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Arranged By:
Name  :  RATU REGINA FITRIYANI             
NIS  : 5779/773.064                           



Industrial Practice Results in order to Add Student Knowledge to the material
Productive lessons directly in the World of Work have been carried out at:
Sampang, 15 June 2021
Director/ Head of IDUKA IDUKA Advisor


Mukadar, S. Kom               Mukadar , S. Kom



Results of Industrial Practice in order to Increase Students' Knowledge on Materials

Productive lessons directly in the World of Work have been carried out at:
Sampang, 15 June 2021
Head of Expertise Package School Advisor
Computer and Network Engineering

Endang Wahyuni, S. Kom Rosita Hidayati, S.Pd

NIP. 19841126 201101 2 004  

Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Sampang


Dr. Budi Sulistyo, S.Pd., M.Si

NIP. 1969061 5199512 1 005
Praise the author turning to the presence of the Almighty God for all the graces and
hidayahNya so that I can finish Employment Practices L apangan housed in Madura Tech for
6 bu lan properly and smoothly. A and yes Employment Practices L apangan i ni, authors can
gain insight and experience as well as d apat practice the knowledge that the father / i bu
teachers teach in school as a pen unjang during the Employment Practices L apangan. With
the holding of Employment Practices L apangan these students are not awkward in the face i
the business world someday.
This report mer upakan written proof that the author of Tela h conducting Employment
Practices L apangan at this place. The author expresses his deepest gratitude to all those who
have helped, guided and provided support to the author in its implementation.
With the completion of this report, the authors would like to thank :
1.  Mr. Dr. Budi Sulistyo, S.Pd., M.Si as K epala SMK 1 Sampang

2. Mrs. Endang Wahyuni, S.Kom as the Head of Computer and Network Engineering
3.   Mr. Mukadar, S.Kom as Company Leader / PKL Supervisor at Madura Tech

4.   Mrs. Rosita Hidayati, S.Pd as PKL Supervisor

5.   The author's parents , namely Mrs. Yuli Rita Fitriya and Mr. Harif Ramdhani

6. Ladies and gentlemen, employees and staff at Madura Tech

And all those who have helped a lot in the preparation of this report.
              The author realizes that p enyusunan this report is far from kesempurnaa n . No
Ivory That Doesn't  Crack. No job is perfect. Therefore, the
author clicking please kan criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection of this
report in the future . The writer hopes that this Field Work Practice report can provide
benefits for readers and experience for the author.
                                          Sampang , 15 June 2021
INDUSTRY APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................ i
SCHOOL CERTIFICATION SHEET...................................................................................ii
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................iii
TABLE OFCONTENTS .......................................... .............................................................iv

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of Field Work Practice (FWP ) ………….
…….................................. 1
1.2 Objectives of Field Work Practice (FWP ) ..............................................................1
1.3 Place and Time of Implementation of Field Work Practice
(FWP ).........................2

CHAPTER II FWP ACTIVITIES …………………………………………….................... 3

2.1 Scope of IDUKA…………………………………………………………...……...

2.3 Results achieved ………................……………………………………………......3 

3.1 The History of IDUKA ………………………….………………………...............4
      3.1.1 Vision ……………………………………………………………………......
      3.1.2 Mission ............................................................................................................
      3.1.3Motto ...……………………………………………..
3.2 Organizational Structure of
IDUKA ……………………………………………....6
IV CLOSING ……… .. ……………………………………………………......13
4.1 Conclusion ………………………………………………………….....................13 
4.2 Suggestions …………………………………………………………………........13 
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………......................................14
a.                       Student identity
b.                       Activity Photos

1.1 Background                                 
              Field Work Practice (FWP ) is one of the activities that took place in the work
environment directly, and imple mentasi it systematically and sin Kron between
educational programs in schools with a prog ram mastery of skills in getting through the
work activity directly in the work to achieve certain skill level, in the language of student
affairs commonly called " apprentice " .
Beside that Field Work Practice (FWP ) provide advantages in the implementation
itself is the school, thanks to the skill y ang is not taught in schools can be found in the
corporate world, so deng an existence Field Work Practice (FWP ) can improve the
quality of and the relevance of Upper Secondary Education which can be directed
to develop an appropriate system between the world of education and the business
              In the midst of the rapid world of digital technology today, it requires teenagers
to participate in all aspects of its development. Because IT digitization is inseparable from
all aspects of daily life, it requires us to be willing to learn about it. Through Madura
Tech, the author believes that from there the forerunner of good and
capable programmers  and web developers  in the field of programming and digital .
In today's modern era, it is very difficult to get a job if you do not
have special skills  to master. However, if you are proficient in IT , of course, it will be
needed by institutions as well as companies, especially in the modern era that requires all
sectors to participate in the rapid globalization and advancement of IT.

