individual's
mathematics anxiety.
Five other specific anxiety scales that measure anx-
iety dimensions hypothesized to relate to mathematics
anxiety were included in the study. The STABS Two sets of analyses were performed. First, a factor
(Suinn, 1969) is a 50-item Likert scale composed of analysis was performed to examine the dimensionality
behavioral situations that are expected to arouse dif-
ferent levels of test anxiety. The STABS scores range
from 50 to 250, with high scores reflecting high levels of Due to an error in printing by the Rocky Mountain
test-taking anxiety. The Achievement Anxiety Test Behavioral Science Institute, a 94-item version of the
(AAT; Alpert & Haber, 1960) consists of two subscales: MARS was used instead of the standard 98-item ver-
a 9-item Facilitating Anxiety Scale (hereafter referred sion. Therefore, items numbered 95,96,97, and 98 were
to as AAT+) and a 10-item Debilitating Anxiety Scale not included in the present analysis.
of the MARS items. The 94 MARS items were inter- max criteria of 2-4 factors indicated that a
correlated, and the correlation matrix was factored by two-factor solution provided the most in-
the principal-axes techniques, using squared multiple
correlations as communality estimates. Since the terpretable structure. In these trial rota-
MARS items are an internally consistent domain of tions, a residual factor was found for both the
items, correlations among the factors were expected. three-factor oblique and orthogonal solu-
Therefore, the factors were rotated to an oblique simple tions. Across solutions for the 2-4 factors,
structure using the normalized direct oblimin procedure
(Jennrich & Sampson, 1966), with y = 0. An orthogo- the loadings on the first 2 factors remained
nal solution may result from the more general oblique stable; however, the composition of the third
solution (Harman, 1976); hence, the factors were also factor varied between solutions. There is
rotated to approximate orthogonal simple structure clear evidence of the existence of at least two
using the normalized varimax algorithm (Kaiser, factors. The two-factor solution rather than
The following multiple criteria were used to select the the three-factor solution was selected as
best factor solution: (a) Cattell's "scree" test of residual fitting the data best, since it provided the
eigenvalues (Cattell, 1966), (b) factor interpretability, most interpretable structure.
and (c) extraction until a residual factor emerges As previously noted, the two-factor solu-
(Cattell, 1958; Rummel, 1970). A residual factor was
defined for this study as one for which fewer than four tion was rotated to both a direct oblimin and
loadings could meet the joint condition of being >.30 a varimax criterion. The results from the
and the highest loading for an item. These criteria were oblique and orthogonal rotations were very
applied to each of the one- through four-factor solutions. similar. Salient factor loadings were virtu-
Items with loadings of >.30 were then used to define ally the same for the two solutions. Coeffi-
and interpret the factors that met the above criteria.
To facilitate interpretation of the MARS factors, a cients of congruence (Mulaik, 1972; Tucker,
second set of analyses was performed. Scales repre- 1951) computed between the direct oblimin
sentative of the MARS factors were developed and pattern matrix and the varimax matrix were
tested for certain expected discriminant or convergent .98 and .94 for the first and second factors,
relationships between the factor-derived measures of respectively, indicating that the interpre-
mathematics anxiety and other specific anxiety scales
and the measure of mathematics performance. A se- tation of the factors would be very similar for
quential strategy of item selection was used with the either solution. The direct oblimin solution
total sample to create the 15- to 20-item MARS fac- provides a more parsimonious representa-
tor-derived scales. For each factor, items with loadings tion of these results than the varimax solu-
of >.40 were initially selected for further examination.
The sample (N = 350) was scored on the preliminary tion does; therefore, it was chosen for pre-
factor-derived scales. Then, for each of the items se- sentation.
lected for each factor-derived scale, Pearson product- Factor 1 and Factor 2 were defined by 42
moment correlations of the item with its intended scale and 44 MARS items, respectively, with fac-
and with all other irrelevant scales were calculated. tor-pattern loadings of >.30 and loadings of
Those items with low item-total score correlations with
the intended scale and high correlations with the irrel- < .30 on the irrelevant factor. Three MARS
evant scales were sequentially deleted until 15 to 20 items had factor loadings of >.30 on both
items remained per scale. Expectations about the re- factors. Five MARS items did not have
lationships between these MARS factor-derived scales factor loadings of >.30 on either factor.
and the specific anxiety scales and arithmetic placement
test were developed. These MARS factor-derived For Factor 1, 13 (31%) of the 42 salient
scales were subsequently correlated with each of the (>.30) MARS items reflected apprehension
specific anxiety scales and the arithmetic placement test about anticipating, taking, and receiving the
for Sample 1 and Sample 2. results of mathematics tests. Of the 42 sa-
lient items, these 13 items had the highest
Results factor-pattern loadings, ranging from .52 to
.83, with a mean factor-pattern loading of
Factor Analysis .70. Illustrative MARS Items 53,74, and 85,
with relevant factor-pattern loadings, are
The eigenvalues for the first through the shown in Table 1. The other 29 (69%) sa-
sixth factor were 29.12, 7.68, 3.59, 3.33, 2.76, lient MARS items referred (with one ex-
and 2.45, respectively. The number of fac- ception) to activities that were directly as-
tors to be rotated was initially estimated as sociated with mathematics courses and
two by Cattell's (1966) scree test. Trial classes (e.g., Items 23, 27, and 89 in Table 1).
rotations with the direct oblimin and vari- Overall, 31 (74%) of the 42 salient items had

