Beltran Healtheducation Act1

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DIRECTION: Please answer the following.

1. Explain the quotation

“ You can lead the horse to the water but you cannot make the horse drink”.

The quote means that you can give a chance to someone but you can’t force someone to take or grab

2. Enumerate and explain the Philosophy of Health Education

 Cognitive based: Focuses on content and factual information acquisition. 

Individuals should be able to use knowledge to make informed health decisions. With a fact
based approach, everyone can make an informed decision.


An approach that presents health problems via a variety of methods to enable individuals to
make the best individuals to make the best decision or answer.

Behavior change:

Utilizes theory-based behavioral strategies to help individuals change/modify negative behaviors

that impact health.


Attempts to “free” individuals to make the best health decision based on their needs and
interests and not necessarily in the interest of the health society.

Social change:

Uses a variety of strategies that bring about social, economic and political change that benefits
the health of the affected groups.

3. What are the 3 Goals of Health Education? Enumerate and explain each.
a. Improve Health - Health educators assist people at all stages of life in improving their health. 
Educators deal with a wide range of age groups and in a variety of contexts.
b. Improve Decision-making - Health educators strive to help people make better health
decisions. To do so, they often tailor their message to the group they are educating.
c. Fight Disease - A goal of health education is to minimize the occurrence of life-threatening
illnesses. For instance, the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease can be lessened with
proper diet and exercise.

As stated by Catherine Capozzi of Career Trend (2018)

4. How will we know that people are changing favorably in terms of their health practices?
Give 3 reasons and expound your answer.
They change their diet, they engage more in exercise and they can cope up with their stress. When
people change their diet routine or change their eating style it means that they are managing
themselves to have a healthy lifestyle. People engage more in exercise because they want to have a
fit body and to avoid certain diseases. They can cope up in their stress because they have a healthy

5. (3) Factors Affecting the Attainment of Health Education. Briefly explain each.
1. Availability of Health education – if health education is not available at your place especially
some rural places it will affect the attainment of it because the knowledge people can gain is
2. Economic Feasibility – Money is also a hindrance to attain health education because if you
don’t have enough budget you can provide resources.
3. Acceptability in terms of customs and traditions – Other people have different belief and
tradition that affects their health practices in attaining it.

6. (4) Settings of Health Education. Explain each briefly.

1. Community Setting – Volunteer workers in barangay will help in teaching health issues.
2. Occupational setting- is a field of health care made up of multiple disciplines dedicated to the
well-being and safety of employees in the workplace. It has a strong focus on injury
prevention and employee education.
3. Clinical setting – This setting is for professionals like hospital, clinics and such.
4. School setting – It is in academically form.

7. Enumerate and explain 5 Factors to be considered in Putting up Health Education Program

1. Educational methods and media – Knowing this helps you to teach properly and easily.
2. Culture – It is important to have it to have different variations.
3. Past experience – It helps you also so that you can share your knowledge about your past
health issues.
4. Resources – Having enough resources helps you to fully build up your program
5. Leadership – This characteristic will make your program flow properly because you can lead

Beltran, Jerome Christian A. September 1, 2021

BSN 2-6 Health Education

What learnings did you get out of this research activity? What did you find out? What can you do to
intensify your role as a nurse who renders health teaching and health education to the different levels of
This research activity taught me to be more active about getting knowledge about health study also it
helps me to be aware about health. I found out that I can share knowledge in I have known before about
health education also I found out that health should be prioritize. As a nurse I should be more
responsible in teaching other people about health also I need to manage myself in order to provide the
high quality service.


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