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Legislative Support Organizations

National Assembly Phone Number : +82-2-788-2114

Legislative support organizations play an active role in strengthening the authority of the
National Assembly Main Homepage :
National Assembly and supporting its functions.
The National Assembly Television History
broadcasts a message of of the National Assembly hope to the people
National Assembly Secretariat (NAS) National Assembly Budget Office (NABO)
National Assembly TV
Constituent Assembly Building
The National Assembly Television (NATV), a public broadcasting station (former Central Government Complex)
May 31, 1948 – June 27, 1950
set up in May 2004 to satisfy the people’s right to know, provides a wide September 21, 1953 – May 30, 1954
range of impartial information on the National Assembly’s activities, policy

The National Assembly Budget Office was founded to formulate policies aimed issues and legislative information.
at enhancing parliamentary expertise in examining the budget and settlement of ac- The basic principle of NATV is to broadcast live major Plenary Sessions,
Established concurrently with the Constituent Assembly, the National Assembly counts, as well as checking and monitoring the executive branch. NABO contributes committee meetings and hearings in an objective and impartial manner,
“Mudeokjeon” at Gyeongnam Provin-
Secretariat has been with the National Assembly throughout its history. The function to stronger fiscal control of the National Assembly by conducting analysis on the with no editing or adjustments made to the programs. NATV transmits not cial Government Office Building
of the Secretariat is to support overall legislative and parliamentary activities of As- budget bill and settlement of accounts, economic outlook at home and abroad, and only such meetings, but also reports on various legislation and current is- (Temporary National Assembly Building)
sembly Members and take care of administrative work of the National Assembly. economic and fiscal policies, and undertaking tax system analysis, tax revenue es- sues with swiftness and accuracy, and suggests high-level alternative policy June 1951 – September 1953

From the registration and handling of legislative bills and petitions, assisting the timation, major national program evaluation and mid-and long-term fiscal demand measures. Furthermore, informative programs including cultural programs
Assembly meetings, deliberation on bills, budget and settlement of accounts, and analysis. In particular, NABO is committed to conducting research and analyses on and documentaries are also available to the viewers.
investigation as well as inspection of state administration to providing support for various policies and cost estimates for bills upon rising requests by Assembly Mem-

National Assembly Televison

parliamentary diplomacy, and promotion of National Assembly Broadcasting Station bers or committees, and sharing up-to-date information and analysis techniques with
(NATV) services and the National Assembly, the Secretariat supports all dimensions other organizations through external cooperation.
Taepyongno National Assembly
of legislative and parliamentary activities.
Building, Seoul (Currently the Seoul
Furthermore, it drafts bills as required by lawmakers and provides diverse legisla- National Assembly Research Service (NARS) Metropolitan Council) The National Assembly of
tive information by presenting an expert review on the bills examined. June 9, 1954 – July 9, 1975
The Republic of Korea

National Assembly Library (NAL)

The National Assembly Library collects, arrang-
es, analyzes and processes reference materials 1975
including general books, dissertations and multi-
Yeouido National
media data to provide Members with a variety of The National Assembly Research Service was launched to establish the National Assembly Building
legislative information and the public with access Assembly’s own independent and professional knowledge and information network, September 22, 1975 – Present
to its vast resources, serving as treasure house of and respond to Members’ increasing demands for research and analyses as they are
knowledge and information. engaged in more legislative activities.
NAL supports information search and data re- NARS performs activities including research and analyses of legislation and poli-
trieval, researches and translates foreign legisla- The path that the National Assembly has taken
cies, response to inquiries for research and analyses by Members and committees,
tion and materials, provides Policy Tracking Service Liberation of the country came with the end of World War II on August 15, 1945,
identification of the government’s illegal activities as well as areas where policy im-
that contains both reports and relevant materials and because Korea remained a divided country, the Constituent Assembly was
provement is needed, provision of information regarding Members’ Study Groups, and
covering the entire policy-making process from opened by South Korea alone on May 31, 1948. Comprised of 198 Assembly Members
analysis on trends of foreign legislation as well as provision of relevant information.
planning to evaluation, and establishes Internet in total, the Constituent Assembly passed a resolution on the founding Constitution
Resource DB, thereby making it easier to perform and promulgated it based on a unicameral legislature and the presidential system
legislative activities. In addition, the materials are Staff of Assembly Members and policy researchers of in one and a half months since its inception. By electing the first President through
accessible even at nighttime without any restric- a negotiation group indirect voting, it set up the foundation to establish the government of the Republic
tions through the late-night material reservation system. As part of NAL’s academic Staff of Assembly Members supports individual lawmakers in their activities re- of Korea on August 15 of the same year.
information cooperation activities, one may read and print out the original database lated to legislation, budget and settlement Since the opening of the Constituent Assembly up to the present, as the represen-
he or she can get by visiting the National Assembly Library from government agen- of accounts, government interpellation ses- tative body of the people, the National Assembly led the progress of parliamentary
cies, local assemblies, nationwide universities and research institutions listed on the sions, and investigation and inspection of democracy through upheaval and ordeals at home and abroad, such as the 1950-53
NAL official homepage, which signed the Agreement on the Mutual Cooperation for state administration. Policy researchers of Korean War, the April 19 Student Revolution of 1960, May 18 Gwangju Democratiza-
Electronic Information with the National Assembly Library. the negotiation group support Members of tion Movement of 1980, the June 10 Democratic Struggle of 1987 and the Asian
The National Assembly Library is open to anyone older than 18 years of age and each negotiation group in their legislative Financial Crisis in December 1997, and is striving to create a wider forum for demo-
college students. activities. cratic discussions and realize parliamentary politics that is productive.

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Members of the National Assembly Activities

The National Assembly constitutes Members elected by the people The National Assembly is at the center of state administration.