Table 1
Illustrative MARS Items With Factor Loadings for Factor 1 and Factor 2

MARS item loading

Factor 1
53. Taking an examination (quiz) in a math course. .67
74. Thinking about an upcoming math test one day before. .83
85. Receiving your final math grade in the mail. .70
23. Buying a math textbook. .48
27. Listening to another student explain a math formula. .60
89. Listening to a lecture in a math class. .66

Factor 2
2. Having someone watch you as you total up a column of figures. .57
5. Dividing a five digit number by a two digit number in private with pencil .56
and paper.
14. Adding up 976 + 777 on paper. .56
10. Totaling up a dinner bill that you think overcharged you. .66
48. Figuring the sales tax on a purchase that costs more than $1.00. .63
87. Being responsible for collecting dues for an organization and keeping track of .63
the amount.
18. Determining the grade point average for your last term. .49
58. Studying for a driver's license test and memorizing the figures involved, such as the .44
distances it takes to stop a car going at different speeds.
64. Deciding which courses to take in order to come out with the proper number of credit .51
hours for full-time enrollment.

Note. MARS = Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale.

the word math embedded in the item state- ments referred to a wide variety of practical
ment. Only one salient item—reading a situations involving numbers (e.g., Items 18,
formula in chemistry (.40)—referred to 58, and 64). The interpretation of these
something other than activities associated salient items indicated that Factor 2 could
with mathematics courses. Factor 1 ap- be labeled Numerical Anxiety.
peared to be a measure of mathematics test
anxiety or mathematics course anxiety Factor Scales and Correlates
(Factor 1 is labeled Mathematics Test
Anxiety). Two scales were constructed to measure
Factor 2 had high loading items that refer the Mathematics Test Anxiety and Nu-
to everyday, concrete situations requiring merical Anxiety factors. The resulting
some form of number manipulation (such as scales each included 15 items. Table 2 and
addition and multiplication). None of the Table 3 show the MARS item composition
44 salient items referred to number manip- of these scales along with the item means and
ulation associated with mathematics courses standard deviations for the total female
or classes. Ten (23%) of the 44 salient items sample (N = 350). For the total sample, the
referred to the use of elementary arithmetic mean Mathematics Test Anxiety Scale score
skills without a context for the application was 52.76 (SD = 13.51), and the mean Nu-
of these skills (e.g., Items 2, 5, and 14). The merical Anxiety Scale score was 27.49 (SD =
majority (52%) of the salient items referred 9.36). Comparison of the mean scale scores,
to the use of practical arithmetic skills nec- mean item scores, and item-score standard
essary for making monetary decisions (e.g., deviations of the Mathematics Test Anxiety
Items 10, 48, and 87). Finally, 11 salient Scale and the Numerical Anxiety Scale in-
items (25%) did not seem susceptible to the dicated that this female sample reported
above categorization. These item state- considerably more apprehension about

Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations of the MARS Items Composing the Mathematics Test
Anxiety Scale
MARS item M SD

