Name F: 4b) Tsachos

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F B tech 8 t e eskr finn , 20

Ci3| constvuchon Code Ce 2ob
F SubjecA
uno Poect managemmnt
Hbhineet Ra
EnRoLL S1o4ITO52
ute S1o41TO52
2 abuneet( sfudent3 in
firt Hal

1) b) SmoDt wheeled Toue

Diabhrogm pumbs are Suitab le for deunkaira jrs
eiqui d containg a h Praporion t a r , mud, Sand
2 Luhin boom. mo delt ar alaibe wwetn houe t as ut
tb opeote w a r a s of reóictel iangondal claaraue
net Sutab le for convenhional Dwer Craney w t t r d
Jbs Counttr wuti

4b) Tsachos

to handle Loe
S) lamshetb , t w usually Suted
as cuch sahd 9rane, crustued tonccoal
ete 3 remoun na/enals from Cotferola mu efbundlaki
manhofeb shot Unna, tnchun,

6 Bak hoes , be caut i t wof D hep¢ excauojne flu

trenchso tbt aulo iuelae us ed Dtey enchuny
fantho duch as koy'y Pipe bedotiy , ppe Kaay.
puli trtn kiela , Bact filli tn

1 T aui d t
air eli el minan
ne o
MMner LwOrEM
n9 of clapse af thnn
fae tunnel lon nacu a n le ne le ford

8) c) etlipse
9 c) Submerqec tynne!
NAT mets o
Aod spinked v r
ny s nneo/ Yotk in mine woty, tunne& , or roel abut
Ynt face
hkrieck») or ira veek bolts, ontind pepenolular
boreo firt case of
pomion.of tunne

12 The to
htaoli beuch' mehod tunnel

131SMCP = bnkian. Standorol Medivm Weiaeat
Flewnge thanne)
1emcP -Clanne)
Rollel eckion
Cakgory of

14) C) 600 Mym

1 Nomwal lee St Prope thm

lo91tSFq bol- toyo Mla

d'a bolE for lort Slotted balt

6 For 30 mn-

wjd +2 30 t2 32m
leyt 2-5a = 2: S x 3o =

e dt2 mm. 2 - s d in k
sloteod holes Shall
IS Hoo o -1911)
Ta-le 19,Is, BoD- 2207)
Ltearame ov
17) Par Turn meteod o Tensioniny (1S 4ovv)
Se6m utu om Spau = Somn
19 ldeti fi caen bum huetwel
Aelerena b 100 CI5)\arow u con ne aa

0 wm no well Ly
20 e) nymediak Span
2 Stee Pite. toftex olann
22 Fabvi cad half arcl vetah ou
23 Casinsinu Segmental uhod

A faulse, becau ubmersble 6ridge

Duer topp ee durt Hop ols

5) CtIySD 8teel bo
26) mmum roolo.ofe Preshreviny shl l
PsG eh Lonc tru
i at
&1) O3cres shUo
e) el)
) c)5
20) a) qMharod uUdal

31 As per 1S 516C4) 208 c 42,

eqwvalout GlbeStrettn a oncnete

SyX4 30 M?
3) A per IS 56 o v C I74.3
Pceptab le ww Voulnt
aVe rage cequ'valent
Lube Sheztn of cota heca on MuD racle f tonc
95 tube S t t d He qaolo oConcet
X 4 o 34 j1Pa (Mas)
23) At per 1S6 2opD C.176.3
S m
Ce L
) 12omn

Maximuun u'w t detbihn yb

y o AS

As ber iC 5tb (S:1):2o 18,.2 4.3 21

Pulce wloc'y,v:Pa lejt (A )
tra wit hmt ( t
S p x 1o em

1 3 0 X lo 6S
9. 4 6 Em/s

or Table , tt ual ty to Cnen wi uV: 3 914 je

Cood .

3 A S SI6(y) 2 2 o arod eacl pei nt

tobterv o s n S'x l ) masl'y p Nbonel
d'ciu ane
hen en a COncetu
St wh UM can o RH Tesby.
Seeond {al
Weo m okenale n
oItu0w 0eule ut
ranS uce ut toncre

Senu tyanspartnt

' u r e el l e m tl-s Chant af tolourr witu 7nperat

Pottsed Louee - AtnT nate ol Mosat Mar ble loo

La erte tonl t n a tontn (uphr Conu
Contyt d ra man'ak nano siuCa
Nano V
cNT) man0 - 7, 02 eR
Cayboo nano - hubas
qlam e Reinlovred Rlahe C GRP)
Can ytmtdiruke
Backenal loniyte-m a l u r a w c a n ollu es
in o n t r e k , HigRAy clesinable
cro bins achuity, is peliutied Pree
Co mey Made b nth aluninate Sib'ea
eam matenale with a Cowatio Ctth'uator

