Change in Health and Social Care 1747525

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Table of Contents

Analysis of factors which drive change...........................................................................................2

Underpinning theories of change management...............................................................................3

Approaches, tools, and techniques...................................................................................................3

Importance of effective change management..................................................................................4

Creation of a plan and implementation of effective change............................................................4

Relevant tools and techniques to apply and manage change...........................................................4

Development of a plan.....................................................................................................................5

Measures to monitor and evaluate progress.....................................................................................5

Stakeholder analysis........................................................................................................................6

Relevant strategies...........................................................................................................................6

Effectiveness of quality systems, policies, and procedures.............................................................6

Factors influence the achievement of quality..................................................................................7

Suggestion of ways..........................................................................................................................7



This report will focus to identify and evaluate the many factors which lead to facilitate the many
changes within the health and social care sectors. This will present and analyze driving change
within the organizations of health and social care. This will determine the many changes within
the case of sector services strategies as well as criteria which are particularly developed in
relation to measuring the all changes. This will explain the approaches, tools, and techniques
which support the process of change and how change within the sector is planned and how recent
changes are monitored in organization of health and social care. Quyanna care center is
recognized as the health and social care organization which provides the social care services to
residents. Many home activities includes offering enough level of support to elderly as well as
psychically disabled people and which are not capable to independently by assisting them to
easily carry out the daily duties. There has been some of the unreliable delivery of care which
has bought the changes and improvements (Nortonsoundhealth, 2021). One of the most
important changes in relation to Quyanna care center refers to set the important legislations and
change within the modes of delivery. Changes within demographic level and cultural level and
also within the equipment as well as facilities factors lead to change which will be explained
within the report.

Analysis of factors which drive change

Among the main factor contributing to a change within the case of Quyanna care center is
legislation. Legislation of government are effectively considered to be persistently which
emerging since government is looking to improve services of health and social care. There are
many legislation changes that have led to influence the activities of Quyanna care center. There
has been regular level of advancement within the technology. Employees within the case of
Quyanna care center requires to utilize the internet as well as many other applicable techniques
relation to create the crucial healthcare decisions. Advancement within the technology has forced
the care providers like Quyanna care center to train more as per the advancement. In relation to
social factors demographic influence like trends of lifestyle, religions, consciousness of health,
and attitudes of services users have the role in change. Nature of care is that preferences of

patients are important and all these preferences influences how care if provided to individuals
relied on the beliefs as well as many other social elements (Nortonsoundhealth, 2021).

Underpinning theories of change management

One of the effective change management theories is John Kotter that presents the change
management within the eight step model. As per the Kotter change takes place to compromise
two situation as well as emotional components within the relation to facilitate a change. Model
focuses in understanding the reason of employee suppression as well as emotion. In every stage
of change organization like Quyanna care center needs to understand and identify the and wisely
to deal with many emotions which are linked to change among employees such as exhaustion
and anxiety. Another important theory is Adakar change model theory (Rowe, and Hogarth,
2015). On the basis of theory organization like Quyanna care center needs to carry awareness
that conveys easily requirement for change. This includes focus on issues that employee face
within the change event. Important step which highlighted through the model is evaluating the
change within the organization which is created possible by identification of percentage of those
particularly adhering to change by actions such as meeting as well as training done through

Approaches, tools, and techniques

Stakeholder analysis is important approach which have proved to be enough effective in relation
to support the change process. Analysis will support in identify the employees which are willing
to get involved within the case of change. Names are organized as well as categorized into
groups relied on the involvement. It is important to understand stakeholder response to situation
and involve within the procedure of change (Russell, et al., 2012). Force field analysis is also
recognized as the barrier and aids analysis. This is significant decision making tool. It will
remain effective in relation to identify and evaluate the forces for Quyanna care center against
the procedure of change or application of proposed resolution. Culture mapping is important
technique which is utilized to effectively visualize the organization culture that is affected
through the many values, norms, behavior of employees, etc. This will remain effective for
Quyanna care center to discover the many kinds of informations which is critical to initiative of

change such as who are positive level enables as well as how it can reduce the level of risk
during a project.

Importance of effective change management

General significance of the change management in relation to service provision is that it tends to
improve the chance of success (Skinner, 2012). This enables to determine the segment which
needs to be monitored. Assumptions are made easily as per the assessment of services provision
that fully rely on effective change management. Effective change management in relation to
Quyanna care center will enable to achieve the long-time goals and short time gaols with enough
level of clarity. This will support to develop the criteria in relation to completely monitor and
determine the important method of measurement in relation to many focal points that are
valuable within the case of the service provision of Quyanna care center. Effective change
management enables to develop the loyal base of employee within the organization to get the
enough involvement within the procedure and eliminate the any resistance.

Creation of a plan and implementation of effective change

Creation of a plan and implementation of effective change in relation to Quyanna care center will
remain effective to allocate the many duties and monitor the level of progress. Identification of
development requirements of employee support easily promoting the necessary and positive
within the employees that is the significant component within the process of change.
Implementation of workforce planning model can be easily utilized in relation to identifying the
change direction of Quyanna care center. This will remain effective to know the requirements of
employees. It needs to identify necessary data that concerns present as well as future workforce,
created strategy from data, creating effectively from data, easily planning the approach and
analysing the plan (Leape, 2014).

Relevant tools and techniques to apply and manage change

There are many relevant tools and techniques in relation to apply and manage a change (Lucas
Jr, et al., 2013). One of them is flowcharts as well as process maps which work as the simple
way in relation to visualize what is changing exactly. In relation to Quyanna care center is will

start through mapping present workflow and employees within it and compare that to the “to-be”
map that presents the new flows of work once chance is applied. It creates the easiness for
individuals to see about what is regularly changing as well as how is influences them. Risk
assessment and contingency planning will work as an important tool or technique eliminate level
of risk entirely but to clarify what presents the acceptable risk level for a company and keep level
of risks in those explained limits. This will remain effective within the case of Quyanna care
center to compare the level of risk linked with specific action course.