26. Signing up for a math course. 3.20 1.35

28. Walking into a math class. 2.92 1.40
36. Walking on campus and thinking about a math course. 2.80 1.30
39. Sitting in a math class and waiting for the instructor to arrive. 2.38 1.31
45. Raising your hand in a math class to ask a question. 3.29 1.46
54. Taking an examination (final) in a math course. 4.36 1.01
73. Thinking about an upcoming math test 1 week before. 3.49 1.24
74. Thinking about an upcoming math test 1 day before. 4.00 1.16
75. Thinking about an upcoming math test 1 hour before. 4.13 1.12
76. Thinking about an upcoming math test 5 minutes before. 4.13 1.18
78. Waiting to get a math test returned in which you expected to do well. 3.32 1.26
79. Waiting to get a math test returned in which you expected to do poorly. 3.96 1.18
81. Realizing that you have to take a certain number of math classes to fulfill 3.65 1.34
the requirements in your major.
85. Receiving your final math grade in the mail. 3.48 1.33
91. Being given a "pop" quiz in a math class. 3.65 1.27

Note. MARS = Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale. N = 350.

mathematics tests and activities associated pants in the math-anxiety program were
with mathematics courses than about ev- reporting "not at all" to "a little" appre-
eryday, practical numerical manipulation, hension to the Numerical Anxiety Scale
In fact, on the average, the female partici- items and "a fair amount" to "much" ap-
Table 3
Means and Standard Deviations of the MARS Items Composing the Numerical Anxiety Scale
MARS item M SD

1.Determining the amount of change you should get back from a purchase involving 1.82 1.00
several items.
5. Dividing a five digit number by a two digit number in private with pencil and 1.48 .92
7. Listening to a salesman show you how you would save money by buying his higher 2.21 1.22
priced product because it reduces long-term expenses.
8. Listening to a person explain how he figured out your share of expenses on a trip, 2.08 1.10
including meals, transportation, housing, etc.
14. Adding up 976 + 777 on paper. 1.23 .57
33. Reading your W-2 form (or other statement showing your annual earning and 2.06 1.34
47. Reading a cash register receipt after your purchase. 1.33 .67
48. Figuring the sales tax on a purchase that costs more than $1.00. 1.75 1.04
50. Figuring out which of two summer job offers is the most lucrative: where one 1.81 1.01
involves a lower salary, room and board, and travel, while the other one involves
a higher salary but no other benefits.
59. Hearing friends make bets on a game as they quote the odds. 2.56 1.32
63. Juggling class times around at registration to determine the best schedule. 1.96 1.10
64. Deciding which courses to take in order to come out with the proper number of 1.86 1.09
credit hours for full-time enrollment.
65. Working a concrete, everyday application of mathematics that has meaning to me, 1.81 1.09
e.g., figuring out how much I can spend on recreational purposes after paying other
67. Being given a set of numerical problems involving addition to solve on paper. 1.67 .94
90. Figuring out your monthly budget. 1.86 1.13

Note. MARS = Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale. A' = 350.


Table 4
Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations of the Anxiety Scales and Arithmetic Placement
Test with the MARS Factor Scales
Scale test Numerical M SD

Sample 1
STABS .75" .41" 3.64** 65 149.72 39.24
Facilitating Anxiety -.29" -.21* .56 61 21.90 6.13
Debilitating Anxiety .49" .32** 1.32 61 29.87 7.94
Fear of Negative Evaluation .44" .36** .61 62 15.97 6.82
Arithmetic placement test -.21* -.47** 2.05* 67 46.01 14.13

Sample 2b
Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Anxiety —.65* -.27** 4.49** 23.51 8.47
Arithmetic placement test -.19* -.28** .84 25.42 5.73

Note. MARS = Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale. STABS = Suinn Test Anxiety Behavior Scale.
• Two-tailed t test of the difference between correlations. b re = 111.
*p <.05. **p <.01.

