SETEDF Newsletter 2011.2

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Vol. 2 The SETX Economic Times

A quarterly journal of the Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation

this issue
SBA 504 Debt Refinance P.1

Zero Emission Energy Plants (ZEEP) P.2

Golden Triangle Days Austin P.2

Borrower Economic Trends P.3

Spotlight My Town My Job My Voice P.4
Mark F. Bellard, D.D.S., Inc. is

a specialist in orthodontics for

children and adults. Born and

raised in Beaumont, Dr. Bel-

SBA 504 Debt Refinancing
You don’t have to be a small business owner to under- occupied real estate and have been incurred no less
lard attended Texas A&M stand the difficulties small businesses have encoun- than two years prior to the date of application, the
tered over the past 18-24 months. As our economic proceeds must have been used for 504 eligible busi-
University where he graduated stability is still vulnerable, our federal institutions have ness expenses, and payments on that debt must be
implemented various programs to assist small busi- current for the last 12 months. Existing 504 projects
with honors. He later attended
nesses in overcoming the obstacles that a slow econ- and other government guaranteed loans are note eligi-
the University of Texas Health omy can present. ble for refinancing under this provision.

Science Center in Houston The U.S. Small Business Administration offers various Borrowers will be able to refinance up to 90 percent of
financial lending opportunities to eligible small busi- the current appraised property value or 100 percent of
where he received his Doctor nesses. SBAlliance Capital participates in the SBA 504 the outstanding mortgage, whichever is lower, plus
loan program and provides long term fixed rate financ- eligible refinancing costs. Loan proceeds may not be
of Dental Surgery degree. He ing for the purchase, renovation and construction of used for other business expenses. The loan structure
commercial real estate and equipment. Recent regula- will be based on the real estate appraisal completed at
later returned to the University tions have allowed the 504 loan program to temporarily the time of application submission.
provide for the refinancing of 504 eligible debt.
of Texas for orthodontic spe- Under the Jobs Act, Congress authorized SBA to ap-
The new refinancing loan is structured like SBA’s tradi- prove up to $15 billion in loans under this program
cialty training. Dr. Bellard is a
tional 504, with borrowers committing at least 10 per- ($7.5 billion in both fiscal years 2011 and 2012). To-
board certified specialist and a cent equity and working with third-party lending institu- gether with the first mortgage, this temporary program
tions and SBA-approved Certified Development Com- will provide up to $33.8 billion of total project financing.
Diplomat of the American panies in the standard 50 percent/40 percent split. A Additional fees charged to the borrower will cover the
key feature of the new program is that it does not re- cost of this refinancing program, and as a result, no
Board of Orthodontics, as well quire an expansion of the business in order to qualify. loan subsidy will be needed from taxpayer funds. The
program is expected to benefit as many as 20,000
as a member of various other ―The economic downturn of recent years and the de- businesses.
clining value of real estate have had a significant,
boards and organizations. negative impact on many small businesses with mort- If you are interested in learning more about how this
gages maturing within the next few years,‖ said SBA program can benefit small businesses in your area,
Since 2004, Dr. Bellard has Administrator Karen Mills. ―As a result, even small SBAlliance Capital will be hosting ―A Small Business
businesses that are performing well and making their Seminar—SBA 504Debt Refinancing‖ on April13th at
received the designation of
payments on time could face foreclosure because of 4:00pm at the Greater Beaumont Chamber of Com-
Super Dentist every year by the difficulties they face in refinancing and restructuring merce. The Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
their mortgage debt. This temporary program is an- is located at 1110 Park Street, Beaumont, Texas
his peers. Dr. Bellard’s new other tool SBA can provide to help these small busi- 77701. If you would like to attend, or have a client that
nesses remain viable and protect jobs.‖ may be interested in what the program is able to offer,
office is located in Acadiana please contact Jessica Hill at (409) 838-6585 to re-
Many small businesses have chosen to file bankruptcy serve your seat.
Court on Delaware in Beau- to prevent foreclosure. Bankruptcy filings have in-
creased 8.1% during the 12 month period ending De- A Small Business Seminar
mont, Texas. For more infor- cember 31, 2010. This program will provide small
businesses the opportunity to secure more stable, long 504 Debt Refinancing
mation on their services, term financing in order to prevent additional financial April 13, 2011
please contact their office at
hardship. 4:00pm
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
(409) 899-4884 or visit their Not all businesses will qualify and must satisfy the 1110 Park Street, Beaumont, Texas 77701
requirements specified in the temporary regulation. To
website at: be eligible for the temporary 504 refinancing program,
a business must have been in operation for at least two years, the debt to be refinanced must be for owner

The Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation | SBAlliance Capital