Development of a plan
Development of a plan in relation to Quyanna care center will include the preparation regarding
the change through supporting the employees in recognize and understand the requirement for
change. In relation to embrace the change leaders within the case of Quyanna care center will
work with the realistic approach to ensure agility and flexibility. Implementation of change will
include the necessary step in relation to outline the needed change. Repeated level of
communication will enable to ensure the group members that change is being pursued (Lindberg,
et al., 2013). Once initiative of change has been completed then leaders of the change will
prevent the reversion to quo of state of prior state. Initiative of change in relation to Quyanna
care center will be completed through completing the important analysis and review the level of
success, failure, or mixed result. It will provide the valuable insights as well as lesion which can
be easily leveraged within the case of future change efforts.

Measures to monitor and evaluate progress

Quyanna care center is capable to develop the many techniques which will enable to monitor and
evaluate the effect of changes to it. It can be accomplished by completing the surveys as well as
interviews. It will remain effective to complete the survey and necessary questionnaires which
include the serial question that will be asked. Survey will create the easiness to determine
occurrence level of change if they are appropriate and meet the requirement. Effective of change
in relation to Quyanna care center can be measured by implementation of approaches like
number of services users with employee satisfaction and improvement in response time of
Quyanna care center. For instance, improvement within the provision of service through
Quyanna care center can be easily measured through the user satisfaction. Organizational

response time can be easily implemented in easily measuring the changes impact. Waiting time
has been minimized before introduction of technique that applied present changes in home have
high level of impact within the service delivery (Loke, Laurenson, and Lee, 2014).

Stakeholder analysis
Steeps which followed in relation to the stakeholder analysis involve the stakeholders
identification, prioritizing the employees through assessment of identified people and creating
the readiness change matrix that support in identify the any action that influence the change
(Aindow, 2010). This will remain signification within relation of Quyanna care center to
understand every key stakeholder and response to some conditions and how best to include them
within the procedure of change. Important stakeholders are that that have the high level of
synergy as well as minimal level of antagonism within the relation to Quyanna care center. After
identification plan of communication will remain effective to allocate the many liabilities and
monitor the progress. Identification of development requirements will enable the employees to
easily promote effective and positive change within the employee as the significant component
within the procedure of change.

Relevant strategies
Extensive analysis as well as evaluation of environment in relation to organization will remain
important strategies in relation to manage the any resistance to change within the organizations
(Waterman, et al., 2015). To be enough capable to easily measure the level of existing change
linked to management of existing services within the case of Quyanna care center. It will remain
link with the reduction of patient waiting time and improving the experience level of residents.
Implementation of criteria will remain important resolution of challenges which take place when
organizational services are on demand and easily identify.

Effectiveness of quality systems, policies, and procedures

Effectiveness of quality systems, policies, and procedures in relation to Quyanna care center
refers to provide the long-time care to elders from Bering Strait region, enabling them to easily
live close to home while providing the high quality medical as well as personal care. Employees

ensures to work as per the quality systems, polices, and procedures to maintain the safety and
environment of home. Quality systems, policies, and procedures ensure that resident gain easily
good quality care [ CITATION Nor21 \l 1033 ].

Factors influence the achievement of quality

Factors like patients socio-demographic as well as severity of illness influence the patients
(Zaforteza, et al., 2015). Different kinds of professions provide the service to patients with many
varying requirements. These provide the service at different level as factors vary like
experiences, capabilities of individual, and personalities. These have the own explanation of
quality and follow the particular ways in relation to accomplish it. Physician competence like
knowledge and skills depends on the knowledge as well as technical skills of practitioners. This
is the most significant factor that lead to influence the work quality are level of knowledge,
expertise, commitment, and assessing the patient appropriately.

Suggestion of ways
There are many ways in which health as well as social care services could easily improve the
level of service provision quality (Cameron, and Green, 2019). One of them is collection of
necessary data and evaluates the outcomes of patient. Quyanna care center through set the
necessary objectives and regularly commit to the on-going analysis. This will also remain
effective to improve the access level to care. Focus on the effective patient engagement will
work as the best advocate. Connection and collaboration with others will improve the quality of
care with regular research. Creation of a balanced group will enable to include the members from
many different backgrounds with varied knowledge and experience. Involvement of human
factors inputs will enable to link closely qualitative practices. Creation of the executable plan
will remain important to achieve the objectives within the timely as well as effective manner
achievable plan of improvement. In the end communication of goals and progress will enable to
achieve the milestones (Mukherjee, 2019).

In the limelight of the discussion it can be concluded that change leads to influence the
organization as a whole. This discussion has analyzed the factors which lead to drive the change.
Explanation of underpin the theories of change management. It has included the approaches,
tools, and techniques that support process of change. Importance of effective change
management in relation to service provision has been explained within the report. Creation of
plan and application of effective change in relation to Quyanna care center has been explained. It
has included the evaluation and selection of relevant tools and techniques in relation to apply and
manage change. Development of plan to apply the change within the Quyanna care center has
been involved. It has included the measures in relation to monitor and measure resistance to
change within the organizations. Evaluation about the effectiveness of quality systems, policies,
and procedures utilized within the case of Quyanna care center has been explained. Analysis of
factors has been presented that lead to influence the quality within the provision of health and
social care. In the end it has described the ways in which health and social care services which
present the service provision quality.

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