prehension to the Mathematics Test Anxiety AAT—, constructed to measure the effects
Scale items. of anxiety on academic test performance,
The internal consistency reliability of were also expected to correlate more highly
these scales was examined by calculating with the Mathematics Test Anxiety Scale.
coefficient alpha (Nunnally, 1967). Coef- Third, correlations between the arithmetic
ficient alpha was .93 for the Mathematics placement test, a measure of everyday
Test Anxiety Scale and .87 for the Numerical arithmetic skills, and the Mathematics Test
Anxiety Scale. These coefficients compared Anxiety Scale and the Numerical Anxiety
favorably with the .97 (n = 397) coefficient Scale were expected to be similar. No ex-
alpha, as reported by Richardson and Suinn pectations were developed about the rela-
(1972) for the 98-item MARS. tionships among the two factor scales and
The attempt to construct two indepen- the FNE Scale and the Fennema-Sherman
dent mathematics anxiety scales was par- Math Anxiety Scale. The correlations were
tially successful. The Pearson product- expected to be of moderate size, with the
moment correlation between the Mathe- exception of the large correlation expected
matics Test Anxiety score and the Numeri- between the Mathematics Test Anxiety
cal Anxiety score was .34 (N = 350, p <.01). Scale and the STABS.
Although some common variance exists be- Table 4 shows the correlations of the fac-
tween these two scales, the small amount tor scales with the STABS, AAT+ Scale,
(12%) of common variance compared very AAT- Scale, FNE Scale, and the arithmetic
favorably to other reported attempts (see placement test for Sample 1 and with the
Alpert & Haber, 1960; Watson & Friend, Fennema-Sherman Math Anxiety Scale and
1969) to develop discriminant relationships the arithmetic placement test for Sample 2.
between specific anxiety scales. The mean Mathematics Test Anxiety score
Certain discriminant and convergent re- was 51.60 (SD = 13.65) for Sample 1 and
lationships were expected between the 51.35 (SD = 12.85) for Sample 2. The mean
Mathematics Test Anxiety Scale and Nu- Numerical Anxiety Scale score was 27.13
merical Anxiety Scale and the specific anx- (SD = 9.50) for Sample 1 and 27.06 (SD =
iety scales. First, it was expected that the 9.16) for Sample 2. As shown in Table 4,
STABS, a measure of test anxiety, would most of the hypothesized discriminant and
correlate more highly with the Mathematics convergent relationships were confirmed—
Test Anxiety Scale than with the Numerical with several exceptions. One such exception
Anxiety Scale. Second, the AAT+ and was the higher than expected correlation

(.41, p <.01) between the Numerical Anxiety showed that the average female participant
Scale and the STABS. However, a signifi- was at the 79th percentile of Suinn's college
cant difference between the correlations of student norms (Suinn, 1969; see Table 3)
the Mathematics Test Anxiety Scale and and/or reported a level of test anxiety similar
Numerical Anxiety Scale with the STABS to students who voluntarily sought assis-
was found in the expected direction, ±(64) tance for math anxiety (Suinn & Richardson,
= 3.64, p <.01. Another exception was that 1971; see Table 1). The high mean Mathe-
the Numerical Anxiety Scale correlated matics Test Anxiety Scale score when com-
more highly with the arithmetic placement pared to the mean STABS score (the
test than did the Mathematics Test Anxiety STABS uses the same item format and test
Scale. The differences between the corre- instructions as the MARS) indicated that
lations were statistically significant for Sample 1 participants were slightly more
Sample 1, £(66) = 2.05, p <.05, but not for anxious about mathematics tests than about
Sample 2, £(110) = .84, p >.05. Finally, the tests in general. Salient items for Factor 2
Fennema-Sherman Math Anxiety Scale was (Numerical Anxiety) referred to everyday,
highly correlated (-.65, p <.01) with the concrete situations requiring some form of
Mathematics Test Anxiety Scale and only number manipulation. The data indicate
moderately correlated (—.27, p <.01) with that the female participants were relatively
the Numerical Anxiety Scale. The Fen- unconcerned about numerical manipulation
nema-Sherman Math Anxiety Scale seems in the context of daily activities. Compari-
to be predominantly a measure of mathe- son of the distributions of Numerical Anxi-
matics test anxiety. ety Scale scores and Mathematics Test
Anxiety Scale scores showed that 72% of the
Discussion Mathematics Test Anxiety Scale scores and
6% of the Numerical Anxiety Scale scores are
The results of the present study indicated above a score of 44 (scores above 44 indicate
that contrary to previous statements "a fair amount" or more of anxiety), dem-
(Richardson & Suinn, 1972), mathematics onstrating that only 6% of the participants,
anxiety as measured by the MARS is not a at best, could have scored that high on both
unidimensional construct. Two factors were MARS factor-derived scales. The distri-
identified and labeled Mathematics Test bution of the Mathematics Test Anxiety
Anxiety and Numerical Anxiety. Corre- Scale and Numerical Anxiety Scale scores
lation of the factor-derived Mathematics together with the relative independence (r
Test Anxiety Scale and the Numerical = .34) of these scales may indicate that
Anxiety Scale with specific anxiety scales anxiety about mathematics is situationally
and an arithmetic test provided results that specific and not transituational.
further confirmed the factor-analytic in- Richardson and Suinn (1972) specified the
terpretations. mathematics anxiety domain as involving
The results of this study suggest that for "the manipulation of numbers and the
this female sample, the domain of mathe- solving of mathematical problems" (p. 551).
matics anxiety as measured by the MARS is If the "solving of mathematical problems"
best described not as anxiety about everyday is considered within the context of mathe-
numerical manipulation, but primarily as matics tests, the two MARS factors identi-
test anxiety and secondarily as anxiety as- fied are a good fit to that definition of
sociated with mathematics courses. The mathematics anxiety domain. However, the
most salient items for Factor 1 (Mathematics fact that mathematics is a very broad field
Test Anxiety) involved anticipation, com- makes this and other definitions of the
pletion, and receiving the results of mathe- mathematics anxiety domain problematic.
matics tests. The factor-derived Mathe- Fennema (1977) has noted that "mathe-
matics Anxiety Scale correlated highly (r = matics is a complex discipline involving
.75, p <.01) with the STABS, a measure of many kinds of related but diverse subject
general test anxiety. The mean STABS matters and skills. To assume that a person
score (M = 149.72) for Sample 1 participants feels the same toward each part of mathe-

