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Title of the presentation – Exercise 2.1.


No. 1 – Using both printed and electronic media, research on the current relationship
between China and the Philippines. Consider the economic, political, and social factors


SLIDE TITLE: Developing a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship.

The 1970s: the Philippine government maintained a close relationship with Taiwan, and
the People’s republic of China was regarded as a security threat.


To promote bilateral relations planning and stimulate the exchange of state

governance experiences, both countries resolved to develop a comprehensive strategic
cooperative relationship. Until the 1970s, the Philippine government maintained a close
relationship with Taiwan, which was ruled by the Kuomintang (Republic of China). On
the other hand, China (People's Republic of China) was regarded as a security threat.

1975: the Joint Communiqué between China and the Philippines

 A rising Philippines-China trade relationship


On June 9, 1975, the presidents of the two countries signed the Joint
Communiqué (an agreement or proclamation) establishing diplomatic relations. In
general, relations between China and the Philippines have evolved smoothly over the
last 34 years, with substantial achievements in all areas of bilateral cooperation.

The Philippines-China trade relationship is not only strong but also rising. This
marked the start of a substantial cultural influence and contribution in the Philippines.


2012: The West Philippine Sea, territorial disputes

 The Naval standoff over the Scarborough Shoal


Territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea have dominated relations between
the Philippines and China in recent months, particularly since the April 2012 naval
standoff over the Scarborough Shoal.

2019: Chinese ships swarm Philippine-controlled areas

 Illegal harvesting of endangered clams under the protection of Philippine

 Duterte waged war against China if the illegal harvesting failed to cease.


Chinese ships employed a cabbage strategy to swarm Philippine-controlled areas in

the South China Sea, according to international satellites and local media in April 2019.
Following complaints, it was discovered that Chinese ships were illegally harvesting
endangered huge clams while under the protection of Philippine sovereignty.

Teddy Locsin Jr., the Philippines' Secretary of Foreign Affairs, condemned the
incident as a planned "embarrassment" directed at the Philippines. President Duterte
warned China a few days before the Philippines' Independence Day in 2019 that if it
continued to claim disputed resources, the country would go to war.


Territorial integrity vs. Resolving Conflict

 Despite their diametrically opposed geopolitical and security goals, the

Philippines and China must interact as neighbors.
 Philippines-China bilateral ties must be strengthened.
 China supports the Philippines’ war on drugs


While maintaining territorial integrity is essential, a country must also seek additional
benefits and reciprocal gains from its neighbors. Despite their diametrically opposed
geopolitical and security goals, the Philippines and China must interact as neighbors.

As a consequence of collaborative efforts and mutual trust, both China and the
Philippines agreed that bilateral ties had strengthened and accelerated.

China has voiced its strong support for the Philippine government's efforts to combat
illicit drugs and drug-related crimes, as well as its desire to expand cooperation in areas
such as the battle against drug and substance smuggling.


The Hague's Permanent Court of Arbitration

 Tension arose as Benigno Aquino III filed a lawsuit against Beijing in The
Hague's Permanent Court of Arbitration over a territorial dispute in the South
China Sea.
 The Philippines and China sign a memorandum of understanding.


The Philippines' president was glad that the two nations' relationships had been
restored following a period of stress caused by the previous president, Benigno Aquino,
who filed a lawsuit against Beijing in The Hague's Permanent Court of Arbitration over a
territorial dispute in the South China Sea.

China and the Philippines agreed to examine marine cooperation, including oil and
gas development, as well as the sustainable use of minerals, energy, and resources,
after signing a memorandum of understanding.


2016: Strengthening the Philippines-China economic relationship

 Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Philippines in 2016.


The Philippines-China economic relationship has strengthened since Rodrigo

Duterte was elected President of the Philippines in 2016.

The Philippines gained considerable exchange gains during President Duterte's

State Visit to China a year ago, with venture and credit line guarantees reaching US$ 24
billion, about twice the underlying figure declared.


No. 2 – Discuss the impact of Chinese culture on contemporary Philippine society and
compare it with the impact of Chinese culture on 19th century Philippines.


 Chinese and the Chinese Mestizos as part of social change in 19 th century

 A Chinese Mestizo subculture created Filipino characteristics that are prominent
in Manila and larger towns.

The Chinese and the Chinese mestizos have been a big part of the foundation of the
nationality and a fight for social change during the 19 th century Philippines. During the
Spanish occupation, Chinese settlers alongside us Filipinos were considered Indios.
The Chinese and Chinese Mestizos aided us Filipinos in bringing down Spanish rule
and claiming back our nation’s freedom.

Because of this, the Chinese mestizos was a big part of creating a Filipino culture
characteristic that is now prominent in Manila and larger towns. The most prominent
and densely populated by Chinese settlers at the time was Binondo, Manila. This district
is found at the hear of Manila. Catholic Chinese were initially placed here by the
Spaniards and they were allowed to trade and barter.


 The impact of Chinese cuisine to Filipino culinary arts

 The modern family structure is also heavily influenced by the Chinese


Chinese culture can also be seen on the impacts it has on the culinary arts aspect of
the Philippine culture. Dishes like rice cake, noodles (Pancit), etc. Over the years, we
have also adopted some distinct tastes that are found in Chinese cuisine. We Filipinos,
found a loving towards sweet, sour, salty, and savory tastes among many of our dishes
and delicacies.

The family structure that is in use now was also heavily influenced by the Chinese
family structure. The honorifics “Ate” and “Kuya” originates from Chinese words “Ko” for
older brother and “Achi” for an older sister. This also includes the tradition of having
close family ties aside from the sibling hierarchy.


 A business-minded culture and the Philippine Economy

 Bringing honor to oneself, and one’s family


The Chinese culture of being business minded also impacted the contemporary
Philippine society and its economics. Most Filipino elites today are descendants of
Chinese mestizos and usually have a Chinese bloodline. This provides the impacts of
Chinese culture in the modern Philippine economy.

The tradition of adopting to your family’s reputation is also an influence of the

Chinese culture. Bringing honor to your family as a child is a must while bringing
dishonor, usually from disobedience, aggression, or antisocial behavior, is something
that should be avoided.

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