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Cau 1 : Mieu ta 2 buc tranh (45s)
- Khai quat tranh 1 =>su dung cau truc mieu ta tranh Part 2 (20-25s)
In the first picture, I can see…
Look at the first picture, I can see…..
- Besides/ while/ whereas….
- Khai quat buc tranh 2 – Part 2 ( 20-25s)
- So sanh su giong/ khac nhau cua 2 tranh :
Both pictures show me 2 different….
Cau 2,3 : cac cau hoi lien quan toi ca 2 tranh ( 45s/ answer)

Question 1 :
Look at the first picture, I can see a man running on the beach/ on the coast sea/
outside by himself.
He is young and handsome.
He is wearing casual clothes with a blue T-shirt, black shorts.
Maybe today the man doesn’t go to work, so he spends time running to improve
his health.
Besides, in the second picture, I can see a basketball team sitting in a room
They look young about 20-25 years old.
They are wearing sport uniforms.
There is a coach standing in front of them, I think he is training his team…
Both pictures show me 2 different sports to practice.
Question 2 :
I think running is more popular than playing basketball in my country because of
some reasons:
Firstly, in Vietnam we have a lot of lakes and parks, so people usually run and go
jogging around to enhance their health and enjoy fresh air.
Secondly, running is suitable for most people, they can run whenever they’re free.
Besides, when people run or go jogging, they don’t need any members/ other
people/ anyone to join with.

Questions 3 :
Both sports bring us many differences:
Firstly, running is suitable for most people while basketball only suits to
young people or professional teams.
Next, running has flexible time, people can run whenever they are free.
Whereas, if people want to play basketball, they need to arrange fix
time or specifical schedule.
Besides, the cost of running is much cheaper than playing basketball.
When people play, they need a large space, good facilities and many
members to join with.
50 minutes
50 points
4 parts :
Part 1 : 5 questions ( 1-5 words/ answer)
What is your favorite season?
Answer :
- My favorite season is summer
- I like summer
- Summer.
Part 2 : just one question ( 20-30 words)
Part 3 : 3 questions ( 30-40 words / answer)
Part 4 : email
1. Informal – send to a friend ( Min = 50 words)
Hi/ Hello/ Hey + Friend’s Name,
Chao hoi :
- Long time no see/ I haven’t seen you for a long time/ we haven’t talked
together for a while….
- How’s it going? / How are you doing? / How are things?
- Hope you will graduate from… / Hope you are fine.
Ke cho ban nghe ve thong tin ( tom tat)
- Do you know….
- I have received an email from ….
- Have you known that….
Your feelings :
- Good news : happy/ fantastic/ over the moon/ excited/ delighted…
- Bad news : sad/ disappointed/ upset/ feel the blue/ angry/ worried…
Your plan/ thinking :
- I think I will…
- I intend…
Chao ket :
- See you later/ soon,
- Love./ Hugs/ cheers/
- Best wishes,
Your name?
2. Formal – response to the club ( Min = 120-150 words)
Dear + chuc vu,
Dear + Mr.Smith/ Ms.Sanders,
Dear sir/madam,
Gioi thieu ban than + Neu li do viet email :
My (full) name is….I am a member of the club/ I have been a club members
since 2020/ for two years. I am writing this email to express/ show my
feelings about ( N, V-ing…)
Tom tat thong tin tu email + Your feeling?
- According to the news/ the email/notice…. ( email) . I feel…
- As far as I know…. ( email) . I feel….
Give your recommendation : 1,2,3
Chao ket :
I look forward to + V-ing ( hearing from you soon, receiving your reply…
Ki ten :
Yours sincerely/ Yours faithfully,
Full name.

Part 1: You want to join a cooking club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. What is your Full name?
2. What kinds of movies do you like?
3. What’s your favorite food?
4. What’s the weather like today?
5. How are you?
Part 2: You are a new member of a cooking club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences.
Use 20 – 30 words.
Tell me about day and time you can join in the club and which food/dish you want
to cook
 I’m quite busy because I have to go to work from Monday to Saturday, so I
can join in the club at 10a.m on Sunday morning. I want to cook beef steak.
Part 3: You are a member of a cooking club. You are talking to three other members in
the cooking club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: Hi! Welcome to the club. Why did you decide to join the club?
B: Hi! What do you think about the club’s price/ membership fee?
C: How often do you go to the club?
Part 4: You are a member of a cooking club. You received this email from the club.
Dear members,
All classes will be canceled next week. Because the instructor will go on holiday. All
make-up classes will be announced later. Tuition fees won’t be refunded to the
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like
to do. Write about 50 words

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your feelings and what you
think the club should do about the situation. Write about 120 - 150 words.

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