matics is not reasonable" (pp. 103-104). Another assessment tool that may be
The usefulness of present instrumentation helpful for participants in mathematics
of mathematics anxiety is hampered by the anxiety treatment programs is a measure of
lack of an adequate definition of mathe- test anxiety. In a study of the effects of
matics. comparative treatments of mathematics
Results also indicated that mathematics anxiety, Suinn and Richardson (1971)
anxiety as conceptualized by Richardson and unexpectedly discovered "that the treated
Suinn (1972) can be measured with the fac- subjects of both [math anxious] groups also
tor-derived scales. The factor-derived show STABS scores significantly higher than
scales are highly internally consistent and the nonanxious control sample" (p. 506).
show expected convergent and divergent Betz (1978) found a moderately high rela-
relationships with other specific anxiety tionship between a modified Fennema-
scales. Compared to the 98-item MARS, Sherman Math Anxiety Scale and Spiel-
these two 15-item factor-derived scales will berger's Test Anxiety Inventory for 182
take less time to complete. As noted by students in an introductory psychology
Peterson (1965), shorter self-report instru- course at Ohio State University. Results
ments are superior to more lengthy and from the present study also showed that the
cumbersome instruments when cost is taken participants were almost as apprehensive
into account. Since the assessment of a about tests in general as tests in particular
client's status with multifactorial rather than (i.e., mathematics tests).
unifactorial measures may mask changes, The MARS factor-derived scales provide
Bergin and Lambert (1978) have recom- descriptive information; they do not provide
mended the development of indices that are explanations of anxiety about mathematics.
more situation specific than the presently Attention to the client's background data
used global-improvement indices. The can be useful in exploring possible explana-
MARS factor-derived scales meet the nec- tions, as for example, in the present study in
essary criteria of internal consistency and which a mean of 16.5 years had elapsed since
homogeneity. the participants had had formal mathe-
In terms of diagnostic labels, assessment, matics training. It is a reasonable assump-
and treatment, the present study has im- tion that anxiety about mathematics can
plications for those involved in the treatment occur when future career and educational
of mathematics anxiety. Counselors should goals in part depend on success in mathe-
be aware of the limitations of the term matics courses for which an individual feels
mathematics anxiety as a diagnostic label. inadequately prepared and insufficiently
Mathematics anxiety is a linguistically am- experienced. Until more is known about the
biguous term that could suggest a patho- characteristics of individuals who elect to
logical response to mathematics per se. The enter mathematics-anxiety treatment pro-
present results indicate that mathematics grams, counselors may want to supplement
anxiety is less a response to mathematics the MARS factor-derived scales with other
than a response to evaluation of mathemat- types of measures (e.g., mathematics atti-
ics skills. When used as a diagnostic label tude scales, mathematics skill tests) to aid in
for an individual client, mathematics anxiety the description of individual constellations
as represented by a high MARS total score of mathematics difficulties. The application
provides little useful information and may of multimodal treatment plans (see Mathi-
mislead a client or counselor to conclude that son, Note 1) emphasizing some combination
the client is anxious about mathematics ir- of remediation or math-skills building,
respective of setting. If the MARS is to be mathematics curricular intervention (e.g.,
useful for counseling purposes, the Mathe- math labs, individualized instruction), and
matics Test Anxiety Scale and the Numeri- psychological intervention seems to be sound
cal Anxiety Scale should be scored; treat- strategy for counselors involved in mathe-
ment could then be more usefully tailored to matics-anxiety treatment programs.
meet the client's needs relative to the In terms of psychological intervention, it
amount of anxiety reported on these MARS should be noted that the cognitive and self-
factor-derived scales. control treatments as presented by Suinn

