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According to a general classification, numbers are classified according to the use

in two main groups.

1. The ordinal numbers.-

         They are used to indicate order or position. Some of them are:

1st.   First                                               6th.  Sixth

2nd.  Second                                         7th.  Seventh

3rd.  Third                                              8th.  Eighth

4th.  Fourth                                           9th.  Ninth

5th.  Fifth                                               10th.    Tenth

2. The cardinal numbers.-

         These types of numbers are used to indicate quantity. Example:

  3 Three                           100 One hundred

                     13 Thirteen                       1.000 One thousand

                     30 Thirty                            1.000.000 One million

Note: Years are read by pairs.


……………………………………………………..  …


1. Which are the groups of numbers?

R. the ordinal number ther cordinal number

2. Which group indicates quantity?

R the cardinal number

3. How many groups of numbers are named?

R. two groups ordinal cardianl

4. Which group is used to indicate position?

R.the ordinal

5. What are the cardinal numbers used for?

R:used to indicate quantity

6. What is read by pairs?


7. What according are numbers classified?

R:ordinal cardinal

8. Which is the first lesson?



l. Write sentences using ordinal numbers.

Ex: My Second book is new.

    The Eighth computer in the laboratory is modern. 2ad book

2.the 8th the laboratory is

modern ..........................................................

II. Write sentences using Cardinal numbers.

Ex: This school has Thousand computers.

  Sometimes he eats Four apples.

1...this school has 1000 computers.....................................................

2..sometimes he eats 4 apples ...................................................................

III. Write these quantities.

Ex: 508= Five hundred eight

a) 739=seven hundred thirty nine

b) 90.745=ninety hundred seven hundred forty five

c) 862.453=eight hundred sixty two thousand four hundred fisty tree

d) 36. 922.517=thirty six million nine hundred twety two thousand five hhundred

e) 213.547.818=twelven thirtheen million nine hundred forty seven thousand eight

hundred eigthtenn

IV. Translate

1. The seventh color of my sweater is yellow =.el séptimo color de sueter es


2. The tenth student of the class is tall =el decimo alumno de la clase es alto

3. The fifth laboratory is of languages =el quinto laboratorio es de idiomas

4. Peter lives in the seventh building =piter vive en el séptimo edificio

5. We need four libraries in the school =necesitamos cuatro bibliotecas en la


6.  They have two dogs and three cats =tienen dos perros y tres gatos

7. My English book has two thousand pages =mi libro de ingles tiene dosmil

8. Necesitamos leer tres libros para el examen =we need to read three books

9. Mi segunda clase es  difícil secound class is difficult

10.La primera lección es fácil=..the first lesson is easy..


l. Write five sentences with cardinal numbers.

II. Write five sentences with ordinal numbers.

III. Write four quantities with nine digits

IV. Write sentences with:

-According -Use    -Some -Read -Quantity    -Pair -Main



Computers are electronic machines that process information at extremely

rapid rates.

         Like all machines, a computer needs to be directed and controlled in order
to perform a task successfully.

         It is programmed to work with different types of

information, not only numbers. It accepts data and
instructions as INPUT and after processing the
information it OUTPUT the results.

         Computers are able to communicate with the

user, doing the arithmetic operations and sometimes
taking decisions.

         The main advantage is that it can store vast

quantities of information in small space, and of course,
the retrieval is very fast.

         The most common computer in use today is the Personal Computer (PC)
which can operate, manipulate or process the information quickly and accurately.

         There are many methods to input data like disks, tapes and the keyboard
but the most common outputting device, besides the screen, is the printer


..........................................................  ............................................................

..........................................................  ............................................................


I. Write sentences with:

1. Perform= I can perform reports in classes

2. Task= my sister did her task in class

3. Able to= my boss is able to say goodbye

4. Store= I enter the play store from my cell

5. Retrieval=my dog is in Retrieval after the fight

6. Quickly=I quickly buy a drink

7. Accurately=I'm Accurately in class cants

II. Find the synonyms:                             Find the antonyms:

1. machine= apparatus                                         1.rapid=slow

2. information= communication                             2.input=exit

3. perform=  run                                                    3.small=big

4. accept=  receive                                                4.sometimes=forever

III. Questions

1. What does the computer process?

R: they process information at extremely fast speeds

2. What does it accept as input?

R; Accept data and instructions as INPUT and after processing the information
OUTPUT the results.

3. Which are the three main steps?

R: information store process

4. Why do computers need to be directed?

R:; a computer needs to be directed and controlled to perform a task successfully.

