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Exercise 1. Identify the number of the morphemes in each of the given words.

Complete the table given below.

No. of morphemes
1 replay 2 (re- and play)
2 date 1
3 antedate 2 (-ante and date)
4 Hygiene 1
5 Weak 1
6 weaken 2
7 Man 1
8 Manly 2
9 Keep 1
10 Keeper 2
11 Able 1
12 Unable 2
13 Honest 1

Exercise 2. Indentify the bound morpheme(s) in each of the given words.

Complete the table given below.
1 Speaker - er
2 Kingdom
3 Phonemic
4 Selective
5 Delivery
6 Dreamed
7 Undone
8 revise
9 Intervene

Exercise 3. Underline the base in each of the given words.

Womanly Unlikely
Endear Pre-war
Failure Subway
Famous Falsify
Exercise 4. Identify the meaning of the affix in each of the given words.
1. antedate The prefix ante- means ‘before’
2. Replay The prefix re- means “again”
3. Manly The suffix –er means ‘having the qualities of’ or ‘a
suffix form
4. Keeper The suffix –er means “ a person who..”
5. Unable The prefix un- means “not”
6. Rainy The suffix –y means ‘made up of or characterized
7. Cheapest The suffix –est means “superlative”
8. subway The prefix sub- means “at a lower position”
9. Import The prefix im- means ‘into, towards’
10. maltreat The prefix mal- means ‘bad’

Exercise 5. Identify the meaning of the bound base in the given sets of words.
Complete the table given below.
1 Audience, audible, audition and The bound base audi- means ‘hear’
2 Suicide, patricide, matricide and The bound base cide- means ‘killing’
3 Oral, orate, oration, oracle and The bound base ora- means ‘mouth’ or
oratory ‘speak’
4 Aquaplane, aquarium, aquatic and The bound base aqua- means ‘water’
5 Mortuary, moribund, mortal and The bound base mor- means ‘death’ or
immortal ‘dead’
6 Corporation, corporeal, corps and The bound base corp- means either
corpse ‘the whole physical body of a human
being or an animal’ or ‘group of people
working or acting as a unit’
7 Tenable, tenant, tenure and tenacious The bound base ten- means ‘hold’
8 Manuscript, manacle, manual and The bound base man- means ‘hand’
9 Eject, inject, reject and projectile The bound base ject- means ‘throw’ or
10 Pendulum, suspender, pendant and The bound base pend- means ‘hang’
Exercise 6: Identify the meaning of the bound base in each of the given words
and then give as many words with the same bound base as you can. Complete
the table given below.

1. revise –vise = ‘see’ devise, visible, visionary,

(tele)vision, visibility,
(audio)visual, supervise, etc.
2. contradict –dict = ‘say’ dictate, dictator, dictation, diction,
dictum, contradict, contradiction,
contradictory, contradictorily, etc.
3. regress -gress = ‘go’ regressive, regression, progress,
progressive, progression, egress,
4. intervene -vene = ‘come’ intervene, intervening, convene,
contravene, supervene
5. recur -cur = ‘run’ occur, recurrence, current,
6. inspect -spect = ‘look’ spectacles, prospect, perspective,
7. oppose -pose = ‘place’ or depose, propose, deposit, impose
8. rodent rod- = ‘gnaw’ erode, erosion, erosive
9. portable port- = ‘carry’ deport, transport, portage
1 rupture rupt- = ‘break’ erupt, abrupt, corrupt, interrupt
1 annual ann- = ‘year’ annuity, annuitant, anniversary
1 bigamy -gamy = polygamy
2. ‘marriage’

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