)Micvo iee
The high feTformance kigk capau'y

foundathen. elemant? dilled ceep

ypiealty ehveeu S 1n incls
d a m i r hat ean
go w eD fee ac ien
29 to . Tuy ane
Compnted i g r Strnt Lteel coin, Tebas 2
asent Tu ranst Shruttual o aol throu
mL1 ob le Soil ouer& Ao
D e t ou ndatio
Ce1. Te tpaot are tros-ftredfrom -tu
Are Sjek
gron of nucropile stud
Cusndu ok sl viagh yaha fichipu
Geneal ed wlun ur art
d}fiust greuued tondi'hia,
natmraM r ram m o d i
ebthueh'on , geuci h u, tup
cunl ay
rOuno ui

Comm Only uleoto blac defemvrahiny foun elahion

yenovahiom a Stvu cury (upport
Sysem t a Seismue Tetrotttin o intik
LHruchars obickecd, by
l o n e oi de Aabiu fien
yeinfo Comeut, StopL
2 Mpovtaktepr twoluwd p Cou ret. pvta ratleu to
for a Kec Preieck are
fiit Conntl
1 i Deci
teoreheal mi'y ooaign, tials m t abe tuouid be
dertdken to enun"te tguired thnyyt. to be aluud
Sate uArd again atmooenc hzurde -
In i t y a9gre im onn euvisoe t i u chlo de
Sulpde Lonut ma w ' t attack u
mmte form 9purm rotechon holol be Fver
avo H
( ) onhrel Produchlon
Homooeui ty eDncn AebeuOlA n 0ggrsaHt,
admi Lhun, wed toYe tH quantity boueL
houlo be LeR ids wM
Proper orbws.
i)Tansprtah 2 Place ment f ton cnete
De peneliny Mede raspovt , tan aqa'n
SegregahPor Shoulbe Haken. PM YOnst
6e a low Posible

I Compa ltjon a lonneke :Mbau cal neauto to

be uced anL sho nlol be tabou Jo eusu ne
0on Ochon um tovn e l bPfmm

(v) C } tonemte To 6e Cuvo fpr at least

4 das t n surt kquali'
26) DiHeseut arametegsndowbe Conlered for
Keiforted tonnete
Quallt aSLusa noe

-Cqooe uol Cemen

unImun Ceme ut (onleu from durabiuty Tegutu

Coita a inert ag9regode

Prepe gsedin ag9regales
Chon detulpbonett
mixin watrPH val
quoali a g o u ' n g t a g g r e O S i n e


e htjne
o UOaJr comevdraho

Pattpe of acdmituve
miy to gi equirtd wosErbi#
s o p e a dlutign
3pecifed Sreyt
u t free yebar

AdAd equate COm

we vi brata eloer block. haul adlquak
frepr Copach'bn
Adeguate Cut
oper 3tvuehural detarlin
econd tHoul;

8a) to hoiguts
buildivgs acording
Clasaficetioms of H) Ches1f tuy
Orban Ha bitat
bui ldimg
6lding- a follo we
600 m H
3oD m-

Sopes tall Bus ld'j abow 60m

Mega Toull
50 to less than 3o9 m
Sey Scxoppers
Tall Bulding 35 to lecs h a n 150m ugln

Medium Rse 35mTo lecs than 100m H

Up 35 m Aigt
Loas Pise

oecenty,Buldinge meoe than (oD m hga. io kmeol

a ibuwiblis
ThefoUowi ng categories /or measui ng tall
Hug hs to t e Struebural bs a r c techurol ep
Higid to ' g t ocuupro flor

Hu b; anknna

e r Emponit (tandarod muli s tory truehoe behvee

3S-10v m 1al 6uladi uneo wr hu'sls
r o 17 3 9 floors terd a ize nse guii
Aduanages of al! buldiry
Econonica uce of lane!
Seope for betor Aectuhic a Desp
dees pellim Por Residente / umr's
ma more. h e fos andtapti
B e t e Biad yVie fo top
trexh air
Disdvanty tall buxtdliS
toct o0onctuth ou w mone
Huge pakiod re blen
mmummum Conhre-onY euromunk durM tonsuckian
ldren Paonea io no eonu acmbe
Shor8 o pate for drgi lata
d soRment tor 2Y hrc ewer pply
ener 9 enty evauah'en-
cpeciad Ca r

Col Compomer al 6ulei tw emall blkiyg


Cns Pes Uuit fodr A

examble jo numbars korieel builott'ny vs mo. Uo SforeeR
100 No y Ctn ed eccch floo r are o 30 M

SooD-D m

Total Hobr =26o1 m

N f yo C»xad
ptal ana


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