1110 Park Street ∙ Beaumont, Texas ∙ 77627 | Phone (409) 838-6585 | Fax (409) 833-6718 | |
Spotlight Zero Emission
Energy Plants

In 1953, MCT Credit Union was

organized by a small group of
employees from the Port
Neches and Nederland school
districts. That small group of Eastman Chemical Company’s
announcement it would discon-
employees wanted their "own" tinue development of a new facility Graphics courtesy of
place to borrow and save. Since in Beaumont came as a disap-
pointment to the Southeast Texas development by employing up to heavy oil. Over 25 percent of the
that time, the credit union has Region. However, Eastman’s com- 1,500 during construction with world’s supply of petroleum coke is
provided that same ownership mitment to the investments it about 250 permanent jobs.‖ produced on the U.S. Gulf Coast,
made, along with their commitment with much of this currently being
to several local businesses.
to the residents of Southeast According to its website, exported as a low-cost fuel. The
Texas, allowed them to maintain, Zero Emission facility will convert up to 4,000 T/d
the necessary relationships to Power Plants exists to create of petroleum coke into clean en-
As a member of MCT Credit
bring forth a project that will greatly clean abundant energy from our ergy.
Union, you're an owner of your benefit this area. most abundant natural energy
financial institution, not just a resources; coal, petcoke, waste The facility will initially produce
Zero Emission Energy Plants Ltd. and biomass. It is ZEEP's vision to hydrogen that will be used in oil
customer. Credit Unions were create large energy centers for the upgrading and the production of
(ZEEP) announced in January it
established with people like you has entered into a definitive agree- production of a variety of clean clean fuels and chemicals. Hydro-
ment with Eastman Chemical inexpensive fuels around the gen from the facility can be used in
in mind - people who work for a world. the production of methanol, etha-
Company Investments, Inc., to
living, save and borrow. purchase all of the membership nol and other clean transportation
interests of TX Energy, LLC (TXE). The petroleum coke gasification fuels and chemical feedstock. The
MCT Credit Union is ready to The facility will convert petroleum facility planned for Beaumont will facility will capture CO2 generated
coke, an oil refining waste product, be located on a 400+ acre parcel in the gasification process. This
assist you with your commercial of industrial land with an expected CO2 will be used in enhanced oil
into hydrogen (H2) and pipeline
lending needs. Their services quality carbon dioxide (CO2). cost between $1.5 and $2.0 Billion. recovery activities to produce up to
include financing for inventory,
35,000 Bbl/d of US oil. It will use a
―ZEEP is anxious to continue the Gasification is a proven industrial combination of existing commer-
commercial real estate, land work started by Eastman on the process used around the world cial gasification technology and
development and commercial Beaumont site,‖ said Ron Oligney, that converts low-cost, carbon- new gasification technologies
ZEEP chief executive officer. ―We based materials like coal, petro- developed by the Rocketdyne
vehicles. leum coke and biomass into a high division of Pratt & Whitney Rocket-
look forward to being part of the
Beaumont community and contrib- value syngas. Petroleum coke is a dyne.
Making Commitments Together uting to local and state economic waste product from the refining of
is their promise to the commu-
nity as they continue to be in-
volved in all area fundraisers, Golden Triangle Days in Austin
sponsorships, festivals, and
more in the hopes of helping to On February 27th, over 350 dele- Developed by the area Chambers Course, the Monday night social
gates of Southeast Texas con- of Commerce, this year’s legisla- event that brings a taste of South-
make a difference in the com- verged on Austin for the 3rd An- tive agenda included economic east Texas to Austin. This year’s
munity where we live and where nual Golden Triangle Days in development and competitiveness, event included a concert by Mark
Austin event held every two years education and workforce develop- Chesnutt and a gumbo and etouf-
children are growing up.
when the Texas Legislature is in ment, environmental quality and fee dinner.
session. In previous years each stewardship, health care, hurri-
community has visited Austin cane/disaster recovery, insurance,
individually. The recently com- taxes, and transportation and infra- bined efforts of the communities structure.
have made for quite a showing on
409.727.1446 the Capital steps. Beaumont, The delegates two and a half days
Bridge City, Groves, Nederland, in Austin were packed full of op-
Port Neches | Bridge City | Orange, Port Arthur, Port Neches, portunities to meet with legislators,
Orange | Nederland | Lumberton and Vidor are all represented as experience the legislative process
delegates meet with elected offi- in the chambers of the House and
cials to discuss the affairs that are Senate, interact with state officials GTDA 2013 is scheduled for
significant to our region. regarding policy issues, and of March 3-5, 2013.

The Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation | SBAlliance Capital

1110 Park Street ∙ Beaumont, Texas ∙ 77627 | Phone (409) 838-6585 | Fax (409) 833-6718 | |
The second Monday of the

National Economic Trends - Richard Lynch, Entergy month, SBAlliance Capital

delivers breakfast to a local

The national economy is generally following the expected script. Business investment and manufacturing, which
led the economy out of the wilderness in the early stages of the recovery, are beginning to settle into sustainable financial lending institution. We
healthy growth. As this is happening, consumers and the service sector, laggards in the recovery to date, are pick-
take this opportunity to discuss
ing up the pace. The most perplexing plot line is the continuing lack of progress in the employment market, which
we really expected to have turned around by now. Assuming hiring picks up, the real estate market backs away the SBA 504 loan program and
from its latest cliff, and one of the many candidates for next big global financial crisis doesn’t blow, then economic
growth prospects for 2011 are looking pretty decent. any changes that might be

underway . The following are

The first read on Q4 economic growth came in about where expected, although the components of the report were
mildly goofy. Overall growth was at an annualized rate of 3.2%, a solid increase over the prior two quarters. The our newest members of The
stars of the show were consumers, who stepped it up big time during the holiday season despite the apparent lack
of progress in adding jobs. Almost exactly offsetting the surge in consumption (which added 3.0% to growth) was a Breakfast Club:
huge negative swing in inventory investment (minus 3.7%) that came about due to renewed skittishness on the January: Third Coast Bank
part of businesses about holding too much inventory at the end of the year. Inventories did actually slightly in-
crease, but in the convoluted world of the national accounts that counts as a big negative because the increase February: MCT Credit Union
was so much smaller than the prior quarter’s increase. Confused yet? We’re just getting started. Net exports al-
March: MidSouth Bank
most exactly offset the offset from inventories (plus 3.4%), due both to a continued surge in exports and to a sharp
drop in imports. Because so much of what we consume is produced abroad, when inventories decline so frequently
do imports so the net result on GDP is frequently a wash.

Here’s the thing to remember about this report – real sales to domestic consumers increased a seasonally adjusted
7.1% during Q4. We keep knocking back topline numbers like that and we’re going to be alright. Since businesses
were clearly surprised by the strength of consumer sales during Q4, we’re set up for a second round of inventory
replenishment over the first part of this year as businesses scramble to keep up with demand and to rebuild de-
pleted stocks. We’re getting into a self-reinforcing sweet spot right now where growth is being generated from inter-
nal dynamic of markets rather than from external government intervention. We hope the Fed is taking note.

One of the most encouraging trends in recent economic reports has been the upturn in service sector activity as
measured by the Institute of Supply Management’s non-manufacturing index. We’ve seen steady progress in this
indicator in recent months and the January number clocked in just a shade under 60, which is a really good num-
ber. The manufacturing index was a shade over 60, which the ISM folks say is consistent with Free Lunch Friday is a lunch
GDP growth in the 6% range. Although it’s nice to see an upturn in manufacturing, services employ ten times as
many people as the manufacturing sector and we needed to see some animal spirits awaken to start making pro- SBAlliance hosts the last Friday
gress in reducing unemployment. Looks like we’re getting there.
of the month with the location
We do expect to see all this wonderful progress in the economy to someday show up in the monthly employment rotating throughout Southeast
report, but January once again wasn’t the month. We think. Economists perusing the latest report generally had
that same perplexed look on their faces that the crowd at the Super Bowl had after Christina Aguilera finished with Texas. This is an opportunity to
the national anthem – they knew something was wrong, they just weren’t sure exactly what (weren’t there sup-
learn more about the SBA 504
posed to be some bombs bursting in air in there someplace?) In a way it was a wonderful report, because there
was something in there for everyone, bull and bear alike. January was also a benchmark revision month for the loan program as well as hear
employment data, so everything you thought you knew about the previous reports changed. The total number of
employed persons for 2010 shrank by about 400,000, but estimates of the size of the population and the labor updates on the economic trends
force were also revised downwards, so it turns out there were a lot fewer unemployed than previously thought. of our region. It is your opportu-
After all the changes, January non-farm payrolls advanced a paltry 36,000, but the unemployment rate also
dropped sharply for the second consecutive month to 9.0%. nity to ask questions about the

Continued on Page 4 economic conditions locally,

throughout the state, and

across the region. If you would

like to attend a Free Lunch

Friday, please contact Jessica

Hill at 409.838.6585.

The Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation | SBAlliance Capital

1110 Park Street ∙ Beaumont, Texas ∙ 77627 | Phone (409) 838-6585 | Fax (409) 833-6718 | |
Continued from Page 3

As usual with government statistical reports, caveats abound. Part of the problem with job creation was
the weather – construction and transportation, two areas especially affected by weather, dropped a
combined 70,000. Also, the trend in recent months has been that the initial reports are subsequently
revised upwards, so it’s reasonable to assume this one will be as well. And it is becoming increasingly
apparent that the methodology that the Labor Department uses to estimate job growth tends to under-
state job creation at smaller firms, at least in the early stages of a hiring upswing. Other employment
indicators that have been more positive recently, such as the monthly report released by payroll proc-
essing firm ADP, indicate that hiring is beginning to pick-up substantially at smaller firms. If so, we can
expect those jobs to eventually show up in the government’s official tally. To summarize, it was a
stinky report, but with some hints that if we can ever stop having massive winter storms that paralyze
the nation (we’re guessing mid-June) then we could have that big blowout month we’ve all been await-

What’s going on? There haven’t been a lot of big policy-making developments lately from Washington, although that is
likely to change shortly. Now that the newly elected House Republicans have settled into their digs,
What began as a discussion topic dur- figured out where the lunchroom is and finished posting shirtless pictures of themselves on Craigslist,
ing a planning session with the Greater we can expect the battles over budget and ideology to get cranking in earnest. The House did pass a
Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
board of directors in June has become bill to repeal the healthcare legislation, but that was more a symbolic nanny nanny boo boo bird flip at
a passionate journey. The idea of a the President than a serious policy event. Down Pennsylvania Avenue, the administration has been
grass roots advocacy campaign on working overtime making nice to the business community, a pleasant change from the first two years
behalf of the oil and gas industry started of bridge burning. Shellackings will do that to you. The President is acquiescing on legislation that de-
in July and took shape with the launch
letes a particularly onerous portion of the healthcare bill regarding reporting of transactions for tax pur-
of a website in September 2010, We poses, for example, which small businesses hate with a white hot passion. It would be nice if the post
subsequently presented the concept to Deepwater Horizon flogging of the oil industry were toned down a bit as well, but that may be asking
the Gulf Coast Chamber Executives too much.
and to specific chamber audiences in
Port Arthur, Baytown, Texas City, and
Northwest Houston. We have since
Over at the Fed, Ben and company are working late nights printing dollar bills, having pumped about
added twenty one (21) chamber part- $200 billion of the planned $600 billion of QE2 stimulus into the economy over the past two months.
ners to the My Town campaign and two They’ve been cheered by the fact that reported inflation at the retail level has remained quiescent
economic development groups from since the initiation of the program, and with the reviving economy and zooming equity markets they’re
Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Irving/Los feeling pretty smug these days. Of course the problem isn’t inflation now but inflation down the road,
Colinas, Texas, to Joliet, Illinois.
and there are disturbing signs that price pressures are building in the supply chain. Right now compa-
The first week of January we were nies are mostly sucking it up and taking hits to their profit margins rather than passing the cost in-
invited to Chicago to present to the creases along to customers, which will last exactly as long as it takes to reel in the slack in the labor
Illinois Petroleum Council. As a result of market and in capacity utilization. Exactly how long that takes – six months, a year, three years – really
the visit, we made a follow-up trip to
is anyone’s guess. In the meantime, we take great solace in the Chairman’s recent congressional testi-
Joliet, Illinois where we met with five
chambers on February 22. It was our mony that inflation is too low. In answer to your next question, yes, we suspect he doesn’t get out in
first journey outside the Gulf Region the real world quite as much as he should.
with our message. The Joliet Regional
Chamber’s unanimous support will
provide a foothold in the Midwest.

We spoke about the campaign at a rally

organized by the American Petroleum
Institute in Port Arthur and we shared
the message with the Golden Triangle
Plant Managers Association, getting
their resolution of support. We spoke to
the Golden Triangle Business Roundta-
ble and two local Rotary Clubs. We
have additional speaking engagements
in Magnolia, Texas (Chambers of Mag-
nolia Legislative Alliance), Port Neches,
and Texas City on the calendar. The
Texas Chemical Council invited us to
participate in their legislative day in
Austin on Tuesday, March 9, and we
will present at the annual conference of
the Texas Chamber of Commerce
Executives in June.

This is a summary of our story, never

expecting to go where the trail has led
us. Imagine if it can be replicated in
town after town across America! It is a
simple message to save American jobs,
encourage investment, lower energy
and transportation costs, become en-
ergy independent, and be realistic about
energy goals! - Jim Rich, Executive Dir.

Register to make your voice

The Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation | SBAlliance Capital

1110 Park Street ∙ Beaumont, Texas ∙ 77627 | Phone (409) 838-6585 | Fax (409) 833-6718 | |

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