Legislative activities that make laws Financial activities that deliberate on and review Oversight and checking of the executive branch for right Parliamentary diplomacy that promotes Korea and serves
the national budget policy-making process national interests
The National Assembly is a cradle of parliamentary democracy where law is made The National Assembly oversees the national budget and supervises its adminis- The job of the National Assembly is to supervise the executive by means of inves- Parliamentary diplomacy pursued by the National Assembly aimed at discussing
and policies formulated based on various opinions of the public. It deliberates on tration by deliberating on budget bills and settlement of accounts submitted by the tigation and inspection of state administration, and confirmation hearing. Respective major diplomatic issues at hand contributes to establishing the peace regime on the
motions including legislative bills, budget bills and settlement of accounts. Mem- executive for transparent and fair management of national finances. The government standing committees of the National Assembly investigate the overall state of na- Korean Peninsula, improving mutual understanding, and enhancing cooperation among
bers of the National Assembly and the Government are entitled to propose or submit drafts and presents a budget bill to the Assembly, and then relevant Standing Com- tional administration for 20 days during the regular session on an annual basis, while countries.
legislative bills. mittees examine the bill before it undergoes to a comprehensive examination by the a special committee or standing committee inspects specific matters of national con- Inter-parliamentary diplomacy takes the form of official invitations, courtesy calls,
Special Committee on Budget and Accounts. The final step is for the budget bill to be cern upon the request of the Assembly membership. summit-level talks between parliaments, official overseas visits by parliamentarians,
| Procedures for deliberating on legislative bills | sent to the Plenary for a vote. The Assembly deliberates the settlement of accounts Candidates for major posts including Prime Minister, Chief Justice of the Supreme exchange of visits between inter-parliamentary councils, and hosting of and participa-
to confirm whether or not the government has executed budget bills approved the Court, President of the Constitutional Court, and Chairman of the Board of Audit and tion in international conferences. The Korean National Assembly has played a pivotal
previous year with due process and in a reasonable manner. Inspection are subject to confirmation hearings to verify qualifications before ap- role in displaying Korea’s potential and strength to the entire world by hosting and at-
Bill introduction (Submission) pointment. tending large-scale international conferences including Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU),
Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF), Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union(APPU)
and G20 Seoul Speakers’ Consultation.
Examination by the relevant standing committees

Examination of legality and wording by the

Legislation and Judiciary Committee

 Digital Plenary Chamber

299 Members representing the people Plenary Session, Committees, and Negotiation Groups Deliberation in the Plenary Session
The Assembly is composed of 299 Members elected to a four-year term, among Major organizations composed of Members of the National Assembly include
whom 245 Members are elected from single-member constituencies, while the remain- Plenary Session, Committees, and Negotiation Groups. The Plenary Session consist-
ing 54 Members gain office through the proportional representation system. The Mem- ing of the entire membership is convened to deliberate and vote on all the items Transfer to the Government ▲ Special Committee on Investigation
bers are subject to the duty to maintain integrity and decency, to give priority to national introduced and submitted to the National Assembly. A committee is comprised of into the Sinking of the South Korean
interests, and are prohibited from engaging in conflict of interests and from holding several lawmakers to conduct preliminary deliberation of a bill prior to being brought Warship Cheonan

concurrent offices. Assemblymen are also entitled to the right to enjoy parliamentary before the Plenary. The Assembly forms 16 Standing Committees and 2 Permanent ▲ Association of Secretaries General
Promulgation ◀ Government officials present at the
immunity against apprehension and liability for their speech in the National Assembly. Special Committees. Each Member, except the Speaker, sits on the Standing Com- of Parliaments
National Assembly
One Speaker and two Vice Speakers are elected by the Plenary Session through mittee depending on his or her special interest and expertise.
secret vote to serve a two-year term each. As the leader of the legislative body, the Negotiation Groups exist to facilitate the proceedings of the National Assembly.
Speaker represents the National Assembly, presides over the Plenary Session and Any political party with 20 or more Assembly Members may organize a separate
oversees the administration of the National Assembly. To maintain impartiality in negotiation group, while 20 or more Members who do not belong to a specific nego-
proceedings, the Speaker is not allowed to affiliate with any political party during his tiation group may join together to form a negotiation group of their own.
or her term of office. In case the Speaker is unable to carry out the duties within his
or her term, a Vice Speaker reserves the right to act in his or her place.

| Convocation of the National Assembly | | 16 Standing Committees and 2 Permanent Special Committees |
Sessions of the National Assembly consist of regular session and extraordinary ses- •House Steering Committee •Knowledge Economy Committee
sion. The regular session convenes on September 1st of each year and may not exceed •Strategy and Finance Committee •Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Committee
100 days, while extraordinary sessions meet in even-numbered months (except August, •Public Administration and Security Committee •Special Committee on Budget and Accounts
•Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Com- •National Policy Committee ◀ The National Assembly where
October and December) beginning the first day of each month upon the request of the
mittee •National Defense Committee there are argument, compromise,
President of the Republic or a quarter or more of the entire membership and may not
•Environment and Labor Committee •Culture, Sports, Tourism, Broadcasting and research and discussion
exceed 30 days. The Plenary decides on the session, which may be extended. A session
•Gender Equality and Family Committee Communications Committee
refers to the period from convocation to closing in which the National Assembly can
•Legislation and Judiciary Committee •Health and Welfare Committee
conduct its activities, and the session is decided by the Plenary immediately upon con- •Foreign Affairs, Trade and Unification Committee •Intelligence Committee
vocation. Committees operate regardless of whether or not the Plenary is in session. •Education, Science and Technology Committee
▲ G20 Seoul Speakers’ Consultation
•Special Committee on Ethics

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