5. What does it output?

R: process information stores and processes

6. What is this machine able to?

R. Like all machines, a computer needs to be directed and controlled to perform a

7. Which is the main advantage?

R: The main advantage is that you can store large amounts of information in a small space
and, of course, the retrieval is very fast.

8. Which is the most common computer in use today?

R: Laptops. Laptops, notebooks, laptops, or whatever we like to call them, are the
most used alongside desktop computers.

9. What are printers?

R: The printer is an auxiliary object, which is connected to a central processing unit

of a computer, its function is to make a copy of those documents that have been
stored in an electronic format.

10. Which is the most common input device?

R: Keyboard is the most common and very popular input device that helps to input
data to the computer.

IV. Read these sentences and decide if they are True or False.

1. The computer is invaluable because it can make drawings.                T  F

2. Output means the results of computer processing.                            T  F

3. Input, processing and output is a procedure which belongs exclusively to

computing.                                                                                            T  F

4. A computer can arrange lists in alphabetical order.                        T  F

5. ROM is an internal memory.                                                                 T  F

6. We can store and retrieve information in the computer.                        T  F

7. It is advisable to buy a disk smaller than 2 Gigabytes.                           T  F

V. Complete with the following verbs:

  does       use   are   stores    is    reads

1.    Almost all computers........................31/2 in floppy disk.

2. RAM and ROM ..........are.................two types of memory.

2. The processor............................the component that actually...............the
2. The computer only..........................the information in ROM.
2. The hard-disk..............................your software.

V. Write the names of the computer components

 Reviews 1-2 and group work.



The first real calculating machine appeared in 1920 as the result of several

         The first digital computer was completed in 1944 by Howard Aiken and

some people from IBM Company.

         In 1946 appeared the first digital computer using parts called vacuum tubes,
this was called the first generation.

         In the 60´, the second generation of computers was developed which
performed works faster because of the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes.

         The third generation computers appeared on the market in 1965, these were
controlled by tiny integrated circuits and were consequently smaller and more


         Fourth generation computers arrived using reduced integrated circuits due
to micro-miniaturization which was called chip. A Chip is a square or rectangular
piece of silicon.

         The next revolution in microchip technology occurred in 1971 when Marcian
E. Hoff combined the basic elements of a computer on one tiny silicon chip, which
he called microprocessor.
         Today computer technology is growing and changing every day.


…………………………………           ……………………………...........

…………………………………           ……………………………...........


I. Say True or False

1. The abacus was faster than a calculator.                                T      F

2. As computers evolved, their size decreased and their dependability increased.                           

                                                                                                    T      F

3. Today, computers have more big components than previous computers.                                        

                                                                                                      T      F

4. Computer technology has developed to a point from which new developments in

the field will take a long time to come.                                    T      F

II. Find 4 synonyms and 4 antonyms.

1. .....................................................      1......................................................

2.......................................................      2.....................................................

3......................................................    3....................................................

4......................................................        4....................................................

IV Answer the questions.

1. How many generations are named?

2. When did the first calculating machine appear?

3. How do computers appear?

4. When did the microprocessor appear?

5. Which was the first company?

6. What was used in the first generation?

7. When were used ICs (integrated circuits)?

8. What is a chip?

9. When were used transistors?

10. What was used instead of integrated circuits?

V. Write five sentences with the vocabulary.

VI. Relate column A with column B.

 A                                                               B

1. to solve                                                 ........a) to give assistance

2. to store                                                 ........b) greatly reduced in size

3. vast                                                                   ........c) to find the solution

4. to help                                                  ........d) not complicated

5. simple                                                   ........e)benefit

6. miniaturized                                        ........f) to do operations

7. advantage                                                       ........g) to give

8. to process                                           ........h) very big

9. to provide                                             ........i) example: 1,2,3

10. numbers                                            ........j) to keep

VII.  COMPOSITION: Talk about any computer you know in 50 words.




These are useful elements which sometimes are known as peripheral devices. The
secondary memory devices are used to save and to input information or


 The earliest computers used Punched-cards, the information was stored as holes
which computer can read.The rectangular or circular punches  record data.

Next arrived the Magnetic tape, where the binary code is stored as electrical
charges. The quantity of information stored depends on the length as well its
density; obviously tapes were a faster medium for accessing information.

 Disks are much faster to use than tapes as the computer can read
information from anywhere on the disk, instantly. This is known as Random
Access”. It provides a large amount of storage and the quick retrieval of any stored

Disks are of two types: hard and floppy or diskettes. Floppy disks are thin
and made of plastic so they are light, flexible and inexpensive. Whereas hard disks
are made from rigid material  because it is a permanent part of the machine. They
hold more information than floppies and work faster too.

