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A Guide to the Philippines

Is Philippines in your “places-to-go-before-I-die” bucket list? May it be for recreational,

travel, or educational purposes, I assure you that you will never regret visiting our beautiful
country. But before preparing those luggages, you may want to have an overview about the
Philippines and the culture of the Filipino people first.
The Philippines is a country situated in the South East Asia surrounded by the huge
waters of Pacific Ocean. The climate here is tropical so there’s no need to bring those thick
sweaters (unless you’ll go to Baguio or Tagaytay, or you will visit the country during September
up to the last month where the temperature is quite low). The country is also home for diverse
species of fauna and flora which comprises two-thirds of the Earth’s biodiversity. Astonished
with the things you’ve learned? Wait until you’ll read more surprising facts about our country.
The country has been colonized by so many countries. The longest is Spain which
occupied in our lands for 333 years. As a result, the physical features, traditions, cultures, beliefs,
and languages of our colonizers are present in our way of life right now. The Spaniards
established Christianity in the country making Philippines as the only Christian country in Asia.
During the pre-colonial period, the Philippines has its own political system led by a datu
in a certain balangay (now called barangay). Hunting, farming, and fishing are mostly the source
of their livelihood. Men do the job and women do the household chores.
When it comes to beliefs and traditions, the Philippines boasts its rich culture. Let’s just
take for example the numerous languages that exist in the country. Yes, you read it right.
Numerous! In fact, as of 2020, we have 120 to 187 languages that are still being used. The
division of the country (separated by large bodies of water) into its three largest islands, namely:
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, is the main reason for this. There are also many ethnic groups in
our country; each having different beliefs, traditions, languages, and practices.
Here are also some of the interesting facts about the Philippines…
 Philippines has been colonized by so many countries (with Spain being the longest) so
that’s why some of their physical features, traditions, cultures, beliefs, and languages are
present in our way of life right now.
 Majority of the Filipinos are Christians. Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia.
 Our national language, Filipino¸ is a mixture of so many dialects and languages in our
country. Our second language is English.
 Filipinos adds “po” and “opo” in their sentences as a form of respect to the one they’re
talking to. The words don’t have any translation in English or in any languages.
 Pagmamano or the “honoring gesture” is also use to show respect and addressing people
who are older than you.

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