and Richardson (1971) and Hendel and Glennon, 1975; Crosswhite, 1975; Fennema
Davis (1978) seem more effective in reducing & Sherman, 1977; Sherman & Fennema,
mathematics anxiety than do insight-ori- 1977, Hendel, Note 3; (d) reduction in
ented counseling and systematic desensiti- mathematics anxiety was not related to
zation. Previous research (Crouch, 1971; mathematics grades (Hyman, 1974), and
Nash, 1970) has shown that insight-oriented mathematics anxiety adds little to the pre-
counseling has not been effective for reduc- diction of mathematics grades (Betz, Note
ing mathematics anxiety. Mixed results 6); and (e) moderate-to-high relationships
(Addleman, 1972; Crouch, 1971; Nash, 1970; exist between mathematics anxiety measures
Richardson & Suinn, 1972) have been found and measures of test anxiety and mathe-
with systematic desensitization in the matics attitudes (Betz, 1978; Hendel, in
treatment of mathematics anxiety. The press)—in some cases almost as high as the
cognitive therapies seem to be more ame- relationship between alternative measures
nable not only to tailoring the treatment to of mathematics anxiety (Hendel & Rounds,
the individual but—more importantly in Note 4). These results and the results from
terms of mathematics anxiety—to treating the present study suggest that the concept
multiple specific anxieties and to preparing and/or measures of mathematics anxiety
the client to cope with future anxieties and may need revision to be of sufficient value to
problems (Mahoney & Arnkoff, 1978). enrich our understanding of mathematics
Recently, Casserly (Note 2), writing about learning and performance.
how to increase enrollment in mathematics
courses for women, has stated that mathe-
matics anxiety is "often used to conveniently Reference Notes
lump together all sorts of phenomena asso-
ciated with learning mathematics or not 1. Mathison, M. A. Interventions in math anxiety for
learning mathematics" (p. 7). Mathematics adults. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
anxiety has been postulated—especially for the American Educational Research Association, San
women—to affect enrollment in mathe- Francisco, April 1979. (Available from M. Mathison,
200 Wesbrook Hall, 77 Pleasant Street SE, Minne-
matics courses, learning of mathematics, and apolis, Minnesota 55455.)
mathematics performance, thereby affecting 2. Casserly, P. L. Women and mathematics stand—
a student's educational and career goals. Where from here? Paper presented at the meeting
Little or no evidence has been presented to of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
support these assertions. Research results April 14,1978. (Available from P. L. Casserly, Ed-
ucational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey
suggest that (a) mathematics anxiety is not 08540.)
limited to females but is a phenomenon that 3. Hendel, D. D. The Math Anxiety Program: Its
is prevalent among students who are poorly genesis and evaluation in continuing education for
prepared in mathematics (Betz, 1978; Dreger women. Minneapolis: Measurement Services
& Aiken, 1957; Hendel, in press; Casserly, Center, University of Minnesota, 1977.
4. Hendel, D. D., & Rounds, J. B., Jr. Attitudes
Note 2; Hendel, Note 3; Hendel & Rounds, towards mathematics among participants in a math
Note 4); (b) the large disparity between fe- anxiety program. Unpublished manuscript, June
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courses can best be explained by other more ter, University of Minnesota, 9 Clarence Avenue SE,
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O. Box 1113, Palo Alto, California 94302.)
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not yet demonstrated incremental validity sented at Division 17 symposium—Mathematics
beyond that of trait and state (test) anxiety Anxiety + Counseling Psychology = An Exponential
measures, measures of mathematics atti- Challenge—held at the 85th annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, San Francisco,
tudes, self-estimates of abilities, and previ- August 1977. (Available from N. Betz, Department
ous mathematics preparation and perfor- of Psychology, Ohio State University, 1945 North
mance (Aiken, 1970, 1976; Callahan & High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43210.)

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