Dust and dirt can cause the recording condition to deteriorate.

 ……………………………………..   ………………………………………
……………………………………..   ………………………………………

I. Complete the following sentences:

1. Integration, integrate, integrated, integrating

a) Some computer manufactures have…………………….both input and output

devices into one terminal.

b) The success of any computer system depends on the ………………

of all its parts to form a useful whole.

c)…………………..input and output devices into one peripheral has              

reduced the area needed for a computer installation.

 2. Coordination, coordinate, coordinated, coordinating, coordinator.

a) The control unit of a processor …………………..the flow of information between

the arithmetic unit and the memory.

b) ……………………the many activities in a computer department is the job of a

department head.

c) The………………….of a language institute has assistants to help him with

the………………….of   many programs, timetables, space and students results.

   3. Division, divide, divisible.

a) It is often difficult for computer science students to ………………..their time up

proportionally between studying and programming.

b) Are all numbers …………………by three?

c) There is always a …………………. of labor within a computer company.

II. Questions
1…………………………………………………… ?

2……………………………………………………. ?

3……………………………………………………. ?

4……………………………………………………..   ?

5……………………………………………………..   ?



8……………………………………………………..   ?






Inside the computer there are two types of memory: RAM and ROM. They are the

internal memory banks or the main storage.

Read Only Memory is a permanent store of instructions telling the computer

how to work. The computer can only read the information in ROM, and you can not
change or put new information there. It is also known as a long term memory and
stays intact.

The other type of memory called Random Access Memory is where the
computer stores all data and instructions that receive from the input either through
the keyboard or by loading programs and data from disks or tapes. RAM is a short-
term memory- when the computer is switched off all the information disappears, so
if we want to use this information later we have to save it on a disk.
Microcomputers vary in the size of their RAM.

The quantity of information a computer can store and the speed it processes
the data are the two big variables in computers. But the basic architecture is the




 I. Questions about the text:

1.    Which are the computer memories?

2.    What information is lost when the computer is turned off?

3.    How can we load programs into RAM?

4.    Which is the characteristic of the ROM?

5.    How can the information of the RAM be saved?

6.    Which are the two big variables in computers?

7.    What does ROM mean?

 II. Let's practice our vocabulary making sentences with the following words:

  1.    Access                                                     7. To load

2.    Memory                                                    8. To Turn off

3.    Lost                                                           9. To receive

4.    Microprocessor                                       10. To retrieve

5.    Size                                                          11. Random

6.    variables                                                  12. Speed

III. Complete the correct words finding the synonyms:

* Remembrance.........                 M......................................   
* To accept.................                  R.......................................

* To recover..............                    R.......................................

* To record................                    S........................................

* To keep..................        S........................................

* To switch off..........                    T .......................................          

* Changeable.............                 V .......................................         

 IV. Word forms

1. Instruction, instruct, instructed, instructor

a) Our math.......................explained to us the principles of binary arithmetic.

b) We document our experiments very carefully

c) Both...........................and data have to be arranged before the computer can

operate on them.

 2. Description, describe, described

a) Our text included a brief............................of the many scientific procedures.

b) It is difficult to ..........................compound without referring to chemical elements.

 3. Specification, specify, specific, specified, specifically

a) Our company brought three packages with very..........................applications: payroll,

accounts receivable, and accounts payable.


*Match the word with their Spanish equivalents

1. deaf                               .........a) encender

2. blind                              .........b) un punto

3. to assist                        .........c) lenguaje de signos

4. turn on                          .........d) un dispositivo

5. turn off                          .........e) señal de televisión

6. sign language             .........f) sordo

7. a device                        .........g) ciego

8. a display                       .........h) ayudar

9. a television signal      .........i) efecto de sonido

10. a sound effect           .........j) una exhibición

11. a finger                       .........k) silla de ruedas

12. a wheelchair             .........l) un dedo

13. a dot                            .........m) apagar



Printers are the most common output devices which specially vary in speed,
size and cost.

Each printer has its strengths and weaknesses. For most people a laser

printer is the best.

Dot-matrix printers have a capability that neither inkjets nor lasers possess-
they can print on multi-part paper. They are noisy because they print by firing metal
pins onto an ink ribbon. The pins then press the ribbon against the paper to
produce the image. For this reason, they are also called impact printers.

