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Beltran, Jerome Christian A.

August 31, 2021

BSN 2-6
Life Works and Writing of Rizal
1st Semester School Year 2021 - 2022

Class Schedule: Thursday/Saturday Section/Course: BSN 1-2

Group Activity No.:1 Deadline: August 31, 2021 (10:30AM)
Emilio Aguinaldo College envisions itself as an internationally recognized private non-
sectarian, academic institution rooted in the Filipino nationalist tradition that consistently pursues
the advancement and welfare of humanity.
Emilio Aguinaldo College provides an outcomes-based education with relevant curricula geared
towards excellent research, active industry cooperation and sustainable community extension.

Reflective Essay-The Filipino Family Ties (Extended Family)

Each of us have our own family and they are what we called home to begin with. Since
birth our family serve as our foundation. That's a big word, family. For me, it means feeling safe,
having someone you can rely on, and sharing your worries with. However, it also entails mutual
respect and accountability. For me my family is something very important in my life because
they are people you know will never fail you and I think my pet is a member of the family
because all the family love it and every day it is with me. To me, family entails much more than
blood or marriage ties. It refers to people who accept you for who you are, without prejudice or
judgment. A family's love should be unconditional, and everyone should do everything they can
to care for their loved ones, both emotionally and financially.

Filipinos are traditionally close to their families and children who are reared and brought up
in a traditional Filipino family will most likely get the values and traditions that his or her family
inculcated to him or her. Here in the Philippines we are well known for being family oriented
and a lot of Filipinos really have high respect to their own family and they are very courteous.
Also Filipino parents really like to live together with their grandparents like me, I also live with
my relatives. Filipino family have many traditions like getting together in some special
occasions. Filipinos are known for having strong and close family ties. They place high regard
and put importance on their family before anything else. They work all day and do all they can to
feed and provide for their family. Here in our country when we reach at eighteen years of age we
still live with our family so that after we finish our study we will help our parents in return, not
like in other countries when their sons and daughters is 18 years old they will let them live
independently. Since the 1970s, the Philippines has been exporting labor abroad, with some
members engaging in paid labor abroad while many remain in their home town or village. This
means that many Filipino families are spread across the world. Filipino society has widely
adapted to the change in family structure. Some parents will leave their child in the Philippines
in order to seek labor abroad to better support their family left behind. In turn, they will send
back remittances to their parents or siblings who have been given the duty of caring for the child.
It is also common to find aunts, uncles and godparents taking care of their nieces, nephews or
godchildren, by sending remittances back to the Philippines in order to pay for their education.
As some Filipino parents age, it is the responsibility of their adult children to care for them just
like our family does also.

Our family is known for being helpful because when some of our close ties family member is
in need we tend to help them or give them of what we have. Another thing about us is that, after
we marry, many decide to continue living with their parents. We are usually disciplined by
mother and father, but our mother’s advice is especially taken seriously. As you see Filipino
people really value their family, they have a high quality respect towards them, even though
sometimes they have quarrel they still love each other no matter what happen. This values is a
resemblance of true Filipino culture. It will be a remarkable for every Filipino living around the
globe. We can’t deny the fact that Filipino family is very unique because of what tradition what
we have.

One thing I’ve learned in my family is that to have respect because it is important in
everyone to have it. Another thing is to cherish one another even if one commits mistake.
Filipino family is truly the best because it is rich in culture and traditions unlike other foreign
country have. Our family teach us ethical knowledge that we can apply when we have our own
family also. Family should be together every now and then. Since then I embark in my mind that
my parents, “lolo”,”lola”, and my siblings will remain in my heart.

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