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The Perineum

Anatomy of the perineum

The Perineum
• Lies below the pelvic

• Diamond-shaped
The Perineum
• Borders:

– Symphysis pubis

– Tip of coccyx (posterior)

– Ischial tuberosities
The Perineum
• Divided into two (2)
triangles (by joining the
ischial tuberosities with
an imaginary line):

– Urogenital

– Anal
Urogenital and Anal Triangles
Male Female
Urogenital Triangle
• Contains urogenital

– Musculofascial
diaphragm that fills gap
of pubic arch

– Composed of sphincter
urethrae and deep
transverse perineal
Urogenital Triangle
• Perineal body:

–Small mass of fibrous

tissue attached to center of
posterior margin of
urogenital diaphragm

–Larger in females (than

Urogenital Triangle
• Perineal body:

–Supports posterior vaginal

wall (females)

–Provides attachment for

muscles in the perineum
(both sexes)
Urogenital Triangle
• Contains genitalia:


Urogenital Triangle
• Contains genitalia:


Male Genitalia
• Penis

– Has free-hanging
cylindrical body and
fixed root

– Expanded distal end is

called glans penis
(covered by
Male Genitalia
• Penis

– Encloses the penile

urethra (other parts are
prostatic and

– Distal penile urethra has

dilated end known as
fossa terminalis
(navicular fossa)
Male Genitalia
• Scrotum

– Outpouching of lower part of

the anterior abdominal wall

– Contains:

• Testes

• Epididymis

• Spermatic cords (lower ends)

Male Genitalia
• Testis

– Paired, ovoid organs

– Produces spermatozoa
and testosterone

– Has outer, fibrous

capsule (tunica
Male Genitalia
• Epididymis

– Lies posterior to each testis

– Has head, body, and tail

– Coiled tube approximately 20

feet in length (6 meters)

– Vas deferens emerges from its

Male Genitalia
• Bulbourethral glands
(Cowper’s glands)

– Paired small glands deep

in perineal pouch within
fibers of sphincter
urethrae muscle

– Their ducts open into

penile urethra
Female Genitalia
• Includes:

– Mons pubis (hair-bearing

skin in front of pubis)

– Labia (majora and


– Clitoris

– Greater vestibular glands

Female Genitalia
• Labia majora:

– Prominent folds of skin

– Extends from mons

pubis to unite posteriorly
at midline

– Contains fat, and hair

covers outer surfaces
Female Genitalia
• Labia minora:

– Smaller folds of skin

– Devoid of hair

– Lie between the labia

Female Genitalia
• Labia minora:

– Posterior ends unite to

form a sharp fold

– Splits to enclose the

clitoris (anteriorly)
Female Genitalia
• Vaginal vestibule:

– Space between labia


– Apex (clitoris)

– Floor (openings of
urethra, vagina, and
ducts of greater
vestibular glands)
Female Genitalia
• Clitoris

– Glans is partially hidden

in prepuce

– Composed of three (3)

masses of erectile tissue
(vestibular bulb, right
and left crura of clitoris)
Female Genitalia
• Greater vestibular glands:

– Pair of mucus-secreting

– Covered by posterior parts of

vestibular bulb and labia

– Each duct opens into groove

between hymen and posterior
part of labia minora

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