Inkjets work by spraying either black or colored ink onto the paper. This
makes them virtually silent, but also accounts for their high running costs: ink
cartridges are expensive, although prices are falling. It is capable of producing
high-quality output.

Laser printers work like photocopiers. They use toner which adheres
electrostatically to the paper and is then fused at high temperatures to form the
image. This means that the copies come out quickly (at between 4 and 16 pages
per minute) and they are dry. Laser technology is now well established and,
despite their fast output, laser printers are very reliable.



I.  True or False

1. Ink-jet printers are cheaper than laser printers.                           ....................

2. The fastest type of printer is a dot-matrix.                                    


3. Laser printers produce the best letters.                                        


4. If you want to print in colour you need an inkjet printer. ....................

5. Laser printers can break down easily.                                          


II.Read the text quickly and answer these questions. Tick the correct answer.

1. Where is the text from?

a) An advertisement b)A magazine article c)An instruction manual

 2. What is the best title?

a)How to connect a printer to your PC b)How to use a printer

c)How do printers work                          d)Where to buy a printer

3. What kind of information can you find in this text?

a) The best place to buy a printer

b) Advantage of different types of printers

c) Different makes and models (Epson, Star, etc)

d) Description and comparison of different types of printer.

e) Relative costs of printers (which is cheaper to buy)

f) Information about how printers work

g) Instructions for using printers

III. Find in the text: Synonyms and Antonyms

IV. Match the English words with the Spanish translation.

Dirty_____________      Boring___________      Welding ____________

Painting___________   Heavy____________     Purpose_____________

Assembly__________   Touch____________     See_________________

Discard____________  Chess_____________  Smell_______________

Aburrido/ sucio/ propósito/ pesado/ pintar/ ver/ ensamblaje/ oler/ ajedrez/

soldadura/ descartar/ tacto.



Flowcharting indicates how a program is written. It indicates the logical path

the computer will follow in executing a program.

         It is a draw like a map, which is not restricted to a particular program or


         If the finished program does not run as it should, the errors are more easily
detected in the flowchart than in a maze of words, characters and numbers.

         To develop a flowchart successfully, a programmer should be aware of the

sequence of steps needed to obtain a correct solution to a problem.
         The following symbols should be used for the purpose of uniformity:

a) The first and last symbol                                          (oval)

b) The input/output symbol                                          (parallelogram)

c) The processing Symbol                                            (rectangular)

d) The taking decision symbol                                (diamond)

e) The arrows for direction

…………………………...........                ………………………………..
………………………………...                ………………………………….........


l. Match column A with column B to complete the steps.

                 A                                                    B

1. Before plugging in the computer,   -------a) on the hard disk or on a floppy     


2. If the computer is 110V,                -------b) to turn off the computer and


3. Turn on                                                -------c) plug it into the wall.

4. Start                                                      -------d) check if its voltage is 110V or220V.

5. If the computer is 220V.                    -------e) from your program.

6. Save your work                                   -------f) the CPU and peripherals.

7. Exit                                                        -------g) plug it into a transformer.

8. Don’t forget                                         -------h) your program and begin to

work .

II. Listen and write the questions and the answers.


2......................................................... ?......................................................

3......................................................... ?......................................................

4......................................................... ?......................................................

5......................................................... ?......................................................



III. Write sentences with:

1. Path=

2. Check=

3. Run=

4. Maze=

5. Develop=

6. Successfully=

7. Arrows=

 IV. Develop a flowcharting related with a common activity.




The internet, or Net, is an international network of computers that links

millions of computers around the world. The Net is used for sending and receiving
e-mail, swapping pictures and even programs between computers, shopping and
getting access to a vast amount of information on almost any topic.

          To access the Internet, it is necessary to have a PC, a modem, a telephone

line and a subscription to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). This server is a
powerful computer which is connected to the Internet. It also offers in line services
such as e-mail accounts and information services. E-mail accounts can be
accessed from anywhere in the world, from any computer that is connected to the



The most popular part of the Internet is the World Wide Web, also known as WWW
or the Web. These pages can even include sound, animation and video as well as
a text. 


 I.              Reading comprehension questions

1. What does WWW stand for?

2. Name five things you can use the internet for.
3. What is the internet?
4. What equipment is necessary to connect the internet?
5. What does ISP stand for?
6. What are short names used for the Internet, Electronic mail and World Wide
7. What do these pages include?
II.            Write:

Two advantages of the Internet:

Two disadvantages of the Internet
I.              Find 10 technical words
II.            Find the verbs and their tense

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