1.2 Objectives of Field Work Practice (FWP ) 

1.   Prepare graduates who have professional skills that are in accordance with the
demands of the Field of Work.
2.   Improving the efficiency of the education and training process for a professionally
qualified workforce.
3.    Forming an independent mindset and behavior in accordance with educational goals.
4.   Strengthening the   relationship and equivalence ( Link and Match) between SMK
and industry.
1.3 Place and Time                                 
              The time and place for the internship is at Madura Tech
Sampang Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 12, Sampang . Starting on 15 February 2021 till 15
June 2021 . D ith the schedule week 2 working days (sometimes 4 days) are at first i
of at 08.00-14 .00 pm wearing a collared shirt / clothes free .
3.1 Scope
              In writing this report, I express the facts that I experienced, I run, I understand, I
study and I learn. As long as I run the Internship Report at Madura Tech .
              The response that I gave to resolve the issues discussed d i report P r aktik Field
Work , then the writing of this report prepared by adjusting the facts that exist in the
3.2 Implementation of activities
1.                       Basic Coding
2.                       CRUD coding with PHP and MySQLi
3.                       Test Review Coding
4.                       Creating Data B ase in XAMPP ( phpMyAdmin )
5.                       Web Design with Bootstrap v4
6.                       Web Design with LTE admin Template
7.                       Creating Tables on the Web
8.                       Input file/data to Web Table
3.3 Results achieved
During the Madura Tech prakerin, among others:
1. Gain broad insight into the ins and outs of the world of work.
2. Increase self-confidence, discipline and responsibility.
3. Know the importance of carrying out tasks.
4. Can understand and develop lessons learned in school.
5. Can compare the abilities obtained in school with those needed in the world of
Skills are in obtained during carrying out prakerin one of them is to make the data base .
Creating a database or entering the required data into an application called XAMPP
( phpmyadmin ) will make it easier for the program to find data. XAMPP is a software
consisting of Apache, MySQL and PHP that allows you to have a local server. By using
this local server, you can start to develop websites, applications and also create
databases . When creating an application we will need a database to store the data needed
by the application. For example, applications for student graduation announcements, then
the database that will contain the student's name, test number, and the value - the value
u j ian students.  
Step - step in making the data base are as follows:

1. First step, login to phpmyadmin in XAMPP. The trick, type in the browser

with the address localhost/phpmyadmin so that a display like the following appears .  

2. Then click "new" at the top of the table name.


3. Then please enter the desired database name, then click "Create".

4. After that the database that we have created will appear, then we are required
to fill in the name of the table (data) and the columns needed in the table (data) . This
function makes it easy if you later in the database will be filled by some of the tables
(data), so do not erlu create the database again, just need to make a tabell and input the
desired data.
5. The fifth step is to name the column as needed. For example, the class table,
then the column contains the student's name, absent number, end date and student

6. Then the sixth step shifts to the right of the table, there is a "type", we adjust
this type to the needs of the column. If the name means the type " TEXT ",
ji ka number of absences could use the type "INT", type "DATE" for the date of birth
and type "VARCHAR" to address because it consists of letters and numbers.
7. Seventh step there is the "value" specify how long column by mem p were
forecast how many numbers or letters required for each column.

8. When finished press "save"


9. The tables and columns are done

10. For manual data input, that is by pressing insert and then fill in the column according
to its name.

11. " Then press “Go”, and the table is already filled!

12. To view the column press the "browse" menu

2.1 A Brief History of IDUKA
              Madura Tech is committed to being the best contributor to the advancement of
digital technology in the East Java region, especially on the island of Madura. Madura
Tech is an IT consultant under the auspices of PT. Madura a Technology which is
the only leading information system development company in Madura, East Java.             
              As a client-oriented , Madura Tech serves clients who believe in the
effectiveness of high-quality digital marketing, contributing to the development of
information technology through various website services and anything related to
information technology, such as mobile  application development , website design, and
website development as well as digital marketing and various other digital services.
2.1.1 Vision
1. Become a contributor to the advancement of digital technology
2. To be a leading information developer, especially on the island of Madura 
2.1.2 Mission
1. Providing community needs, especially the needs in the field of technology
and informatics
2. Make and prepare programmer and reliable workers in the field of IT
3.  Provide satisfaction and comfort for customers
2.1.3 Motto
1. Put the most important things first
2. Do the easiest job first
3. Think positive and set the main goal
4. Work in a smart and skillful way
5. Jad fish your Lord determinant of everything

2.1 Organizational Structure                                 


Mukadar, S.Kom

MANAGER (Part of Software MANAGER (Part of MANAGER (Part of Finance)

Development) Marketing) dsbdsb jjsdsdb

Ahmadi, S.kom Jannatul Makwa Nur Fadilah, SE

Ahmadi, S.kom


From this Industrial Work Practice activity, we can conclude that:
1. Learning in the world of work is a strategy that gives participants the opportunity to
experience the learning process through working directly on the job. With the presence
of street vendors, the author can feel how the implementation of street vendors directly
in the world of work is directly guided by the industry.  
2. Here the author can find out how to take care of the computer to overcome some
damage to the computer and the installation of computer software .
On this occasion we would like to give some suggestions that may be useful
for companies and street vendors participants , namely:
1. For Companies
We recommend the company / IDUKA provide many opportunities for
participants PKL learn new sciences according to their competencies and provide
wich are owned.
2. For PKL Participants
Implementation vendors require in siplin work, skill, honesty, diligence, and
responsibility fully for the sake of the good name of our school is SMK 1 Sampang


 http://localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?db=queen&table=class&pos=0

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